Summary: Where Armin Arlert was once a ferocious dark-haired boy with a penchant for fighting, tonfas and protecting what was his. This...changes everything. A Shingeki no Kyojin and Katekyo Hitman Reborn crossover story. AU. Short chapters.
Disclaimer: Shingeki no Kyojin and Katekyo Hitman Reborn are not mine.
Armine Arlert wasn't always Armin Arlert.
He was-
(a black-haired boy with biting gray eyes. Someone with monstrous stamina that craved peace and implemented it in the only way he knew how.)
He wasn't blond. Blue-eyed. A boy with a weak body and a ferocious mind.
He was-
(strong, frighteningly so that he was called a demon on a daily basis as he tried to reinforce discipline in the territory he called his.)
He wasn't weak and bullied and hopelessly behind the others.
He was-
(a carnivore, with hundreds - no thousands of people in the underworld fearing his name and reputation.)
Armin Arlert was once a different person. So achingly unlike who he was now with the strength, prowess, and will rivaling and surpassing even the greatest of men.
Yet somehow, very much the same, with their similar beliefs, principles and that niggling - screaming need not be caged from anything and everything.
Armin Arlert was once a cloud. One who could crank out pretty purple flames and injure with a nary a sweat on their body as the people who destroy the peace.
Now he was well- no one. Someone with a herbivorous - almost infuriatingly weak body that was nothing more than a liability. A body that couldn't- wouldn't heed the instincts that made him different in his past life. A body that didn't have the talent and skill that once was ingrained in who he was and who he came to be.
But Armin Arlert wasn't once Hibari Kyoya - the strongest guardian of the greatest mafia organization of a place that was once called Italy - for no reason.
He had his mind as his weapon, and his teeth and claws could be sharpened with time.
No matter their differences, Armin, even at a young age, knew he was a carnivore.
What he wanted, with enough will, he could get.
And if he bloody damned wanted to go out and escape the walls - Armin Arlert would with any means necessary.
Anyone who said otherwise and got on his way would get bitten to death.