A/N: Sup, guys. Just a little FYI here… I'm using the App on my tablet, so I don't think I can reply to the PMs I got from the you guys. I've tried, but it looks like nobody is receiving the replies? Meh, whatever, here's an answer for that one guy. (You know who you are.) I don't take requests. I am thinking of whipping up a Harry Potter story, maybe even a Legend of Korra one…. but I've already got this and Rose 10…*looks at notes* I guess that's all? Have fun reading this chapter….

Time seemed to be slowed down, my grey aura expanding a few feet from me like a thick smog, some of it staying close to me and shimmering like metal as it hugged my chest and arms. The angry clone in front of me appeared to move in slow motion as she flew through the air, an arm outstretched in my direction.

I dodged the amazoness' leap by side stepping her attack, her fist harmlessly passing where my head was. I chuckled as her fist embedded into the wall, making her growl in frustration and rip part of the wall apart with a violent pull of her fist.

Snickering at her beautiful face, I smiled widely at her. "Good mornin' sunshine! Those pesky alarms are annoying, right?" I said, only to duck under another leap. "You are just precious! Did those gremlins not teach you anything about combat yet?"

The amazoness looked absolutely livid, running at me and pulling back her right arm, throwing it forward in an attempt to hit my face. "Too Slow!" I announced, catching the outstretched fist in my crystalline hand with relative ease, a loud boom echoing throughout the lab from the force of the attack.

With a small, triumphant smirk, her other fist came up to meet my face. I flinched as it hit me, another thundurus crack sounding through the chamber. Oddly enough, I felt nothing from the blow, my head not even moving from the vicious left hook. I blinked with shock, along with everyone watching, even the clone seemed surprised.

I slowly smiled at the look of surprise on her face, her eyes wide open and mouth dropped open in shock. "You're gonna have to hit harder than that, Beautiful." I seductively said, raising a brow, only to give her a massive headbut to the chin, sending her flying backwards into the wall she punched. "Though, I am surprised that it didn't hurt…." I said with a shrug, then looked back to the stunned trio of sidekicks. "She's supposed to be strong, right?"

They were too stunned from me holding my own against her to say anything, making me chuckle and shake my head. "Whatever. Let's just see if I can tire her out." I smirked at them, the clone getting up with a grunt.

The clone growled and made another go for me, uselessly hammering into my body, not doing any damage. This just seemed to make her mad, each of her attacks being nullified by my grey aura, pieces of the stuff solidifying before she can touch me.

I yawned, just standing as she tried to hit me, her blocked attacks gradually getting louder and louder as she kept swinging. "Hey, beautiful. How about you stop that, eh? The constant banging is getting annoying." I gently asked her. "Despite what your 'teachers' probably said, my friends and I are trying to free your booty from this place." I informed, the angry clone still trying to make contact with my face.

After another solid minute of her battering my aura, her breathing became ragged, her punches slowing down and losing strength. Another minute passed, the clone stopping in her assault, making me smirk. "So…. ya' done?" I asked, expectantly staring at the glaring clone, holding up a crystalline fist. At her tired grimace, I nonchalantly began, as if she wasn't trying (and failing) to kill me for three minutes. "Want to bail? See your parents? My friends and I can probably make that happen." I blinked. "Wait… How much do ya' know? I hope you don't have the mentality of a toddler…"

She took a deep breath, looking calmer than before, giving me a curious stare. "The Genomorphs have taught me much. I know how to read, write. I know the names of things."

Robin, still in a safe distance from her, asked his question. "Have they ever actually let you see the sky… o-or the sun?"

The clone shook her head. "Images implanted in my mind, but…. no, I haven't."

I smirked and placed my crystal hand on her shoulder. "Then let's bust outta here and look at the… I'm guessing it's night by now, so you can see the moon and the stars! Maybe go out for ice cream, too! Wouldn't ya like that?"

She seemed a little shocked, then gave me a small smile. "You are strange. I've been attacking you for the past couple of minutes and you've barely fought back."

My smirk grew a few inches. "I like to think I'm just optimistic. You got a name? I don't feel like calling you Clone or Kr."

She shook her head. "No, I do not. All I know is that I am the clone of both Wonder Woman and Superman's DNA."

I my smirk never left my lips as I giggled. "I hereby dub thee….. Rosalind. Rosa for short." I named her, waving my right hand back and forth like I was knighting her. "No last name yet, that's up to your parents."

The newly named Rosa gave me her first genuine smile. "Thank you."

I waved her off, blushing a little. "No problem. Now let's bust outta here, Rosa. These CADMUS guys are bad news."

She seemed somewhat hesitant. "But, CADMUS brought me to life. I live for CADMUS."

I sighed and gave her a meaningful look. "They probably gave you knowledge of what your parents do, right?" At her nod, I continued. "Would they approve of keeping you down in that pod and not being out there, doing the family business? Hell, I'd bet they'd want to meet you, gorgeous." I gave her a hug. "If not…. well, I'm here for you. Like hell I'm gonna abandon some confused girl."

Rosa awkwardly hugged me back. "This is the first time I've been hugged… I like it."

"Well, there's more where that came from." I released her. "What do you say? Want to join me and my friends to bust you outta here?"

She was quiet for a moment, looking between me and her pod, then nodded at me, looking determined. "Yeah, let's do it!"

The big door blocking the entrance to the door let out a large bang, a dent popping the metal a bit. We all shared looks, and I groaned, figuring that there quite possibly be an army of G-Elves and G-Trolls trying to bust down the solid steel door.

