The episode begins where it left off as Etsuko has gained Genkaku Suna against Drago. The two stand in silence as Drago looks in amazement

Drago(Yokushin): "After waiting for this long, you've finally obtained your true potential." He readies himself "Now I can have a true battle."

Etsuko stands in silence before disappearing to the shock of Drago. He appears behind Drago as the two clash fist, causing cracks around the area. Drago goes for a punch with Etsuko in slow motion dodging the attack to do a one-inch punch, sending Drago flying away with Etsuko flying towards him. Drago regains his balance as two clash in the sky. The two summon their weapons as each inserts their crystal into them. Greed Slash~! Suna Rise~! The weapon shout as two rush at each other to clash weapons. Drago seems to struggle while Etsuko doesn't react. Etsuko wins the clash, breaking off one of Drago's arm armor pieces. Drago comes rushing back in with Etsuko reverse roundhouse kicking Drago's leg armor pieces. Etsuko repeats his henshin process as Drago rises into the air replacing his broken armor with his monster form Suna GigaBreak~! Yokushin Break~! The two collide kicks. Sand flies behind Drago, pushing him more to Etsuko as white surrounds the area. Drago slowly smiles as he releases his kick, leaving Etsuko surprised as he kicks Drago, causing a giant explosion to happen. Drago body slides to the fountain, having his armor crack off with Etsuko descending from the sky

Etsuko(Genkaku): "You… wanted me to win."

Drago: "I'm… surprised it took you this long… to figure out."

Etsuko(Genkaku): "Why?"

Drago: "Mirago made me a side of myself I never thought I had, Symphony for others beyond my greed. When "she" shown me Scale, she was the love of my life but she was just a figment of Mirago's magic. She returned my greed but some of who I was before. With every battle, that part of me kept growing to a point where seeing you, a reflection of what could have been, it made me want to see how far you go."

Etsuko(Genkaku): "You took my sister, my family and friends, just so you could TEST ME?"

Drago: "I'll admit, some of my greed wanted to see more. I know that no matter what, you won't forgive my actions but it was the only way to save the city and hopefully the earth. As I've said, Dreams continue to get stronger as the years go on. Ork will overgrow to a point where they'll overtake humanity."

Etsuko(Genkaku): "There has to be a way… I DIDN'T FIGHT FOR THE WORLD TO BE THIS WAY!" He reacts in anger as he notices an Ork walking limping towards them "I thought you said none of the Ork would be able to get here

Drago: "It… shouldn't have been able to… unless?"

Etsuko(Genkaku): "Unless what?"

Drago: "Their starting to evolve…"

Etsuko(Genkaku): "Evolve?"

Drago: "My power is beginning to fade, the barrier around here must not be as powerful as I can make it. This is mostly what I was warning about. They soon scatter across the world to multiple."

Etsuko(Genkaku): "I have to do something!"

Drago: "Even if you take them all out, they'll keep coming back. Dreams never die, even with people who've lost that."

Etsuko(Genkaku): "There has to be something! I NEED to do something!" His mind scatters for ideas before remembering something. He pulls out the hope crystal shard "Could… this work?"

Drago: "That managed to escape?"

Etsuko(Genkaku): "TELL ME THIS WILL WORK"

Drago: "Even as strong as you are now, you can't force the crystal to work."

Etsuko(Genkaku): "I'LL MAKE IT WORK! I'LL FIND… a solution…" He undoes his transformation "I failed…" A tear falls down Etsuko's face into the Suna Crystal "Ninego entrusted his spirit and I COULDN'T EVEN SOLVE THE PROBLEM." Drago stares at the fallen Etsuko with dismay. With the last of his strength, Drago limps to Etsuko, taking the shard "What are you doing?"

Drago: He inserts the crystal into his chest "The Hope Crystal only activates at the person's worst situation. I'm not surviving after this. If this works, It will turn into a crystal that will grant you a wish."

Etsuko: "...How much of chance will this have?"

Drago: "Turning it into a crystal will have a better chance. It working is a different story."

Etsuko: "Drago?"

Drago: "Yeah?"

Etsuko: "I'm sure Scale would be happy to see you again."

Drago: "I hope so… forgiveness is something I don't want but rather, I want to do something I know is right…" Drago starts to fade as the crystal starts to shake before forming into a crystal

Etsuko: "He transforms into Suna and picks up the crystal "A single wish, I know what I have to do." He flies into the air as he inserts the crystal into the driver "Throughout this journey, the only thing I wanted to do was make people happy, to not have them go through the same pain I had to. If I'm going to keep that resolve, my power has to go with it." It pans to Etsuko rising all of the crystals and forming a circle around the city. He puts his hands together "I'll bring a brighter future…"

The area flashes white, eclipsing the Orks and Etsuko in it. It starts to become less bright as the crystals slowly ascend, breaking and forming into Humans. A montage of humans being free, one with Hido and Diten waking up and hugging each other in excitement. Kimido waking up, seemingly looking around like it was a dream. Sango and Akira wake up in the middle of the street as Akira looks to the sky to see a golden figure. Rango wakes up to see himself alone on the top of a building to only see Kira waiting for him to wake up. It ends with Yoshiro rushing up from the ground to see the sky

Yoshiro: He smiles heavily "I knew he would be able to do it." Etsuko slowly ascends down as his form disappears. His hair turning parts of his black hair to white. He walks to Yoshiro only to almost fall but be saved by Yoshiro "Well someone got a redo while I was gone. What happened?"

