Nexus and everyone were walking their way to the canyon returning to Rome to make a plan for the attack on the United Empire's capital. Everyone were riding on horses while Nexus was still going on foot. The emperor felt remorseful for him to walk on the plain with no mount for transport if she could provide a chariot for him but none of her men have no experience on chariots. Nexus didn't mind and he appreciate of her concern as he senses several up enemies ahead.
"I've sensed multiple enemies up ahead!" Roman exclaimed.
"You're a tad bit late on that," Nexus said.
"Eh…is that so?" Roman mutters.
"Look, why don't you lay low on detection. I have the ability to perceive hostiles incoming. That's one load off for you." Nexus assures him.
"That's right. Then I'll be leaving it to you. I'll be sure to give you any information that I can then." Roman said with a relief cutting off communication as they face off a fair amount of army but were quite different. Nexus lifted his eyebrow in wonder as they were not Roman soldiers at all. Instead, they were all wearing golden helmets with red tufts wearing nothing but tufts, red cape, leg greaves and arm guards holding a spear and a round shield.
"Spartans?" were the words that came out of his mouth. They don't have the appearance of a Roman soldier but it's accurate enough to look like a Spartan. Also, he sensed that they have faint magical energy in them they may be not compare to a Third-rate Servants but it's very faint on each of them. Right now, he has to take the enemies down so he'll think about it after that.
The Spartan-like soldiers lasted a bit longer compared to the Roman soldiers but Nexus and the others took care of it. Meanwhile, the downed Spartans slowly dispersed into golden light.
"This is strange, Senpai." Mash wondered confused about the new enemies they've encountered, "They're more different than human soldiers. It feels more like they're Servants. Yet they're not. Do you know something, Senpai."
"From what I could say is that brought up some units to summon from the Holy Grail or someone who are summoning these guys." Nexus assumed from his guess. Although it is possible that they could be summoned from the Grail, but the mana in them are limited and don't possess high quality of such magic to be authentic. The only guess leaves is that there is a summoner for these Spartans to come.
"It could be a Noble Phantasm of the sort."
"It is possible." Roman said bringing up the situation, "It seems like the type that is designed specifically on the battlefield. If you mentioned Sparta then that would mean…"
"That there's a Servant around here. I can see one ahead bringing his numbers." Nexus finished as one of the soldier shouted out to be several hundred soldiers heading towards them. He uses his vision to get the far sight of the view as they were the same hundreds of Spartan soldiers shouting but one in particular that possess a vital magical energy. He knew that person is the one leading and summoning them in the first place was a muscled man with red markings and golden armor around his torso and a the same Spartan helmet but has a scar on the left side of his eye and tufts made of fire as an obvious distinction of a leader. Nexus looked through the helmet revealing to be a man with red squared hair and red eyes.
"My True Name is King Leonidas. Servant, Lancer! As the people that trespasses into my territory, I will crush any and all enemies than any attack and far stronger than any defense! You will witness the strength of the Spartans!" the Spartan leader known as Leonidas loudly proclaims.
"Wait! You call yourself King Leonidas!?" Nero shocked not believing that there was a Greek figure to exist here in this era. "If the "emperors" aren't the only ones who came back, then what about Boudica?"
"There's no time to think about that." Nexus averted the question to prevent the emperor to focus on what is right now than later, "For now, we need to bolster ourselves if we need to handle this many!"
"If we defeat the main Servant, the remaining hundreds should be gone." Mash assumes that preventing increased forces takes priority from the small number of forces they have.
"I see. Very well, listen, everyone! Do not waver because our enemies have more numbers than us. We have powerful allies on our side!" Nero calls to them as everyone readies their weapons and start their attack.
"Alright, Jeanne, Martha, Mash. Stay with them so that you can bolster our defense. Make sure that they don't break their formation. Caster, stay with them to make some covering fire."
"But, what about you, Senpai?"
"I'll take the others to engage on Leonidas. You guys focus on handling the forces as much as you can once we dealt with him." Nexus gave his commands as he bends his knee preparing along with Artoria Alter and Medusa, "Let's go. If anyone gets in your way, well I'm sure you can handle it on your own." both of them nod in agreement as all three of them charge in through the Spartan forces. Saber Alter dashes through cleaving the soldiers out of her way and Medusa swifts through the forces killing them off one by one.
