Ninego: "Many years throughout time, Dreams have been apart of society. The Aspirations of achieving a person goals completes the hearts of many.

Spirits of these dreams called Orks also have these aspirations of there own but for selfish gains. D...Drago is the worst case of this worse."

A man wakes up smelling the scent of breakfast. Quickly getting dressed, his phone rings with the man looking still tired.

Man on the phone: "Hey Etsuko! Are you awake yet man? You're almost gonna be late if you don't get up!"

Etsuko: "I'm sorry Yoshiro, some of don't have coffee on standby 24/7!"

Silence struck until the two started to laugh with tears in their eyes.

Etsuko: "I'm on my way down."

As he says trying to button up his shirt and trying to hang up the phone

A young girl: "Ichigo, you better eat fast! Your gonna be late to work."

Etsuko: "Why didn't you wake me earlier? You do this everytime Luna."

Luna: "I know, I just think it's funnier to see you struggle to get ready!"

As she gives him his lunch and kisses him on the cheek

Etsuko: As he smiles, he puts his hand on her head and rustled it around "Thanks for the breakfast little sis."

He runs out and gets in the car with Yoshiro putting on his seatbelt and riding off and as it goes off, a black cat comes behind a wall and runs toward the car
The scene changes to an abandoned building with a man in red seen smiling to himself

Man in Red: "Dreams crashing onto each other, Aspirations of Sucess crumbing into dust, these things fill me with such delight!"

A woman walks in, covered in shadow with a straight face

A woman in Blue: "Boss, Do you want me to send out an Ork out into the city?"

The man quickly turns around and before she notices, he's standing right in front of her
Man in Red: "Do as you please and by the way Sango, call me Drago."

The scenes changes to Etsuko getting out of Yoshiro's car
Yoshiro: "Alright have a good day at work!"

Etsuko: "You too bud!"

As Yoshiro drives off and Etsuko enters the building, The black cat stares at him
A man walks toward Etsuko with a calm but angered face

Man in Construction Suit: "Hey Etsuko, this is your fourth time being late, you're not feeling well or something?"

Etsuko: "No Boss, I just slept through my alarm again."

Boss:" Etsuko, you don't want you're paid to get decreased right?" he says with a calm voice but stressed position

Etsuko: "No Boss, I'll make sure to wake up on time!"

Boss: "Alright Etsuko, your one of my most creative and best construction workers, I don't want to lose you. He turns and yells to the other workers ALRIGHT BOYS LET'S GET TO WORK!"

With Etsuko looking very worried, it cuts to him in a cafe where Yoshiro is taking his order

Etsuko: "and then he says if I'm late again, he'll dock my pay"

Yoshiro: "Yeah and I agree with him b/c you're making me late to my job as well"

Etsuko: He looks with a confusing look "This is your part-time job b/c your detective business isn't going well and being an Archaeologist became a hobby"

Yoshiro: His eyes widened "HEY!"

A customer yells at Yoshiro for his order and Yoshiro angrily gives Etsuko his milk and goes with Etsuko laughing

A Man with a Violin: Get's done playing his music "Thank you so much for your attention!" As he walks towards where Yoshiro is, he slowly takes 20 dollars from a man and points to the man Yoshiro just served and the fight goes outside the Cafe, Man is walking out of a building with a depressed look and goes to a bench to bow his head in sorrow as something was watching and coming closer.

As Etsuko leaves the cafe to go back to work, A monster is running towards the man on the bench and Etsuko yells out to warn the man

Etsuko: "HEY! SOMETHING IS COMING AT YOU!" Yells with a distressed looked

As the man looks up, the monster charges at the man but Etsuko comes shoulder tackling the monster

Etsuko: "Hey are you alright?!"

The Man on the Bench: "This day can't get worse!"

The monster gets back up and Etsuko covers the man as he walks over

Etsuko: Yells concerned and a bit scared "What the hell are you?"

Monster: "I'm what's known as an Ork and the dream I'm based on is Despair, So call me DesOrk and if you be so kind as to let me take his dream away!"

As the monster walks toward Etsuko, The Black cat comes running towards the monster and shines a light that stuns the monster back and runs towards Etsuko with a bright light covering his vision

As Etsuko eyes begin to become more clear, he notices that he's in a void of pitch black where a bright cloud with eyes comes toward Etsuko

Cloud with Eyes: "Your name is Etsuko Kaido correct?"

Etsuko: Looking intrigued but frighted "Y...Yes!"

Cloud with Eyes: "You've been chosen to be what's known as a Kamen Rider!" Genkaku to be exact."

