Maggie grins as she sits beside her sister, Macy. Mel sits on the other side of Macy. "I can't believe the college got the Phoebe Halliwell to speak here! I'm so excited!"
Mel asks. "What is the topic, again?"
Macy answers. "Women in the workplace and how it has changed over the decades."
Mel says. "Getting an advice columnist to speak to the Women's Studies students. Couldn't they get someone more qualified?"
Macy lightly elbows her sister's side. "Oh, come on. She writes for a major newspaper, and she's a published author."
"Yeah, about romantic relationships. That has nothing to do with feminism."
"On the contrary." The girl's Whitelighter advisor, Harry, interrupts as he sits in the row behind them, leaning over. "I find her advice quite intriguing."
Mel turns slightly in her seat. "You're a man. You don't know anything about women's issues."
Harry gives a slight shrug. "I'm still the head of Women's Studies, aren't I? Now, if you'd excuse me, I have to go introduce Ms. Halliwell to the assembly." He stands and makes his way out of the row.
Maggie says. "Come on, Mel. Give Phoebe a chance. She may surprise you."
Mel rolls her eyes. "Fine!"
A few minutes later finds Harry making his way to Phoebe, noticing her going over her notes for the lecture. "Ah, Ms. Halliwell. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I have read all three of your books."
Phoebe smiles as Harry approaches. "You must be Harry Greenwood. Head of the department of Women's Studies? To tell you the truth, I'm surprised that a man is head of the department. No offense intended, of course."
Harry laughs good-naturedly. "Yes, it came as a surprise to me as well. You see, my predecessor died suddenly, throwing me into the position. I'm doing the best I can given the circumstances."
"Oh? I'm sorry to hear that." Phoebe extends a hand and Harry gladly shakes it. Phoebe's body jolts momentarily before she regains her composure.
"Thank you." Harry notices Phoebe's action. "Is everything alright?"
Phoebe gives a sincere smile. "Yes, thank you. Is it time?"
"Yes. Quite right. They're ready whenever you are."
After the lecture, Phoebe allowed a small meet and greet, since there were less than thirty people who attended. Her boss, Elise, told Phoebe before Phoebe left for Hilltowne that she would have a ghostwriter covering for her. For Phoebe, the weekend is a mini vacation. With nothing else to do, Phoebe has plenty of time to spend with the lecture group.
Maggie walks over to Phoebe with Phoebe's latest book held to her chest. Phoebe acknowledges her. "Hello."
"Hi, Ms. Halliwell. I was wondering if you could sign my book for me?"
"Sure. But, please, call me Phoebe. Ms. Halliwell were my mom and grams. That title makes me feel old."
"Of course." Maggie hands the book over. Their fingers touch briefly.
Immediately, Phoebe's thoughts enter Maggie's head. "This is one of the girls I saw in my vision when I shook Mr. Greenwood's hand."
"Who should I make the signature out for?" Phoebe's question shocks Maggie back into the real world.
"Oh, Maggie."
Phoebe smiles as she opens the book to the front cover and begins writing a little note for Maggie. She closes the book and hands it back. "Here you go, Maggie."
Maggie is still reeling from the telepathic link they shared. "Oh, thank you."
A look of concern crosses Phoebe's features. "Are you alright?"
Maggie blinks rapidly in response. "Oh. Yes. Thank you. Just a sudden headache is all. I'll go and see if my sister has something for it." Phoebe smiles again before Maggie turns and seemingly walks back to her sisters casually.
Mel notices her sister's expression once she gets closer. "Maggie? What's wrong?"
Maggie pulls Mel and Macy off to the side where they're likely to not be overheard. "I think Phoebe's a demon. Or maybe a witch. I don't know?"
Macy asks. "How can you be sure?"
"I heard her thoughts when I shook her hand. She was thinking about a vision she had when she shook Harry's hand. What do we do?"
Macy glances over at Phoebe before saying. "She doesn't seem dangerous. She's been alive since before we were born. If she's a demon, she has blended in flawlessly with humanity."
Mel replies. "The same could be said about Professor Warner Thaine, and look at how that turned out."
Macy says. "Yeah."
Maggie asks. "Should we tell Harry?"
"Tell me what?" Harry asks from nearby, causing the sisters to all jump.
Mel hisses. "Harry!"
Harry is genuinely confused. "What?"
Maggie leans over and whispers. "I think Phoebe Halliwell might be a demon." She shrugs. "Or a witch. I'm not sure."
Being a Whitelighter, Harry knows who Phoebe Halliwell really is. Like the sisters in front of him, Phoebe is, or was, a Charmed One. With the Halliwell's duty as Charmed Ones over, it fell upon the Vera sisters to become the next incarnation.
"Yeah." Maggie begins to explain. "I heard her thoughts about a vision when she shook your hand."
Harry rubs his chin. "Interesting." He watches Phoebe as she continues to interact with the people who attended her lecture. "Excuse me." Harry leaves the sisters and makes his way to Phoebe.
Mel asks. "What do you think he's doing?"
Macy says. "I'm not sure."
Phoebe smiles as she spots Harry approaching. "Hello, Mr. Greenwood."
"Hello. I've got to say that your lecture was charming." He raises a brow with emphasis on the last word.
Phoebe notices the emphasis and says. "Thank you. I really enjoyed it."
Harry sees people entering the lecture hall, so he turns to everybody who's still there. He speaks up. "Okay, everyone. We need to wrap up. The next lecture will be in." He checks his watch. "Twenty minutes." The group for Phoebe's lecture begin to gather their things. Harry leads Phoebe to the side, out of earshot of everyone else. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner?"
Phoebe laughs. "While I'm flattered, I'm a married woman."
Harry's eyes widen. "No, no, nothing like that!" He gives an embarrassed laugh. He makes sure they're still relatively alone before leaning over and saying. "I'm a Whitelighter and my charges could learn a thing or two from you."
It is Phoebe's turn to be surprised. "Oh. I see."
Harry nods towards the sisters and Phoebe follows his gaze. "The Charmed Ones."
"The Charmed Ones." Phoebe repeats. She turns her attention back to Harry with a smile. "It'll be a pleasure."