Chapter 4: Clay, Brock, Cerberus

Mexican Marine Compound

Jason rubbed his hands over his face and sighed. Pressing his fingertips to his temples, he willed the persistent headache to recede. He needed his guys to wake up.

Clay remained asleep ever since the first time he woke. The doctors were not concerned as Clay's body had obviously reached its limit and needed time to heal. But what bothered him the most was Clay seemed confused when he did wake. Speaking in Spanish, none of Bravo understood what the kid said. The distress on Clay's face, though, was clear to all.

The doctors were weaning Brock off sedation. Once he woke and they ensured Brock could breathe on his own, they would remove the ventilator. Only then would Jason breathe more easily. It always unsettled him when one of his boys relied on a machine breathe for him. Something which didn't happen often, thankfully.

Cerberus proved to be a challenge as well. It's as if the dog sensed Brock in the compound. The constant whining and barking wore on everyone. Jason already decided that when Brock woke, and the ventilator was removed, he would allow Cerberus to be reunited with Brock, despite the doctor's protests.

Clay's stirring drew Jason's attention and he rose, strode across the room, and ensured he was in Clay's line of sight. He didn't want the kid waking thinking he was still in Doza's clutches.

Slowly blinking, Clay first registered that the pain throughout his body had lessened to a dull ache. He vaguely remembered waking before and his entire body being filled with agonizing pain. The second thing he registered was Jason at his bedside. A deep sense of relief surged through Clay at the sight of his CO, followed quickly by dread.

"Rita … works for … Doza." Clay's unused voice came out raspy, but his gaze pierced Jason, willing him to understand the seriousness of his words.

"We know, Clay. Martinez confronted her." Jason lay a hand on Clay's arm and squeezed gently. "Somehow he knew."

Clay's eyes drifted closed and he tried to swallow.

Jason snagged the cup of ice chips off the bedside table. "Ice? Will feel good on your throat."

Meeting Jason's gaze, Clay nodded slowly. After accepting a spoonful, he held the ice in his mouth and let it melt, sighing as the cool liquid went down his throat. Only when Clay had his fill did Jason return the cup to the bedside table. Pulling a chair over, Jason settled in beside his rookie.

"How did you know about Rita?" Clay shifted slightly and stifled a groan.

"Interesting story, that," Sonny answered for Jason as he entered the room, hearing only the last words from the kid. "Good to see you awake, Goldilocks."

"Sonny, you okay?" Clay scrutinized Sonny, looking for any injuries on his teammate. His last clear memory of the Texan was before the van blew from the RPG. Although, he had a flash of Sonny beating the crap out of a table but figured that had to be his imagination playing tricks on him.

"Just a headache. I'm all good." Sonny leaned against the wall beside Clay's bed and folded his arms across his chest.

"So, about Rita."

Clay's rolled his head back to Jason. "Heard Lazo's men talking about her. They were told not to harm her, she worked for Doza."

"Mandy didn't know anything about it. Did they tell you this before they brought her in?"

"No, she was there. They were speaking Spanish though. Ellis probably didn't understand them." Clay closed his eyes and swallowed, fighting exhaustion.

"Must've been what he was saying when he woke last time," Sonny observed, noting Clay drifting back to sleep already.

"Martinez would have understood and known to go looking for her." Jason agreed.

Clay was almost asleep when a flash of Brock being beaten came to mind. His eyes shot open and he met Jason's gaze. "Brock?"

The panicked words from Clay concerned both Jason and Sonny. "Alive." Jason immediately answered as he shifted so Clay could see Brock in the bed next to him.

Clay took in the sight of Brock hooked up to a ventilator and his gut clenched. "How bad?"

"Broken ribs, one punctured a lung. The ventilator is just to give his lungs a chance to heal. They are weaning him off the sedation and will take him off the machine when he wakes and can breathe on his own."

"Thought they were going to kill us," Clay muttered as his eyes closed and his breathing evened out, clearly passed out this time.

"Me too, Kid. Me too." Jason whispered as he adjusted the blanket over Clay.

"I'll stay with them. You get some sleep." Sonny suggested, his eyes still fixed on Clay.

Jason swallowed hard and nodded. "Get me if anything changes."

Once Jason left the room, Sonny settled into the now empty chair between the beds and sighed. "Glad they didn't succeed. Bravo needs both you and Brock. You both hurry up and come back to work with us now, you hear?"