"Okay, everyone, get over here! We need to plan." I called the boys over, the three of them joining Rosa and I in an instant. "Now, I know we all probably can't handle a small army of genomorphs. I'm pretty sure I only won against Rosa since she had my full attention during the fight." I calmly explained, my grey aura receding a bit. "Pretty easy to deal with one opponent, not so much with a hundred."

"You really can't clear a path through them?" Kid Flash asked skeptically.

"I doubt it at the moment, I'm still learning my powers." I admitted with a shrug. "So… I think we need to trick the CADMUS guys."

Aqualad raised a brow at me. "How so?"

I scratched my head, giving Rosa a thoughtful glance. "We're going to need to trust the new girl. Rosa, you're going to have to knock us out and play along with the baddies for a bit."

"WHAT?! NO WAY!" Kid Flash yelled, making me roll my eyes at him.

Robin nodded, deep in thought. "They think we're handled and throw us in a cloning chamber, then Rosa comes to bust us out. Smart."

"What if she gets brainwashed by the G-Gnomes again?" Aqualad raised a good question.

"I won't." Rosa rumbled, a fire in her eyes. "I can hold out against them for a little bit, tested it once a while back when I had my…. defiant streak."

Kid Flash went to argue again, only for Rosa to punch him in the face, sending him flying a few feet backwards, landing on the ground with a pained groan. The remaining two sidekicks shared looks, then sighed in acceptance. Rosa swiftly dispatched them, making sure to leave some bruises on them.

She then turned to me. "How do you want it?"

Focusing a bit, my grey aura dissolving into nothing, I gave her a wide smile, knowing that she might have some reservations on taking me out. With a moment of thought, I closed my eyes in anticipation of the pain to come. "Make it look good, I think I…. might be able to heal?" Was all I said before I was hurled into the steel door, something in my back snapping painfully at the impact of unforgiving steel, my legs going numb.

"Well…. that's not good…" The vague thought entered my mind, only to be immediately be forgotten by the searing pain. I screamed out loud, slowly starting to blackout from the pain, a loud tearing noise coming from the steel door as Rosa slammed it open.

Guardian and some doctor guy were standing on the other side, small army of genome creatures alongside them. Rosa walked toward the doctor, the man smiling evilly at us, then nodding at her. "Good work."

Then I finally blacked out…..

3rd POV. With Doctor Desmond in his office, a few hours later.

Desmond walked into the middle of the room, a few monitors lowering themselves from the ceiling to surround him. Each of the monitors turned on, showing the white silhouettes of some people. The doctor looked a little nervous as he took in the vague images of his mysterious benefators.

"Doctor Desmond, you require an audience with The Light?" A man's voice calmly asked, making the doctor shiver a little.

"Y-Yes, very sorry to disturb you at this late hour-" He began, only to be interrupted.

"Just make the report." A different voice told him, sounding very unamused.

"O-Of course!" Desmond cleared his throat, then began again. "W-Well we had a small fire here at project CADMUS. The origin of the incident is still unclear, but appears to have gained some… unwanted attention." He glared at nothing in particular as he came to this bit. "Three sidekicks… Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash breached security with a new hero, they found and released the weapon, the Super Amazoness. Of course, the clone is under our telepathic control and, as ordered, turned against her would be liberators." He smirked triumphantly as he recalled the battered and beaten bodies in the chamber. "The four are contained and we don't believe the League knows they're here." He paused for a moment, unsure to voice his question. "Uh….. What should I do with them? From her report, the new hero actually put up a good fight against the Super Amazoness."

There was a long pause from the people on the monitors, a woman's voice coming from the speakers this time. "Who is the new hero?" She curiously asked.

Desmond glared again. "I don't know. She calls herself Equinox." He then frowned as he recalled the odd effects the obsidian arm of her's did to the G-Elves touching it. "She looks human, if you don't look at her arms. The left is made of obsidian and the right appears to be clear quartz, the both of them seeming to be the sources of her powers." He grimaced as he brought up the footage of her fight in the G-Sprite chamber, the young lady turning a G-Elf's head into paste with one punch. "I don't think cloning is going to work with her."

One of the Silhouettes shifted, the woman speaking again. "Anything else of note about her?"

"W-Well, the weapon crippled her, severed her spine clean in two." He admitted with a proud smile. "Both of her arms started pulsing with an unknown energy when I had the genomorphs place her in a holding cell. The obsidian arm killed, then revived, the G-Elf that was in physical contact with the appendage."

"Wait… Revived? Really?" A man asked in disbelief.

"Yes, revived." Desmond confirmed. "Its heart stopped for approximately thirty seconds, entire body necrotizing in an instant, then reviving as a feral monstrosity and using an odd black energy. It took out six G-Elves remaining in the room with ease before the emergency locks came online and locked it in the cell with her." He recounted, shivering a little. "From the scans I could get from the cell, her spine regenerated completely after the incident. The oddest part of the scans I got was that she has no heart, but her blood flows despite this fact."

"Hmm…." Another voice hummed. "The Light could use her."

The woman spoke again. "Yes, see if you can't bring her into the fold. If not… maybe you can control her like the weapon."

"If those don't work, drug her with anything extremely addictive." A man added, chuckling a little at the idea. "She'll work for us then, heh."

"A-Alright, what should I do with the other three?"

"Clone them." One man said.

"Their substitutes will serve The Light. And only The Light." Another finished.

"And… the originals?" Desmond asked.

"Dispose of them. Leave no traces."

Back with Equinox. 1st POV. 1 hour later.

"Time runs short…. You must awaken… You must awake NOW!" A voice echoed in the darkness, screaming at me at the end.

