"Rias tea will be ready in a minute then we can have lunch, also should be talking about the prospect?"
"Oh, perfect tea with lunch is great. You got the intel report finished so we should discuss it before we go pull the trigger on anything." the decision weighed heavily on her mind
"Well, here what we know so far about Hyoudou Issei age Sixteen second year with average grades. He's friends with the perverted duo of Matsuda and Motohama who are also in his class however he isn't as open as the others are. While all of that was easy enough to get from Sona and general school chatter, Koneko has reported about his life outside of school. Apparently, he lives with his father mainly, his mother is apparently working between Japan and Greece and she is scheduled to be back in Japan soon. His father, on the other hand, works for as a businessman for a tech conglomerate here in Kuoh. Other than that Koneko agrees with you that he does have a scared gear." Akeno read the report she knew the report was accurate but could never understand why he hung out with those other two people.
"Was Koneko able to identify if the gear is a dragon nature?" Rias replied while grabbing her teacup.
"Unfortunately she was not able to narrow down if it was a dragon based gear or not only that she was able to sense one. I walked passed him a couple times while he definitely has a sacred gear, however, I was unable to tell if it was a dragon nature." Akeno went to get the teapot a pour more tea for the two of them.
*sigh* Rias let out a quiet breath "I know bringing somebody into our way of life is not a good idea unless we absolutely have to, but I will have Kiba bring him to the clubroom after school tomorrow. If all of the information is correct and his sacred gear isn't something of Longinus quality I doubt he will take more than two pawns at the most."
*knock knock knock* Rias and Akeno were startled by the knock at the door but ultimately Rias replied. "Come in"
"Afternoon buchou Koneko should be arriving soon as well." said a blonde man.
"Kiba perfect timing, after school today bring Hyoudou Issei to the club room I'm going to ask him to join our club."
"As you wish buchou." Kiba replied with a slight bow
"Ara ara it should be fun to see how he fairs." Akeno said while putting her hand over her mouth.
" Excuse me is Hyoudou Issei here?" everybody turned to see Kiba in the doorway.
"Oh my god, it's Kiba!" "Does my hair look good?" "Is my makeup perfect?" Were a few of the things that were said when Kiba entered the classroom.
"Wait why would Kiba want to know if Hyoudou was here?" replied a girl with pink glasses and brown twin tails.
"Kiryuu got a point Issei you got some explaining to do." said Matsuda
"Hell if I would know why would that pretty boy want me to begin with."
"Kiba would your business with Issei happen to be about that exclusive club The Occult Research Club?" Asked Motohama
"Miss Gremory wishes to speak to him, about what I do not know the details. All I know is I am to escort him to the clubhouse." he replied to the girl
"Issei!." Yelled Matsuda and Motohama " What did you do to garner Rias Gremory attention?"
"Guys you know about as much about this as I do as to why she wants to see me. However, let's go pretty boy lets get this over with."
~~~Quick trip~~~
"You know finally being inside this building it looks quite better on the inside than it does on the outside." commented Issei
"I've maintained the building as well as I can but it was in a quite good shape before we move in as a club. However, we are here." * knock knock knock* " Buchou I have arrived with Hyoudou Issei."
"Please come in." Rias voice was heard from behind the door.
"Hyoudou Issei please take a seat." said Rias
"So this is the most elusive club at school contains Yuuto Kiba the school pretty boy that every girl wants there hands on, Koneko Toujou everybody's favorite first-year loli who, Akeno Himejima one of the two great ladies. And Rias Gremory the other of the two great ladies and every male on campus love obsession. So what can this lowly pervert do for you today?"
"Well as flattering as that was I do have some questions for you. Do you believe in the supernatural?"
"I believe some of the stories of legends may have had some merit to them but do I believe in them completely? No, I don't why do you ask?"
"What I told you the supernatural is quite real and I am a devil a descendant of Gremory from the Ars Goetia?
"I would have to say that your crazy and that's kinda sad because you are quite beautiful."
"Well, then how about this." Rias unfurl her wings and following that so does Akeno Koneko and Kiba. "Do you believe me now that I'm a devil?"