"Hm, I see." Leonidas wondered in thought observing the fight when Nexus handled several Spartan soldiers at once, "You defeated seven Spartan soldiers at once. I am aware that they came from my Noble Phantasm. But their skills are considerable enough to be one of them. And for you to take them on your own with your bare hands." the Spartan king nods approvingly of his skills, "For a normal magus who also contract with Servants, you're impressive on holding your own combat. You must have done some grueling training to reach that physique of yours. You are…no ordinary soldier."
"I see. I'm quite flattered to be praised from the Spartan king himself. A recognition from someone who is unfit as me." Nexus remarks in a casual tone as he didn't had much praise from people not less the king of Sparta. He doesn't mind the recognition but it would sometime be a pain with paparazzi swarming around. 'Never had such an experience nor do I ever want to.' he thinks to himself.
"No, your skills are recognizable that are not to be overlooked." Leonidas disagrees the young warrior's modesty, "You would've been an exceptional soldier. I can see the eyes of a veteran when I see one. You have been through countless battles. No, it seems that it's your entire life fighting through battles."
The black-haired slanted his eyes in a calm matter from the king's assumption of him. It's true, that he had fought countless wars and fighting in a one man army was not the first he had experienced. He chuckles in an amusing manner like it's nothing sensitive to his own self.
"I'm impressed that you could tell a person who is a veteran or not. As expected of a Spartan, I suppose that whatever enemies you saw of how experienced they are I'm sure you don't bat an eye whoever comes at you swinging and you do the killing."
"Enemies are enemies. No matter the circumstances, we will fight anyone that invade our territory. All soldiers are trained to prepare for it, fight for it, and die for it. We Spartans honor to fight to our last breath." Leonidas makes a sounding statement that no matter who or what their enemies are they are ready to die fighting.
"Good, cause I don't need to know who or what I'm facing. None of that matters as long as they're asking for it. but you know…" the magus makes his statement to the king dashing towards in front of him, "Fighting for an "entire life" is bit of an understatement." he throws his fist at the king blocked from his shield as the impact resounded around them.
With the punch being negated Leonidas took the chance to use his right arm holding the spear lunging towards Nexus as he dodges it. He didn't anticipated his next move when he twists his body for a back spinning kick to the side of the Spartan king's temple as his head dragged his whole body away from the force of his kick.
"That's good, young warrior." he felt his left temple throbbing from the kick and there was a fracture of his helmet that has yet to be broken. "Your kick must have never skipped leg works. No, that kick felt like the charge of a giant beast." From that remark made him feel a bit nauseous but hardens his focus not to let his enemy loose from him.
"Now I'll show you the strength of the Sparta!" Leonidas charges forth at him thrusting his lance once more. The two fighters exchanging blow by blow.
Nexus was analyzing his strikes to be fierce and aggressive adapting his fighting styles the black-haired magus shifts into something that is quick and agile where he can easily maneuver his movements through the environment of acrobatics jumping over his back, sliding, and spin. Leonidas can be strong and fearless as many other Spartans but one flaw they're all muscleheads in a sense that they have no sense of consequences in numbers. It's no surprise that they would lost to the 100,000 army of Persians. But he still had to commend their spirit die fighting so no hard feelings for him.
Everyone was battling the Spartan army in a rocky plain but has a firm surface of the sand. The king charges Nexus sweeping his leg creating dust in front of him to prevent him from seeing him. However, despite the dust Leonidas used his instincts where his enemy is at swinging his spear where Nexus is but dodges it.
"Looks like Spartans aren't the only ones that rely on visions." he taunted at the king dodging another of his attack. He was expecting that would've happen but he intended to do that. Without seeing something, Leonidas would need to rely on his instincts to know his surrounding of the enemies. Fortunately, Nexus can see through the dust just fine knowing which are enemies and allies by seeing the silhouettes. He doesn't need to worry about sand getting caught in his eye is immune to any vision-impairing environments. For now he needs to get his attention.
"It's a shame that you had to end up in a situation like this. Crushing on the forces where they have no hope of victory." Nexus sneered behind the dust. "Doesn't it remind you somewhere before?" his intention was to get Leonidas agitated to keep him from getting focused from mentioning about his time in the war.
"…That was the past but we are solely defending to whom we are contracted. This is an immoral war, but we will destroy anyone who dares to attack this stronghold." Leonidas replied shifting his gaze determining where he would be.