I awoke with a gasp, sitting up on the fleshy floor. Shaking my head, waking myself quickly, I realized that I am sitting on the floor of a cell, it's fleshy interior reminiscent of sublevel 52. With a groan, I shakilly got to my feet, some stiffness in my lower back. I stretched, my back popping loudly and feeling much better, making me smirk with the realization that my powers healed me while I was out.

There was a gurgling growl behind me, gaining my immediate attention. I turned around quickly and immediately regretted it, seeing the zombified genome creature by the locked door, currently gnawing on the pile of his recently killed brethren. He looked very haggard, his skin leathery and grey, sunken in like a mummy. One of his ears looked like it went through the meat grinder, pieces missing here and there, not a drop of blood dripping from any of the wounds I see. Both of his clawed hands are missing the skin, revealing the green and decaying muscle below, the tips of his finger bones chewed into sharp spikes.

I screamed, backing away from the undead genomorph. It snarled at the unexpected noise, it's head snapping toward me and revealing that he doesn't have any eyes anymore, only empty voids with a black smoke gently floating out both of them. For a long moment, I held my breath as I stared it down, it doing the same with me. It's head tilted at me, seeming to be expectant for something. It then shrugged and went back to eating the leg in its claws, not breaking eye contact with me as it ate, giving me the haunting view of the lipless mouth dripping blood and splattering meat around.

After a few moments of watching eachother, I calmed down, giving the abomination a curious look. "You're not gonna eat me?" I asked out loud, making the creature growl slightly, the sound coming across more like a confused whimper, his good ear lowering a little. "Okay?"

It then spat out the meat it was eating and dropped the leg, cautiously crawling closer to me, taking care not to scare me. I winced once it got close enough for the stench to be glaringly obvious, the creature stopping a foot away from me and tilting his head like an expectant puppy.

"Uh, good zombie?" I held out my right hand, making him wince and back away, growling at the offered appendage. When I put the arm back to my side, the zombie moved to my left, nuzzling my obsidian arm. "Oh, you like this arm, huh? Did it make you or somethin'?" I hummed, rubbing its pale head.

"You did." A voice confirmed suddenly, making the zombie and I's heads snap towards its source, the zombie's neck actually snapping out loud. "Quite a fascinating power."

The zombie growled at the small opening on the steel door, a man peering in with a slight sneer on his face. I stopped the zombie from lunging with a small pat of my hand, it snarling and drooling, the liquid caustic enough to melt a little of the fleshy floor. With a small wince from the acrid stench, I gave the man a brave look.

"I know, right?" I said with a smirk, pushing the zombie back to its food pile. "Did your super slave tell you about our fight?"

The man seemed unimpressed. "Yes, but I'm sure this cell can contain you. It's made to withstand Superman's strength."

I snorted. "Like I care. I'll be getting out of this place soon."

"Oh? How would you accomplish that?"

"A magician never tells her secrets…." I calmly informed, watching in disgust as the zombie cracked open one of the dead G-Elves' skulls, munching away at the pink mass within. "Ugh…"

The man watched the scene with a clinical detachment. "Very fascinating. Could you completely revive it if you tried?"

"Maybe?" I shrugged, pointedly not looking at the gluttonous zombie. "It's not like I know how to do much with what I got." I gave the doctor a glance, pointing my left arm in his direction, making him flinch back. "I just know that this one is the 'That's it, I'm done' arm."

"Er, s-sounds like an apt description." He stammered.

I smirked at his reaction, taking a few steps towards him. "Yup…. You know, I don't believe I've introduced myself. I'm Equinox, nice to meet you." I introduced myself with a theatrical bow.

The doctor seemed to be at a loss at my behaviour. "I'm Mark Desmond, Head of CADMUS. I am here to present you with an offer on behalf of The Light."

I blinked at the odd name of the obvious villain group, tilting my head in interest and narrowing my eyes at him. "I'm listening…."

"They wish for you to join them, and in return you will be regarded as a goddess among mortals with your powers." He explained, his smile bordering on manic.

I put a hand to my chin, putting on a show of me thinking about it. "Hmmm….. That does sound kinda awesome….Does that offer come with a country for me to rule over?" I asked with a smirk, leaning forward. "If so, I want the entirety of Japan. I need all the anime."

Desmond blinked in surprise. "U-Uh, I believe that can be negotiated."

I smiled widely at the man, giving the door a few knocks. "Great! Now lemme outta here!"

Desmond disappeared from the little window, a few beeps coming from the other side. In the next moment, the door opened. I exited, my zombie elf following behind me with another elf head in his arms, scooping out the grey matter with its claws and chewing noisily.

Desmond gave my friend a nervous glance and looked back to me, a G-Gnome on both of his shoulders. He paused for a moment, as if thinking something through, then pulled the spare G-Gnome off his left shoulder, holding it out towards me.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I calmly asked him, eyeing the adorable creature he's trying to give me. "I know that those can do mind control bullshitttery." I gave him a deadpan look, unamused at the offer. "They are cute though."

Desmond paled, still holding it out for me. "W-Well, you can use it as a method of communicating with the others in this facility." He explained. "I promise, there will be no mind control."

We both had a stare down, then I turned my gaze to the G-Gnome's eyes, the little thing shivering under my glare. After a minute, I nodded and placed the bugger on my shoulder, feeling like I sufficiently spooked it enough that it wouldn't even try. The Zombie and I followed him down the halls, passing by some genomorphs that were fixing some damage and patrolling about.

"So, what are we doing now?" I asked, cautiously keeping an eye on my new pet.

