Author's Note: It's me again! Sorry for the wait, I've been busy with other things and I'm finally getting back to this.

Any time I mention a song, feel free to look it up and give it a listen! Unless, of course, you don't like dubstep or hard rock or any variation of metal.

Enjoy the chapter!

(Dee's POV)

"This is all just weird..." I told Jojo as we walked towards the front entrance of the park. Jojo and I walked slightly behind everyone as we talked.

"You think so?" He responded.

"Uh, yeah. We're being forced to compete in order for us to be able to go home, but so far it seems we're at a disadvantage. Me and you know these characters better than anyone else, so we need to look for some sort of weakness to get ourselves ahead." I said.

"Yeah, that's's kinda weird being stuck here."

"That's what I just said!" I threw my hands up in annoyance.

"Everything ok back there?" Nevara asked as she looked back at us.

We gave her a thumbs up and she looked forward again.

(Moments Later)

We arrived at the front gates of the park and met up with the other team, as well as Von Clutch and Pasadena who were staring at us with amused curiosity.

After introductions that I didn't pay attention to because I started listening to music, we were lead outside the park gates to an area on the outside that was nothing but a metal platform that was about half the size of a football field. There was a lot of talking, and when Jojo started sending my glances I paused my music and started listening.

" fall off, you retry the obstacle. You have three tries to finish the course or else you forfeit. Everyone got it?" Von Clutch explained, looking at everyone and we nodded. "Good. Competitors, step forward."

I had my headphones around my neck as I stepped forward, then I looked over to see Crash was the one running the course for the other team. We turned to face each other for a moment and we shook hands and I gave him a kind smile before turning away again and going through my music. I nearly dropped my phone as the ground started to shake, then the metal platform opened and the obstacle course we were supposed to run came out of the ground.

"Oh. My. Gods..." I gasped as I looked at the course. "...what did I get myself into?"

The course was HUGE. The first obstacle was a wall that you had to climb over, then there was a series of rope swings, followed by monkey bars, then a balance beam, then walls on each side of a snake pit that we had to avoid by jumping from one wall to the other by using pegs and footholds on the wall, following that was sawblades we had to dodge, and finally it was a straight run to a finish line.

Pasadena then stood in front of us as Crash and I stood at the starting line. "Ok, you two. On your mark...get set..."

There was a sound of an airhorn that scared the hell out of us both, I nearly dropped my phone again which made me choose a random song. We started running towards the first obstacle as the song, which was Boss Mode by Knife Party started to play. We both got over the wall easily, I stumbled for a moment on the first few ropes when my hands slipped, but I caught up to Crash quickly. We started on the monkey bars and I started to get ahead, seeing as my school's course had a set, but these were longer. I felt some strange tingling in my hands as I touched the last bar but I brushed it off...until I heard what sounded like a zapping noise after I had started the balance beam. I looked back to see that Crash had gotten electrocuted when he touched the last bar and he fell to the ground, but then he got up quickly and redid the obstacle with no problem this time. He stared catching up to me on the balance beam, but then I kept the lead as I jumped immediately to the next obstacle. I froze for a moment on a wall as I looked into the snake pit, shivering in fear due to having a snake phobia. I moved to the next little area to grab onto then jumped to the wall across from it, but felt the weird tingling in my hand again and watched as sparks jumped from the part of the wall that my hand was touching.

"That's new..." I said to myself, continuing with the obstacle.

I heard Crash yell as he got shocked again, but I fell into the snake pit with him when my foot slipped off of a foothold. The two of us were surrounded by snakes and I actually felt like crying as I found myself about to have a panic attack. I looked around quickly and found a ladder that we could climb to get out, but it was short and didn't reach the ground. I walked over to the ladder, carefully so I wouldn't step on any of the snakes, and tried to jump up to the ladder but I was too short. I stared at the ladder for a moment, then noticed it was the kind that slides down to make it longer. I looked at my hands and noticed sparks coming from them, so I stood still as I reached towards the ladder and it slid down to me. As I touched the ladder, it began to glow with electricity and sparks jumped from it as I climbed. Once I was out of the pit I redid the obstacle without a problem, then I headed towards the sawblades. I don't know how long I stood staring at the whirling blades of death, but it was long enough for Crash to catch up after waiting for the electricity to fade from the ladder to the snake pit. He rushed ahead of me into the sawblades and was dodging them like it was nothing new to him. I sighed and ran after him, occasionally having to roll to avoid getting shredded to pieces. I caught up to him at the last sawblade and tripped, which allowed him to get ahead again.

"Not happening, dude..." I growled as I pulled myself into a crouched position, then as the sog on my phone switched to Kyoto by Skrillex, I took off leaving a trail of sparks behind me as I quickly took the lead and crossed the finish line.

I got close to my team and tried to stop, tripped over my own two feet, and rolled before sliding face first which scratched my face up pretty badly. Jojo helped me up, then he flinched back as he looked at me.

"Is it that bad?" I asked as I dusted myself off.

Nevara pulled out a pocket sized mirror and let me see myself. My hair and fur had grass stuck in it, my nose was bleeding, I had a chipped front tooth, and there were little scratches all over my face. Worst of all, I had managed to get a deep cut on my left arm from one of the sawblades.

"Well, that tooth's not growing back..." I said as Nevara put the mirror away. "...but what was with the weird electricky stuff that I started doing?"

Nevara then pulled out a laptop from a bag that she had grabbed from the limo while I was running the course. She began typing something and read some things before speaking.

" seems to be a side effect from when I pulled you into this world..." she told me. "Your music seems to have triggered it."

I stared at her, a bit confused as well as nervous, and tried getting some of the grass out of my hair. Nevara did some more typing.

Nevara hummed as she typed and read, then she started talking again. "It seems that the rest of the team is affected as well, but their powers have yet to show."

Me and my friends looked among each other, then noticed the other team just staring in our direction. I sent them a glare as sparks jumped from my fur.

Von Clutch and Pasadena stood between our teams just in case any conflict were to happen.

"I think that's enough exitement for the day..." Pasadena said in a bit of a nervous voice.

"Why don't you show them to where they'll be staying tonight? I'll have the park drones prepare for tomorrow." Von Clutch told her as he went off towards a group of the park workers.

"This way, everyone." Pasadena told all of us as she started walking.

We all followed her as she lead us to a large building, and when we got inside she stopped at a entry room that had a hallway on each side..

"Ladies on the left hallway, guys on the right." She said, then showed us each to a room.

Once in my room, I found a medical kit and patched up my wounds. Nevara popped in my room just as I was opening the bathroom door.

"Dee, I'm doing laundry. Here's something clean to put on." She handed me a bag of clothes and I slipped in the bathroom, hiding behind the door as I handed her my dirty clothes to be washed.

Once she left, I showered and got all the grass off me. The water felt nice and I almost fell asleep standing up but I snapped out of it when I felt myself about to fall forward. I quickly finished cleaning up and got out, grabbing the outfit that Nevara handed me. It was a pair of solid black sweatpants and a dark blue t-shirt for me to sleep in. The bag also had other clothes in it, but I would just put them on tomorrow or whenever. I slipped the comfortable clothes on and tossed myself into the bed in the room. It was surprisingly soft and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy as I snuggled under the blanket and placed my head on the pillow.

Tomorrow was going to be hell if I had to compete again...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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Thanks for reading!