Finals know how it is. Although I have one tomorrow, I cannot, in good conscience, prolong the next chapter any longer. Originally, it was meant to be around 4000 words with the events I had planned for this chapter, but eh, things happen. Consider this part 1, I will have to finish part 2 after I'm done with this school, god I hate this place. 100 followers and 75 favorites in three chapters, not bad for a first fanfiction! Who knows, maybe I am a good writer, or maybe I'm full of shit. Either way, thank you to everyone who reviewed, favorited, followed, you know the drill.

Yang opened the door to her room."Well... its not much, but its home."

Was this really happening? He swore he could hear church bells, maybe even "Hallelujah" playing the background. Perhaps this was karma? He'd gone through so much crap today, maybe some god was bored enough to give him a little divine intervention. This was it, he would no longer be a boy, unknowing of the wonders the world had to offer. He was now Juane Arc, a Man. He would go where few men had gone before.

"One small step for man..."

"Uh, Jaune? What's taking you so long, come in."

"Oh n-nothing Yang, I'm coming."

A girls room. Despite having seven sisters, and having been in each of their rooms plenty of times, this was...different. The other three members of Team RWBY were all preoccupied with other activities. Ruby was listening to something on her scroll. Weiss was studying rather intensely at her desk. Blake was reading a very suspicious looking book on her bed.

All in all this was probably one his proudest moments yet. Here he was, surrounded by girls way out of his league, all just accepting the fact that he just invaded their sanctuary. He was one of the few men who would ever cross the boundary into such a sacred place, and live to tell the tale. But perhaps it was better no one knew of his accomplishment here today. He didn't need to give more of a reason for Cardin and his pack of dipwads to trouble him any further.

"Oh, it's Jaune!" Ruby exclaimed, sitting up in her bed. Both Blake and Weiss gave him a nod and returned to their activities. The prodigy took off her headphones and moved to greet him. She was dressed in pajamas with adorable little polka dots. The color of them matched her hair quite nicely. He was about to say something, but Yang quickly pushed him onto one of the beds, gesturing for him to wait there. She had a mischievous look on her face, but then again, she was always did. She jumped over to the closet and disappeared inside of it.

"What are you doing here, Jaune?" The girl with a demon scythe sat criss-cross next to him. Her eyes looked at him rather expectantly; it was kind of unnerving. He needed to say something, why was it so damn hard to speak?

Ruby is your friend.

"Oh, uh, I was just invited by stuff?"

"What kind of stuff?" The way she tilted her head almost made him faint.

"" He was getting flustered way too fast! His eyes wandered over to her discard headphones next to her scroll. Oh right! "Never mind me... what music were you listening to?"

Her mouth formed an "o" shape. She grabbed her headphones, and presented them to him. They were latest model of a well-known brand in Vale. "Oh this?"

"Yeah, I've been given an ... assignment from the headmaster." Jaune stated, breathing out a winded sigh. "Turns out I'm gonna have to perform in front of an audience at this fancy shmancy party. So I'm gonna have to learn something a little more modern."

Stars began to form in young prodigy's eyes."Well, why didn't you say so!" She plopped the headphones on his head without warning, and pressed a button on her scroll.

"Oh um, alright. I guess we just skip the-"


"GAH!" He immediately tore the headphones of his ears, startled in fright. After a few moments, he glared at the young girl, who was smiling at him too innocently. "Preferably something less... loud?"

"Keep playing it, sis."

"You got it Yang!"


He then took notice of the rather impressive looking drum set Yang had produced out of nowhere. Said woman looked at him with a wide grin, and readied her sticks.

[Williams: Red Like Roses Part 2]

I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute;
Couldn't bear another day without you in it
All of the joy that I had known for all my life
Was stripped away from me the minute that you died

To have you in my life was all I ever wanted
But now without you, I'm a soul forever haunted
Can't help but feel that I had taken you for granted;
No way in Hell that I can ever comprehend this

The song was still hyping itself up, Jaune couldn't believe his eyes. It sounded great! Yang was playing in perfect time as well, as Ruby played the recording over speakers. Weiss and Blake stopped minding themselves and listen to Yang play.

I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone
I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong
How could you leave me when you swore that you would stay?
Now I'm trapped inside a nightmare every single f'ing day

It's like a movie, but there's not a happy ending;
Every scene fades black, and there's no pretending
This little fairy tale doesn't seem to end well
There's no knight in shining armor who will wake me from the spell

Some other people in the hall had peered into their room, to witness what was happening. Seeing so many people gather outside worried Jaune a little, but he decided not to overthink it, and continued marveling at Yang's skills. She was in full concentration, undeterred by any interruptions around her.

I know you didn't plan this;
You tried to do what's right
But in the middle of this madness
I'm the one you left to win this fight

Red like roses
Fills my head with dreams and finds me
Always closer
To the emptiness and sadness
That has come to take the place of you

I know you're broken down by anger and by sadness;
You feel I left you in a world that's full of madness
Wish I could talk to you, if only for a minute;
Make you understand the reasons why I did it

A sheen of sweat formed at her forehead, but she was still keeping in time. It was clear to Jaune that it was very difficult for her. But to him, it was as if she was glowing, like an angel.