"Well, then I get your good looks are devilish, so what's next going to tell me that that magic is real?"
"Ara Ara buchou will you let me handle this?" she had a smile on her face that no man could resist
"Very well Akeno just don't go too far." she gave the order for a demonstration but knew Akeno might get out of hand
Lightning begins to gather in Akeno's hands all while you can hear cracks and pop. She then shoots a small blast near Issei head missing him but striking the wall behind him. "Do you believe that magic is real now?"
"Yes I do now." said Issei with a straight face "besides that show what do you want because I doubt it was to show me that all creepy bedtimes stories when I was young were real now let alone magic. So what was that saying oh yes make a deal with the devil?"
"Cute phrasing but before I tell you what I want I need to tell you a story. Long ago there was a war between the three factions of Christianity. The Angels lead by the god of the Bible, the fallen angels who fell from "grace" and us devils. The war last for many years leading to a deadlock, however one day during that war the three factions called a ceasefire because of an event. Two dragons decided to rampage throughout the battlefields of the war Ddraig the red dragon emperor and Albion the white dragon emperor. Their battles caused the three factions to fight them and eventually killed them but not without a massive loss. After the war was over the god of the bible created items for humans know as sacred gear these items can range from a common leg or arm enhancing power all the way up to what was dubbed Longinus class gears. These Longinus class sacred gears are one of a kind and 2 of them were made with both the souls of Ddraig and Albion. And that leads me to today and why I called you here, I believe you have one of these Longinus class gears."
"So if I do have one of these sacred gears you speak of so highly why do you care so much?"
"We devils have a reincarnation system when I said earlier that we are all devils I should reiterate that fact. I Rias Gremory was born a devil of the House of Gremory, Akeno Koneko and Kiba were reincarnated with what we call the evil pieces." The three nod when Issei looks around confirming Rias statement all while Rias summons there pieces.
"The evil pieces are a technological marvel of our society they have been around for about 600 years but they allow the owner of the pieces to reincarnate somebody as a devil into a peerage. They were shaped into the style of a chess board One king that would be me One queen who would be Akeno 2 rooks Koneko has one 2 Knights Kiba has one of those 2 bishops and 8 pawns. Rooks are high physical strength high defense but low speed, knight's are the opposite with them having high speed but low strength and defense. Bishops have increased magical but low strength and defense and finally the queen being a mix of all 3 with none of the downsides. Pawns are the most special of the pieces as they may start off weak but they can choose to become a Rook Knight Bishop or Queen on the battlefield." explained Rias while Issei was thinking about what would happen Rias quickly interrupted his thoughts.
"Now I know what your thinking right why become a devil? One of the best parts about becoming a devil is you get to live nearly forever well we don't know how long you will live as only the eldest devils that are still alive never died to old age only they fell in combat."
"I'm gonna have to interrupt you here so why do you really want me as a member of your peerage?"
"In devil society, we have what's known as rating games. These games I plan to win and gain fame and glory. With fame and glory those who are reincarnated can climb up a ladder to the rank of High class devil, sure you start and a low-class devil then medium the finally high class but once you do work up to that rank you will be awarded evil pieces yourself and will be able to have a peerage of your own. Once you have your pieces you might even get your own harem." Rias was cut off when Issei heard harem.
"Harem you said if I become a high-class devil I can have a harem let's do this." proclaimed Issei with urgency like this was the most important thing in the world to ever happen in his life.
"Well that was easier than expected." said Rias while hearing Akeno laugh in the background Kiba sighed and Koneko didn't have a care in the world. " Are you absolutely sure about this once we do this there is no turning back?"
"Oh yeah definitely let's do this. Best case I got an ancient dragon spirit like you were talking about the worse case it's something lame. Still, the living forever sounds cool as hell."
"Very well then lay down on the floor near the door and we can do the reincarnation process." Issei followed her order and did as such while Rias grabbed her pawn pieces. She kneeled down to place a pawn on his chest but Issei said with a happy face" You know I can see up your skirt from here right?" Rias only replied "I know" Issei didn't know what to say about her blatant disregard for giving him a view to behold all he could do was smile from ear to ear and give her a thumbs up.
