Hello Everyone. There are going to be a lot of disclaimers and warnings for this story. This story contains non-graphic, and semi-graphic references to and scenes of sexual assault. I will not be including any erotic scenes of sexual violence, but there may be non-graphic sex scenes later on that are consensual. There are relationships in this story that are going to be portrayed by the main character as healthy, but they are not healthy. This story might be hard to read for someone who has experienced sexual abuse, violence, or rape.

This story is a Girl Harry story following the general canon storyline of killing Voldemort for a while (which I do not own at all); however, there will be several major changes. There in an eventual Girl! Harry/ Sirius pairing, which I am going to portray as a good thing; however, I am also very aware is not and should not be taken as an example of a healthy relationship due to the large age gap. This will be extremely gradual and will not be the centre of the story. These are your warnings, and I hope you enjoy the story. I am going for novel length, updating at least once a week. – Thank you, Meg.

Rosie Potter was late. She was late for her very first detention with Professor Lockhart, and she was going to be in so much trouble. Running along the corridor towards her new defense professor's office, she prayed that he hadn't been watching the clock. Herself, Hermione, and Ron had been helping Hagrid with some gardening after class and had lost track of time. She had just been so happy that the summer was over and that school was back in session, she'd forgot that she had been assigned detention on her second evening.

Still, It was hard for Rose to understand why she was in detention. They'd had no other choice but to fly the car. She'd had to get to Hogwarts somehow. Staying with the Dursleys any longer was just not an option. When she arrived at the door, the professor was waiting for her exactly as she had feared. However, instead of anger or impatience, he was smiling.

His smile had been strange today in class, but right now Rosie was just happy that he didn't seem cross. She was already in enough trouble with Professor McGonagall as it was. Even though Rose was headed for a long boring hour of detention, she just couldn't shake the feeling that this year would be the best year yet.

"Hello Miss Potter" The professor greeted her enthusiastically.

"Hi Sir." Rosie replied.

I'm so pleased that we`ll be spending so much time together this year." He began. "I was hoping to become a sort of mentor to you Potter."

"Yeah, great, thanks Professor. I appreciate it." Rosie tried to hide her smirk, hoping that he wouldn't catch the giggle that escaped her lips.

The detention was just as she had expected. Lockhart had her reading and replying to his fan mail. While she was working, he told her stories of his adventures, which were already detailed at length in his novels. The professor also, not entirely provoked, offered up strange personal facts about himself.

Rose learned that he loved lavender, seafood, and that he had fought a werewolf with is own two hands to save a village. She wasn't really sure if she believed him or not, because he didn't really look like the fighting type, but the stories made the time go by faster. Reaching the hour mark, she stood up hastily and turned around to say goodnight to Professor Lockhart.

An eerie calm passed over her, and Rosie began to walk towards the Gryffindor dorms. She went straight up the stairs, through the door, and bypassed Seamus on the way, ignoring his goodnight call. Rosie didn't stop walking until she was safely in her dorm. As she began to undress for bed, she noticed something strange.

Feeling around at the base of her neck where her tie usually sat, she realized that it was missing. Rose was sure that she had it on while gardening because she remembered loosening it as they worked. Chalking it up to the excitement of the second day, she slipped into her pyjamas and got into bed. Rosie could tell that it was still early, but she felt like she had to go to bed. It never passed through her mind to question it. Maybe she should have.

When Rosie awoke the next morning, it was to Hermione shaking her.

"Rose Potter, we are going to be late!" The girl shrieked.

Her friend's voice was shrill as she muddled around the room organizing her things. Rosie felt a jolt of panic before she shot out of bed, threw her long hair into a ponytail and put on her uniform. She didn't have time to search for her tie before herself and Hermione were jostling down the stairs towards the great hall.

"Rosie, where were you last night? I looked for you after detention and I couldn't find you! We were playing cards in the library for hours! I thought you were coming!" Her friend relayed.

Rosie felt surprise wash over her as she realized that she had been supposed to meet her friends in the library after detention last night. She wasn't sure what had happened.

"I'm sorry. I guess was tired from all the writing. I think I just went to bed." She mumbled sheepishly. "I'll get the next game promise!"

That morning, Rosie's first class was potions with Snape. She felt almost too confident as she strolled into the class with Ron and Hermione by her side and took her usual seat at the back. Rose wasn't scared of Snape anymore, not really anyways. She knew he didn't like her, but if there was one thing that she was good at, it was ignoring bullies. Snape did his usual attendance ritual, lingering on her name, but he moved on quickly to the rest of the class.

Rosie spent most of the lecture lost in space, her mind in the sky as she daydreamed about the first quidditch practice that would be held over the weekend and passed doodles with Ron. When class ended and before Rosie could make her escape, Snape turned towards her with a sneer.

"Miss Potter, this is your second day of classes and already you feel it appropriate to violate the dress code? Where is your tie?"

"I don't know sir" She responded, twitching uncomfortably.

"Don't tell me you misplaced it making your… grand entrance this year." He drawled.

Rosie wasn't really sure how to respond, she didn't want to start a fight with Snape in her first potions class of the year. She just looked up at him and shrugged.

"I'll try to find it sir." Rosie tried calmly. He appraised her.

"See that you do." The potions master responded back, his eyes gleaning in the dim light of the dungeon.

The rest of her classes were as usual. Nobody else noticed that her tie was missing, and Professor Flitwick taught them a charm to disguise your voice. Ron had been acting like a buffoon using the new charm at lunch. He left both herself and Hermione crying with laughter. Despite her impending detention with Lockhart that night, Rosie felt in good spirits.

