Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Teen Wolf they belong to their creator. I own Grace Dunbar and anything/anyone else you don't recognise.

Note: For the purpose of this story Derek's age has been manipulated slightly to be older, Theo is his adopted brother; while Liam has an older sister who was also adopted.

The Madness of Love

Set around 2013 - AU

Chapter 01: Broken

"Liam, what are you doing?" Grace Dunbar questioned as she sat down beside her younger brother and wrapped her arms around his shoulder. "Liam?" Grace had just returned from being posted in Texas and Colorado while she was a med student and intern.

"Go away Grace," Liam grumbled pulling away from his sister, she had a good grip on his shoulder so he didn't get far.

"Don't think that your IED is going to get you out of this," Grace sighed, pulling him back over to her and hugging him. "You know whatever it is you can tell me,"

"No I can't because you wouldn't understand," Liam muttered resting his head reluctantly on her shoulder as he returned the hug. "You haven't been home,"

"Hey, now that's not my fault. You know I had to go where they sent me," Grace told him as she gently pulled back from him and forced him to look at her. "And I'm home now,"

"I know...how long for?" Liam questioned, looking at her and then down at his leg.

"For a while, you going to come live with me while I am back?" Grace questioned, a small smile playing on her lips as she looked at him and then at his leg. "Hey, look I know you hate that I was away for so long but he hated it too,"

"Have you seen him since you've been home?" Liam asked, running a hand over his face before he leaned down to the floor and picked up his crutches.

"No, he's not back yet," Grace sighed, pausing before she continued. "You're not meant to be on that leg mister, can't believe dad let you come home,"

"Your brother didn't give me much choice," David Geyer said as he entered the house and heard the tail end of Grace talking to Liam.

"Hey dad," Grace smiled looking towards him as she purposely kicked Liam's crutches out of his reach.

"Grace, give those back to you brother," David sighed , he was used to the two of them fighting though they hadn't done it in a few years as Grace had been working as an ER doctor at one of the hospitals associated with the Army - though not necessarily an army physician.

"Dad," Grace scowled laughing before she stood up picking up the crutches and handing them back to Liam, who mumbled something incoherently. "Where's mom anyway?"

"Your mother is at your house, said that she wanted it to be perfect when you and your brother got there," David told replied before he walked through to the kitchen to get dinner started. "She should be here soon,"

Liam painfully and slowly made his way down the hall to his bedroom, he'd managed to throw a few items into his bag but the majority of them had landed on the floor and he couldn't get them without ending up staying on the floor. Grace had followed David into the kitchen, they had a bit to talk about as she was meant to be starting work at the Hospital in two days time.

"So what exactly is happening with me working where you work?" Grace questioned leaning against the kitchen counter watching as David moved about grabbing various items.

"You mostly dealt with severe trauma, like gun shots and missing limbs yes?" David said, it wasn't so much a question but rather a statement, Grace nodded waiting for him to speak again. "It will be quieter here, more car accidents and general accidents, mishaps,"

"Great, so no bombs, shrapnel or exceptionally gruesome things to deal with. Although this line of work does have that too if memory serves me correctly," Grace smirked, she remembered some of the things that she'd dealt with in a regular hospital. "It's not completely new to me,"

"I know, you just need to be prepared. I do believe they have you operating on Liam," David said, causing Grace to raise her eyebrow at him, wasn't that a conflict of interest?

"What? Do they know I'm his sister?" Grace questioned, surely the hospital had to know that Grace was Liam's older sister and David's step-daughter.

"Other than myself, you were the best equipped," David said as they heard a thump and some swearing coming from Liam's room. "Do you want to check on your brother and I'll finish up here," Grace nodded before making her way down the hall to her brother's room.

"Hey kiddo, you okay in there?" Grace questioned, knocking on the closed door and hearing more swearing coming from inside. "You fell down next to the door didn't you? Roll or well scoot yourself along on your ass,"

"Fuck of Grace," Liam grumbled, though he was slowly attempting to do what she'd told him to do as her phone went off.

Grace turned the door knob and started to push the door open just enough that she could squeeze inside. Liam looked up at her and then down at his leg muttering that he wished it hadn't happened. Grace sighed, grabbing hold of both of Liam's hands and yanking him up off the floor before supporting his weight as they made it back over to his bed.