Once she placed one pawn on his chest a magic circle appeared under him and chanted " I Rias Gremory Order you: Hyoudou Issei you shall become my pawn and rejoice in your newfound life." after the chant was recited everybody looked at Issei only to see the sole pawn still on his chest.
" Uhh on a scale of one to ten is this a good or bad thing that this is still here?" Issei was worried as the piece was still there. "Well, that depends on your definition of bad. Don't worry tho I have a total of eight pawns but let's try two pawns this time." Rias then recites the chant again and gets the same result. " Well, your stronger than two pawns lets try 3." Another chant another failure. " With a failure of 3 pawns, you are stronger than knight who is also worth three let's try this another way. I'm going to add more pawns during the chant to see if you can get this to work." Rias starts the chant " I Rias Gremory Order you: Hyoudou Issei you shall become my pawn" during that time she adds more pawns for a total of 5 while the pawns give no reaction "and rejoice" the sixth and seventh pawn are placed and still no reaction "in your newfound life" Her eighth and final pawn flies to his chest and all eight pawns sink into him. Once the ritual was finished Rias was about to speak but was interrupted by a blinding light that surrounded Issei. " What's causing this light it's so bright!" said Rias while everybody else looked away. Once the light died down what everybody saw they were dumbstruck.
" Akeno get me that book on sacred gears NOW!" On Issei's left arm was a red gauntlet that covered his fingers up to his elbow with a green jewel on the back of his hand. Two major spikes that protrude out the back of the gauntlet on the top side of the forearm."
"You know exactly what this gauntlet is child." everybody looked in awe as they heard a voice that they had not heard from ever.
"Se-Se-Sekiryuutei" Rias Studdard in awe while everybody jaws were near the floor when they heard the booming voice.
"The one and only my name is Ddraig the Red Dragon Emperor. I was expecting my host here to unlock the gear but that final push all he needed was to become a devil, And the gauntlet is unlocked in its full form. This host does score quite well so far, tho I must go back to sleep speaking to you right after being awakened is taxing. Partner, I will speak to you later when I have more strength from my long wait."
"The fuck was that?" yell Issei in fright
"Quite obvious from the ominous and deep voice that was Ddraig the red dragon emperor that dragon I spoke about earlier and you are the holders of one of the 13 Longinus The Booster Gear." Rias explained with a slight voice of seduction "You will go far in our society with training power will come and with power will come women."
"I-I-I think I'm going to go home for today I've had enough weird shit for one day." Issei stood up and grabbed his bag and before he walked out the door.
"Oh don't forget that you're now a member of the Occult Research club and we will see you tomorrow after school." Rias said while looking to everybody else after the door closed. " So that went better than expected don't you think?" "Pervert has such a powerful gear fate must be cruel" Koneko replied with a monotone voice while looking for more candy.
"I must say having such a strong gear let along a dragon, makes me want to take him all for myself Rias." Akeno with a playful manner
"Please keep your Sadomasochistic fun off the poor kid for a while. I bet he is already freaking out internally about that fact that all the monster from legends, still tho he accepted way too easily." while Rias when back to her desk then Kiba finally had some to say about the situation.
"Unlike the rest of you who were already members of this world when I came into this world, I didn't take it too well." when Kiba made his point both Akeno and Koneko were looking down at the floor.
"Now now don't get your hopes up we just need to make sure it's not horrible for him." Rias remark tried to cheer everybody up.
"Don't you think he accepted all too easily tho? I mean sure you hooked him with the harem idea but there's no way he became a devil just on that reason." Akeno's point was on target and everybody thought about it.
"While it wouldn't be hard for Kiba to have one as all the girls flock to you, but you don't have one." Rias remake made Kiba blush "Well we have work for today plus I need to get his stuff set up for tomorrow, let's get to contracts." paper went flying everywhere after Rias finished speaking one of it contained today's contracts another were for Issei underworlds acceptance.
"Oh and Rias If you do "do that" make sure it's genuine." Akeno said while teleporting away to a contract.
