Dear Diary,
You know, I always wondered why people start off with that. In fact, I think it's kinda dumb. It's like people need to give a pronoun to an inanimate object such as a diary in order to give their feelings some sort of validation. Honestly, I think of this as a reference guide. A journal to look back and learn from one day. Maybe I don't see it in hindsight right now because I'm just so frustrated. It's day three and he still won't talk to me. I know for a fact he talks because he certainly had a lot to say when I picked him up from the police station. If anything, his hatred for me seems to be getting more intense. I thought for sure he was gonna bite my hand off earlier when I pushed his food bowl towards him. I don't know how to get it across that thick German Shepherd head of his that I'm just trying to help.
I don't know why my parents thought I could handle this. I need to prove to them that I'm capable but I can't if I have to keep fighting a losing battle with that pup. What do I do? Look at me, asking you like you can give me advice. What exactly are you good for anyway?
How do I get through to him? Maybe I'm looking at this wrong. What do I even know about him? I guess I don't know much come to think of it. What if he's scared? Nah, that pup is strong. I guess at the end of the day though we all have a wall that needs to be broken. But how, how do I do that? Perhaps I've just been so focused on my own goals with this that I didn't think that maybe we both have something to prove. Not to other people but maybe we both have something we need to prove to ourselves…
I'm looking at him, sleeping in the corner twitching almost as if he's running in his dream. I wonder what he's dreaming about? What do dogs dream about anyway? I bet he could ask himself the same about me if he was the one watching me sleep. You know, maybe we're not so different. I'm a human and he's a pup sure, but we both dream. We both talk, we feel things, eat, sleep. I don't think I've looked at it like that. I've been so focused on getting him to talk to me that I haven't even tried getting to know him. Couldn't hurt to take a different approach at this point. I mean, I was kind of a jerk when I slid his bowl like that, I could've handed it to him. Great, now I feel even worse. Looks like we both have a lot to learn.
Hmm, okay, I see what you did there. Maybe you are good for something but, I'm not calling you my diary ever again.
- Ryder
This Ryder/Chase origin story has been running through my mind for months now and I can't wait to finally share my second fic with you in January. Stay tuned :)