I'm back everyone! I hope this little taste will keep your interest as we explore the different traumas each character has been through, and if they'll be able to heal.

Enjoy! And please read and review!

"You did it Gadget," Keelie grinned. She hurried towards him and put her arms around his neck, capturing his mouth with hers.

Infinite was gone, and Eggman was defeated once again. The war was finally over. Although it took longer than it usually did to stop the doctor. Sonic's capture put them behind.

Sonic grinned at the red wolf and gave a thumbs up, "good job buddy."

Gadget just smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"Papa!" Kinnley exclaimed while running towards his father. He grabbed him in a hug. He'd been so worried. He couldn't lose his father too.

Ace stood nearby, holding Fortune's hand. Since Reagan and Aurora's death, he'd took it upon himself to protect his little brother. He knew Kinnley could take care of himself. He was so level headed, and always thought things through. Better than him, he hated to admit.

At that moment, an explosion sounded from the base. Shadow's head whipped around. His mouth formed a smirk.

Jay glanced over at him, "I know that look Shadow." Jay had grown more serious during the war. It had hardened him. "We search the place?"

"We search the place."

The two dark furred males made their way through the burned bits of metal and the broken wires. Careful not to touch the ends that were sparking electricity.

The base had lost power, so all the main lights were out. The only light was the red warning lights blinking on the control panels. Jay's gold eyes glowed softly in the dim light.

As they rounded a corner, Jay's boot stepped in a pool of liquid. The jackal lifted his foot and sniffed at it. It was blood.

He looked down to see a dark figure laying on the ground. His eyes widened as the red light illuminated Infinite's mask. "Shadow," he said while reaching for his friend.

The black and red hedgehog turned around. Infinite's battered body was laying there. The silver mask's nose was pointed to the ceiling, as Infinite was on his back.

The only sign he was still alive was the rise and fall of his chest, which had a gaping hole in it where the ruby once was.

Red eyes narrowed and Shadow put his foot on top of the wound. Infinite gasped and his back arched as he tried to sit up. His mask fell, as it wasn't fastened.

Jay was in shock. It was Finn. His brother's blue and gold eyes were brimmed with tears from the pain he was in.

Shadow's hand held a chaos spear. Yellow energy sparked from his fingertips.

"G-Go ahead," Infinite slurred, "kill me. Run me through." He didn't see Jay, his vision was so blurry all he could see was blobs of color.

"No!" Jay shouted, grabbing Shadow's arm. He swallowed and licked his lips. "I know he doesn't deserve to live after all he's done. But he's my brother."

Shadow pursed his lips, this was the one they'd been searching for. He was Infinite all this time. He glanced at Jay, his friend's gold eyes were pleading with him. He hadn't seen Jay so vulnerable in a long time.

Heaving a sigh, he let the energy dissipate. When he removed his foot from Infinite's chest the jackal gasped for air and collapsed back on the ground. He curled up in a ball, whimpering in pain. He clutched the mask to his chest, as if it would save him.

The dark hedgehog bent down, and scooped the wounded jackal up. "Let's go," he muttered.

As they walked, Infinite rested his head against Shadow's chest. He mumbled incoherently while gripping his mask to his chest.

"You know this will be difficult to explain to the others," Shadow remarked as they reached the group.

Jay nodded and took a deep breath.

"You can't be serious!" Keelie screeched, "why would you save Infinite?! He killed my babies!"

"She's got a point Shads," Sonic said while folding his arms.

Shadow sighed, "Look, I don't like this any more than you do, but Jay said this is his brother."

At that moment, Infinite shifted in his arms. The jackals gasped when they saw his face, it was Finn. Their leader, their brother, their friend.

Keelie felt tears brim her eyes. It couldn't be her brother. The one she looked up to. Who took care of her when she needed him. She thought about the times when her parents were too busy for her. She and Finn would spend time together. Sometimes she felt no one understood her except for Finn.

Before she knew it, she was sobbing. Gadget held her to his chest. He softly smoothed her mane.

Fortune let go of Ace's hand and ran to his mama. The young pup flung his arms around her legs and hugged her. He wanted to let her know that he loved her, and didn't want her to be sad, and that Reagan and Aurora wouldn't have either. But he didn't know how. He couldn't speak and tell her.

Most of the time it didn't bother him, not talking, but at times like these, it frustrated him. His mama didn't seem to notice him. He wanted her to feel better.

He reached up and tugged on her shirt, trying to get her attention. "Not now Fortune," Gadget said lightly, "mama is upset, she'll hold you later."

Fortune glared. That wasn't what he wanted. His papa should have known that. He was trying to help.

Reaching up again, he tugged on her shirt once more. "Fortune," his father's scold was more stern.

The young pup felt frustration bubbling up in his chest. No one was understanding what he wanted. Fortune pulled on his mama's shirt again.

"That's enough," Gadget snapped. "Ace, come get your brother." He was irritated with Fortune.

When Ace picked him up, Fortune squirmed and struggled to get away. His mama needed him. Didn't everyone see she was upset? Didn't they care? He turned to look at Ace. Surely he would understand. But Ace didn't put him down.

Tears rolled down Fortune's face. No one was listening to him. No one cared.

It wasn't long till Keelie came over and scooped him up in her arms. He hugged her tightly.

Gadget frowned. Keelie always let Fortune have his way.

"Come on," Rouge said, "let's get back to the resistance."