A/N: It's been too long. I've been working on my own original novel and my YouTube channel (same name as this account for those of you who are interested). On with the story!
The three young men stare at each other. "Dallas. How did we get here and why is your roommate here with us?" One of the men ask in a British dialect.
The one now known as Dallas shakes his head, unable to come up with an answer.
The last one turns to Dallas. "This is your co-worker, yeah?"
Dallas snaps out of it long enough to answer. "Yeah. This is Troy Archibold. Troy, you've met my roommate, Bryant Silva."
"Yeah, good. But, I ask again, how did we get here? One moment I was clocking out at work and the next, I'm here with the pair of you."
Bryant looks around the attic, spotting Maggie. "Dude, this is creepy!"
Troy is the next one to spot her, followed by Dallas. Now, all three openly stare at her.
What should she do? Call Harry? No. The Halliwell sister's suspicion of the Elders is what made her try and summon the first witch, Neena, in the first place. She didn't expect this to happen! Instead of Neena, she got three strange, foreign men in the attic with her. Her sisters? No! They warned her not to try and contact Neena, but she didn't listen to them. What about the Halliwell sisters? Did she really want to bother them already, after just meeting them? But, this could turn into an emergency, right? Right?
Making up her mind, she takes a breath and yells. "Paige!"
Immediately, a shower of blue orbs materialize beside her, forming into Paige.
Bryant leaps back, knocking over a book on the table behind him. "What the bloody hell?" The other two are just as surprised and on guard at the strange appearance.
Paige turns from the young men to Maggie. "What's going on?"
Maggie bites her lower lip. "Um, I think I accidentally summoned them."
"Summoned? How?"
Bryant asks. "Summoned? As in magic?"
"Impossible!" Troy states before crossing his arms.
Maggie silently hands over the paper with the spell written on it.
Paige reads over the spell with a raised brow. "Long lost family?" She turns her attention back to Maggie and Maggie shrugs. "What were you trying to accomplish?"
Maggie lightly bites her bottom lip. "Um...after the talk we had about the people claiming to be the Elders...I kinda tried to summon Neena."
"Neena? Are you crazy?" Paige demands.
"I'm sorry, but I was feeling desperate! I figured that if she is our grandmother, she'd be willing to help us! Instead, these three appeared."
Troy asks. "Can one of you please tell us what the hell is going on here?"
Paige reads over the spell once more before she studies each young man. "To put it simply, Maggie here summoned you here by accident."
Bryant's brows furrow as he tries to understand. "But, it sounds like you're talking about magic. Magic isn't real!"
Having decades of experience with skeptics, Paige calmly argues. "Can you explain how you got here, on the other side of the world in seconds? Or, how I appeared in front of you out of nowhere?"
The three men remain silent, unable to answer the questions.
Maggie asks. "Should I try and send them back to wherever they came from?"
Paige shakes her head. "No. They're here for a reason. They might be your innocents."
"Your charges. All of them will need protection from something or someone. Most likely a demon."
Dallas swallows. "Demon?"
Bryant scoffs at Dallas' reaction. "Demons aren't real."
Dallas glances at him. "I'm starting to think it's possible. I mean, can you logically explain any of this?"
Bryant is at a loss of words.
"See?" Dallas continues. "This is all screwed up!"
Troy speaks up. "You're telling me."
Maggie turns to Paige. "What now?"
"We figure out who they are." Paige answers. She faces the three young men. "I'm Paige Mitchell."
Maggie slowly raises her hand. "Maggie Vera. Sorry for accidentally summoning you."
Bryant stares at her for a few seconds before saying. "Uh...huh. I'm Bryant." He points to Troy. "This is my co-worker, Troy." He points to Dallas next. "And my roommate, Dallas."
Troy asks. "Where are we, anyway?"
Maggie answers. "Hilltowne, Michigan. It's a college town."
Dallas' eyes widen. "Michigan, as in the United States?"
Bryant rolls his eyes. "This just gets better and better!"
Troy responds with. "Glad I recently finished my shift. It would be a pain in the ass to try and explain, if I had disappeared in the middle of my shift."
"Here, here!" Bryant replies.
Maggie gives a little giggle. "That sounds like something Harry would say."
"The Whitelighter?" Paige asks, to which Maggie nods.
Dallas looks at his phone. "Damnit! I was supposed to meet my mum at the restaurant you work at in forty minutes! Hope she hasn't gotten there, yet."
Bryant looks over at him. "Call and let her know you won't be able to make it tonight. Maybe you can catch her before she leaves the house?"
Troy is staring at the window. "So weird seeing daylight at this time of day."
Dallas ignores him as he's typing away on his phone.
Paige turns to Maggie. "With the wording of this spell, it seems these three are related to you, somehow. It does say something about long lost family."
Troy's ears perk up at that. "So, like, does that mean the three of us." He points between himself and the other two guys. "Are related to each other somehow?"
Paige gives a half shrug. "Most likely. You could be extended family, like distant cousins or something."
"What do I tell Mel and Macy?"
"The truth." Paige answers seriously. "Every time my sisters or I had ever lied about anything magic related, things got ten times worse. It's better to come clean and deal with your sister's disappointments rather than hide it and almost getting killed by demons as a result. That's one piece of advice I can definitely pass along."
Maggie takes a second to think about it. "Yeah, that's how it's seems so far. Still, I'm worried about Mel's reaction. She's the more strict of the two."
Paige laughs. "If she's anything like Piper, her bark is worse than her bite. She'll probably be disappointed at first, and then she'll get over it eventually. Though, Piper likes to bring things up every once in a while to either embarrass or guilt trip us."
"Yeah, sounds like something Mel would do."
Paige rests her arm on one of Maggie's shoulders. "Nerves always make things seem much worse than they actually are. You'll be fine and I'll back you up. We all make rookie mistakes when we first become witches. It comes with the territory."
Dallas asks. "You're witches? Is that how you teleported us here?"
Paige smiles at him. "That's right."
Bryant is the next one to speak. "So, you can't teleport us back home?"
Paige's response is. "We could, but I think you were brought here for a reason. It's safer for you to stay put, for now."
Maggie asks. "So, who's up for a cup of tea or coffee? We might as well get to know each other better before my sisters come home from work."