"I need to see if the Super Amazoness in back in her pod. You'll follow me and have a chat with The Light once I am done." He said with a shrug, a dark skinned woman in a lab coat coming up to us from a hallway. "Ah, Doctor Spence what's the progress on the G-Wyrm?"

The woman shivered a bit, the G-Gnome on her shoulder doing the same. "It is not responding to the G-Gnomes' telepathy and is still as hostile as ever." She informed. "It just keeps trying to break out of it's containment cell."

"What about its growth? It should be grown by now." He asked as we passed by a G-Troll.

Spence looked a little annoyed at the question. "The wyrm is still in its juvenile state and hasn't grown beyond 20 feet. You're the one that wanted the damn thing in the containment cell when it was capable of living without assistance." She deadpanned.

Desmond blinked at her tone, then gave her a death glare. "Fine, I'll admit it. My mistake. What about the G-Shell prototype?"

Spence brightened up at the mention of the creature. "That one actually turned out much better than the G-Wyrm, albeit it is very smart."

"How so?" He asked, curious.

Spence seemed a little hesitant. "It's nothing. Just that it is very curious of the machines around its pool."

"Oh, really?" He gave her a look, the G-Gnome's horns glowing as Spence's face went slack for a second before she smiled at him.

"It escaped its testing chamber once after it dismantled the keypad and got rid of the alarm. Looks like it loves to take apart and rebuild any of the machines it can get its pseudopods on." She giggled at the memory, smiling dumbly. "Maybe you should call it the G-Gremlin."

"Hmm... " Desmond hummed and waved her off. "I'll look into the matter. Get the cloning procedure ready for the new project SIDEKICK." He ordered. "Now."

"I'm gonna follow her, if you don't mind. That has to deal with my ex-friends right?" I asked, getting ready to follow Spence. "I wanna gloat over my newfound goddesshood." I explained with a smirk.

"You might be more sadistic than I took you for. Go ahead, take that abomination with you." He motioned toward my zombie friend, the thing just staring hungrily at the gnome on my shoulder and drooling. "Spence, take her there, then go prepare the procedure." He ordered and walked away.

With a two fingered salute, I followed Spence down a different hall, my zombie following behind me. Spence seemed to have recovered from the mind bending from earlier, awkwardly staying quiet around me and nervously keeping away from the zombie. After a silent stroll through the fleshy covered interior of sublevel 52, we got to the room, Spence putting a code into the keypad and letting me in. "They're just inside." Was all she said before walking away, picking up speed once she noticed that the zombie was staring.

I shrugged and entered the room, leaving the door open behind me. I immediately noticed that the trio of sidekicks were inside of pods suspended over a weird spherical device, Rosa standing before them and chatting with the trio. I smiled and approached Rosa, coming out of the darkness of the ominous lit room.

"Hey guys, how's the plan going?" I announced, waving at them.

Kid Flash saw the G-Gnome on my shoulder and groaned. "Oh, god… She's been brainwashed!"

I laughed and pulled the gnome off my shoulder, holding it in my arms like a cat. "Nah, It is too scared of me to try that." I informed, scratching under its chin.

"Then how are you walking around now without any trouble?" Aqualad calmly asked.

I smirked. "Looks like CADMUS' higher ups want me to join their club. I said yes." At the sudden glares my way, I winced. "Hey! I don't mean it!" I looked down at my gnome with a glare. "And if your horns light up….." I threatened pointing a finger at it with the unsaid threat, it shivering and nodding.

"Hey, what's that?" Rosa curiously asked, pointing towards something in the dark, my zombie walking into view.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a zombie I apparently made whilst unconscious." I shrugged and gave the creature a pat. "Kinda cute, if you look past the whole 'undead' thing."

"Z-Zombie?!" Kid Flash panicked at my nonchalant explanation, Robin giving me a slightly horrified look. Aqualad, the calm chocolate thunder, seemed to be taking what I'm saying as truth, giving me a small nod.

"Interesting power." Aqualad hummed.

I blushed a little, scratching the back of my head. "I know, right?"

Rosa stiffened, her face turning stony. "They're coming." She informed us, some anger bleeding into the calm tone of her voice. "A little ways off."

I clapped my hands together, grey sparks flying off from the gesture and gaining everyone's attention. "Alright! Here's the plan. This might sound all that good for you all, but it is the best I have." I quickly began. "You three are probably going to get hurt a little from this." I admitted with a small frown, making Kid Flash yell, only for Robin to tell him to shut up. "We have to put on a good show for these assholes, make it more surprising when Rosa over here pulls a spanish inquisition on them." I explained with a nervous chuckle.

"What's a-?" Rosa started to ask, only for me to continue.

"She leaves briefly, letting the main baddie, who is most likely going to come down here and start monologuing like the stereotypical villain he is, think he has won." I point towards the door. "Then Rosa comes barging in and bats them away like toys, freeing you guys, and then we bail."

Robin nodded. "It's not the best plan. But it is all we have…" He sighed, hanging his head. "Alright this better work."

Aqualad looked at my arms. "Do you think you can make another wall? Block the genomorphs that follow us?"

I looked down at them, flexing the bulky digits. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I gave him a silent nod, feeling nervous about what is about to happen. We spent the last few moments we had just waiting for Desmond to arrive.

"Are you done gloating?" Desmond asked once he came in the room, Guardian and Spence following close behind him.

I nodded and yawned, waving a hand at them. "Yeah, mocking them for trusting me is a lot more boring than I thought it would be." I grumbled a little, giving Kid Flash a fake glare. "And that guy just kept defending his fashion choices. Seriously, who needs that much yellow on his costume?!" I complained much to everyone's amusement, earning a few angry retorts from the yellow speedster.

