author's note: here is the third chapter and the story was written before dragon ball super so in this story the fusion of the earrings potara is permanent and use the google translator.

It was already daylight everyone was eating what little they had of provisions then Rei went to wake up Universe and saw that he was asleep, and saw a backpack in the room where Universe slept and remembered the capsules, then out of curiosity he decided to see that was in it and saw some earrings that had a small yellow ball then Rei put them on and looked in the mirror, then Saeko went to see why it took.

-Rei where did you get those earrings-Saeko said

"I found them in the things of Universe," Rei replied.

-Because Universe would have pending let me see one-Saeko said. Rei took off one and gave it to him then Saeko was curious and put it on then they both wrapped themselves in a light and their bodies collided and they both screamed and all Takashi, Saya, Kohta, Alice, Shizuka arrived and saw Universe who had woken up and at his side a girl on the floor that is about 1.70 tall, smooth skin and bronze, with brown hair with some violet lines, with a sculptural figure and with two earrings.

-What happened who is that girl-said Takashi.

-I just woke up-said Universe then saw the earrings-or I see.

"What a thing," said Kohta.

-It seems that Rei and Saeko found the earrings potara-said a little funny Universe.

-What are the potara earrings? -Saya asked. Then the girl woke up and they saw that she had heterochromia (author's note: heterochramia is that she has one eye of one color and the other eye of another color) with the eyes one golden and the other ultramarine blue.

-What happened I remember that I put on some earrings and then took off one and -said the girl.

"You merged," said Universe.

"Like it merged," said Takashi.

-What she holds are very powerful earrings of another dimension, created by the gods of the same earrings serve to merge two beings into one merges everything, body, mind, soul, in a single being literally, you will see When a pair of Potara Earrings are worn by a single person, there is no special feature. However, if two individuals have earrings on opposite ears, the true energy of the earrings is revealed. These powerful articles have the ability to merge two people into one person, substantially improving the capabilities of both individuals. However, Potara earrings cannot be used if users are not in their normal form. If one of the bearers is merged, then the earring will not work, "said Universe.

-Hey, I understand that, but as we unweed the merger -said the girl

"How about we destroy the earrings, maybe the merge of undo," Kohta suggested.

-You can't merge is permanent -said Universe funny.

-What? -Said everyone except Universe.

-As they heard, unless the environment does not favor the merger then it is not degassed which cannot occur in this dimension and even if they are removed, it is not degassed-said Universe. Then the girl took off her earrings and the fusion did not discard. After discussing and trying to hurt Universe, they decided for a long time that they couldn't do anything.

"Well the first thing would be to choose a name I can think of one that Reiko said," said Universe.

"Well, I think that's fine," said Reiko, resigned, so Universe told them that they had to continue on their way to the base to be able to put the resuscitator into operation. Then everyone prepared with weapons and supplies Reiko had to grab her sword and her things had to gather the things she had before merging, since everyone gathered their things left the house and everything was deserted.

-Universe you are sure that the merger is permanent -said Takashi.

-if there is no way to undo the merger-said Universe.

-this is the worst -said Reiko.

"Worse than when they were on the tropical island," said Universe.

-As you know that someone told you -Saya said.

-This-was going to say Universe then they heard a noise and saw a zombie that had never seen 3 tentacles with appendages on the tips, on the back.

"What is that thing?" Alice said scared.

-I did not know only that thing in another dimension but it was an infant-said the thing jumped on them and managed to avoid it but Universe took out a capsule and activated it and a sword came out.

-Universe you are going to do -said Saya.

"I'm going to kill that thing, but before," said Universe and took some glasses from his clothes and saw how he pressed a small button on his glasses-as he thought.

-What happens? -Said Reiko.

-Well there are two types of zombies those that were human and were infected with the virus like those that the zombies bit them if they can become human with the resuscitator because they were alive, but there are others who were dead when they were infected those were already dead and at Like those who killed will not come back to life, these lenses let me know how much they have died and that thing was already dead so if we can kill her, "said Universe. Then everyone took out the weapons they were carrying before they met Universe and that they had saved just in case then they shot at the thing and Reiko tried to cut him with his sword, then Universe tried to do something and cut one of the tentacles and then achieved that being thrown sharp projectiles of his tentacles and the others shot him and Reiko managed to cut the other two that were then the dead callus creature.

"That thing is strange, I had only seen it in another dimension," said Universe.

"Then what are you doing here," said Kohta. Then they saw a truck approach and stopped in front of them and a person came out of it.

-Hi Saya -said the man.

-papa-Saya said surprised.

To be continue…

Autor's note: what do you think of leave reviews please