"Was trying to pick up some of the clothes that missed my bag," Liam shrugged taking a deep breath as he sat down before fumbling around on his bedside table for some painkillers. "Wasn't that your phone before?"

"What clothes did you want? And yeah," Grace replied digging into her pocket and checking her phone smiling when she saw the name that had popped up.

"Just the ones that landed on the floor, everything else is in my bag. Who was the call?" Liam questioned, taking a gulp of water before swallowing a couple of painkillers.

"Derek if you must know, I'll call him later," Grace smiled, as she picked up the clothes that had previously been folded and tossed them to Liam so that he could put them in his bag. "Did dad tell you that apparently I'm the one they put down to do your surgery?"

"No, he neglected to mention that," Liam looked at Grace as though she'd grown a second head he didn't want her to do the operating. "Do you have to?"

"Apparently it was either me or him, and you know they're going away the day your surgeries scheduled," Grace said as her phone rang again, this time she sighed when she saw the number that was flashing at her. "Okay this call I can't ignore, I'll be back in a second," Grace said before walking out of Liam's room and into the hallway. "Hello, this is Doctor Grace Dunbar,"

'Hi Grace, it's Melissa McCall from Beacon Hills Memorial,' Melissa McCall said as she stood at the nurses station watching as one of the emergency patients that had just been wheeled in tried fighting with the paramedics.

"Hi Melissa, what can I do for you?" Grace answered, leaning against the wall she was almost dreading the sentence that would be leaving Melissa's mouth next.

'One of our regular ER Doctors has just gone on leave and we can't get a hold of the other. Are you able to come in tonight? I know you're not due to start until Thursday,' Melissa said as calmly and as quickly as she could while the patient continued to struggle and fight against the nurses.

"I can be there in..." Grace paused she didn't actually know how far her parents lived from the hospital. "Hey Liam, how far are we from the hospital?" Grace asked sticking her head around the door frame.

"Like twenty minutes why? No! They can't want you early," Liam whined, he'd only just gotten his sister back and now she was leaving again.

"I can be there in twenty minutes, I may have a tag along," Grace said with a laugh at the end of her sentence as Liam's eyes went wide.

'Thanks Grace, Sorry to call you in,' Melissa said, she really was sorry to call the young doctor in before she was due to start.

Grace sighed before she went back into Liam and sat on the bed beside him telling him that she'd take him with her to work. David had over heard the conversation and promised that he'd tell their mother that they were sorry for missing dinner. Liam grabbed his crutches again and made to stand up attempting to grab his bag only for it to be grabbed by Grace. The two slowly made their way out to Grace's car tossing Liam's bag in the back as he climbed in the passenger seat. The car she'd been given for her twenty-first still sitting in the carport – their parents making sure it still ran by driving it every so often.

The drive to the hospital was quiet except for the radio quietly buzzing as it hadn't been tuned properly due to Grace using her iPod the majority of the time. Liam was grumbling that he didn't want to be going into the hospital before he had to but he also didn't want to leave his sister. When they got to the hospital Liam muttered that he'd stay in the car but Grace wouldn't have that so she made him get out and the two made their way inside where they were greeted by Melissa.

"Hi Liam," Melissa smiled at him, Liam offered a smile before he made his way to one of the chairs in the waiting room. "Liam's your brother?" Melissa realised that Doctor Geyer was Grace's step-father.

"Yeah, kid brother...he's staying with me while our parents are away," Grace explained as she saw the patient that she'd heard making the ruck-us over the phone. "Theo?" Grace raised her eyebrow the last time she'd seen him he'd been maybe sixteen years old.

"You know Theo Raeken?" Melissa queried, Grace nodded when Theo stopped thrashing about. "We've been trying to get in contact with his family but can't seem to get a hold of anyone,"

"His brother's out of town and is his legal guardian from memory," Grace said as she walked over to Theo and looked at his shoulder to see what she'd have to do. "Theo, have you let anyone x-ray this yet?" Theo shook his head, Grace sighed – he'd always been difficult sometimes more difficult than her own brother. "If someone can X-ray him, I'll call his brother,"

"Come on Theo, let's get you looked at," Melissa said taking the young boy the arm seconds before her son Scott came screeching through the doors. "Scott, slow down and sit down I'll be back in a few minutes,"

Scott skidded to halt inches before hitting Grace who had side-stepped and pulled out her phone unlocking it to dial Derek's number. Scott looked at Grace and then at Liam whose eyes hadn't left his sister. Liam looked away from her when he felt Scott's eyes on him, and the young teen made his way over and sat beside him.

