Hello and welcome to Who Needs Luck. I'll try not to bore you and get straight into it but I'll have some important words later in the A/N for anyone who has read my past material has wondered about that. This is just the Pilot and I'll work on something bigger later this week. I just need to limit how much I write so I don't burn myself out. Well have a nice read.
Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY.
! Bolded Exclamation marks are my line breakers.
'Italics with ' by them mean thoughts'
Bolded Italics are for godly talk.
(Underlines are for PoV's)
Bolded Italics are for dice rolls
(Jaune PoV)
The industrial district of Vale isn't the most prettiest of places. The city is quite amazing itself but the place I went to looked a bit crappy but when you want forged transcripts what are you supposed to do? I feel like trash but I have to be a hero… so my Father will be proud of me.
While walking home I slowly started to notice the world change around me. 'Why is the ground turning lighter… more white?'. After noticing the change in scenery a blasting white light comes around me. It takes a long time for the light to subside but in front of me sits a child of sorts. I could see it was male around 15 with dark brown hair and blue eyes but that's all that really stood out.
"Hello Jaune. My name is Brandon but just call me Mimic." I felt like panicking but something in my mind made me instantly calm down. It was like I was under a spell. 'Well let's way my options… I could easily run screaming but I don't want to anger whatever that child truly is. I could just try talking with it? Fuck it. It's probably a dream anyway.'
"Uhhh. Hello there Mimic my name is Jaune Arc but from seeing how you knew my name already you probably knew that… uhh. W-Well why did you bring me here?" The kid just smiles at me and stands up and starts to circle me. I would be lying if I said I wasn't just a bit scared of the 15 year old. "Well tell me Jaune. Do you like games?"
That sounded creepy as hell but I do like myself a bit of Call of Justice and Dust Fortress 2. I respond to the kid "Yeah I like a lot of videogames Dust Fortress 2 is a good example." After hearing this the kid brightens up a bit. "Well since you like videogames how do you feel of things like board game like.?"
'Well I do like chess since my sister Teal forced me to play it often. I also love playing checkers with Lily since she looks so adorable when I let her win.' "Well I do quite like chess and checkers." At this Mimic's smile dampens just a tad bit. The smile that he lost a bit regains quickly though and he says to me "Well not just chess and checkers is there anything like Dungeons and Dragons in your world?" 'D&D? Wait I think he might mean Dusts & Grimm's. Idk how he got Dungeons and Dragons from Dusts and Grimm's but whate-wait did he say "your world?".' "Well I think you mean Dusts and Grimm's but tell me what Dungeons and Dragons is just to make sure."
"Okay so D&D is a board game that one person would take around one through how many players wanted to play through a story. This story would contain 12 classes and a core of around nine races. The players would go on a quest to save the world or bring the destruction on the world depending on what the Dungeon Master has planned… any of this ringing a bell yet?" 'To think whoever created that made such a stupid name. It's literally just Dusts and Grimm's.' "Yeah it's basically the same as Dusts and Grimm's."
When I say this the kid stops circling around me and spawns a chair and a desk. He sits in the chair then spawns a chair under me and I feel compelled against my will to sit in it. I really wonder what type of power this kid wields.
"Well since you know it can you tell me what classes there are?" I smile at this since I played a bit of D&G and I respond. "There are Barbarians, Bards, Clerics, Druids, Fighters, Monks Paladins, Rangers, Rogues, Sorcerers, Warlocks and Wizards. My personal favorite was Wizard followed closely by Paladin. As much as I love using a sword shield for fighting the versatility of spell slinging is really helpful."
"Well that's good that you recognize it. So I have a proposition for you. I admit if you take it bad things will come. D&D is different from D&G because in D&D its monsters are a whole lot worse than grimm but if you do take it the worlds would merge. Slowly different races and monsters would trickle into this world but I will give you the power to stop them. I'm really doing this for entertainment but I really like you Jaune. You have so much potential… so how about you use it for something amazing?"
'What is he talking about. I get the whole D&D and D&G thing but what power would he be giving me… and do I even want to risk this world to what's in D&D?' Before I can open up my mouth about it six different dice appear in front of me. I see a d4, d6, d10, d12, d20, and finally a d100. "These will be the deciders of your fate Jaune each swipe of you sword can either have an assured miss or hit. Each thing you do has the chance to succeed or fail determined on what you roll. Your journey could end in seconds or last till the end of your time from old age. With this power you can do ANYTHING… as long as me, the DM, approves it." 'I admit I'm tempted… really tempted. With this power I may not die in Beacon. Fuck it this seems to good to pass up.'
"Mimic… I'll do it so what's next?"
He smiles at me and and 36 different statues surround us each depicting a special looking creature. Some are big and others are quite small. Some look strong while some look lanky. One is human. The rest… no so much?"
"Well tell me Jaune… ever thought of being another race?"
Disclaimer: I don't own D&D either ;P
A/N Well I hope you enjoyed the Pilot folks and I can say I'm actually looking forward to updating this and I know I say that a lot but for having risk reward random chance may just keep my interest. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this. All we have to question now is if Jaune will love long or just nat 1 instantly. I had to put the disclaimer lower so I wouldn't spoil the whole D&D thing just yet so I hope you can forgive me creators of the holy board game. Anyway I will try to work on my other stories but I'm invested in school and my weekends are getting flogged my two different D&D games. Also after this chapter I will add my own version of omake's. In this I will tell everyone that reads about what has happened in my own games. Well I hope you all enjoyed this little Pilot and I wish you luck with whatever you want to read after this BYE!
Jaune Arc
Race: Human?
EP(Who uses this?):?