A/N: The day is 051920: 11:58 PM. I have had a strong urge to write for this story for like a couple of days. After the months of writer's block, i am just happy to have ideas flowing.

The Kazekage sat beside the Hokage, his eyes wide with surprise. The blond kid was still alive, he wasn't a stain on the sand floor. It is quite the different set of results than he was expecting.

The expected result was the blond brat being turned into paste and Orochimaru and him jumping the old kage beside him when the old man became enraged. Instead one of the best trump cards that the Sand had was knocked out before the attack even started.

"You seem shocked, Lord Kazekage" stated Hiruzen

"I was not prepared to see, what i thought was a one of a kind, Wood Release used so causally by a kid. You really do have a strong crop of Genin this time around, Lord Hokage" replied the Kazekage

"It is the way that the world works, the next generation is always destined to surpass the one that came before it. I am just glad that i've been around long enough to see it myself." commented Hiruzen, his eyes taking on a far away look.

With Kakashi and the other Jonin Sensei:

"What the hell do you feed your team Kakashi?" asked Asuma

"You know this and that" answered Kakashi, his signature book nowhere to be found.

"I had heard that the legendary Wood Release was unbelievably powerful, but to end a fight against a Bijuu with a single technique, it is unstated how powerful it really was" commented Kurenai

"It just goes to show how and why the First Hokage was known as the God of the Shinobi world. Young Naruto has not fully mastered the power yet, but when he does, we might be looking at another legend in the making." stated a serious Gai

None of the other Jonin really could argue, another coming of their legendary First Hokage? It was almost exactly what they needed to make sure that the Hidden Leaf Village stood on top of the Shinobi world.

With the Genin and Tsunade in the stands:

Ino had wide eyes, Hinata's mouth was still slightly agape, Kiba was growling angrily.

Tenten was looking on with narrowed eyes while Choji tried to make heads or tails of what just happened.

Tsunade who was s looked on with a hint of pride on her face, "So he decided to use it"

Tenten looked at Tsunade and asked "You knew that Naruto could do that, Lady Tsunade?"

"I was aware that my brat of a cousin down there was capable of the Wood Release, but to think that he has come so far in the last couple of months with it. Grandfather was faster with it, he didn't need words or handsigns. It is still impressive that Naruto could do what he did." replied Tsunade, her face not giving away any emotion, even though her tone told you how pleased she was.

Hinata looked like she was going to say something, but she shook as she let out a nasty wet cough that made Tsunade wince. Walking over to behind the young Hyuga girl, she flared her chakra as she placed it on the heiress' back, immediately healing the remaining damage left by from the fight with Neji.

"That should take care of that" said Tsunade as she looked at the arena as Sasuke and Temari both arrived on the field.

Down on the field:

"Hmm, i didn't think that you would even show up" taunted Temari

"Like I would ever give up when i have already made it far. Might as well as see how i stack up against my peers" Spat Sasuke

The proctor simply nodded and said "Begin" before jumping away, leaving the two Chunnin hopefuls to fight.

Sasuke tried to race forward, hoping to end the fight as soon as it, Temari countered by flipping her fan open and blasting a tornado at Sasuke.

Sasuke jumped up, before forced to substitute with a leaf to avoid the follow up kunia that were sent his way.

Landing at the ground, Sasuke grit his teeth.

'She is extremely fast pulling out her fan and attacking with it. Fire should be able to beat her little wind attacks' thought Sasuke as he started to flash through handsigns

Sasuke raced out from behind his tree hiding space and rushed at Temari again, she noticed and prepared to unleash another high powered wind Jutsu at him, only for him to smile.

She realized that something was up when instead of Sasuke dodging, he took the attack head on with a smirk.

The hurricane strength winds hit Sasuke, only for him to explode in a burst of flames. The flames raced back towards Temari, forcing her to open her fan up all the way before slamming it into the ground in front her body and started channeling chakra into it, the 100 percent metal fan protecting her from most of the heat as the flames washed over her position.

The crowd gasped at the thought of see the blonde haired girl brunt to a crisp.

Sasuke dropped fom his spot hidden in the trees, huffing.

'That better have worked, the Fire Clones take over half of my chakra per clone. I am closer to empty than half way at this point' thought the raven haired boy.

As the smoke cleared, Sasuke became irriated, this dumb blond bitch was still alive and well, the only thing different was that the flower in her hair was gone.

"Your fan is completely made of metal" guessed Sasuke upon looking at the fan stuck in the ground.

"Yup, paper would be worthless to a shinobi" answered Temari

Sasuke groaned and activated his Sharingan, which allowd him to see the build up of the chakra in her mouth before he realized what was going on. The first wind bullet crashed into his stomach.

The second cracked him in the shoulder and the third slammed into his face. Stumbling backwards, Sasuke struggled to fight the daze from the hammer like blows.

Growling, he jumped backwards and up onto the stadium wall, already making new handsigns.