"That's a shame. I never thought that the king of Sparta would throw his pride and honor for something that wasn't even a real battle but a one-sided battle that enjoys stomping on others. I guess you're no different than Persians only to be someone's slave." a shadow emerges from the ongoing dust giving him a clear shot.
"DO NOT COMPARE US TO THEM!" infuriated, Leonidas regaining his sight lunging towards Nexus but was quickly dispersed as there was nothing but dust.
"Too bad, but you did gave me enough time getting a clear shot distance at you." Leonidas turned as he saw the real Nexus 10 feet away from him holding a bow and arrow flowing the wind in a hue of cyan. He constructed generating its air around it in his cyan eyes. He created a diversion manipulating the dust around shifting the molecules for the gas darkening itself to create a shadow giving him time to charge enough air molecules giving him enough time charging the power of the arrow to the direction of the air to the arrow.
"You said that you can crush on any attack, right!?" Nexus bellowed to the Spartan challenging him if his words are convincing, "Then this won't be a problem for you if you take a shot at this! Although, I'm not sure if it could pierce through like stronger metals like adamantium or so. But it does its job. Accept it with all of your strength, Sparta King!" he releases the arrow whizzing through the distance.
"So you're using your strongest attack against my strongest defense, huh? Very well! I shall endure it with my strongest defense of Sparta!" Leonidas declared holding his shield up generating mana revealing rows of 300 round shields forming a giant wall.
"Thermoplyae! Enomotia! Guardian of the Flame Gate"
The arrow instantly make its impact to the wall at the focal point where Lancer is. The air current of the arrow spins violently to a composed twister drilling relentlessly as the shields starts to shatter one by one quickly until it remains the only shield he's holding at.
Leonidas strains as his foot were pressed down digging deep into the ground and the arrow blocking. He never such power feeling the power drilling into his shield that could maybe pierce through his arm to his chest using every ounce of his strength. It would have a slight chance of survival if he were to move aside but his pride as a Spartan refuse to move facing it head on gritting his teeth roaring filled with fighting spirit as an unmovable wall as it explodes.
Once the arrow was released shot, Nexus disperses the bow and comes over to the king up front seeing him fall onto his knees with his head hanging down dropping his spear and left a gaping hole of his shield, forearm, and his heart.
He hanged his head lifelessly making a forced chuckle under his breath that he had lost, "Just as I thought. It seems that I lost this battle with nothing to protect…" he mutters dryly with emptied eyes.
"It seems so." Nexus said to Lancer, "Your defense has been surpassed by my arrow. But is that really the only thing you were protecting with?" he lightly lifted his head up weakly hearing those words.
"Shields aren't the only thing you were protecting, but you did protect you honor and pride as a Spartan. Soldiers that defended their lives for them to be unmovable walls and that you endured that attack with everything. For that, I commend you." Nexus compliments the fallen Servant. He had fought over constant battles against many veterans and elite forces that never mattered just because of their egos. But does admit those with the tenacity to fight to the end for something worthy rather than ignorance. The least he could do is commend them as he begins to slowly disappear into a golden light making all the other Spartans to disappear.
"Heh, to think that an enemy that commends me after defeat. It is an honor." Leonidas lifts up his head to Nexus with calming eyes acknowledging him, "Tell me…you name…warrior…"
"…Nexus…that's the name I go by." he answers.
"Nexus…huh?" even though it wasn't showing much he had a faint smile on him. "I'll never forget that name. Even if I get returned to the throne and summoned I will remember that name as one of the strongest warrior that defeated me as my Master." he said his goodbyes finally disappearing into the light.
"There's nothing worth praising over that name. I'm just a wanderer…" Nexus said blatantly not feeling people to give him any attention. Most people won't even remember who he is since he travels frequently so it didn't matter to him. He looks over that the battle is over and everyone decides to return to Rome.
"Phew… at last things have settled down." Nero let out an exhausted sigh from the last battle. After witnessing the disappearance of the Spartan king she ponders her thoughts that if these "emperors" to be dead. Once they were killed, they vanish into dust that they're not meant to exist in this timeline.
"It was quite an unbelievable crowd." Mash said after returning to Rome they were greeted by many people celebrating for their return.
"It was too much of a pain so I decided to fly." Nexus said when he commanded his Servants to be put into spiritual mode so that they wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable through the crowds.
"Well that's what festivals are." Roman ponders in the comm, "It calls for a victory wine!"