"Makes sense. He looks like that yellow mouse in those 'Poke-man' games. No matter, activate the cloning process." Desmond admitted and motioned to Spence, the woman coming up to some of the controls.

Robin snorted, glaring at the man. "Pass, the Batcave is crowded enough."

Desmond then turned to Guardian. "And get the weapon back in it's pod!"

At the order, the gnome on my shoulder hopped onto Rosa's, horns glowing brightly and turning the clone's into a blank mask. Guardian walked her out of the room without a problem, only the briefest glance from Rosa as she left. Desmond and Spence shared a look and nodded, metallic arms moving up in the pods and stopping above their chests, seperating into four smaller arms tipped with needles and crackling with electricity.

"Oh, that's not good. Uh, Rosa, if you can hear me…. the plan starts now!" I muttered, hoping that the clone could hear me from this far away. Lifting up my right arm, I focused and gave a sharp whistle. "Go, Zombo! Knock them out!" I gave my zombie an order, erecting a white box made of barriers around the two doctors, a small opening for the creature.

"GRRREEEEEEHHHHH!" It growled and dove into the box, black smoke engulfing its form.

Desmond and Spence panicked and were quickly dealt with by my zombie, it begrudgingly following my order. I released the box and pointed my arm at the pods and, with a thought and a slight push of my WILL, a grey buzzsaw materialized and cut the them out. I cheered internally at the sight of them being freed without injury, happy that I didn't hurt them.

Once they were all out, Rosa finally walked in, looking a little bruised. "Guardian can really fight, just so you all know."

"You took him down, so that says you're better than him." I praised, earning a flush from the tall beauty.

Kid Flash dashed to me with an offended glare. "You really hate my outfit?"

I sighed. "Really? Now? This can wait until we get outta here."

Kid Flash went to argue, but was stopped by a look from Aqualad. "Fine…. But I won't forget about this!"

"I don't expect you too. You seem like the sort." I shrugged and started to run out and down the hall, everyone following behind me. "Let's hope that we can get out before the alarms go off!" I yelled back to them, leading the group towards the one elevator I saw on my way to the cloning room.

The moment I said that, the alarms did exactly that, some of the growths on the walls and ceiling bursting and releasing G-Trolls and G-Elves. I sighed and engulfed myself in the combined auras of my arms, cursing Murphy's law.

"Great way to tempt fate!" Kid Flash yelled at me, ducking under a troll arm.

I put up two walls down the middle of the hall, separating the horde of genomorphs and clearing the path. "Run! I'll hold them back and buy you guys time!" I ordered, feeling the strain of the horde beating away at my barriers, a headache beginning to form.

Aqualad and the others paused for a moment, giving me a look. I grunted and shook my head at the silent question. "Look, I already said that I'm new! Right now, I don't think I'm capable of moving and keeping these up! Now go! I'll stay back and keep the attention of the horde!" I yelled, my headache becoming almost unbearable. "I'll catch up!"

After a stubborn glare from me, they ran off, Rosa giving me a peck on the cheek before she joined the others. I took a deep breath, looking back to my zombie friend, it snarling and forming black blade claws on its hands. With a shout, I released the barriers once the group turned down another hallway, my zombie leaping into action to attack the side full of elves.

A troll took a swing at me, the lumbering giant's fist seeming to come at me in slow motion as I rolled under it, barely managing to dodge an attack from another one. I caught the hand of another one, lifting it like it was a toy and using it as a weapon. The troll in my grip roared as it slammed into its kin, knocking them back like they were made of paper. Grunting, I changed my grip, releasing it after a quick spin.

It collided into its friends with a meaty crash, a few wet cracks echoing through the hall. After that, my vision turned black for a second, an elf's triumphant screech greeting my ears as I spun around to see the annoyance, backhanding the creature with my obsidian arm with a roar. It was at this point I realized that my zombie friend was down, a few trolls pounding away at its poor body, embedding it into the floor from the force their blows.

I barely managed to duck under another troll fist as I tried to help the thing, only for an elf to claw my face, my vision going dark and a searing pain erupt in my eyes. Hot, irony blood dripped into my mouth as I yelled in pain, lifting my right arm and throwing a punch with all my might, it hitting something I couldn't see. There was a loud screech and then silence, my shoulder now wet with something warm. With another yell, I lifted my arm and focused as best I could to form a dome barrier around me, all the noise around me dimming as I did so.

Breathing heavily, I sat down and smirked despite my pain. "Hah! Bring it on, bitches!" I taunted, sticking my tongue out. "Break through this!"

In the background, Desmond's voice rang out over the intercom system. "RELEASE THE G-WYRM!"

Having an idea, I focused on my arms, remembering my weird 'life sonar' from earlier. "I hope I can do this…." I muttered as the pounding on my barrier became almost unbearable.

My right arm pulsed with energy, my black-filled sight being filled with white silhouettes of the genomorphs all around me. I could see the walls of the hallway, but bits were missing from my view. Grunting, I pushed my barrier away from me, blasting the genomorphs away from me. I flew down the hall in the direction my friends went, only for something to break down the wall at the end of the hall once I was a few feet away, looking at me and roaring loudly, the noise making the other genomorphs run away in fear.

It lunged forward and opened its massive maw, trying to swallow me whole. I backed away from the giant worm, the creature roaring in anger as it thrashed about the hallway like it was having a tantrum. The thing was just one massive white silhouette to my vision, mostly sharp teeth on a worm body was all I could make of the thing. It lunged forward, moving surprisingly fast as it made another dive to consume me, actually succeeding in its goal with the surprise tongues that shot out and wrapped around my waist and arms, pulling me into that deadly mouth.