Temari watched his hand start to glow bright red as if it was being heated up. Flames coated his hand and Sasuke looked right at her. The red eyes of his clan spinning as he locked onto her. She sent three waves of wind blasts at him, only to her horror, Sasuke slashed his flame coated hand through the wind attack.

"I give up" said Temari, as Sasuke got within ten feet of her.

Sasuke gasped as he struggled to stop, only for the vice like grip of the proctor to stop him from running through the foreign blonde genin through, his wrist feeling like it would break any second from how tight the man's grip was.

He released Sasuke and said "Sasuke Uchiha wins, there will be a 15 min break between this round and the finals. We have a 3 way match between Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Shikamaru Nara."

Sasuke huffed as he walked away, making his way back to the contestants booth.

"That was a quite the showing Sasuke" gushed Sakura

"Hn. Thanks" said Sasuke

'Sasuke, you would have failed had you tried to hit her with that technique' the voice of his former teammate whispered in his ear

Sasuke ignored the voice of Kizo in the back of his mind, he had been trying to ignore it for months. Sometimes it was successful and other times it was the source of his anger and bad mood.

"That jutsu you used Sasuke, it would have backfired on you. Your chakra was starting to unravel towards the end. You would have burned yourself if it had hit anything" stated Shino

"It is not quite complete yet" muttered Sasuke, annoyed that others seemed to realize that he didn't have control of the technique.

"Complete or not, it seemed powerful" said Naruto, his arms crossed over his chest, "You've created your own original technique, not many people can say that, let alone the chunnin tournament runner up"

"You seem so sure of yourself Naruto" countered Sasuke

"You and Shikamaru are good Genin, but this is not a contest that i will be holding back in. Sasuke, i will come at you with the intent to put you down. If you feel like getting back up, I will simply put you back down but harder" replied Naruto

"You may have gotten the better of me in our first spar and meeting Naruto, but i will show you the true might of the Uchiha clan." snarled Sasuke, his anger showing and his Sharingan spinning into existence.

"You know, i could always win the fight guys" added in Shikamaru

Naruto smiled, one that didn't reach his eyes, "I didn't know that Nara's had a sense of humor."

Naruto turned his back to the two other fighters, walking away as unconcerned as one could be.

"He's different, much colder than he used to be" stated Shikamaru as they watched Naruto leave.

"You know him?" asked Sakura "He graduated several years before us"

"Yeah, Naruto was in our class when we had Hogati's class. We were about 8 or 9 years old, one day he just stops coming to class. Turns out that he was pushed for an early graduation. I don't remember what exactly other than one day about 4 months ago, my dad came home and said Naruto was important to the village and if i ever saw anyone giving him a hard time over anything to report it" explained Shikamaru

"My mom gave me a similar speech" added Sakura

"My father also provided the same advice. I would say tghat logically, it would be the legendary and fabled Wood Release that he possesses. That would make him related to the First Hokage in some way, a surviving Senju heir." Said Shino

"Makes sense" nodded Sakura

"It's time" declared Sasuke before he jumped over the banister and plopped down on the ground as Naruto walked onto the arena field, Shikamaru running downstairs as someone *cough cough sakura cough cough* said that they would tell his mom if he quit.

"Alright lads, this is it. To have made it this far, you are all Chunnin level already. The promotion is not guranteed but you clearly have the skills already. Put on a good show and the right people will make sure that you get their reconmendation." said the Proctor before he channelled Chakra into his throat.


Sasuke looked at Naruto, expecting for him to be rushing him. Instead, Sasuke found him smirking at him, before gestured with his chin towards Shikamaru who threw a kunai so poorly that it missed Sasuke by a wide margin.

"You Nara's are really that lazy that you can't even throw a simple kunai" mocked Sasuke before he felt his body stiffen, unable to move.

"You Uchiha really were the most arrogent, you dismissed me before the fight even started. Which means you missed me pumping my chakra into that Kunai since we were upstairs. that "Terrible throw" was never supposed to hit you, it just needed to be within 5 feet of your shadow, which it was." said Shikamaru.

Sasuke grit his teeth but before he could make his move, he was knocked unconscious.

The same person who knocked him out, caught him before he could hit the floor. Holding the last Uchiha in the village under his arm like a child would ball, he smirked.

"Nars, you are of little concern to me. Leave before i make you a red stain on the wall"

Shikamaru gulped as the man's presence was crushing.

Turning to Naruto "Ah the little experiment that could. I was expecting you to be here"


"Ah Sensei, that is you. My Kami, you look terrible. You have not aged well at all" mocked Orochimaru

Kakashi appeared next to Naruto, his headband up exposing his impanted Sharingan.

"Release him Orochimaru or you'll find yourself in a world of trouble" said Kakashi, his voice as sharp as steel.

"Little Kaka-chan threatening me? Mightly selfish of you to have what i want but deny me the chance to get it myself" said Orochimaru

Suddenly there was a poof of smoke and the entire Chunnin Arena was contained inside of a large purple barrier.