"You got the hots for the new doctor?" Scott questioned, sitting beside him – they had previously been on the same lacrosse team at school.

"Fuck no, she's my sister," Liam stated glancing at Scott as he spoke and then back at his sister. "She only came home today,"

"What happened?" Scott motioned to Liam's leg, the young boy huffed he didn't want to talk about it he still hadn't told Grace what had happened. "Okay..." Scott had found out what had happened from some of the boys on the lacrosse team but he wanted Liam to tell him, himself.

"Hey Derek, can you call me as soon as you get this, it's about Theo," Grace said into Derek's voice-mail, seconds after she hung up her phone was ringing and Derek's name was flashing at her.

'Hey, what about Theo?' Derek questioned straight to the point, neither of them would get 'lovey dovey' as Liam liked to call it until they saw each other.

"He's at Beacon Hills Memorial...yeah I know I wasn't meant to start until Thursday but they called me in as it's an emergency and dad's on leave as of this morning," Grace rambled, she didn't know what else to say as she hadn't had a chance to get a look at what he'd done. "Think you can make it back to Beacon tonight?" Grace questioned, half hoping that he would and half not hoping at the same time.

'Yeah, I'm on the way back now. Should be there around 2AM,' Derek replied, he'd pulled over to the side of the road to make the call. 'Look after him,'

"Of course," Grace smiled before the two of them hung up and Melissa brought Theo back from the X-Rays and handed them to her.

Melissa showed Grace and Theo into one of the exam rooms, before ducking out to see what Scott wanted. Scott looked at his mother and then at Liam, wondering why Liam had chosen to be there instead of at home. Melissa held her hand out when she noticed that Scott had a bag which she took to be her dinner.

"Scott, take Liam down to the cafeteria and grab something to eat – you're hanging with him while his sister is here," Melissa said before thanking him for her dinner and placing it behind the nurses station and grabbing a wheelchair. "And you, young man are not meant to be on that leg at all," Melissa said planting the wheelchair in front of him.

"Mom," Scott whined he didn't want to spend any longer than he had to there he quickly stopped when Melissa gave him a stern look. "Fine, come on Liam," Scott muttered helping him into the wheelchair before pushing him down the hallway towards the cafeteria.

"I can use this by myself you know," Liam said, though Scott ignored him and continued pushing him down the hall. Scott and Stiles had taken Liam under their wing when he had started at the school, so they were friends to an extent.

"Yeah, and my mom would kill me if I let you," Scott said with a shrug as they came to halt at the cafeteria. "Mom's been working here since I was a kid so they all know me, what do you want and I'll get it for you?" Scott said, after deliberating for a few minutes both boys settled on getting a sandwich.

Meanwhile in the examination room Grace was looking over the X-Ray that she'd been given while Theo sat restlessly on the bed. Grace was almost tempted to hold the teenager down but he kept growling at her until she gave him a stern look. When Theo had calmed down enough to not be growling and grumbling he realised that he was actually in pain.

"Theo, do you want to tell me what happened?" Grace questioned, she had gone back to looking at the X-Ray and was quite grateful to see that his shoulder wouldn't need surgery, however his elbow was another story. "Just so that I have something to tell Derek,"

"You...you talked to him?" Theo questioned, looking up at Grace who nodded who else was she meant to have talked to. "Has he forgiven you?"

"Where do you think he's been the last month?" Grace said before she went into doctor mode. "Well Theo, looks like you've gotten yourself a compound fracture in your wrist and a separated shoulder," Grace told him, Theo mumbled something about it not being fair. "Theo, now will you tell me?"

"Game got a bit a rough..." Theo muttered, he hadn't wanted to Grace the real reason he was there because then both Grace and Derek would gang up on him.

"Oh Theo," Grace sighed, she knew the real reason he was there even if he didn't want to admit. "Well lets get you into surgery, you're going to need plates since both bones are broken...you can match my kid brother on Thursday,"

"What? No! Nope! Nada!" Theo exclaimed starting to squirm again so this time Grace walked over him and put her hand on his uninjured shoulder and pushed him onto the bed. "Grace," Theo whined as Melissa walked back into the room.

"Hey, want some help?" Melissa questioned, Grace nodded and the two of them managed to get Theo calmed down and on his way to surgery.