In light of the recent war where the Dark Lord was finally defeated by none other than Mr Harry Potter, the wizarding world found itself in a state of panic. With the Ministry of Magic scrambling to repair the damages to not only Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry but to also Diagon Alley and houses etc they have now found evidence of declining birth rates of witches and wizards.
There is impending rumours that the Ministry have now begun to converse about reinstating the Marriage Law, in which they marry off a suited Witch and Wizard between the ages of 17-35 who are most likely to birth magical children. However, these so called rumours have not yet been confirmed by a member of the Ministry or the Minister himself, Kingsley Shacklebolt.
We will update you with more news when it has become available.
Molly Weasley read and re-read the small article in the Prophet but no matter how many times she continued reading the same paragraph over, the words would not change, declining birth rates were to be expected with so many untimely deaths during the War, but it hadn't seemed that bad that the Ministry need to reinstate the Marriage Law. She slipped her reading glasses off and looked at her dear husband who was pale in the face.
"Any word Arthur?" She asked quietly, her voice far too calm for such a situation
Arthur nodded and took his hat off, wringing it tightly in his hands. "Yes, Kingsley has decided that the best way for the Wizarding world to reform is to reinstate the Marriage law. It was a tough decision,'s for the best Molly"
"For the best?! Arthur, our boys are barely men, and Ginny! She's only finished her seventh year, you can't expect her to marry. She's far too young" Tears sprung into Molly's eyes as she envisioned her daughter in a beautiful gown marrying a faceless strange who may as well be a prisoner from Azkaban.
"Look, Molly, I understand that your frightened –" Molly cut him off
"Frightened?! Arthur, I am terrified! No one should be forced to marry this young, for the good of the Wizarding world or not. And poor Harry and Hermione, what are they going to do? Just as they thought they could finally live a normal life" Molly sighed and went over to the kitchen sink to stare out the window.
Molly Weasley just hoped that whatever came of this marriage law, it would be for the good. God knows those children don't need any more trouble in their lives.
"Very well, we may floo everyone and tell them to arrive. I think it'd be better to tell them in person before the Prophet finds out"
"Yes dear"