It chewed briefly, my aura defending me against most of the teeth, a few of them slicing deeply into my legs and arms. With a pleased gurgle, it swallowed me whole, wet flesh seeming to pull me deeper into the creature. I struggled and tried to fight back, only for more teeth to do another round of chewing, these ones grinding painfully into the parts they could get.

"I. am. not. dying. here. today!" I yelled, getting a mouthful of something thick and snot-like for each word. After a few moments of being chewed and pulled deeper into this creature's digestional tract, I had finally reached its stomach, it squeezing painfully around me as I was dumped into the acids in there.

Now with pain thundering all throughout my being, an eerie calm began to take root in me, words that are not my own coming out of my mouth. "In this place of dark and light….." I began bringing both of my arms to my chest. "I quest for balance, that is my fight." All the pain in me started to fade as I spoke automatically, something spreading up both of my arms and to two points on my forehead. "With life comes death…." I continued, a black sword of energy coming into existence, being used to cut my way out of the creature's stomach, bursting out its massive side with a shower of gore. "And with death comes life…." I turned around and raised my crystal arm on instinct, healing the wound with a burst of white energy. "By Grey Lantern's balance, I'll end this strife." I finished, flying behind it and pulling both my hands together and firing a massive beam of grey energy at it.

The beam hit it like a freight train, the genomorph shrank rapidly from the move, seeming to devolve rapidly. all that was left of the thing was an earthworm on the ground. The feeling left me once I was done, making me realize that my eyes were fixed somehow during all that.

"What in the hell?" I asked out loud, blinking after I shut down my life sight, feeling a little concerned about what just happened. I looked in both directions just in case there were any more genomorphs, sighing a little in relief upon finding none. "Grey Lantern? The fuck is a Grey Lantern?" I asked out loud again, a little incredulous at the stupid name, wincing a little at some of the unhealed wounds.

And with no answer from anything I started my trek to find my friends, grumbling under my breath as I flew down the hall and up the elevator, following the path of destruction the group left behind. My trip turned out uneventful as most of the genomorphs fled at the sight of me, even as I stopped paying them mind. Eventually, I managed to find them up on the first floor foyer, fighting a hulked out grey monster with strips of normal skin dangling off it.

Having an idea, I stealthily floated upwards hanging out just above the fight, waiting for an opening to join in. Rosa went for a grapple on it, the thing grabbing her by the shoulders and pinning her into a pillar, punching her once in the face. "DYNAMIC ENTRY!" I yelled as I dove down with a dropkick, my feet hitting its face with a loud boom and sending it flying a few feet away from her.

"Hi guys! Didja miss me?!" I yelled, smiling with pride from my kick.

"Equinox!" Robin yelled. "Glad you're alive! Help us out with this, will you!"

"Already on it!" I replied, focusing on the monster. "What is this thing?!" I asked as Aqualad went after it with some water swords, sparking with electricity.

"It's Desmond! He drank some kind of super-steroid!" Kid Flash explained as he slid behind the thing, throwing some rapid fire punches into the back of its knees.

I gave the thing another look over and blinked. "Well, isn't that great…" I sighed and joined in on the fight, Rosa joining in with me.

We both actually managed to deal with the mutated Desmond pretty fine, the both of us swapping back and forth between gaining his attention and having the other get a free shot on the dumb brute. He did manage to get a punch in on me, hitting me through one of the pillars in the foyer, the building shaking a little. I grunted a little from the pain, Desmond hitting much harder than Rosa had earlier.

"KF! Come here!" Robin yelled, sounding like he had a plan.

I flew back into the foray just as Aqualad got batted away by the freak, the poor man flying a few feet from the blow. Kid Flash seemed to magically appear between me and Desmond, the yellow suited boy slapping him in the face and grabbing the patch of loose skin before speeding off. He stopped by a pillar and smirked, holding up the patch like a trophy. "Got your nose!" He taunted, making the monster chase after him.

Robin came up to us as the Desmond chased Kid Flash, a holographic diagram of the room displayed. "Take out the supports. We're gonna drop the building on him." He informed us, running off to the middle of the room and drawing an X with some chalk he pulled out of seemingly nowhere.

Aqualad, Rosa, and I shared a nod and went into action. I punched down a pillar with ease as Kid Flash kited Desmond around and destroyed pillars with his stupidity, Aqualad spraying down a patch of water on the X. Kid Flash slid through the water and safely out of the marked point, sticking his tongue out at the monster barreling toward him. The dumb baddie barely got close to Kid flash, Rosa leaping out of the side and punching him down to the ground, landing on the other side.

I formed a small circular barrier just above him and threw it down onto his back, smashing and holding him into the puddle as Aqualad electrocuted him. I flew over to them just as Robin pressed a button, the last pillar exploding as I threw up a dome shield around us, the building collapsing with a muted crash from within the shield. After I was sure that the rubble has settled, I grunted as I slowly pushed the shield outwards, feeling like sleeping for an entire week.

Robin sighed, sitting down on the floor. "Good job, guys. Equinox, thanks for the barrier, we would've been buried alive under all that."

I closed my eyes, breathing heavily and moving my arms forward. "No….Problem…." I forced out, just as the last of the rubble was moved away from above us. "OHTHANKGOD!" I yelled and fell over, releasing my barrier suddenly, scaring everyone around me. "I'm fine…. just need some rest…." I groaned as they surrounded me, waving them off weakly.