"Hoh, you speak as though you've actually tasted some?" Nero mentions this surprised that a foreign mage is aware of that term that made Nexus lift his eyebrows questionably hearing that subtle clue.
"Hahaha, I have a vivid imagination which led me to all kinds of situations." Roman casually laughed brushing off from that subject until a soldier rushes in once more to Nero.
"Your Majesty! The expedition force is heading back to Rome!" he reports quickly.
"What? They're here already?" Nero shocked not expecting that they'd come soon.
"Yes, both generals are alive! But they're tied down from a massive attack by the United Empire!"
"Master." Mash shifted towards him giving a knowing nod.
"Let's check it out."
The expedition forces were surrounded by dozens of enemies trying to close in on them but were pushed back by two people.
"We're completely surrounded. Nothing but swarms of enemies around us." one said who is a young woman with sharp green eyes wearing a white kimono cutting the enemies in swift motion of her knife and a giant, massive man that holds a large spear with white eyes wearing a blue armor resembling of a beast and zebra striped tufts.
"It shouldn't be a problem but…" the tall warrior groaned in concern to the woman of the soldiers behind them since they're humans and they can't risk of losing them if their powers would cause casualties on both sides.
"Yeah, we'll probably lose the soldiers Nero Claudius provided for us so I'd like to avoid that if possible. We can get through it on our own but with them here…What should we do?" the woman was thinking some alternative to get through with little casualties as possible until she noticed something flying through the sky.
"Huh?" as it gets closer, she didn't want to believe it but it's not something that is flying. It's someone who is flying towards them landing in front of the two creating a shockwave making the enemies flying towards the air giving them distance away from them.
"I suppose that you're the expedition forces, Jing Ke and Lu Bu Fengxian perhaps?" Nexus asked stood looking behind his back as the woman was surprised that a new face came into battle to aid them. He got the description and names of the generals from Nero.
"Are you reinforcements?" the woman asked the man as he was looking towards somewhere. She looks at where his gaze seeing more Roman forces coming to their side.
"What are you doing, Nexus!? That was reckless coming into the battlefield without any plan!" Roman yelled at the comm.
"Roman, I wouldn't wanna risk any more casualties waiting to come up with a plan. Besides, I've already looked at their location, so you don't need to worry about that." Nexus responded with a casual tone not worried of the situation that normal people would react.
"We've arrived, Doctor." Mash arrived along with reinforcements to support them.
"You don't seem to be an enemy from a new face." Jing Ke remarks on the lilac-haired girl.
"No, we're reinforcements from Rome. You guys are-"
"We can talk later. For now we should find a way out together and bring as many soldiers back to Rome as possible."
"Of course. Master, mass forces ahead your orders please."
"Suppress all enemies around us and make sure that we don't lose any soldiers as much as you can. Let's go!" Nexus commanded summoning his Servants into physical form engaging in battle.
"All threats have been suppressed with minor casualties." Mash reported finishing the job with all the other Servants. Nexus nodded knowingly as the woman thanked their support that they didn't lose any of their burrowed men. Jing Ke properly introduces herself and Lu Bu was out picking out the remaining enemies or maybe he ran too far since he's a Berserker. Mash told the situation they're from the future to fix the problem going around here.
"I understand your situation but that doesn't change what we must do here."
"Kill all the emperors, correct?" Nexus guessed.
"Yes. We've already killed three of them so it's going to be a competition with you guys."
"I don't care about the competition. You can have all the heads if you want." Nexus groaned lacking the motivation since he had enough killing spree on leaders these days that it just didn't matter to him anymore.
"Huuuuhh? Even though I was looking forward to have a strong competitor." she pouted in disappointment for Nexus to back out witnessing his strength since he landed. "I suppose your Servants will do. Especially the one wielding the shield, I'm curious to how far she could go." Jing Ke smirked filled with anticipation.
"Hoho? You want to challenge who gets the most kills? Very well, I will not lose even if Master doesn't join, sadly?" Artoria Alter challenged the Chinese lady that she is not to be underestimated.
'"Sadly"? You were also gonna compete me?' Nexus sweat dropped hearing that. 'Do all other Saberfaces have a knack for being stubborn?'
"Well, I may lack some strength in me but it wouldn't hurt to bring the Celtic way into this."
"I have no desire on killing the most emperors unless Master orders me to." Medusa said flatly.
"You don't have to, Medusa. Just do whatever is comfortable with you."
"As you wish."
