A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update. I have been sick a lot and busy, and on top of that have had major writers block. So, I've been trying to write from different view points and I hope it's clear who's view point I am writing from.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think.
Chapter 4: In Which Everyone Works Together
The teens sat around and waited as Arthur worked on translating the text about this Wendigo beast. Matthew had finally calmed down enough so that he was no longer hyperventilating. His half-brother sat close to him the entire time chatting with Gilbert, who was keeping near to the shy blond for comfort. Matthew knew that the only reason Alfred was staying close was because he didn't like his quiet sibling to get close to anyone. It's not that he wanted Matthew to be isolated from everyone. He just felt that his brother needed protected since he was more sensitive and he was afraid of his dear brother would have his heart broken beyond repair. Matthew on the other hand got annoyed with the other teen.
"Maybe we should work on securing the cabin so that it can't get in easily. We could at least cover the windows so the only entrance possible is the door. That way we will know when or if it is trying to come in." Mathias suggested after he was done arguing with his younger brother.
The Brit looked up from his book and agreed. Then he added, "We should also look for some type of defense. Even though right now it won't do us a lot of good, a little protection won't hurt."
"I saw a shed behind the cabin," Lukas commented. "I bet there is something in there that we could use."
"Who wants to be the brave chap to venture out to the shed?" Arthur asked. Closing the magic book, he looked around the room and saw that there were no takers. So he made the decision to take charge and assign jobs. "Fine, since no one seems to want to help out I will give all of you jobs. Lukas and I will continue to work on finding a way to get rid of the beast." The Brit looked to the corner and felt bad for his quiet Canadian friend. Even though Matthew had seemed to have calmed down, the look in his eyes told otherwise for his mental state. "Gilbert, Alfred, and Matthew will be in charge of securing all of the entrances to the cabin. Only leave the front door accessible. Vlad and Matthias," Arthur pointed at each of the teens respectively. "You two can check the shed for anything useful."
"What?! Why do I have to go out there?" Mathias whined.
"Why can't I help translate, too?" The Romanian protested at the same time.
"Because I said so. Now get going or you prefer to just wait for the Wendigo to come and eat you?"
The teens exchanged looks and the Dane pushed the younger male towards the door. "We'll bring back what we can find." Before anyone could say another word the teens disappeared into the night's fresh air.
Shortly after Mathias and Vlad left, Gilbert convinced the blond brothers to help him look in the basement of the cabin for anything they could use to block the windows. The moment the trio opened the hatch, they knew that the cabin had been abandoned for years. The musty, moldy smell made all three take a step back and wonder if there was quite possibly something dead down below the cabin's main floor.
After taking several deep breaths, the albino took the first step down onto the dust layered staircase. Each of the wooden planks that formed the stairs seemed to shift and groan every time the boys took a step. This furthered the idea that no one had taken care of the place in years.
The smell got stronger the further into cellar they got. When the trio arrived at the bottom, Gilbert pulled on the string to the singular light fixture in the whole area in hopes it would turn on. Luckily for them it produced a dim, glow, which confused the pale skinned boy.
'Where is it getting its power from," Gilbert thought as he looked around they faintly lit room.
It became very clear that the stench was coming from jars of rotten fruit and vegetables. There even seemed to be old moldy loaves of bread. At least they assumed it was once bread.
"That's just nasty," Alfred commented plugging his nose.
Matthew nodded in agreement and moved to block out the smell as well. He still hadn't said much and Gilbert was starting to get concerned, but he didn't want to push the Canadian into talking in fear he might have another breakdown.
Covering his nose with his shirt, the self-proclaimed Prussian scanned the room. "This is so not awesome."
Nearly ten minutes later, Alfred called for Gilbert to check out what he had found. Back in the far corner stood a large dark wood wardrobe. "Think we can escape into Narnia in there?" The American joked as his friend approached.
"That would make our lives much easier. Did you only call me over here to say that?" Gilbert crossed his arms. Their situation had put him in a mood in which he didn't want to put on his cheerful, goofy front. It was no big deal that Matthew saw him like this because it wasn't the first time he let the Canadian see him like this. However, it did throw Alfred off because he had never seen his friend mellow and slightly cranky before.
The American pointed at the chest that sat in front of the clothing cupboard. "I think that is full of bricks or glued to the floor. Even with my hero strength I couldn't get it to budge. I figured between my hero-ness and your awesomeness we could move it."
