Writing the next installment in Trevor's redemption is taking a bit longer than anticipated. I am going have to re watch episode 5 and try to brainstorm some ideas to include Trevor. At least he is in the episode! I don't even want to imagine how hard writing him into the others episodes are going to be! I kinda wanted to work on different stories anyway to keep things fresh! Anyway, this story is much more compatible with actual canon. Everything that has happened in the show has happened here. I see this taking place between season 1 and 2. I hope you manage to enjoy this anyway!

I took a deep breath as I stared out the car window, taking a good look at the bright night sky. I have always enjoyed looking at the stars, even spending time looking for constellations. I even enjoyed reading the myths and legends behind all of the major constellations. Even if they turn out to be false, they are still good stories to pass down from generation to generation. Suddenly, I spotted a few Woffs flying together. I have always loved Woffs and I have to admit I really want one as a pet. Unfortunately, for me Woffs don't seem to be the ideal pet. They seem to prefer wide open skies to fly around and I doubt one would stay nearby. I prefer to let them be free and happy than trying to keep one as a pet if it doesn't want to be tied down. You know since creatures like Woffs exist, than could old myths and legends of constellations or deities be true? I really hope so!

I pulled out a notebook and pencil from my backpack and I turned to an empty page. I kept switching from looking at the Woffs to the page, as I began drawing the scene. I even added myself riding on one of the Woffs, with an excited look on my face. I actually rode a Woff once and it was one of the best experience in my entire life! Boy were my parents mad! I was grounded for three weeks, but it was worth it! I wish I could do it again!

I took a look at the finished drawing and couldn't help but smile! I have really outdone myself this time! My drawing looks almost exactly like the event in real life. It feels great to know my artistic skills are getting better! Wow, drawing the Woffs made me forget that my family and I are currently moving to Trolberg. Apparently, my dad got a promotion that required us to move here. I don't really care all that much as long as there are nice kids here. To be honest I will miss my friends back home, but I can always contact them online.

"We are almost there Jeffery," My mom told me.

"Ok mom," I responded.

Suddenly, I started to yawn.

"I am tired too! As soon as we get to our new house we will go straight to bed!" My father suggested.

"Sounds like a plan dad," I said with another yawn.

After about 10 minutes we made it to our new house. We quickly got out of the car and went inside.

"Thankfully, I decided to set up a few furniture here ahead of time," My father said.

"Thankfully, you included the beds," I responded.

"Jeffery, take the bed upstairs. We will decorate your room tomorrow," My mother told me.

"Ok mom. Goodnight!" I said before walking up the stairs.

I entered my new room, placed my backpack on the floor, and quickly got into bed. I yawned one last time before passing out. I woke up the next morning to find a few boxes, containing my possessions near my bed. I got out of bed and went downstairs to find my parents moving boxes around.

"Good morning son! We are just moving boxes around," My father greeted.

"Your father and I can handle unpacking. Why don't you go out and make some new friends," My mother suggested.

"Ok mom," I responded before exiting the house.

"Son, I want you to be careful! You haven't been here before," My father told me.

"Don't worry dad I will!" I assured him before leaving.

I started to carefully walk down the street while paying close attention to the area. I wanted to do my best to map out Trolberg as fast as I could. I began to make major markers that I would remember later, to make it easier for me. I have to say aside from the giant wall this isn't any different than any other city I have been to. Apparently, Trolls aren't that much of an issue in many other places. Eventually, I stumbled upon a park, to find a young boy around my age with an upset look on his face. I became curious so I started walking closer to him. As I got closer I could hear him rant about something.

"That stupid talking bird! Now my friends won't believe me! If that wasn't bad enough, I also developed an intense fear of them. All I did was gave one a minor injury and what do I get in return? A fear of them for life! Is life that unfair!" The boy ranted.

Before I could getaway from the kid, he noticed me and had a nervous look.

"Another new kid? Did you hear me just now?" The boy asked me.

After taking a deep breath I answered him, "Yes, I did. It's none of my business,"

"Good. I am glad to see someone understands that instead of her," The boy responded.

"Her?" I asked.

"The new kid before you. Her name is Hilda," The boy answered.

I have to admit hearing about that girl made me a little bit curious. I wonder if I will end up meeting her.

"Anyway, My name is Trevor," Trevor told me.

"The name's Jeffery," I responded.

"Jeffery, how do you feel about ding dong ditching?" Trevor asked me.

"I personally haven't done it, but I am not against it," I answered.

"Good enough. I think we are going to get along just fine," Trevor said.

"Ok," I simply stated.

"You do know how to do it, right?" Trevor asked me.

I blinked twice in confusion before asking, "Who doesn't know how to ding dong ditch?"

Trevor gave me a small grin before answering with a chuckle, "Hilda, didn't! Looking back it actually was kinda funny!"

This Hilda is turning out to be kinda interesting so far. Makes me wonder if she was raised in the woods for most of her life.

"Look here are my group of friends. Let's hope our time with you goes better than it did with Hilda," Trevor announced.

I simply shrugged my shoulder as I watched Trevor's friends walk towards us. They consisted of two boys and one girl.

"Another new kid? Try not to chase him away, Trevor!" The girl said.

"Relax! This one knows how to do our activities. Unlike that weirdo," Trevor responded.

I was a little offended at Trevor calling Hilda weird, despite not knowing her, but I quickly shrugged it off! Kids sometimes pick on others! I may not like that behavior, but it happens and I learned to tolerate it. We all have our own quirks that make us who we are! Some are a bit more strange than others, but they shouldn't be insulted by being who they are! At least that is what I believe!

"Good! because that girl was really weird. Despite, that we were willing to let her stay with us! I even would have loved to teach her how to play our games," the boy with glasses said.

"No dwelling on the past! We have a better new kid! One that seems to know better," Trevor said while giving me a pat on the back.

Why do I get a feeling Trevor is going to try to use me for something? Maybe I am just being paranoid!

"Come on Jeffery! Let's play some kick the can!" Trevor told me.

I smiled at the fact I made some friends fairly quickly and started following my new found friends! I am enjoying my time here at Trolberg already! I can't wait to see what else is in stored for me

I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I wrote it. To be honest I am kinda excited to write more. Hope you all have a good day!