"Oh a competition, huh?" Martha mused in thought, "It is a sad thing that people would seek the thrill by engaging into danger. Looks like I have no choice but to join. However, this is naught but a friendly competition. Yes. A friendly competition. Because this is the will of God!" she declared holding her staff enthusiastically like she's waiting for something.
"W-well, a friendly competition is fine but let's not be too reckless. It would be difficult to face a major enemy with personal guards and experience. Let's use caution." Jeanne being as the only mediator trying to calm most of them down not to get ahead of themselves risking any harm done.
"Indeed. Caution so that I could come up with a sneak attack!" Jing Ke agrees excitedly.
"Y-Yes, competition…" Mash mumbled looking to Nexus, "I can't, Senpai. I can't maintain this conversation." she whispers to him hoping for him to help.
"It's fine, it's fine. You got Caster and Jeanne here. They'll cover for you." Nexus pushes the work into his Servants not being the one to get involved any more competitors heating up as he walks away pretending not to hear her whisper getting a bit loud.
"The Roman Empire Army has started its attack against the United Empire. Jing Ke returned with intel of the location of a city resembling Rome. This is the place Stheno was talking about. The real blessing from the goddess. Boudica, Spartacus, Lu Bu, and Jing Ke. An army commanding of five Servants, including me led by Emperor Nero. While the other five commanded by Senpai. It's a force no standard army can match but the United Empire won't send in their Servants. No sign of Lev Lynor yet we have the upper hand now marching toward the capital. In the meantime, I-"
"People don't usually write something out loud, y'know? It'll cause trouble if the enemy got this hidden information exposing your location right now." Nexus comes over with Fou on his shoulder finding the pink-haired Shielder caught in surprise writing a journal.
"Hyah! S-Senpai!? Also Fou?" she shrieked from his sudden appearance.
"If you're going to hide. At least hold your voice in if they don't see you." Nexus makes another retort.
"Y-Yes…I'll keep it that in mind, Master." Mash said keeping his advice in mind.
"So? Why are you writing it for?"
"Doctor asked me to write it." Mash answered, "To keep a journal, like a military record."
"That's right, I'm the one who asked since you became a Roman viceroy." Roman perks up in a happy tone enjoying in being in a historical position, "What do you think about "Novus Commentarii de Bello Gallico"? It's a book written by-"
"So got any updates?" Nexus flatly interrupts before it drags on.
"Ah right! I'm just going to make an assumption. I thought about what would happen once you guys save the world. Even if it's saved, the tragedy will never be reversed."
"Wouldn't fix everything after the world is saved." Nexus respond knowingly that it had already made its mark. No use fixing it.
"Yes, which is why there'd be no guarantee for our salary. I'm sure you know the rest, right?"
"Meh, I could just find some other methods. No use arguing about it. If that was the case, aren't you just avoiding physical labor? Well not like you have the strength to do so." Nexus answered adding that remark in Roman's physique.
"That was just a joke, Nexus…" he mutters before continuing his explanation, "Well I was only using the best means to grasp the situation."
"Then there's no need to keep a notebook when we got data. You can leave the records to Da Vinci." Nexus asks Mash for the book giving it to him igniting his hands burning all of the contents. 'Also why the fuck is there a need to dispose of it when the person himself asked her to write it?'
"Even if you did kept the journal. Enemies would just retrieve as a priceless clue to a possible advantage against us. It was stupid enough for the Doctor to ask such a flimsy request. Are you stupid, Roman?"
"I just thought it'd be interesting to keep something as commemoration." Roman protest. Nexus shakes his head in disbelief sensing a presence approaching who happens to be Nero.
"What are you talking about?" Nero ask with curiosity, "You always seem to be having fun let me in on it, too."
"Shouldn't you be rallying the troops, Nero?" the black haired asked her.
"That's right! You should rally our troops quickly cause we've detected the enemy." Boudica comes up for Nexus to detect incoming enemies ahead.
"Looks like a regular squad. Not detecting any Servants leading them." Nexus said looking at the enemies in his far sight. 'However it's quite strange. Why would they send regular forces on us without any of their Servants? Surely the enemy, or perhaps Lev, could summon many Servants he likes and lead them.' he thought deeply into the matter that was peculiar into his thoughts since most of the forces they encountered led by "emperors". 'Are they creating a diversion for something bigger or some sort of tactical play?' whatever the case, they might give the Roman side to be "too easy" that might leave their guard down as they need to be cautious of this.