Etsuko: "Drago helped me…"

Yoshiro: "He did?"

Etsuko: "Beyond the greed that surrounded his heart, the part that Mirago unlocked shined through. The crystal he made from the Hope Shard gave me a wish to fix things."

Yoshiro: "So… does that mean?"

Etsuko: "He won the war…" He laughs heavily as tears rolled down his face "We finally won!" Yoshiro starts to giggles as the two share a laugh as it pans to the sky

Auzora ni Naru begins to play

A month has passed since the final battle. The scene changes to Hido's Cafe now getting the sign replaced as it cuts to inside the building with Yoshiro rushing out as he carries Kimido to the car. Diten and Hido look in confusion before noticing the date. The two quickly rise from their seats and get inside Hido car. It changes to Kira teaching Kira painting with Akira and Sango have tea

Akira: "Kira! Aren't we supposed to be somewhere?"

Kira: "I don't think so…" He looks to date "We gotta go, NOW!"

Rango: "Why?"

Kira: "The Baby!"

All: "The baby?!"

They all rush into Akira's car and drive off as it changes to the hospital. The others rush in as they see Yoshiro walking back and forth outside

Sango: "Are you doing okay Yoshiro?"

Yoshiro: "I think I am. I'm nervous about being a father now that it's happening."

Hido: "Oh nonsense, you'll be a great father!"

Yoshiro: "You think so?"

Hido: "I know so"

A doctor walks out, revealing Doctor Nai

Doctor Nai: "You can be with her during the pregnancy if that's okay with you ."

Yoshiro walks in to see Kimido smiling to see him. The others wait outside to hear yelling

Rango: "Is this what birth does to humans?"

Kira: "Yes and it is scary."


Kira: "Very scary."

The scene changes to everyone outside waiting until Doctor Nai comes out as they all jump

Doctor Nai: "You guys can come in… new life has been born." She says with a bright smile as it changes to the room with Kimido holding the baby

Yoshiro: "He's beautiful…" He says with tears of joy "He has your eyes…"

Doctor Jiro: "What are you gonna name him?"

Kimido: "I think the other doctor should tell them…you can reveal your face Etsuko." A doctor sitting on a chair next to the gloves pulls off his mask to reveal Etsuko

Etsuko: "His name is Ayumu."

Akira: "Why Ayumu?"

Yoshiro: "It means Dream. It came to me when Etsuko helped me out with a name."

Etsuko: "What can I say? I have a gift in some things."

The scene changes to outside in the sunset as Etsuko walks to his bike and turns to see Yoshiro and Kira walk up to him

Kira: "You didn't think you would be able to leave without saying goodbye did you?"

Etsuko: "I guess not" He puts his fist up with Kira returning the favor

Yoshiro: "So you're really leaving now?"

Etsuko: "I never said I changed my mind about traveling, I feel I can be more to others if I go around the world. Dreams will continue to exist and as Mirago said, they'll revive in however long that will be." He reaches into his pocket to pull out three crystals for each of the two "Your powers aren't gone, so we'll be prepared."

Kira: "The planning type is not something I would think when I see Kaido Etsuko."

Etsuko: "I guess being around you guys taught me to be more careful."

Yoshiro: He hands Etsuko a piece of paper "Consider this a little piece of us to say we'll always be with you."

Etsuko: He opens the paper to see the signatures of everyone signing Good Luck. He smiles heavily "You're gonna make me cry." The three laugh "I'll be off. I don't know when I'll return but probably won't be for long. Bye guys." He revs his bike before riding off

?: "So when are you going to tell them about me?"

Etsuko: "Ninego, you literally could have talked throughout that entire conversation."

Ninego: "I wanted to be a surprise."

Etsuko: "When did you get this kind of pride?"

Ninego: "In remembrance of an old friend, you could say. So, where is our first visit?"

Etsuko: "No idea really. Just letting the wind take me somewhere." A scream is heard by the two close by

Ninego: "The journey of a hero never ends."

Etsuko: His driver forms around him "I don't want it to end. If it means helping out, why stop!"

He pulls out his crystal as it stops at a sign with Etsuko's bike moving away

Thanks for Reading Over the Year

A book opens with a mysterious man in green behind clock is shown

?: As it is written in this book, average high schooler Tokiwa Sougo embarks on a path which leads him to become the overlord of time, Oma Zi-O. The battle between Geiz Revive and my Overlord seems to have settled down after defeating Kakogawa Hiryu, Another Zi-O. Dreams are what makes us continue our path and soon…" A man is seen fixing someone's bike with a silver jacket with a crescent moon on the back "My Overlord will meet the Illusion Rider himself, Genkaku." The man is revealed to be Etsuko smiling at the sky