Raven stirred and clenched her jaw to suppress the shiver that ran through her. She was cold, wet, hurt everywhere. Knowing she'd just been in an accident made staying calm and focused difficult. Years of training had taught her to assess the situation at hand and take in the facts instead of rushing to accusations. Her head was throbbing, but with a slow, deep breath she performed a quick assessment on the rest of her body. Her wrist hurt and upon moving it slightly she winced, but sighed in relief; it wasn't broken. It would need to be splinted, though, as her fingers were cold and hurt to move. There was a small warm, weight on her stomach. That was most likely her cat since Zevran hated the cold more than anything else on the planet except water and plastic bags. She was lying on her back, arms spread out, and the sweatshirt she was wearing barely helped the cold from seeping in and assaulting her skin. Why was it cold anyway? Raven thought to herself. California wasn't cold and the state itself had been going through a drought for the last five months. Was she dead? She vaguely recalled some jerk in a white car speeding up to pass her and cutting her off which caused her to slam on her brakes, skid on gravel, and break through the guard rail along the edge of the mountain. There was no way she could have survived. That cliff had been over three hundred feet high.

With a final sigh, she opened her eyes only to quickly shut them again. The sky was bright and green. Raven groaned as she brought up her injured wrist to cradle her cat and used the other one to help herself sit up. Opening her eyes a second time, she squinted at the stark white surrounding her, letting them adjust before she ground out a small string of curses when she realized that what she had been laying in and what was all around her. Snow. Fucking snow in California in the middle of August. She looked down at her cat and saw that he was looking up at her with a curious expression.

"I blame all of this on you." She said in a low voice, though she really didn't mean it. "Should we try to find someplace warmer?" Of course he didn't reply, but made no move to get away as she awkwardly found a way to stand with Zevran still in her arm and against her chest. Her entire back was cold and completely soaked and her hands continued to hurt, almost tingle, as she did her best to brush the remaining snow from her pants. Looking around she saw trees, a lot of trees and a lot of rocks. Was she still in the mountains? Her car was nowhere to be seen, but she easily spotted her two large, multi-colored bags in the snow; one lay next to a tree about ten feet away and the other-which held technology that was probably now broken beyond repair-about five feet from the first. As her anxiety started to rise and break through the calm she was struggling to maintain, she fought to keep her breathing and body in check. Keep calm, she thought to herself, there had to be a reason why her car was nowhere to be seen. Losing your shit and freaking out won't help. Still, she slowly made her way over to her bags thanking a higher power that she'd decided to wear her boots instead of the flip-flops she wanted to.

"Hold it right there." A deep voice commanded, startling Raven as she was bent down to reach her first bag. She put Zevran down on the large multicolored cotton surface and straightened to see two men standing about ten feet from her with daggers drawn, really small daggers compared to what she was used to using. They were both wearing the same thing, a green hood with what Raven could only guess was tan leather armor, which she'd only seen during the LARPing events she went to every few months. Still, the costume looked familiar. Was there an event going on nearby? They looked scared and angry, as if she wasn't supposed to be there.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted your event. Do you guys have a phone?" Neither of them responded, "I was just in an accident. I'll grab my things and head to the nearest town if you tell me which way to go." They watched her as she started to bend down to pick up her bag again before stopping, "Would either of you happen to have seen a car near here, a black Impala with red leather interior?" One man looked at the other with an expression that had Raven almost questioning her own sanity. Why, of all people to find her, did it have to be people stuck in method acting?

The second man didn't return his fellow agents expression. His eyes never left the girl standing in front of them in strange clothes. Her height made him think she was a dwarf, but her small size made him reconsider. She could be a human or even an elf, but he couldn't see her ears. Her hair was wet and it was obvious that her strange clothes offered little to no warmth from the way her arms were curling into her body and how her cheeks and nose were red from the cold. He could see blood on her face and how it turned her red hair a shade darker. But no matter how small she was, he knew better than to trust her. What was a… car, anyway?

"You're going to have to come with us, Miss. This is Inquisition territory." He explained and saw her visibly stiffen. Inquisition territory? Raven questioned, but remained silent. Had she interrupted a Dragon Age roleplay? That would explain why their costumes seemed so familiar. She stood up straight again and her hand discreetly moved to the knife in her back pocket. She understood method acting during events, but to continue with the act made her question his sanity and was starting to become annoying.

"Look, guy," She said, her tone dropping to one more menacing. Her fingers gripped around her knife handle. "Either you cut the act and explain what's going on here and help me or you can leave and go back to your little event. I'm not in the mood for your shit."

Neither he nor the other man said anything and maybe it was the fact that the pain in her head that had been building since she woke suddenly multiplied that caused her knees to almost buckle and made her look away, but she suddenly heard the crunching sound of boots in the snow as one of the men rushed towards her. Not taking any chances she clenched her jaw, pulled out her knife, and flicked the blade free from the confines of its handle just in time to deflect the hand of the man she hadn't spoken to. His eyes widened and Raven could tell he wasn't expecting her to respond in such a way. Not wasting time, she used his surprise to her advantage by moving away, repositioning her own stance as well as the blade in her hand. Despite the orders to stop from his partner, the man charged at her again. She dodged his attack and as he fell past her, she grabbed his arm and used his own weight against him to throw him into his stomach in the snow. He cried out in pain as she bent his arm to an immobilizing position.