"Hmm. I was about to have a lovely conversation…what a disappointment…" Nero grumbled lowly hoping to have a lively talk with them to get her stress off from her command but quickly turns her focus on the enemy, "It's okay. First, we'll get rid of them. What can mere United Empire troops do to us!?"
"Do be cautious, Emperor. Even if they are regular forces, don't underestimate them. They might have other plans." Nexus suggest wanting to end it quickly before any problem arises. He should pick off the leading units breaking chains of commands starting the battle. "Don't overstress yourself to the enemy. Take them out as quick as possible and conserve your energy. Got it?" he gave his commands to the Servants not to burn their energy too quickly to leave them vulnerable. It would be helpful if the Berserkers would but there's no helping it since they are Berserkers.
"Got it!" every Servant heard Nexus commands engaging at the approaching enemies.
"All clear. The United Empire is without a clear leadership. Nothing but small random skirmishes with independent enemy units." Jing Ke reported.
"In other words, my army has regained its true power, right?" Nero cheered.
"Don't be so sure about it, Nero." Nexus warned her, "One could easily lost their being careless by their achievements. Even if your forces are growing in power you should never underestimate your enemies like that. Their defenses are still formidable that we've only cleared on smaller units. Their main forces are probably behind those walls so we should not exert ourselves to show our weakness to the enemies. I hope you should note that, your highness."
She notably nodded getting ahead of herself but still kept on his words, "U-Umu. You're right, we should be more careful. You're quite cautious to catch on what the enemies are thinking."
"I had experiences, before. You just need to get the grasp of the situation and decide how you should counteract it. As most would say, to fight your enemies you must know your enemies. But as of now, we're currently in a tight spot." Nexus growled quietly under his witnessing where he's looking at when Nero was about to ask what he meant the soldier quickly runs to the Emperor.
"Your Majesty! Enemy troops are both in front and rear!" looking in front they've brought more forces in front of them but also behind flanking them.
"I believe Lu Bu was in the rearguard along with Spartacus. We can't leave them like that." Roman said.
"We placed them in the rearguard to siege the capital but it backfired." Nero said, "I'm sorry, Mash, Nexus! But I'm going to ask for your help!"
"Understood, I just need to stop the enemy behind us, right? I'm relatively good at fighting defensively. And I mean "relatively."" Mash noted.
"Alright I'll leave it to you then. Caster, you stay with Mash for the offense to clear out those rear army." Nexus calls to Caster Cu, "We can't let those Berserkers go wild now!"
"Got it, Master! Don't know what to do with those guys but I'll be sure to protect the young lady!" Caster coming to support Mash drawing several runes in the air shooting fireballs exploding on impact to the enemies reducing their numbers.
"Jeanne do you think you could restrain those two with your God's Resolution?" he asked to the blonde saint having the ability to suppress a Servant.
"It may be limited but I'll try!"
"Then go with them. Mash may need some help for a vanguard." He gave his orders to Jeanne dashing to the rear to support Mash.
"Umu! Then we shall handle the front!" Nero command her side of the roman army to handle the enemies in front of them.
"Everyone on me! We'll take care of the front!" he ordered his Servants dividing their forces to focus on the rear with Mash and Jeanne suppressing the rear while Cu gives cover fire while the other focuses on the front.
Once they've cleared out the numbers the enemy retreated. The current forces handled the front came around and were able to keep both Berserkers at bay.
"For now, make sure that we keep the rearguard protected. We don't any of those Berserkers to get loose to enemies away from our forces." Nexus advised scratching his head, "Gee, hearing that makes it sound like they're dogs." but from what he'd seen, his suspicion was confirmed. It seems that they put out small forces just to get the two Berserkers trying to lure them out. The plan failed, so they decided to make tactical retreat to come up with another plan before they come over.
'Whatever their leader is, they planned this from the start. Either that the leader has some sort of clairvoyance or maybe has tactical insight of the battle.' Nexus ponders in thought from what happened thinking it could be a tactician. Even if it was clairvoyance, the True Roman wouldn't have put much resistance from the outcome of the battle. 'Or maybe it could be from the Grail, I don't know…'
"Did you sense any Servants?" Roman called from the communicator. "I couldn't detect anything from here."