"You're bleeding." Rosa pointed out, sounding a little worried.

I opened my eyes and raised a brow at her. "You know I've survived worse. I said make it look good earlier, not cripple me. Seriously, I'm pretty sure I felt vertebrae snap." I sighed and shook my head with a smile at her. "At least I know for sure I can regenerate now." At her dejected look, and others surprised looks, I shook my head. "It's fine. I forgive her, I did ask for it." I then moved my head a little, smiling wider at the sight. "Look, the moon. I told you." I pointed with my left hand, chuckling a little.

Rosa turned around and looked up, seemingly in awe of the sight. Pretty soon, a figure was flying towards us, cape billowing in the wind behind it. The man flew close enough for us to make out who it was, the red and blue suited Superman. He seemed a little confused as he came to land in front of us.

"And look. It's Superman, don't we keep our promises or what?" I laughed a little, grimacing from the pain in my ribs.

Then more heroes showed up behind him, a man with a cape and a thunderbolt on his chest, very attractive woman showing a whole lotta cleavage and legs for days, a golden lasso on her hip. The green man from earlier alongside a red robot-looking man with his legs engulfed in a red vortex. Even the stereotypical magician man was here, flying atop a disc of….something, I assume magic. A strange silvery man with a glowing red triangle on his chest, a hawkman wielding a mace, alongside a hawkwoman. The green suited guy with a green aura and a glowing green ring seemed to be giving me a curious look.

Another glowy ring man flew other people down on a green disc projected from his ring, the group consisting of a blonde woman in a dark outfit, Batman, that Robin Hood guy, the orange and green suited man from the sidekick meeting. Everyone here looked a little annoyed or angry at the damage around us. A guy in a red and more professional version of Kid Flash's suit appeared out of nowhere after a moment.

Sensing something was about to go down, I tried to get up, being helped by Aqualad, who kept his eyes on the orange and green suited man. "Thanks…" I thanked him, going to join Rosa's side as she approached Superman. I limped a little as I got next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She looked down at me with a small smile, then looked down at her suit, its torn bit covering the emblem on the front. With a little hesitation, she pulled it up, displaying the stylized S to everyone's shock. A few of the heroes gasped once they realized what she was.

Superman's face…. I just had a bad feeling when I didn't see any sort of smile as Rosa gave her 'Father' a warm smile, happy to see him in person. Then he looked a little angry as his face turned stony, making Rosa flinch at the stare.

Batman came up next to Superman. "Is that what I think it is?" He gruffly asked, still glaring at nothing in particular.

"She's not an it." I defended, hugging Rosa and glaring at Superman.

Rosa pat my head and smiled a little, then turned to look around at everyone. "I am a clone with both Wonder Woman's and Superman's DNA!" She informed loud enough for everyone to hear, making all of the heroes present to start sharing looks with one another, Legs For Days cautiously approaching.

Batman's glare intensified into full force. "Start talking." He demanded…. and so we did.

Time skip…………

"Well…. It's official, Superman is now my least favorite hero here." I thought to myself as the hawkpeople and the african american green ring hero flew off with the mutant Desmond. My friends and I were told to stay where we were as three heroes conversed a few yards away, a few others talking on the other side of us.

Wonder Woman, whom I've just learned is that tall woman with a nice 'everything', actually seemed to be excited to have a daughter, despite not giving birth to Rosa. She introduced herself as Diana of Themyscira, Wonder Woman. When Rosa introduced herself, Diana admitted that she liked the name I gave her, too, called it a 'wonderful name for a young woman.' She turned out to be pretty nice, even offering us a home on Themyscira if we had nowhere to go.

Superman on the other hand…. just avoided Rosa like the plague, not even making eye contact like she'd just disappear. I gradually grew to dislike him more with each time he snubbed Rosa's attempts to speak with the man. With a sigh, I glared at the hero's back, rolling my eyes.

"They do know that you can hear them, right?" I asked out loud, seeing Wonder Woman place a hand on Superman's shoulder and give him a concerned look.

"Oh, he knows." Rosa sniffled a little, looking at a piece of rubble. "I don't think he cares."

"What a douche." I snorted, earning a glare from the hero in question. "Yeah, I said it." I muttered under my breath, meeting his glare with my own. "Dad of the goddamn year." I angrily finished, making the man wince and soften his glare slightly.

The remaining green ringed hero floated down in front of me. "Hey, can I talk with you for a bit?"

"Oh, uh…. Alright?" I nodded unsurely, following the hero away from my group, Rosa following curiously along with me. "She's coming along too, is that alright?"

He shrugged. "That's fine with me."

I shared a smile with my friend and followed him behind a particularly tall pile of rubble, supposing that the man wanted some privacy. When we got there, he gave me a curious look, his eyes going to the odd logo on the chest of my suit, it somehow staying intact despite all the crazy stuff from earlier. With a fake indignant look, I covered my chest and glared at the man, rewarding me with a slight blush from the man.

"You're the Green Lantern, right? Hal Jordan?" Rosa asked, looking a little happier to see a new hero.

The man scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Yeah, that's me." He chuckled and smiled at the clone. "Nice to know that someone can tell us apart. There's like three other Green Lanterns on earth."

Rosa smiled back at him as I spoke up. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Hal pointed at my arms, then gestured to his ring. "I've been told that your powers are similar to my ring's."

I blinked. "So that bling comes with some perks?"

"Yeah, I guess you can put it that way. Never heard it described like that." Hal chuckled a bit at my blunt description. "I was just curious as to how you got your…. arms? I don't suppose that you grew up with those?" He asked, giving me a reassuring smile once I went silent.