I wanna tell you that you're all that ever mattered;
Want you to know that, for eternity, I'm shattered
I tried so hard just to protect you, but I failed to
And in a prison of abandonment I've jailed you

I never planned that I would leave you there alone
I was sure that I would see you when I made it back home
And all the times I swore that it would be okay;
Now I'm nothing but a liar, and you're thrown into the fray

This bedtime story ends with misery ever after
The pages are torn, and there's no final chapter
I didn't have a choice, I did what I had to do;
I made a sacrifice, but forced a bigger sacrifice on you

I know you've lived a nightmare;
I caused you so much pain
But baby, please don't do what I did;
I don't want you to waste your life in vain

Red like roses
Fills my head with dreams and finds me
Always closer
To the emptiness and sadness
That has come to take the place of you

She ended the song with a loud bang, and everything was quiet for few moments, until a loud applause erupted from the hallway. She stood up, and gave the complete strangers a thumbs up. Some of them had looks of bewilderment, and some of them looked as if had hearts had formed in their eyes. Weiss looked a little impressed, while Blake, being one to not show her emotions, offered a slow clap. Ruby was jumping for joy, after all, her sister was being congratulated from complete strangers.

And Jaune?

He didn't know what to think.

"Thank you! I'll be here all week!" Yang gave an air kiss to her audience, causing some of the guys to promptly pass out, while the rest fought over who was the intended receiver. The girl then came over to Jaune, grabbed him by the collar, and pushed him over to... a digital piano? He was far too distracted by her playing to notice it until now. Wait a second, was she expected him to play. Fear shot up through the back of his spine. A dry, hollow look had crept up its way to his eyes.

"Think of this as a little... warm-up." She whispered into his ear. He gulped, staring straight down at the keys in front of them, for everyone was now looking at him expectantly. It was an Argus YDP-181 portable Grand piano. Small and compact, you could carry it around anywhere, and still have the quality any acoustic piano could provide. It must have cost a fortune, how did she even-

"H-Hey!" Weiss whispered harshly."That's mine! What the hell, Yang!" She was instantly silence by her leader, who had ominously grabbed her shoulder. Not wanting to face the wrath of Ruby, she quieted down instantly. Well that settled that.

Yang was saying something now, but he really couldn't register what. Why the hell was she making him do this? It was far too soon to perform for more than 20 people, plus it was a group of teenagers, all in his grade. If he messed up...the embarrassment wouldn't be worth living. What was he even supposed to play? CLASSICAL MUSIC? For a bunch of teenagers? No matter which way he looked at it, this...whatever this was... was doomed from the start. His heart was thumping in his chest...but he didn't... mind it. In fact, he was kind of excited. But still, what was he supposed to play? Yang was done hyping up the crowd, and now stared at him with a pointed posture had shifted on one heel. Her arms were crossed, as if she was telling him to hurry up. His gaze softened, staring into her lilac eyes.

She was vivacious, troublesome, loud, sometimes obnoxious, too extroverted, and so far out of his league it was laughable. He couldn't deny that he found her beautiful. He would be lying to himself if he thought otherwise. So why, why was she doing this to him? To "break him out of his shell", like his family had tried, oh so long ago? But this was different, because she was doing it because she...cared about him? Probably? that he thought about it, he welcomed it, he welcomed her. It was exciting, she was exciting, an adventure. He began to smile rather stupidly, and laughed out loud. They were probably wondering what hell had happened to him, but he didn't really mind. When he opened his eyes again, he somehow could tell Yang was struggling to hold back herself. What was he so afraid of in the first place?

Calming down, he rested his hands on the keys, ignored the the nervous tingle at the back of his neck, and began to play.

[Chopin: 24 Preludes, Op. 28: No. 3 in G Major]

He started of by showing off his speed to the audience, rapidly playing sixteenth notes in his left land. The audience voiced their appreciation with wows, some of them even clapping along. His worries were gone by then; he gave them a wide smile, not even paying attention to his rapidly moving fingers. Most of them were startled at first, but laughed loudly.

Now Yang was really proud of what she was doing. She honestly didn't think Jaune could do it, but it seems like put a piano in front of him and viola! Magic!

"See how amazing he is?" She thought rather smugly in her head. It looked like he was having fun, too. He finally turned his head to her, and began to play octaves in his right hand. She wasn't totally crazy about classical music, but even she had to admit it sounded good. It was somehow more exciting than some of the more modern pieces of music she had listened to. The way he was repeatedly shifting up and down with his left sounded like he had turned the idea of an adventure into a song. She began to clap along with the audience.

As the song drew to a close, he began to play the same notes with both of his hands, at a seemingly miraculous speed, until he finally finished with a long chord. He rested his hands on his lap, and turned to them with a sheepish look.

The sound of their applause was like music to his ears, but nothing could trump the expression the sunny smile that adorned Yang's face in that moment.