The black-haired magus checked the perimeters through his eyes, "Ever since the initial attack, none. I don't see any Servants besides us. Well anyone besides Jing Ke concealing herself over there." seeing Mash was surprised even the Assassin from someone that could sense her presence. "Presence Concealment, is it? Very convenient for assassins when nobody know you're here. Well except for someone who can see you."
"I know I shouldn't be surprised about Nexus but I still can't believe you could detect Assassin's Presence Concealment skill. I couldn't even detect her. But still I don't an Assassin is involved which means-"
"Is that their leader has exceptional tactical skills. Either that or perhaps someone supporting him." Nexus confirms. "They must be directing their smaller forces trying to create a diversion."
"Could it be one of the emperors?"
"We'll find out once we hit them hard and fast before they could think of another plan." Nexus advised starting to advance an initial strike until an ominous roar of a demented ghoul lost something that would be forever until it's been satiated. Which would be coming from a yellow-eyed giant man looking like all black with white lining tattoos and golden jewelry holding dual wielded axes.
"What's this Ancient Frankenstein doing here?" Nexus blurted the first he saw the giant man in all of his glory if he was in a Halloween party. "Well besides being a Berserker and all."
"Eh, it's a Berserker? And what do you mean by Indian Frankenstein?" Mash asked Nexus confirmed the source of the roar.
"Never mind that. Just tell the king to draw her men back. They'll end up thrown from the air of this guy's size." Nexus told to Mash nodding her head in response turning to Nero.
"Draw back our men. Humans don't stand a chance against that, they'll be slaughtered!" she warned to the red emperor to get her men to the rear while the Servants gets to the front.
Nexus detects more and more forces increasing but all of these were skeletal soldiers. "I guess they brought their vanguard to guard their emperors, huh?" he noted at the oncoming Berserker there.
"Amazing, I can almost feel the vibrations over here!" Roman shocked as the area around him does emit a vibration from another roar.
"You can be amazed later once we take care of this guy. So let's get to it!" Nexus yelled running towards the giant.
"UUUUUUUOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!" he roared once more as black fog starts to form around him. The ground starts to shift sprouting undead soldiers beneath the earth. If this keeps on any longer, they'll be facing endless waves of undead legions considering that it's a Noble Phantasm the Servant needs to be dealt with to stop it.
"I want everyone to handle those skeletons! Make sure no one breaks our formation! I'll handle the Berserker!" Nexus gives his command to everyone separating him to cut down the enemy forces against their main force while he speeds towards.
"Be careful Nexus. That's Darius III, the king of Ancient Persia. The man whose forces rival against the King of Conquerors, Iskandar!" Roman warns.
"Well that makes it more convenient. If he doesn't have his forces. The only force he could rely on is himself!" he jumps towards the giant retaliating by swinging his axe on him. He dodges it turning sideways landing his hand on the side of his axe and throws his entire body roundhouse kicking to his face.
"GGGGUUUUUUUUOOOOOOHHHHHHH!" the Berserker roars out in anger.
"Pissed off, aren't you?" Nexus casually remarks to Darius to get his full attention at Nexus swinging both his arms attempting to smash at him but dodges rolling forward to where he's bent at landing his hands lunging his body kicking him upwards to mid-air despite being taller and heavier than him.
He gets up smashing the ground creating fissures towards Nexus. He jumps off lightly in midair turning his body and his leg bending himself.
'This will end quickly.' Nexus generates wind around him compressing into his palm and aims behind him releasing a blast of wind speeding him towards the Berserker delivering a sidekick from the speed. The blade of his foot connects to the giant's torso slowly churning in motion and bursts through air breaking speed. The black-haired magus skids across the ground with Darius with a hole on his torso behind him. Nexus stood up without looking back as he could hear the giant slowly collapses and all of the undead legions were fallen ending the battle.
"Enemy Servant defeated. Good job, Master." Mash confirms the status that all threats were eliminated.
"That was amazing, Nexus." Roman complimented him, "You're really handling on fighting Servants directly being a Master. I'm not sure whether it was experience or that you're just getting the hang of it."
"Honestly, it feels like I'm being inferior here…" Mash looks down doubting herself. Nexus expected that something like this would happen since this wasn't the first he witnessed this.
"You're wrong, Mash." he told her lifting her head up, "Everyone has things what they're good at and what they're not good at. Don't think that you're inferior because of someone else. If you focus on one motive that drives you to take action. That kind of feeling will make you stronger. So don't beat yourself over it, Mash. I'm sure you have the determination to pull through. And I'm not sugarcoating that. I'm serious." seeing the eyes from Nexus shocked her. There was no sense of kindness nor doubtfulness. It was a straight answer for the lilac-haired girl nodding.
