I'll Come With You
A/N: This is my first new fic in a long time and my first real Luke/Mara story. I have several chapters ready/planned. Please review!
Chapter 1
The Jade Fire dropped through Yavin IV's atmosphere and, after a brief exchange on the comms, settled gently onto the empty landing field. Mara ran through her shutdown procedures and lowered the ramp.
Standing on the trampled grass, she took in the hum of jungle insects and the old stone buildings. Much more of it was covered in crawling vines than she remembered from her last visit. Had it really been that long?
It turned out that Luke was with some students on a camping trip but was due back later that day, so Mara ended up wandering around the Academy. She skirted the cafeteria and the busy classrooms, walking instead down the corridors of the living quarters.
She stopped outside Luke's room. She'd been there before, once or twice, and decided that he wouldn't mind if she waited for him inside.
Skywalker's room was surprisingly messy. There was a small table strewn with various tools and the electronic innards of a couple remote droids used in lightsaber training. The only chair was occupied by a haphazard pile of clothes.
Mara sat down on the end of Skywalker's bed. The room was cluttered but, Mara decided, rather cozy. The long curtains covering the window were a soft blue color, no doubt a gift from Organa Solo. There was a miniature X-wing model sitting on a shelf amidst stacks of holo disks and even some old fashioned books.
Mara took a long steadying breath and let herself fall into the Force. It had been a long time since she had properly meditated and now was as good a time as any. She could feel the echoes of Skywalker's presence around her and, as she stretched her senses out further, people moving about the Academy and the buzz of living things in the jungle.
Somewhere out there was Skywalker. She got an image of him trudging through thick underbrush, carrying a small child on his back, a sense of weary amusement about him. No doubt he'd let the kid convince him to let them come along, even though it was a difficult hike.
Mara pulled back from the brief mental touch without saying a proper Hello. No need to alarm him, she told herself. He'll figure out I'm here soon enough.
Her thoughts began to drift. The Force was like a cool tide swirling around her, calling her to set down her burdens, to lay back and let go. Her eyes still closed, feeling the currents of the Force flowing through her body, she stretched out on the bed. The faint scent of the pillow brought back a memory of a feeling, but she was already falling into a deep sleep.
The next morning, the sun was bright in the windows, spilling over the room and waking Mara gradually. She blinked her eyes and for a moment stared at the unfamiliar ceiling. Then she turned her head to the side and was face to face with a sleeping Luke Skywalker.
Mara sat up quickly. The sudden movement jostled Skywalker, waking him.
"What are you doing here?" Mara demanded.
"Well. I do live here," he said, sounding half asleep.
It was a fair point. Mara swung her feet over the side of the bed and rubbed her face with her hands.
"Good morning," Luke said behind her.
"I didn't mean to fall asleep," she said, trailing off. She dared glance back at him.
"I figured as much," Luke said, sitting up and stretching his arms.
His hair was messy from sleep and he was tan from days spent in the sun. He was painfully more real than the version of him in her memories. I missed you, Mara swallowed the words before they escaped.
"You know," Luke smiled, his blue eyes twinkling, "It's a pretty lousy ambush when you fall asleep, Mara."
It was way too early for how cheerful he sounded.
"I wasn't trying to ambush you," Mara muttered. "Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I almost did, but it was already late and I could sense that you needed the rest," Luke answered.
Mara didn't respond and instead busied herself with unbraiding her messy hair and brushing it out with her fingers.
"I wasn't expecting a supply run, but I guess we're due for one. You should have told me you were coming, I would have been there to meet you," Luke was saying.
He made no move to get up, seemingly perfectly at ease having this conversation while sitting on his bed.
"Not a supply run," Mara said, avoiding his eyes.
"Oh," Luke said, then worry creeping into his voice, "Is something wrong? Did something happen?"
"No." Mara felt frustration building. "Does the galaxy have to be in peril for me to show up? Can't I just come for a visit?"
The words had sounded sarcastic in her head but they came out with a hint of something raw in her voice. A feeling of vulnerability that was both unfamiliar and unwelcome. Sure enough, Luke picked up on it. His expression softened.
"Of course, Mara. You can stay as long as you like," he said with genuine warmth.
After so much time around people who were not Force sensitive, suddenly being around Luke again was a bit of a shock. She could feel his presence through the Force, pulsing brightly, filling every corner of the room.
He was quiet for a moment then added, "I'm really happy you're here."
"Yes, I know. Your happiness is blinding," Mara said, waving her hand dismissively and shaking her head like it hurt her eyes to even look in his direction.
Luke smiled, looking a tad embarrassed. He raised his mental shields and the wash of his emotions faded to a manageable glow.
"Is that better?" he asked.
"A bit," Mara answered.
Luke got up and stretched.
"What are you doing?" he asked when he noticed Mara taking off her boots.
"Going back to sleep," she laid down again, draping an arm over her eyes to block out the sunlight, "You said I could stay, right?"
"Yeah," Luke said.
He clearly hadn't meant right there, in his bed, but she was already so comfortable and really did not feel like moving. She felt Luke tentatively reach out to her through the Force. She ignored him.
It felt like it had been months since she'd slept properly. Mara took a long, calming breath and cleared her mind, hardly noticing the soft sounds of Luke getting dressed, checking that the curtains were drawn over the window, and leaving to go teach his morning classes.