Gilbert nodded and grabbed a handle on the truck and helped Al pull it just enough to open the tall wardrobe. The two teens opened the doors carefully, in fear of finding a dead body in there.
However, seeing the content of the wardrobe, the blond let out a cheer. "Mattie, you can stop looking bro. We found just what we need."
The albino barely heard a sigh of relief from across the basement. Footsteps of the approaching Canadian could be heard as Gilbert peeked at the goods in the closet. Inside there were long wide boards that seemed to match that of the sheds. They would work perfectly for covering the windows as long as Vlad and Mathias brought nails and hammers. If they didn't, the group would have to get creative.
Meanwhile, the Romanian and the Dane carefully crept to the shed being extra careful not to make any loud sounds that would alert the Wendigo of their whereabouts. They quickly entered the shed and barred the door so nothing could follow them in.
"So, what are we looking for?" Vlad whispered.
The Dane on the other hand seemed to have forgotten that they were supposed to be quiet. "Something to defend ourselves and I guess other tools that will help with the cabin and whatever else that might seem useful." His voice was anything but a whisper. "Bro, look at this awesome ax! We can totally use this for defense."
"Quiet. Do you want the Wendigo to find us?" The Romanian grumbled trying to get the older teen to not risk their lives.
The shed seemed pretty organized and didn't have a whole lot of tools in it. Luckily the duo was able to find a few more supplies that could help the entire group out. The ax seemed to be the Dane's favorite item, considering he didn't let it leave his side. Vlad managed to find a crowbar, which he figured would come in handy if they were needing to break something open.
After about another ten minutes of searching, the brunette teen found an empty metal bucket that was filled halfway with nails of all sizes. As they searched for other tools that could be used for defense, they heard a sound coming from the outside of the shed.
Both teens froze in their tracks and listened for another sign of what could possibly be out there. Some time had passed and all was silent, so they decided to try and work again. However, as soon as the Romanian moved some scrap metal out of the way there was another sound somewhere out in the forest nearby.
"What the heck was that?" Vlad whispered nervously.
The Dane let out a laugh. "It's probably just one of the others trying to scare us." He leaned over in the direction the sound came from and let out a laugh that was a little to loud for the Romanian's liking. "Alright guys enough playing around."
The next sound they heard shook both of the teens for the core. A monstrous howl filled the still night air. Following the terrifying call they walls to the shed began to shake as if they were about to be torn apart. Both Vlad and Mathias braced for the inevitable situation where the shed walls would fall leave them totally exposed.
However that time never came. Something seemed to distract the beast and it could be heard retreating to somewhere deep in the forest.
"What was that you idiot?!" Vlad exclaimed not even hiding his frustration. "Are you trying to get us killed?"
"No, I just thought…"
"Why in the world would you think that any of the others would be playing around with that thing roaming around out there," Vlad yanked the buck full of nails and the hammer that he had found and exited the flimsy shed that had managed to protect them.
Arthur looked up from the spell book when the cabin door flew open and an angry brown-haired teen carrying a bucket. Shortly behind him followed a glum looking Dane wielding an ax and a shovel. Beside him, his Norwegian friend let out a sigh and went to check on his older brother, who had made himself comfortable in the back where Matthew had been sitting earlier.
Vlad on the other hand had busied himself helping Gilbert and the other two. He hoped that this was just a short termed argument because from what he had read they had a lot of work ahead of them and they needed to work together. The Brit had to stifle a chuckle when he saw his friend smack the Dane upside the head.
After Gilbert, Alfred, and Matthew returned upstairs with the planks necessary for covering the windows, Arthur called the group together to report his and Lukas' findings.
"Well, I think we found a way to get rid of the Wendigo but we have a slight problem. The way that we would have to kill it is nearly impossible and since we are currently trapped in a forest that doesn't contain a church or any holy grounds. Also, we don't have any silver. That is the only thing that we can use that doesn't allow it to regenerate instantly."
"So, basically you are telling us we are dead?" Alfred frowned looking at the older teen. "Not cool, man."
"That's not what I'm saying, you git," the Brit huffed. "I'm saying that to get rid of the Wendigo is going to be a lot more work and we are going to have to follow a plan very closely in order to have success. There is absolutely no chance that we are going to be able kill it but there is a way to get rid of it and release the force field trapping us in here."
" What do you have in mind?" The albino asked curiously.
"Here's the plan that Lukas I came up with." Arthur began to explain.