Etsuko's eyes widened with shock. He knew of Kamen Riders and seen some in action but never had he though in his entire life he becomes one

Etsuko: "Me... As a Kamen Rider? I.. I don't think I have what it takes to become one."

Cloud with Eyes: "But Etsuko, you want to protect that man right?"

Etsuko: "Y...Yes, without question"

Cloud with Eyes: "Then allow yourself to become a soldier that will protect the dreams of others! Your mindset is creative and will be the key for Humanity! Become the Masken Rider Genkaku!"

Light begins to shine with Etsuko covering his eyes with a belt and a small crystal-like ball materializing around his waist and hand

As the light fades away, the monster gets back and is angered. The man notices Etsuko wearing a strange belt

The Man from the Bench: "Hey where did you get that from?"

Etsuko eyes open to see something on his waist and notices a= crystal glowing in his hand, to reveal a symbol of eyes with smokes

Cat(Cloud with Eyes): "Etsuko! Insert the crystal into the Driver!"

Etsuko nods and puts the crystal into the left slot in the driver, it rolls into the middle. The Driver shouts Illusion Crystal! Get Set! and Violin starts playing for his standby.

Etsuko: Puts his right hand towards the crank and starts turning it and pulls it out, then proceeds to put his left in the air and clench it into a fist "HENSHIN!" As he shouts, he pushes the crank into the driver. The Driver shouts Ready to Go! Genkaku!

Smokes begin to cover around Etsuko with the armor forming from the smoke with the helmet being pure smoke. He looks to his arms in amazement seeing he's transformed

Etsuko: Still in Shock "Holy Shit! This is actually happening!"

DesOrk: "G..Genkaku!?"

Etsuko: "So that's what my name will be! Genkaku!"

DesOrk: Shakes his head to calm himself "This warrior is freshly chosen, I'll take him out like it's nothing."

DesOrk runs towards Etsuko with his punch going through him with Etsuko taking the advantage and punching him off. His fist seems to be damaging him but isn't fully taking effect

Cat(Cloud with Eyes): "Use the other crystal to summon your weapon!"

Etsuko: "O...Okay!" He pulls another crystal from his holder and inserts it in the right side slot. The Driver then shouts Weapon Crystal! Arm yourself! and turns the crank, pulls it out and closes it. The Driver shouts Ready to Go! Staff!

He then holds his right arm out and a purple staff materializes from the smoke. Etsuko proceeds to run towards the monster with his feet becoming smoke and hitting the monster. He starts flying and continues to keep hitting the monster until DesOrk starts shooting dark beams towards him with Etsuko getting hit out of the sky

Etsuko: "Why didn't I phase through the attack?"

Cat(Cloud with Eyes): Shouts "Genkaku abilities come with trade-offs! When Flying, You lose the ability to phase through things and Vise Versa."

Etsuko: "Well damn."

Cat(Cloud with Eyes): "Use the button on the staff to create smoke to blind your opponent!"

Etsuko: Nods "Alright!"

As he hits the button, smokes begin to fill the area. DesOrk begins to walk back and continues to turn around shooting his beams until it clears with Etsuko flying back and forth with attacking

Cat(Cloud with Eyes): "Insert your main crystal into the staff for a finishing attack!"

Etsuko pulls the crystal from the driver and inserts it in the staff. It shouts Crystal Set! Ready to Finish! and spins it around to jump with a smoke cyclone. He then proceeds to send the cyclone toward DesOrk which damages him but doesn't destroy him

DesOrk: Now on one need, Bleeding cuts from the impact of the cyclone "Y...You'll pay for this!" Proceeds to Teleport away

Etsuko detransforms and runs towards the man who is in shock from what's happened

Etsuko: "Are you ok sir? The Monster wasn't destroyed, so it's best if you stay with me, sir."

The Man from the bench: Shakes his head from shock and nods his head "Thank god I'll have a roof on my head tonight. Also, my name is Diten."

Etsuko: Looks in Confusion "A roof on your head tonight? what happened?"

Diten: "The building I just walked out of was my apartment and I wasn't able to pay rent since my job cut my pay."

Etsuko: "Oh okay, just come with me and you'll stay at my place until then. He then crushes the man's shoulder also I have a little sister and if you do anything to her, you'll be out on the street before you even know it!"

Diten looked scared but only because of what just happened then the way he looked and said it. As the two go, the cat follows and question with himself on if this chosen warrior will be the end of this battle

But Only Time will tell on that outcome! TBC