I paused a little, thinking about how to explain my situation for a moment. I took a deep breath, deciding to be mostly honest with this guy. "I was dead. I dunno how I died and I can't remember much from before that." I slowly began, holding up both of my arms. "Found myself wandering this 'grey void' area, don't even remember how long I wandered that place, to be honest. Eventually, I found two massive beings, the both of them managing to split the grey into black and white by their presence alone." I shrugged, looking down at the ground. "A reaper-like thing and a very bright...thing, I dunno what it was. Well, me being me, I woke the both of them up. They were pretty curious about the spirit that found its way there, so they gave me an offer." I lifted my arms again. "I can come back to life in a different universe, but I'll have to choose either a black ring or a white ring….. Heh, I chose both." I smiled at the dumbfounded hero. "They said that they modified me to better suit the clashing powesets and, as punishment for being tricky, I'll have to learn as I go with these. Then a portal opened up and I walked through, finding myself at the hero meetup before the CADMUS thing." I shrugged again. "The only hint I got for these are that one uses death energy and the other one uses life."

Rosa and Hal were stunned, in shock at my story. The ensuing moment of eerie silence made me a little nervous at their reactions, making me try to take a step backwards, only for Rosa to wrap me in a tight hug. I think I felt bone pop under the force of her hug, releasing a pained wheeze.

"Need…. air…." I croaked, patting her back weakly.

She gasped and released me. "Sorry! New to this 'hug' thing. I felt that you needed one." She apologized, frowning a little.

"You did alright…. Just tone down the strength." I rubbed my aching ribs, then turned to Hal, an expectant look on my face.

The man coughed into his fist. "Not the weirdest story I've heard, young lady. There's an unkillable zombie man running around Batman's turf and there's a dumb villain copy of Superman. If anything, your story is tame." He smiled reassuringly. "Though, you might want to come with me to Oa and see the Guardians. They'll probably have some clues as to teaching you your powers. How does that sound?" He offered. "They've been around for a very long time."

"Guardians?" I asked, raising a brow and narrowing my eyes. "Oa?"

Rosa even seemed confused. "I've never heard of them."

Hal chuckled. "Yeah, when I got my ring, I was just as confused as you. Put simply, Oa is the Green Lantern base planet and the Guardians are the bosses of the Lanterns."

"So we'll be going through space to see little green men?" I asked, a little excited at the idea of going into space.

Hal chuckled a little "Eh, little blue men, but yeah."

Smiling excitedly, I nodded. "I'm in. When do we go?"

"Shortly after Batman and the others finish chewing out the newbies." He informed with a smirk, then pointed back to where we came from. "You can go back to your friends. I'll pick you up after this is all done."

I gave him a small salute and ran back to the others, Rosa following close behind. When Rosa and I came back into view, me waving off Kid Flash's curiosity, Wonder Woman noticed and gave Superman a push in our direction, looking angry at whatever the man said. Superman seemed a little down as he awkwardly approached us.

The man sighed, making eye contact with Rosa once he got close. "We'll, uh, figure something out for you. The League will, I mean. For now, uh, I-I'd better make sure that they have that Blockbuster creature squared away." He said, and promptly flew off without another word, pissing me off even more at the man's attitude.

"I am so pranking you at every chance I have!" I angrily announced to the world, pointing at the shrinking silhouette and earning some laughs from everyone around me and a hug from Rosa.

"He wouldn't appreciate that." The gruff voice of Batman cut through the laughter like a knife, making the sidekicks and I freeze a little from the deadpan tone. "Now that I have all your attention, CADMUS will be investigated, all 52 levels." He informed us. "But, let's make one thing clear…."

"You should've called!" The red suited man yelled at us, earning a scathing glare from the main hero here and promptly backing off.

"We tried." I defended. "When we realized that things were much more serious than we thought, we did try, none of the signals got through, and we were too deep underground to safely escape."

"Still, none of you should have went here in the first place." Batman turned back to us. "End results aside, we are not happy. You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed orders and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

Aqualad stepped forward meeting Batman's glare with a cool look. "I'm sorry, but we will."

The orange and green suited man spoke up. "Aqualad, stand down."

Aqualad looked back to him. "Apologies, my king, but no." Those words made the man raise a brow in honest shock and confusion. "We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together, on our own, we forged something powerful… Important."

Red suit looked confused. "Is this about the treatment at the Hall? The three of you-"

"Five of us, and It's not." Kid flash interrupted, Robin stepping forward.

"Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us. Or why teach us at all?" Robin pleaded with the man.

Rosa snorted, giving the heroes confronting us a derisive stare. "Why let them tell us what to do? It's simple…." She took a few steps forward. "Get on board, or get outta the way."

I stood next to her. "Sounds about right." I chuckled.

Batman's glare intensified…..

A/N: Yup. I stopped here…. There's a three day timeskip starting here, so I figure I can make the next chapter about Equinox's trip to Oa (I don't know how long it takes to get there. But it took less than a day in the crappy movie.) And about Rosa hanging out at Themyscira and learning a few moves from her 'family'... sounds good?

I'm planning on adding some characters from the comics, but I'll let you guys choose who I'm going to add by... I dunno, depends on who you guys choose. there's three options...

Indigo. I've put the most thought into adding her in as a kind of awkward/cute amnesiac robot girl who's learning to be human.

The Drowned. Yeah... I just wanna see what I could do with that piece of work...lol.

And a Teenage Queen Maxima. She's a princess at this point and is searching for a mate to share her future throne on her homeworld.

Meh... let's see what you all think.