So somebody decided they wanted to see a little more here and commissioned me for a chapter 2. Specifically, Blake asking Yang permission to date Ruby. Hopefully a dialogue heavy chapter is just as enjoyable. Have fun!

"Yo bellabooty, what's slappin?" Yang asks as she sits down on her bed, looking over at Blake who is sitting on her own reading a book.

"Excuse me?" Blake looks over at Yang. "What did you just say?"

"That one no good?" Yang leans back on her arms. "Eh I'll work on it. Really though, what's up?"

"Just reading." She holds up her book.

"Yeah, no you're not." Yang shakes her head. "What's bugging you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Blake, you haven't turned a page in five minutes. You never read that slow. Something is on your mind." She says.

"Oh..." She says simply. She hadn't realized Yang was quite so observant. "There um, there is something but, well I'm not sure how to say it."

"Hey, that's what friends are for." Yang says, "Lay it on me. This is a no judgement zone. Unless you're gonna tell me you're into vore. I'll judge the hell out of that." She laughs.

"Uh, right..." Blake says, looking at her book.

"Wait, that wasn't it was it?"

"No, that's most certainly not it." Blake says. She takes a deep breath and closes her book, setting it aside as she turns to face Yang. "Yang, there's something I want to ask you, but you might not like it."

Yang raises an eyebrow at that. "What is it? You're my friend Blake; you know you can ask me anything." She says, her tone welcoming and comforting.

Blake sighs once. "Right, we'll see if you still say that afterwards." She says, reaching over with one hand and putting it on her other arm. "I was wondering if it would be okay if I... asked out your sister." She looks down as she asks, away from her.

Yang is stunned for a moment, simply staring at Blake, her jaw hanging open a bit. She shakes her head for a moment and holds up her hands. "Wait hold on, did you just say you wanted to date Ruby?" She asks.

"I, well yes." Blake says, "You two are close, and we're friends, so I wanted to make sure it was okay with you if I were to ask her out." She looks up at her again.

"I... wow." Yang says. "Where did this even come from? I mean yeah Ruby is amazing and all but I didn't think you had any interest in her."

"Well, she's cute. I've always thought that." Blake admits.

"You're not wrong there."

"But you're right; I didn't have a lot of interest in her outside of being your sister. At least, not until last night."

"You mean the party?" Yang asks.

"Right." She gives a nod.

"What happened there?"

Blake pauses for a moment. There was no way she was going to tell Yang that she'd had sex with Ruby at the party. Even if she said she didn't know it was her, that would not end well. Instead she decided to go with something else; not the complete truth but certainly not a lie. "We talked." She says, "About different things. Books, school, the treatment of faunus and acceptance of prejudice especially in classic literature."

"What the hell?" Yang asks, "Talking I'd expect, not that last topic though."

"Me either." Blake says with a small chuckle. "She's surprisingly insightful. Determined too. Did she really fail an assignment because she refused to read a book?"

"Did she..." Yang pauses for a moment, "Oh yeah, I remember that. She got in trouble for it and pouted on the couch. The teachers told Dad that she was being difficult and refusing to do her work. When he asked why she told him the book was stupid. Then after that she explained that she didn't like it was using bad words about the faunus. We went out for ice cream after that."

"That's honestly impressive. Most people would just write the report even if they didn't like how the book was written." She says, "And she's not even a faunus."

"Yeah, Ruby's got her convictions and she'll definitely stand by them." Yang says, "She gets really upset when she sees others being hurt or picked on. Always wants to help people. That's how we got Zwei actually. Ruby found him as a puppy with a hurt paw and brought him back to take care of him. Dad didn't want to just send him back out, but by the time he was recovered we'd all gotten attached."

"It really doesn't matter to her I guess." Blake says, "Human, animal, faunus."

"Nope. She just wants to be nice to, well, everything."

"That's a good mindset to have. One I wish more people shared." Blake says.

"You're serious about this aren't you?" Yang asks, "This isn't just a 'she's cute' thing right? Cause if you're just trying to get in my sister's pants-"

"I'm not!" Blake leans back a bit and holds up both hands. That was... well partially a lie. After last night she most definitely wanted to do that again, and Ruby had made it very clear she wanted to too. That being said, it wasn't the only reason she wanted to. Their talk both before and after they'd had sex was actually fun and interesting. Of course, this was exactly the reaction she'd been worried about from Yang.

"I hope not." Yang says.

"Yeah that's um, kind of how I thought you'd react." Blake says.

"And you asked anyway, brave move." Yang says.

"Well it is something I'd like to do." Blake says, "Date her, I mean. Not the uh, the other thing."

"You mean banging my baby sister."