Bravo Quarters

Trent clipped Cerberus on his leash for a short excursion to relieve himself as well as a bit of exercise. If Brock were caring for the canine, the tether wouldn't be needed. However, ever since both Clay and Brock were taken, it became a necessity. Cerberus bolted for the front gate when Bravo returned without two of their own. Trent suspected Cerb wanted to search for his master. But they couldn't lose another teammate, so the long, nylon lead was used every time Cerberus was let out of his crate.

As they headed outdoors, Cerb pulled against his restraint wanting to direct his borrowed human in the direction he wanted to go, the medical wing of the compound.

"You can visit Brock soon, boy. I promise I'll take you as soon as he wakes." Trent patted the dog's head and guided him out the door to the courtyard.

Although Cerberus did his business, he wasn't interested in the toys Trent brought, or the activities the human tried to engage him in. All he wanted was to be by his master's side. He whined, attempting to convey his wishes, but the man didn't understand. As Trent guided him back to the dorm, Cerb hung his head, yearning to be by Brock's side.

"He still out of sorts?" Jason asked as he eyed the duo when they entered.

"Wouldn't you be if the person you loved most was hurt, and you knew it but could do nothing about it or be by their side?" Trent unfastened the leash and gave Cerb a treat before dropping to a chair near Jason.

"Yeah, guess you're right." Jason yawned. "Any idea how much longer?"

Trent understood Jason's concern, but he had no real answer to alleviate his anxiety. "Don't know. Depends on Brock. Probably within the next couple of hours though."

"I'm going to hit the sack for an hour. Told Sonny to find me if anything changes with the guys." Jason rose and strode for his hammock as he yawned.

"Any updates on Rita, Doza, or Lazo?" Trent looked to Ray for an answer.

"Not yet. Ellis, Blackburn, and Davis are working on it. We'll be the first to know when something comes up."

Not liking the answer, but understanding it was the only one they had, for now, Trent nodded. "I'm going to head back down and keep Sonny company."

When the door closed firmly behind Trent, Ray shifted his gaze to Cerberus. "Looks like it's just you and me for a while."

Cerb whined, and Ray gave in. Opening the crate's door, Ray invited Cerberus to join him on the couch and rubbed behind the dog's ears. "It'll be alright. The boys are strong. They'll be back in the fight with us before you know it."


Seventy-two minutes after leaving Clay's and Brock's room, Jason opened the door at the end of the hall only to find Sonny and Trent being pushed from the guy's room by a nurse. His pace quickened, Ray hot on his heels and his heart raced at what could have happened. "What's going on?"

"Brock just woke." Trent ran his hands through his hair. He wished he could remain in the room, but the doctor insisted he leave. Thankfully, Clay was conscious and could assure Brock the rest of the team was alive and well.

"That's good, right?" Ray asked.

"As long as he can breathe on his own, yeah."

"And if not?" Jason's hand landed on his hips.

"Then his injury is more serious than we thought." Trent drew in a long breath before blowing it out slowly. "Best case scenario, he breathes on his own and they remove the vent. He rehabs, does breathing exercises, and comes back to us."

"Worst case?" Sonny almost didn't want to ask the question.

"His career is over, and he receives a medical discharge."

Jason shook his head. "Not gonna happen."

The group descended into silence as they waited. Blackburn soon joined them, and Jason filled him in. A couple of minutes later Ellis and Davis arrived, the news traveled quickly through the compound that both SEALs were now awake. Each set of eyes shifted to the door to the guys' room as it opened, and the medical staff exited.

"Can someone please come tell Spenser to return to his bed!" The doctor was clearly irritated.

"Why is he up?" Trent didn't wait for an answer. He instead pushed past the doctor to ensure Clay returned to his bed. The last thing he needs right now is to be up and about. What in the world is he thinking?

"How's Brock?" Jason pinned the doc with a hard gaze.

"Awake and breathing on his own. We were able to remove the ventilator, but we will be keeping a close eye on him to ensure there are no setbacks. He will need to perform breathing exercises to ward off pneumonia, but he appears to be progressing well."

"Thank you." Eric offered a smile before the other man strode away.

"They're both going to be okay?" Mandy worried for the guys after watching Doza's men beat them. Understanding the severity of their wounds, her inability to help them ate at her.

"It appears so." Davis smiled as the rest of Bravo entered the guys' room.

Clay's and Brock's Room

"Spenser, why in hell are you out of your bed!" Trent moved swiftly to Clay's side, grasped his arm, and began to gently guide him back to bed.

"Brock … needed … me." Clay didn't bother to suppress the groan of pain as he shuffled towards his bed. Sonny soon appeared at his side to offer aid as well.

"Easy, Kid. We've got ya." Sonny fussed with Clay's pillows as Trent checked the rookie's vitals.