She would go to Hagrid's for tea the next day and help him with gardening again so that she could retrieve her tie and she only had three more months of her two-night a week detention to go. Before she set off for the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, Rose stopped to give Ron her DADA notes from last year so that he could pass them along to his sister Ginny.

Ginny was a first year and very eager to please. She`d said that she would meet Ginny after detention in the library, and headed up the stairs where Lockhart's office was located. When Rosie entered the office this time, the lights were dimmer and she wondered how they would be able to see the papers.

Professor Lockhart was standing at the far corner of the room and he motioned for Rosie to take a seat. He was smiling in the same way that he had yesterday and he seemed pleased to see her.

"Hello Potter, so lovely to see you today." The man greeted her.

"Hi Professor, nice to see you too." She replied.

"My dear, I think yesterday's detention was punishment enough, what do you say we just sit here and chat for an hour today?"

The way that Professor Lockhart said the word 'chat' made Rosie a little confused, or maybe uneasy. She wasn't sure why her punishment was finished already, but she would take listening to stories over reading fan mail any day. He proceeded to talk for an hour about one of his books, but Rosie couldn't quite remember which book, or what it had been about. Before she knew it, she was back in her dorm.

Rose couldn't remember exactly how she had gotten back to her dorm. Why couldn't she remember?

Rosie stared off in a daze for a number of minutes, she wasn't sure how many, and then realized with a start that she had promised to meet Ginny. She was already five minutes late and she took off running towards the library.

Rose knew how important it was for Ginny to succeed at Hogwarts, she really had wanted to help the girl. When she arrived, Ginny was already there, sitting nervously in an oversized stuffed chair with her hand on her lap. She had Rosie's notes splayed out in front of her, and her soft eyes perked up as soon as Rosie walked in through the entryway.

"Hi Rose!" Ginny beamed.

"Hi Ginny, how's the studying going?" She asked, eying the notes.

"Um, well, I think it's good! But maybe you can look it over for me?" The girl replied.

"Yeah no problem…" Rosie was just about to ask Ginny where she had left off in the reading when the girl shot her a strange glance.

"Is everything alright Ginny?" Rosie asked, wondering if maybe she didn't understand something.

"Yeah, sorry, just… did you know that your sweater is on backwards Rose?" Ginny whispered quietly, embarrassed that she was even mentioning it.

Rosie`s face flushed. What did Ginny mean her sweater was on backwards? Sure enough, she looked down and noted that the high back of the sweater was up by her throat while the slight V-neck dipped down her back.

Rosie felt a sudden wave of embarrassment. She couldn't believe she just spent an hour in detention with her shirt on backwards in front of her professor. He must think that she was and idiot. Red faced, Rosie pulled the sweater over her head and switched it around, thanking Ginny and then turning back to the notes.

The weekend came slowly but when it did come, it proved to be one of the best she had ever spent at Hogwarts. She and Ron spent Saturday taking turns on her nimbus while Hermione sat below them studying.

They had brought their lunches out to the lake and sat underneath a tree. Everyone was happy. Rosie thought that maybe this year would be a nice break from the chaos of the previous one, and she was so excited to spend it with her first friends in the most magical place on earth.

Halloween came quickly as it always did at Hogwarts. The leaves changed colors, and the air grew chilly. The high hopes from earlier on in the term were beginning to lesson and Rosie was starting to feel the strain of the school year. There was something different about this year for her.

She wasn't sure if the classes were more difficult or the extra detentions were getting to her but she had been feeling so tired. Most days, she felt like she was a walking zombie. Rose was nervous that the whole school year would continue this way. Ron and Hermione were acting differently around her. Rosie knew that she had been kind of avoiding them for a while, but it was only because she was so exhausted.

She took every moment that she could to take a nap, or to curl up somewhere and rest. Lately, she had been going to bed earlier, especially on the nights of her detentions with Lockhart. He had started keeping her late, and she usually just went straight from his office to bed once the detention has finished. The detentions were...strange. They hardly ever did any work anymore.

Rosie would just sit there and listen to the Professor talk. It felt just like another one of her lessons. The strangest thing though, was that it only felt like she had been there for a few minutes every evening and then she would get up and go straight to her dorm. Rose was unusually careless before and after detention.

She would forget to tuck her shirt into her skirt or put her skirt on sideways. Sometimes, she would leave with her hair dishevelled and she didn't understand how it had gotten that way. Once she even removed her tights after detention and realized that she had forgotten to put on underwear that day. Rosie felt like she was losing it.

The forgetfulness wasn't the only product of Rosie's exhaustion. She was also hearing voices. She hadn't admitted that part to anyone yet. Really, Rose had only heard one voice, and it was just two times. However, the voice that she was hearing was disturbing. It sounded violent. It was slimy and soft and it made her shiver as though it were right next to her or over her shoulder.

Rosie wasn't the only one that had fallen behind in the excitement of the new year. Ginny, Ron's little sister, had been beating Rosie to her hide out spots lately. She saw that girl sleeping more often than awake and she was getting concerned that maybe something was wrong with her. She had been meaning to talk to Ron about it. Boys never notice anything, so she wanted to make sure he knew.

Rosie was just leaving her detention with Lockhart and was on her way to the great hall for the Halloween feast when she heard a soft whisper coming in through the walls. She felt the hairs on her arms flutter and goose pimples popped up all over her arms. She could hear that same voice whispering,

"Rip… tear… kill…" and it frightened her, so she began to run away.

Rosie sprinted up as many flights of stairs as she could and turned a corner. There, hung from the ceiling and frozen solid, was Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris. She was dead and right above her body, written in blood, were the words,


She was just about to scream, when to her right, Professors Snape, McGonagall, and Argus Filch himself came rushing around the corner and stopped, frozen in time as they observed the scene before them.