Chapter 3
While walking towards the Ishiyama residence was an experience in itself for both Yumi(U) and Ulrich(Y). During the walk the both of them could not help, but take note of the different ways their new bodies moved while walking. Which once again reminded them of their current situation.
Showing Yumi(U) the way to her new home for now during the walk, Ulrich(Y) took notice of the way his new body moved. From the straightforward and stiff movements in his new hips, to the lack of bouncing on his chest due to the lack of breasts, and finally the lack of a swaying motion from his new butt, as well as the absent feeling of hair due to having shorter hair now. After taking note of all these different sensations, did Ulrich(Y) think to himself "wow a guy's body sure does move differently, then that of a girl's body" as he and Yumi(U) continued their walk.
On the other hand though, Yumi(U) was also taking notice of the way her new body moves as well. First off she noticed how there was a gentle sway within her new hips, then she noticed the swaying motion of her new butt, and then did she finally notice the gentle rhythmic bouncing of her new breasts. After taking of all this did Yumi(U) think to herself "wow I never really noticed how every part of a girl's body moves while walking" were her inner thoughts.
Though speaking of her new chest region did Yumi(U) once again notice, how the bra she was wearing was both annoying and irritating her. Seeing the annoyed look on his former face did Ulrich(Y) chuckle before saying "is the bra still bugging you there Yumi?" he had asked Yumi(U). Scratching at her back once more did Yumi(U) reply "yes it is Ulrich the straps are still itching me, and they are also digging into my shoulders a bit" to the still chuckling Ulrich(Y). Once done chuckling did Ulrich(Y) say "yea that does get annoying, but don't worry once you get into my room you can take it off" to Yumi(U) who was still scratching her back.
After quite a long walk, did the swapped teens finally reach the Ishiyama residence. Although before Yumi(U) could enter did Ulrich(Y) spoke up saying "oh by the way Yumi if you use the restroom make sure you sit down, and wipe front to back after you're done" to the now shocked and embarrassed Yumi(U). Though still embarrassed did Yumi(U) offer a quick comeback "well Ulrich speaking of using the restroom, do make sure you hold a certain appendage correctly or else you'll have one big mess to clean" thus now shocking and embarrassing Ulrich (Y) as well. When that was said and done did Yumi(U) enter her new home, and Ulrich(Y) leave back Kadic after bidding each other goodbye and a goodnight.
Scene Change
Quickly getting back to Kadic Academy before dusk had fallen, did Ulrich(Y) go search for Odd. Finding his friend and new roommate by the cafeteria Ulrich(Y) noticed that Odd had some slap marks on both of his cheeks. Raising an eyebrow Ulrich(Y) asked "what in the world had happened to you Odd?" was the question asked. Still feeling the sting from the slaps did Odd reply "well these two girls found out that I was dating the both of them, and as you can see they did not take it very well" to Ulrich(Y) who was shaking his head in disappointment. After seeing and hearing the punishment of his friend did Ulrich(Y) say "alright Odd now since that is done with, let's get heading back to the dorm before Jim catches us" to the still hurting and embarrassed blonde.
Getting to their dorm room was easy enough, though now came the part that Ulrich(Y) was not looking forward to. Realizing that his new bladder was now full, did Ulrich(Y) slowly find himself facing the toilet. Deciding to get it over and done with he quickly undid his pants and pulled down his underwear, though seeing his new penis for the first time stuns Ulrich(Y) into silence. Quickly shaking his head to clear away his thoughts, did Ulrich(Y) grab hold of his new equipment and aimed towards the toilet, and released the stream of urine into the bowl and flushed afterwards. After redoing his pants and washing his hands, did Ulrich(Y) strip down to a tank top and boxers before climbing into his new bed, and pulling the covers over himself.
Scene Change
After the embarrassing bathroom talk and seeing Ulrich(Y) leave, did Yumi(U) finally enter her new home. Only to be quickly greeted by her new mother saying "oh Yumi dear it is good to see you home, now come and sit down dinner is just about ready oh but don't forget to wash your hands" which Yumi(U) did. Sitting down at the table after washing her hands, was Yumi(U) treated to a traditional japanese dinner. Thankfully having little to no trouble with using chopsticks, was Yumi(U) able to make it past dinner with her new family.
Finishing her meal and putting her dishes in the sink, did Yumi(U) ask "mother and father is it alright if I may be excused to my room now?" to her new parents. Seeing them nod okay did Yumi(U) went upstairs to her room. Finding her new room easily since there was only three rooms upstairs, and knowing that Hiroki was already in his room did Yumi(U) enter the one across from it. Once she had entered and shut the door behind her, did Yumi(U) see that the room was perfectly suited for her. Though that was when Yumi(U) had realized that her new bladder was full, telling her that she needed to use the toilet.
Finding out that her new room cam with a private bathroom, was a welcomed relief to Yumi(U). Quickly entering and shutting the door did Yumi(U) turn around, and came face-to-face with the toilet, before blushing at what she was about to do. Shaking her head to try and get the blush to fade, did Yumi(U) unbuttoned and unzipped her pants thus seeing the black panties she was wearing. Taking a deep breath and relaxing did Yumi(U) finally pull down her underwear, and turned around to sit on the toilet. After which she relaxed and had let the urine flow out of her new vagina. Though after she was done did Yumi(U) remembered Ulrich(Y)'s words, after getting some toilet paper did she guided her hand towards her new crotch and wiped front to back as she was instructed.
Once she was done wiping and had dropped the paper in the toilet did Yumi(U) flush the toilet. After she had flushed and pulled up her underwear and redid her pants, did Yumi(U) walk back into her room after washing her hands. After taking a quick glance around her new room, Yumi(U) once again felt her bra irritating her.
Finally getting tired of wearing the irritating undergarment, did Yumi(U) go to remove it. Heading over to the standing mirror and seeing her reflection did Yumi(U) move to take off her sweater. Once it was off did Yumi(U) see the upper half of her body topless, except for the lacy black bra she was wearing. Before she removed her bra did Yumi(U) also remove her boots, socks, and pants thus leaving her wearing her bra and panties. Then did Yumi(U) move her hands to the back of the bra to unhook it, although the struggle to unhook the bra was apparent. Thinking to herself "how in the world do girls do this everyday" as Yumi(U) continued to struggle with her bra clasp, finally after some time had passed did the clasp finally come undone. Feeling the bra come loose did Yumi(U) breathe a sigh of relief.
Though Yumi(U) blushed hard when she realized that the next step was to take off the bra. Slowly pulling the straps down her shoulders did Yumi(U) feel her heart begin to beat faster. Finally after pulling the straps off and letting the bra fall to the floor, did Yumi(U)'s eyes go wide staring at two perfectly sized b-cup pale breasts topped with two cute and perky pink colored nipples. After tearing her gaze away from the mirror did Yumi(U) go back to the dresser in search of her pajamas. Finding a white tank top and red sweatpants, did Yumi(U) put them on and climbed into her new bed and under the covers.
Finally after a long tiring, stressing, and confusing day did the swapped teenagers fall asleep.