Clay's eyes closed as he focused on breathing through the pain until the meds the doc promised arrived.

Trent glanced up only when Jason entered the room and gave him a 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?' look.

"He … wanted … me to … know … he's good." Brock's labored speech drew Ray's and Jason's attention.

"Hey, easy man." Ray placed a hand on Brock's arm to avoid causing more pain to his previously dislocated shoulder.

"Rest, save your breath." Jason grasped the bed's handrail as his gaze traveled over his teammate and friend. "We're all good. Safe and in one piece."


"Will be keeping his butt in his bed if he knows what's good for him." Jason pinned the rookie with a glare as a nurse administered pain meds.


Trent sighed, wishing Brock would let it go for now and rest. But he also recognized that wouldn't happen. Each of them would be the same way if they were in Brock's and Clay's shoes. "Broken ribs, bruised insides, he'll be fine as long as he keeps his ass in bed."

Brock closed his eyes and drew in a slow, painful breath. "Thanks … for coming … for us."

"Every time." Jason clasped Brock's hand in both of his. "Every single time."

Brock drifted back to sleep, his body reaching the end of its endurance.

Jason sighed as his gaze moved to Clay, noting the kid slept now as well before peering at each member of Bravo. All wore matching expressions of relief. Pulling a chair up, Jason settled in to wait.

Trent, Ray, and Sonny each found a place to settle in. All determined the guys would not be alone when they woke again.

Cerberus' whines from his crate echoed down the halls as he waited impatiently for the humans to take him to Brock.

Bravo Barracks

"Hey, boy. I didn't forget about you." Jason smiled as he opened the kennel door and clipped the leash to Cerberus' collar. "Let's go outside, then I'll take you to see him."

Cerberus barked twice and his tail wagged furiously, his entire rear end shaking with joy.

Jason chuckled as he led the pup outside. Although Cerb pulled on his lead as they passed the hall to the medical area, one tug had the canine back on track. Something which never worked before. As Cerberus saw to his business, Jason thought over the last several hours. It was good to see both Clay and Brock wake. Although he promised the furriest member a visit with Brock as soon as he woke, Jason chose to allow the SEAL a bit more rest before bringing in Cerb in.

His cell pinged with a text and Jason pulled the device from his pocket and read the missive. "You ready to go see Brock? He's awake again."

Cerberus barked several times and bolted for the door, pulling a laughing Jason behind him. "Slow down, boy. He's not going anywhere."

Eric met Jason at the entry at the end of the hall. He smiled as Cerberus bolted through the door, his nails clicking on the floor as he slid on the tile, his paws seeking purchase on the ground. "Brock is asking about him."

"Yeah, well, Cerb is about to strangle himself trying to get there. He senses something is different." Jason followed the dog with wide strides, fighting to keep a hold on the leash.

"He can read you and the guys, Jason. He recognizes there is less stress in the room now." Eric paused outside the guys' room, his hand on the door handle.

"Yeah, well, I still won't be able to rest until we bring in Lazo and Doza."

"Something which we are working endlessly to bring about." Eric pushed open the door and stepped aside.

Clay's and Brock's Room

The moment the door swung open Cerberus pulled Jason into the room. Upon crossing the threshold, Jason ordered Cerb to be gentle then released the leash.

The hair missile moved straight to Brock's bedside, put his front paws on the bed, and whined as he sniffed Brock's hand.

"Hey, boy." Brock lifted his hand and rubbed Cerberus' head, a small smile in place. "I've missed you."

Another whine as the canine nuzzled into Brock's hand.

Understanding the doc would have a coronary upon spotting Cerb in the room, Brock patted the sheets next to him, fully expecting his dog's actions.

With his master's invitation, Cerberus deftly jumped onto the bed. Once there, he sat and sniffed Brock from nose to toes, spending an extra moment around Brock's chest tube, yet not disturbing it. Once he assessed Brock, he lay down with his head in easy reach of Brock's hand.

A wide smile played across Brock's lips and he sighed in contentment and drifted back to sleep.

Cerberus' gaze remained fixed on Brock. He would stand guard over his master until they could work side by side again. Nothing would come between him and his master if he had any say in the matter.

AN: Finally reunited! Thank you for your patience over Christmas, and my move. I am all settled in now, have internet, and after a birthday party this weekend will be able to write more :)

If you like my writing I would love for you to check out my Book released in November. It is "Clubs: Heart of a Hero". You can find it on Amazon by searching Clubs: Heart of a Hero or my name Martha Pruett. I hope you enjoy it and would love if you would leave me a review on Amazon once you read it!