So, bois and gurls!

The One-Shot series fic for the Concept Manipulation Magecraft/True Magic idea for the Type-Moon universe is being written right now. Basically, each chapter is its own scenario, sometimes they're written for shits and giggles, sometimes it's a life lesson the SI learns.

For the first chapter, it's all about being yourself, and not trying to be someone you're not. Cheesy, sure, but it works, and it's meaningful.

And here's a little preview of what this train wreck entails!

I got reincarnated into the body of Shirou "Hero" Emiya just as the Fuyuki Fire happened. Kiritsugu saved and adopted me. He still didn't fully teach me magecraft because he's an idiot that didn't realize that since the Einzberns knows he alive, who's to say anyone that has a grudge against him doesn't as well? That and I doubt realistically, the Einzberns would leave Avalon alone without a fight.

...But over the course of ten years, nothing fucking happened. So, screw any sort of realism, I guess.

At the very least I was able to, very painfully mind you, kick start my Magic Curcits through a Nerve Circuit. It took some trial and error, but look on his face when I pulled it off, so glad I had that camera on hand that day.

Unfortunately, I still only knew Projection, Structural Analysis, and Reinforcement. So, I did as any dumb fan of the Fate series would when thrown into Shirou's body, try my hand at Tracing.

...Which I had minimal success in. And considering that I probably didn't have Shirou's Origin and Element of Sword, which I could only speculate at the time, it was to be expected. Hell, the only reason I got so far with it was that I knew all of the required steps of Tracing by heart and through subconscious use of what my real magecraft is.

As the Grail War kicked off, it was my belief that only Tracing would get me through the ordeal alive, not to mention the only surefire method of taking Gilgamesh down.

But no matter how hard I tried over the course of ten years before the Grail War, I could never use Tracing effectively in the way Shirou and Archer did. This would get me killed in no time flat, it was Bad End Central, I wasn't about that life, fam.

I had ten years to train up for this Grail War! Ten years with my Magic Curcits unlocked unlike Shirou in canon! I spent ten years trying to master Tracing with an almost obsessive zealous!

And what did I have to show for it?

An aluminum bat that I Traced and used to whack CĂș Chulainn so hard in the face that he was sent flying out of the school's second-story window.

Okay, now that I think about it, that wasn't too bad.

He was a Saber this time for some reason, probably Butterfly Effect or some shit.

Either way, that glorious swing was my dying action, getting stabbed in the chest kills people after all. But as shown time and time again in this series, people do not die when they are killed.

Thanks for the pick-me-up, Rin. Love you!

I'd like you all to know that not even my body is ready for this!