I was so pleased with the immediate response from Chapter 16! Thank you so much for reviewing and reviewing so kindly. Please, continue reading and enjoy my little brainchild. It's taken a long time, but I've finally gotten past the hospitals and people dying and the Other World, so I hope that it takes an upward slide for our characters now.

Chapter 17

Two weeks later

"But Trunks, I don't see why I need to go to therapy! I feel fine, and I'm content with what you told me. Why do I need to regain my memories?" Pan looked up at Trunks with disgust in her eyes, being lifted in his arms to fly to her therapist's office.

"Oh, Pan, we've had this discussion before." Trunks sighed, sad to have to explain this to her again. "You need to regain your memories because only you know what really happened between you and Uub. Listen to me. If I had my way, you wouldn't have to go through this. This is my mother's doing entirely. Now let's get going." He gently took off from the earth with barely a bump, but still Pan cried out as if it was a punch. "Oh, Pan, are you okay???"

"I'm fine, now let me fly!" She reached up and tried to punch her brother in the face, trying to make him let go of her. Unfortunately, she was so weak that he didn't even flinch.

"Pan, come on, girl. You know how it is. You've got to stop trying to punch things! You'll really damage your hands!" He stopped in midair and held her by her shoulders. "There is no way I'm going to let you..." His breath caught in his chest at the sight of her, slightly windblown with fire dancing in her deep brown eyes. Her mouth was moving in such a cute way, if only he could just lean down and kiss her...

"HELLO? Trunks, what are you doing???" Pan cried out as his grip loosened on her shoulders. She tried to catch herself, but she felt like she was slipping. "TRUNKS!" she screamed, hoping that her older brother would wake up and save them both.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Pan, I was just thinking about something else." Trunks lifted her back into his arms like a baby and started flying across the city. "Now anyway, after the therapy session today, what do you want to do? I'll take you out to lunch, my treat."

A gleeful smile spread across Pan's lips as she questioned, "Anywhere I want to go?"

Trunks looked down on her and sighed, knowing what he was signing himself up for, and still he said, "Yes, anywhere you could hope." Pan giggled with excitement for the rest of the short flight to her therapist's, a slight hinderance in her good mood.

"Now Pan, how does that make you feel?" her therapist asked. Pan rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair with a sigh. This abominable old woman, her therapist, Dr. Day, was supposed to help her remember what had happened to her. Instead of trying to help Pan overcome her partial amnesia, this woman asked her stupid questions that led nowhere.

"I told you, Dr. Day, that I feel good when I hang out with my family." Pan sat in silence for a while, listening to Dr. Day talk about what this bit of information could mean. She pondered on her life for the last couple of weeks and how different it was to the way she had been living. Trunks rarely left her side, even calling in sick to work when he discovered she wasn't going to school. Bulma treated her like she was glass, freaking out even when she only bumped into furniture. Now, admittedly, Pan did bruise very easily since this was the first that she was up and about for a very long time, but still! She wasn't a porcelain doll! Pan looked down at her hands, observing how they moved. When she had first reawoken, her muscles had dwindled to nothing and it was an effort to move even a little bit. Thankfully because of her Saiyan blood, she had recovered quickly, gaining a bit more strength every day. Unfortunately, her hands had not fared as well as the rest of her body. They had literally no muscle in them when Pan had woken up, so she could barely move them. She could no longer write, and even punching was out of the question. She had begun to wear gloves so that no one would notice her hands. Today she had on a silk pair, but she had gloves for every occasion. She didn't know what she was going to do with all the spare time, but she hoped that Trunks would help her occupy it. He always seemed to be around when she needed him these days, as if something had happened when he wasn't where he needed to be. All he had told her about that terrible night was that it was the worst experience she had ever gone through, that she had been brutally beaten by someone, and that she had somehow gotten hurt even worse than that. She didn't speak with any physicians, but Bulma thought that it was time that she regain her memories. Now that she was strong enough to stand on her own for a few minutes, she got to have a walker instead of having Trunks push her constantly in a wheelchair. Just when I had a little independence, she thought, she takes it away from me by making me come here everyday! Trunks seemed against her coming here as well, but she didn't understand why. Oh well, maybe one day he'll tell me.

"Okay Pan, our time is up, I'll go call the young gentleman who brought you to come and assist you out." Dr. Day rose carefully from her seat, breathing out as if it was more physical exersion than she was accustomed to. She stalked over to the door and opened it, calling, "Mr. Briefs? You can come help Pan now if you would like."

Immediately Trunks was there. Dr. Day left the room to get something and Trunks raced in to try and help Pan. He ran over to her chair and questioned, "Is there anything at all I can get you, sweetheart?"

"No, no, just help me up, okay? I need to get going if I'm going to make my date!" Pan looked up into his eyes and giggled, not understanding the pain that she laid on her brother's heart with those simple words. She began to walk towards the door with Trunks following a few steps behind her.

"You have a date, Pan? Okay..." Trunks turned a beet red, dropped his eyes from Pan's face, and looked as if he was about to cry. "Where did you need me to drop you off? Don't worry, I won't embarrass you..." Trunks fell silent. He knew that this must be one special guy so he shouldn't worry about her, but she hand only been back for two weeks and ...

Pan interrupted his train of thought with, "Come on, silly, it's with you! Don't you remember telling me that we could have lunch anywhere we wanted? I just decided that I would put a title on it, that's all." Pan smiled at him, her eyes sparkling with merriment, while Trunks' face lost all trace of sadness and he began to smile right back at her. He lifted her into his arms since they had reached the door of Dr. Day's office, popped the walker back into his capsules, and started off into the sky.

End Chapter 17

Well, thank you for your immediate response the Chapter 16. I'm glad that so many people were still waiting to hear from me and still enjoyed the story. I hope this one is good too, so that I might rope in some more new readers.

Sabella Pan: Thank you so much for continuing reading and updating! I hope you like the drama I have planned for upcoming episodes!

Trupan: I did! Thanks for the review.



PS: Happy New Year!