~~~Issei walking home~~~
"Where is my phone?" mumbled Issei to himself while walking towards a bridge
"It's in your bag" Ddraig said in Issei head.
"Oh, right we can talk after I call my mom." Issei stopped on the bridge and reached for his phone "Let's see oh boy it's almost dead. Well, contacts list let's see "AP" "AR" "AR" Why do I have her in my phone again she's crazy. Whatever "Ath" "Bas" "Dad" No he should be home "Dem" "FRE" "GAB" "HEP" I need to talk to him later about something. "HER" "HES" oh come on "Lily" "Mom" Oh perfect. *Ring Ring Ring* "Hello" spoke his mother from the phone.
"Hello mother" he replied, "So Issei are you calling about that." she asked him. "Yes tell "Him" that it's started. I'm in like Flynn." "You just met her there are rules you can't be breaking-." she was cut off by Issei "I'm in like Flynn but not in like Flynn." he said. "Issei you're retarded. You joined here peerage right?" she asked with a strict voice. "Yes" "and you two are not having sex correct?" she continued with the questions "yes" was all he could say. "Good I will tell him that it started and he can notify everybody else. Just remember all the rules and you will be fine." " Okay" "By the way your father didn't lose his phone did he?" "No, he has it why do you ask?" "Tell him when you see him to watch his phone he will know" "Okay but that was too much information," he said with a laugh as well "It's only natural what can I say, also some of the girls are sad that your missing." " Oh I bet they are and so am I but if this works out it's gonna to be sweet. Hey, I have to go I have other things to take care of." "Talk to you later sweety." as Issei ended the call he was halfway home and he came to a bridge and noticed he crossed a magic barrier.
"Excuse me." said a mysterious voice.
"Yes, how can I help you" Issei finally saw the mysterious voice, It was a beautiful girl black hair black skirt with a red jacket and bow and a "P" emblem above her left breast.
"Please go out with me." she said while bowing
"Black hair, not bad great body another plus but those violet eyes definitely not natural almost supernatural shall we say." Issei go close to her and inspected her but backed away
"So tell me fallen you have best have a real good reason as to why a fallen angel is in Kuoh. This is devil's territory and I highly doubt Azazel sent anyone here he would have made a formal inquiry. Well, I' waiting for an answer."
" So you know about the supernatural well then killing you will be even better. I guess before killing you I could tell you my real name its Raynare and I will be the last girl you will ever meet before I kill you." the newly name Raynare said with a condescending voice while spreading her wings and jumping into the air a change of outfit was had to a leather strap like bondage suit that barely covered her lower region let alone her breasts.
"NOW DIE WEAKLING!" she gathers a spear of light in her hand but while light energy was normally white hers was a shade of purple. Once she threw it she thought her job was done.
Issei backhanded the spear and the shattered into a million little light particles.
"HOW DO YOU BREAK MY SPEAR WITH JUST YOUR BARE HANDS!" Raynare was beyond pissed at this point.
"Simple and I'm going to let you in on a little secret." Issei closed his eyes for a moment and when he reopened his pupils were not round like humans they were brown slits of a dragon, and out of his back emerged two giant wings, wings of a dragon red on the structure with a grey membrane to fill the rest of the wings out. "You know this isn't the first time I have fought a fallen angel before let alone a pure one." a deep crimson aura started to appear around Issei " You know it was quite nice of you to put up a barrier but I had to strength it." He flapped his wings one time and made a powerful gust behind him while propelling him forward and punched Raynare in the stomach while knocking many of her feathers off her wings.
"Wh-What was that hit nobody has ever hit me that hard before." she was on the ground grasping her stomach.
"I'll give you a choice fallen, You can leave this city or I can kill you and tell Azazel why I had to kill one of his girls." after the ultimatum was given he retracted his wings and close his eyes so they would return to normal.
"If I leave what will you say to your devil master?" she knew her choice but needed to cover her trail as she was now it was not in her favor.
"Oh so you have enough brain cells to know that I am a devil, well my lips are sealed Gremory will not know you were here as long as I never see you again you will live to die another day." he gave her a look that forced her choice.
"Very well I'm leaving." she said a purple magic circle appeared under her as she disappeared into nothing.