"I'm really not in the mood for this," she told the man still standing, "My head hurts, I have no idea where I am, and I'm really cold. So, please call off your friend before he gets hurt, tell me where the next town is, and let me go on my way." If it weren't for the anger she probably would've cried. The man standing remained silent and the man underneath her continued to grunt and curse at her as she kept his arm bent back for leverage. Before the former could respond to her a searing pain spread through her lower right leg causing her to knees to buckle completely and she fell forward. She cried out a string of curses and the man below her struggled to get away. She bent his arm back even more and in her pain filled haze she smiled, feeling satisfied, as she felt and heard a sickening crack and shrill scream as his shoulder was forced from its socket.

"We didn't want to have to hurt you!" The man yelled, "But you gave us no choice. You're coming with us." Raven heard crunching in the snow from multiple pairs of boots behind her and her stomach sank. Looking down at her leg she saw a gash in the leggings she wore and her blood pooling onto the white snow below her. The contrast made her nauseated and she just barely managed to keep down the contents of her stomach. The man she had been sitting on scrambled to get away, his left arm useless as he did so. Raven did her best to stand and failed. She grunted as she fell to her knees in the snow. Looking at the man in front of her, she made the clear motion of closing her knife and dropping it to her side.

"If I'm to go with you, then can you please grab my knife, bags, and cat? He's really nice, but hates the snow." She spoke just loud enough for the man to hear. "You can check me, I have no other weapons." Raven had to fight the urge to elbow the person who was suddenly behind her roughly pulling her to her feet. She wasn't used to being touched by people she didn't know, but he made no move to check her body the way police and authorized officials did for weapons. Instead, he grabbed her arms and in a swift motion, even for her, and tied her hands behind her back. The man she had been speaking to made his way forward and carefully bent down to grab her black and purple knife, looking at it as if almost in awe before putting it in the bag on his hip. She then watched as he moved over to her bags and Zevran whom still had yet to move, but hissed as the man came close to gather her belongings.

He knew she was still capable of fighting despite the condition she was in, he saw it in her eyes. It was also how he knew that if she wanted Deeks dead, he would be. Jax's arrow had cut her deep and she was still bleeding, but she managed to remain standing once Jax had helped her into the position. The wind started to pick up and he watched as her long hair blew into her face. Deeks was still cursing at her as they continued without a word toward Haven. It was a two-mile journey and halfway through, whether it was because of her head that she claimed had hurt or the blood loss from her leg, she'd passed out.

It was cold and dark when Raven woke, her body jerking forward like when she woke up from the dreams she had about falling, and the sudden deep breath she took caused her to cough. She heard voices, not too far away, but in her fuzzy state she couldn't make out the words. She braced herself when a woman in robes rushed toward her. She had to be freezing, Raven thought.

"You shouldn't be up so soon," the woman said as she bent down to put a cold hand on Raven's forehead. The words dipped in and out of her ability to understand them. "You lost a lot of blood and the potion we've given you has yet to take full effect." Potion? Raven's head was spinning and she had to fight the urge to jump up and forcefully purge whatever had been put into her stomach in her unconscious state, but her tied hands didn't allow it. Instead of being tied together, they were tied to what she was resting on, strapping and keeping her down. She noticed the pain in her head was gone and the searing pain from her legs had been reduced to a dull throb.

"Where am I?" Raven tried to ask the girl, but wasn't sure she was speaking right. Her mouth was dry and her tongue didn't seem to want to work. "Where's my cat?" The woman's eyes widened and she brushed some of the blond hair that had fallen into her face during her rush behind a pointed ear. Raven stared.

"You're in Haven, safe. My name is Melissa and I'm one of the healers." She explained and then continued before Raven could ask any questions. Healer? Haven? How deep did the insanity go? "Your cat is in the Chantry. Our ambassador has become quite fond of him." Raven laid back down and closed her eyes, willing herself to wake up, but her mind refused to cooperate in her search for answers.

Melissa watched the pale restrained woman stiffen at her words and, if possible, turn even paler. At first, she'd been frightened to go near the girl after seeing the agents carrying her in. She'd dislocated one of the soldier's shoulders and the way they'd tied her to the cot did nothing to ease her nerves. She was surprised to find that now the woman was awake and speaking, her fears had died down some.

"How long have I been asleep?" Raven asked quietly knowing Melissa, the healer, was still beside her.

"Mistress Nightingale's agents say you lost consciousness about a mile from camp. Maybe about two hours. May I know your name, Miss?" Raven opened her eyes and looked at the woman. Melissa was no longer looking at her, but she could hear the trickles of water before Melissa brought a dampened wet cloth to her face. "You still have blood on your face and in your hair." She explained and Raven tensed for a moment before relaxing as the soft cloth and warm water brushed against her forehead.

"Raven O'Hara." She told the blond woman quietly, "You said we were in Haven?" Melissa nodded and continued to wipe the now dried blood from Raven's pale skin.

"That is correct Ma'am. Once you're feeling better and the guard gets back, the Herald of Andraste wants to see you." Herald of Andraste? Raven felt her heart start to race and stomach turn. Her reaction didn't go unnoticed by Melissa, who had suddenly stood up ready to call out to someone in case she did something unexpected.

"What country are we in?" Raven asked, but wasn't eager to hear the woman's answer. Melissa visibly calmed and sat down again.

"Ferelden, Miss." Melissa explained carefully, "In the Frostback Mountains." Upon answering that time Melissa didn't hesitate to call out for the head healer as the prisoner named Raven lost consciousness again.