
It was all she had left. Sitting beside his hospital bed.

Hope he would open his eyes, that he would recognize her.

Hope he was even still in there, that he wasn't a burned out shell.

She held his hand in hers, could feel his pulse, could see his chest rise and fall. Physically he had been cleared weeks ago. He had yet to wake.

Every morning found her here. Too afraid to leave she slept on a transfigured sofa. Someone brought her meals. The healers had wanted to transfer him, give up. She'd fought, spent her own gold on a private room. The steady stream of visitors had stopped. The reporters had stopped. Other than the healers and him, she hadn't seen another person for nearly four days.

Even her friends had given up on her. There were no clocks in the room. She'd had them removed.

"Good morning." She watched another healer enter the room. She'd had hoped it would have been one of her so called friends.

"No change?"

"None," she answered watching the healer run the usual tests. "Anything?" she asked hopefully. Hope. It was all she had left now. The healer only shook his head.

"I can't give up on him, not now."

"It is unlikely he'll ever wake. It is a miracle he even survived. Are you sure you do not wish to move him to the permanent spell damage ward?"

"No." She had this same conversation every Sunday. Four weeks and nothing changed. The healer left. She knew he thought she was losing her mind, thought her mad.

"I won't give up on you, I promise," she whispered kissing him softly on the forehead.

Three days later.

Neville peeked into the room. She had finally fallen asleep. Wordlessly he motioned to Harry, who in turned motioned to Ron.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"She hasn't left this room in a month. It can't be healthy for her.:

"She doesn't want to leave him. The healers are starting to worry."

"I think it's sweet, although a little extreme. I don't think this is a good idea."

"Wait, what are you doing here, Ginny."

"She's my friend too." The boys shrugged, none of them really wanting to argue with Ginny, who had a habit of hexing people who pissed her off.

"Hello?" The trio, plus Ginny, looked at their target. While they were trying to not argue with Ginny, she had woken.

"Harry, Ron, Neville, what a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting visitors today."

"It's really not a social call," Ron started. Harry hushed him quickly.

"They were planning to apparate you out to lunch. I think they're trying to stage an intervention," Ginny stated glaring at her brother and boyfriend. Neville at least looked ashamed. "I'm sorry I couldn't visit, we had three away games in a row and after the second one, I'm not sure I could have appareted out of a paper bag."

Her eyes narrowed.

"Nice to see you Ginny. I'm glad you're back in town." She turned her attention to the boys. "You were going to take me, without my permission, who knows where? What if he woke up while I was gone?" She asked tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't believe them. She had thought they were her friends.

"He's never going to wake up. You need to get on with your life. Look at yourself, you're wasting away."

"I am perfectly fine and move? Are you a qualified healer, Ron Weasley?" Ginny watched her tear into her brother. She almost felt sorry for Ron, almost.

"No?" Ron managed to squeak.

"Then keep your uneducated statements to yourself," she raised her wand to hex him.

"Oh, am I late? I didn't know there was going to be a party?" Ron turned blinking in disbelief.

"And who invited Lovegood?"

"I live here! And all the yelling attracted me attention."

"Luna works for St. Mungos as a consultant on xenozoology. Everyone knows that," Ginny said shaking her head. "She just got back from an expedition to South America to collect venom from some new species of coatl." Ron stated at his sister with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor for sheer ignorance," a dry voice announced. All eyes turned to the bed. After a month and three days exactly, Professor Severus Snape had awoken from his coma. A flood of healers entered the room sending Ron, Harry, and Neville back into the hallway. Ginny followed to continue yelling at her brother. Luna stayed with Hermione.

"You never stopped believing."

"No, I knew he would come back to me," she whispered squeezing Severus' hand. He squeezed hers back while allowing the healers to work. "Thank you for your support, Luna."

"You're welcome. I should get back to work, I'll stop by later." Hermione smiled and nodded.

A/N: I do not own anything. This idea popped into my head one morning and refused to leave. I am not sure if this will be anymore than a one shot. Thank you for reading.