A Sound Jonin appeared behind Kakshi, only for the kunai that he tried to stab Kakashi with was ripped from his hand and plunched into his own throat, he was dead before he hit the ground.

Orochimaru smirked as the Kage booth suddenly was filled wih Gold dust and Hiruzen was forced to jump up onto the roof of the box.

"So the Sound and Sand village think that they can invade our village, you should have brought more help Orochimaru." said Kakashi, his chakra levels raising as he grew more serious.

"Oh but i did" said Orochimaru before throwing Sasuke at Kakashi forcing Kakashi to move to catch his student.

Kakashi's Sharingan spun as he was picked up the handsigns that Orochimaru made before he slammed his hands on the ground and up rose 4 coffins. three of them had simple numbers: 1,2,4. But the 4th one was labled Red.

Hiruzen landed in a crouch next to Kakashi, his eyes trained on the coffins before him.

"Orochimaru, what have you done"asked Hiruzen in horror

"I figured since i was fighting my sensei to the death, that you would like to do so as well" chuckled before the coffins labled 1 and 2 opened revealing the 1st and 2nd Hokage.

"Hiruzen, you've aged" Noted the First Hokage

"So, someone managed to recreate my reanimation Jutsu. I am sorry about that brother, it seems that my technique is being used to force us to fight the old Monkey over there." commented the Second Hokage.

"Hashirama-Sama, Tobirama-Sensei. I do not wish to fight you, but i will. I must protect my village, even from two of it's biggest heroes." stated a somber Hiruzen.

Just then the Kazekage crashed into the ground next to them. Tsunade jumped down after the battered Kage, cracking her knuckles as she landed.

"Get up, you pathetic sack of shit, I barely broke a sweat" commanded Tsunade before her eyes caught sight of her grandfather and granduncle.

"Little Tsu-Tsu, you've grown as well. You are aging much better than Monkey-chan over here" stated Hashirama.

Tsunade's eyes narrowed, even as tears started to pour freely from her eyes.

"Orochimaru, you better kill me because i swear you will never escape my wraith for this." whispered Tsunade

"That is not the only family reunion" said Orochimaru before Coffins labled 4 and Red opened.

Two things happened, the coffin labled 4 crumbled to dust. But Red opened and out stepped a woman with long bright red hair, her oval face was fairly tanned and pretty. Her violet eyes scanned the arena before they landed on Naruto, his blue eyes met her violet eyes and she gasped.


"Yeah, who are you?" answered Naruto

"Hiruzen, why does my baby not know who is mother is?"

Naruto gasped himself, his mother?

He had never seen so much as picture of her before. But yet, here she was, standing right in front of him.

"Kushina, Naruto has not reached the rank of Chunnin yet as his father wished for him to reach before providing him the info." answered Hiruzen

"Your husband refused to join us Kushina, but don't worry. Once you murder your own son, you will probabky join him in hell" said Orochimaru

Orochimaru slammed a pair of Kunai into the back of the heads of Hashirama and Tobirama, but before he could do the same to Kushina, she caught his wrist.

"Orochimaru-Sensei, i am an Uzumaki. Did you really think i wouldn't be able to break the control seal that you used on us." growled Kushina

A pulse of chakra was felt as Orochimaru switch with a mud clone.

Kushina jumped over to the side with Hiruzen, Kakashi, and Tsunade.

Orochimaru growled as he gave the mental command to Hashirama and Tobirama, the duo of undead hokages took a small step forward before taking another step, then in a blur as the two undead former kages raced forward only to be met by Hiruzen and Tsunade.

Kakashi gave Kushina a side look that she returned and they both turned their attention to Orochimaru.

"Little Kushina and Kakashi, forgive me for not shaking in fear. You are both 20 years too young to hold a candle to me." taunted Orochimaru.

"Wood Style: Forest of Binding Jutsu" said Naruto as he slammed his hands on the ground and suddenly there was an explosion of square wood ripped up the ground and raced toward Orochimaru, who ended the jutsu by spitting out his sword and slashing through the wood based attack.

Naruto glared at the pale Sannin with his eyes, the green ring around his blue eyes making it all the more serious looking to Orochimaru.

"Ah, they grow up so fast don't they Kushina. Don't worry, once i kill Naruto, you and him can send the rest of time together in the afterlife."

"Over my dead body Orochimaru" snarled Kushina

"Why yes, that is the point Kushina" mocked Orochimaru as he looked to his left and the Kazekage appeared who simply glared at Kushina.

A/N: I feel like i put a lot of the story in chapter. I don't want to rush it, but let's be honest. We all kind of wanted to get to this part of the story because as fun as having 13 year old beating the living shit out of each other, this Kage level fight is going to be so much entertaining to write and for you to read.

So be sure to review, let me know how i am doing.

feel free to hit me up on twitter at HKM_FF

And that is all i got you today

HighKey_Mars Out