"Yes! I promise I'll be sure to be of assistance to you, Senpai!" Mash declared seeing that she made her choice helping whatever she can and a soldier comes running towards them.
"Commander Nexus, Mash! A message from her majesty!" the soldier called out to them. "There's been an ambush in the rear, General Spartacus and Lu Bu have left the battlefield." This shocked everyone hearing the news.
"So it was a two-front attack, after all." he responded narrowing his eyes. "You have covered the rear ends, didn't you?"
"Yes! We did cover our forces behind them but since the enemies were in large numbers, they took notice defeating them and chasing the remaining forces!" just hearing the worst news makes Nexus sigh exasperatedly.
"Guess they went off on their own, huh." He could only shook his head. "What's the current status now?"
"Bad, sir. They launched another attack from both sides and General Boudica was captured by the enemy's hands!"
'Captured? Not killed?' Nexus ponders in thought why they would capture Boudica alive considering she's a Servant. It's true that no normal humans could take on one unless it was another Servant which could be his guess. Her having info would be the standard tactic taking an enemy prisoner. Was it absorbing magic energy? Hardly, considering they got the Grail. Which brings to the conclusion.
'They're luring us.' was one of the possibilities Nexus could think. They didn't need to interrogate her. They would want to make a diversion on the possible locations to where they bring her.
They returned to the main forces where Nero is who stood still in silence with heavy look on her eyes. Nexus is aware that it was Nero's fault letting the enemy taking the advantage of her force to be lenient not thinking things through. But seeing her like this would cause a problem for the forces' morale. It's insensitive but in the battlefield, there was no time for contemplation.
"Nero!" Nexus stouts a stern voice to get her attention, "We need to think of our next plan. According to the messenger, the forces have been crippled and a leading general in captivity. Brooding over won't help, you're their leader of your own force. You need to make a decision."
Nero paused from hearing his advice nodding. "R-Right, that's right. Sorry, I admit that I happen to be deep in thought. But I must make my decision. I admit that our forces were outmatched. Two of my generals left the front lines and one got captured. It was my mistake." she reflected upon her poor judgement but has faith that the two Berserkers will return.
"We will save Boudica!" she makes her judgement of their plan to save Boudica from the enemy that Jing Ke located the enemy fort taking her in captive. Her plan is to charge in and save her and Doctor was contemplating in thought.
"Doctor? Is something wrong?" Mash asks him for his concern of this matter.
"It's supposed to be a Servant if Boudica got captured. Normal humans couldn't handle so why would they barricade themselves in a fort? It's not far from the capital so it should be convenient to get back there."
"They've created a diversion to drive our force away from the main objective." Nexus answered.
"They cut off Lu Bu and Spartacus since Berserkers are usually simpleminded getting their attention to them separating us. If that was case, then we're dealing someone who has good tactics manipulating the battlefield."
"Yes. Humans and Servants, I think the enemy has a good grasp of clear difference." Mash admitted.
"So what's our decision, Nexus?" Roman asks him for everyone looking at him for his choice.
"It's no doubt that the enemy fort would set up a trap and would keep us delayed. But if it gets in our way," he punches his hands and fist together with the dull and deadliest eyes, "Then we'll just have to crush our way through, won't we?"
"Senpai…just now you're starting to sound like a Berserker." Mash comments, "I understand more of them have materialized here, but I don't think it's a good idea to be influenced by them."
"Well at least I'm not stupid enough to chase on enemies without a thought." Nexus retorts bluntly looking back at them, "Besides, we're here to save our friend, right?"
"Agreed." Saber Alter says, "No matter what method they stop you with. They will eventually meet their ends by my sword."
"No matter what obstacles we face. I'll pull through with you, Nexus!" Jeanne clenches her fist willing to go through and Medusa nodding an agreement.
Nexus nods silently, "Alright. Let's get moving, your majesty. We can't let her wait any longer now, can we?"
"Umu, I'm glad you understand me, Nexus." Nero was glad that they share the same intention on rescuing their comrades giving her forces her next move. "Our target is the enemy base! Everyone! Attack with caution!" she gives out the orders for the Roman soldiers roaring towards the enemy camp to save their ally.