"Partner you know she not going to leave right"
"That's the plan Ddraig she plotting something I know for sure Azazel didn't send her here to kill me that's pointless so we're going to leave some clues around for Ms. Gremory to play detective and see how this plays out all while we get to play the spectator for once." with a smile on his face he punched the air breaking the flimsy barrier that was set up.
"Well, there is enough evidence between the magic residue and her feathers this should be fun." Issei left the area where the fight took place but with the breaking of the barrier members of the supernatural were alerted something happened.
"Ughhhh I have some much homework to do and it's already late." Issei said while walking in the door. After he took off his shoes he a voice.
"You back later than normal." this was Issei father Gorou Hyoudou typical worker in Japan. In the age range of the thirty to forties he looked good for his age he had the same hair and eye color as his son, unlike his mother.
"Yeah I'm home today was finally the day, she took her with the recruitment process. So from here on out no more mentions of magic or who mother is don't need to tip her off." Issei rattled off the rules like he's been down this route before.
"Yah Yah I know how this works." his father replied confirming they have done this before.
"Oh also two things most one Rias will most likely be here later tonight so don't flip out in the morning and two call mother."
"I'm assuming you spoke to her earlier." asked Gorou
"Yep, I called her to tell beard for days that its all started." Issei and his father both laughed at the beard joke.
"That's a nice beard he has time will do that unlike yours." his father laughed at him as Issei was unable to grow a beard no matter how hard he tried.
"Don't preach about it you know why I can't grow one blame mother and Ddraig." once he mentioned the dragon the boosted gear appeared on his arm.
"Don't blame me all I did was take your eyes as you requested. How was I supposed to know there was drawback considering your the first host ask for it." once he spoke his wisdom the gear disappeared.
"That still freaks me out that your arms talks you would think that over 17 years I would be used to it but, no it still will always be weird." as his father said that he went to grab his drink.
"That's nothing compared to a bath of flames and him being in your dreams when your five. Also, you married a supernatural bombshell and yet a dragon talking freaks you out?"
"To be fair I didn't who she really was until after the fact. Some things happened we went on some dates took a huge swing after about a year let the marriage proposal rip and she agreed but then I met her father and well that was an eye opener." after drinking his drink he thought about food. " What do you want to do for dinner?"
"I don't know anything sounds good but I have quite a bit of homework to do and prepare for Gremory to come over as well if the notes on her are correct. So I'm gonna head on upstairs and don't forget to call her."
"Yah yah I think I'm gonna order some Chinese I'll call you when it's here, or you will smell it or hear it you know." a small chuckle was given
~~~Back at the bridge~~~
During a contract Akeno felt a massive spike in magic power however once the contract was completed she went and investigated. What she found she was not a fan of and she immediately called Rias via a magic circle. "Rias we have a problem come to my location."
"I'm here what's the….. oh I see." she saw what Akeno was holding and was all over the floor." she was surprised to see black feathers all around. "Those aren't yours are they?" she knew she shouldn't ask but had to make sure just in case.
"No" Akeno replied with a tone of not wanting to talk about. "During my contract, I felt a huge magic spike and I just got here and saw all these filthy feathers on the floor." her voice was like venom when she spoke of the feathers.
"This is not good I knew there were some fallen angels snooping around the city but who attacked them is the better question." she started thinking about the possibilities of what could have happened before she was interrupted.
"Rias there something missing from here."
"And that would be?" Rias asked with a genuine wonder of what was missing.
"There's no blood and no stench of a corpse around here only the feathers." Akeno pointed out.
"The lack of a corpse makes sense but the fact that there is no blood is quite puzzling. Go call Sona and ask her if any of her group has had a run in with fallen angels I need to take care of our newest member."
"Very well I'll tell Kiba and Koneko that were done for the night as well." Once the work was agreed upon both of the girls teleported away for the night.
Hello everybody if your seeing this that means that this is the "Second version" of this chapter. Hopefully, I should have fixed most of the grammatical issues with the first chapter and going forward my next chapters should be fixed as well. If you see anything wrong please pm and i will have another look at it.