"Um, right."

"So you won't be having sex with her."

"I um... It's just a date. I didn't plan to." She says.

"Why not?" Yang asks, staring her down.

"Excuse me?"

"Why not? Is there something wrong with her? Not attractive enough?"

"I, well no, she's very attractive."

"So what's the problem then? Don't want to do it with a human?"

"That has nothing to do with it." She says firmly.

"So you shouldn't have a problem with it."

"I..." She hesitates for a moment, "I'm not sure what the right answer is here."

"Then why should I let you date my sister?" Yang asks.

Blake pauses for a moment to think. She looks down and furrows her brow, for a bit. Then she looks back up. "I will... do what I can to make sure your sister is happy. I'll spare you the details though."

"Not bad, Belladonna." She says with a slight grin. "My sister's happiness is the most important thing to me. I'm sure you know that. Now, I think you're a good person, my best friend, and I trust you. That said..." She takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh. "That also kinda makes this weird for me. Like, my best friend and my sister. On the one hand, best possible option, on the other hand I don't really like the idea of someone I know suddenly going after my sister."

"I understand it's a complex situation. If... if you say you don't want me to, then I won't." Blake says, "You are my friend and I want to consider your feelings too."

"See why'd you have to go and be all nice about it?" Yang chuckles, "If you were a dick I'd just tell you to shove off."

"Sorry I'm being considerate." She gives a small smile back at her.

"Alright." She claps her hands once and rubs them together for a moment. "Rule number one, I am never, under any circumstances, to know what happens where, when, or how, regarding the no pants activities."

"Understood." Blake says with a nod.

"Rule number two, no making out in front of me. Small kisses are fine but even that'll take a minute to get used to. Now I know these rules may be down the road but I'd like to establish them now."

"Fair." She says simply.

"Rule number three, and this one is important." She narrows her eyes at her. "She is the most important thing to me. If you ever do anything to hurt her, it doesn't matter that you're my friend, I will make sure you regret it. Nobody hurts my sister and gets away with it. You got that?"

"Completely understood and expected." Blake says, "I have no desire to hurt her, obviously. I know it might seem like I'm acting quickly with this, but I'm not. I did give this quite a bit of thought."

"You just decided to last night." Yang points out.

"I know but..." She pauses for a moment. "I've met your sister before, of course. A few times. We didn't always talk much but, in hindsight, we did get along well. She's cute and a bit shy, but surprisingly insightful. I suppose last night just made it clearer that we had more in common, and brought some of her better qualities to light. It was the first conversation of length we've had, so it made me realize some things I hadn't before." She says, getting a small smile as she does. "That and she looked pretty cute in that costume."

"Can't fault you there, she does look good." Yang chuckles.

"So, you're really okay with me asking her out?" Blake asks.

"Oh it's not you asking her out, it's you going out with her. She'll say yes." Yang says.

"You seem so confident. How can you be so sure?" Blake asks. Of course she knew Ruby would say yes because she'd already asked last night, but she didn't know how Yang knew.

"Because she's had a crush on you like, since you met." Yang says. "Had you really not noticed?"

"I... well no." Blake says, a bit taken aback. "I just thought she was shy."

"Well she is, but she's also been interested in you since pretty much the moment you met."

"Did she tell you that?" Blake asks.

"Not at first, but I'm her big sis, of course I picked up on it. Then it was just a matter of getting her to admit it."

"Huh..." Blake says simply. That actually made sense now that she thought of it. Ruby had always been shy around her, tended to stumble over her words a bit. It also explained why she'd chosen to do what they did last night despite knowing who Blake was. She had credited it simply to Ruby finding her a bit attractive and having been drinking, but perhaps there was more attraction and less alcohol than she had thought. "I guess that does explain a few things."

"Guess it's like those shows, the only person who doesn't notice is the person they have a crush on."

"Wait, only person?" Blake asks.

"What, you think Weiss and the others wouldn't notice too?" Yang asks, "It's not like she did a good job of hiding it. Though I guess since you never saw how she acted when you weren't around you wouldn't really have anything to compare it to now would you?"

"No I suppose I wouldn't. I'm just feeling a bit stupid for never having noticed." Blake says. "The whole time?" She asks again.

"Since day one." Yang says.

"Feeling a bit more pressure now, as if I didn't already have plenty."

"Don't worry about it." Yang says and gets up, stretching a bit. "Now I'm gonna go mess with Weiss a bit. She's so fun to toy with." She laughs. "That should leave Ruby all alone if you want to ask her something. Just remember the rules."

"I will." Blake nods as Yang puts opens the door.

"Good, in that case, I'll see you later." She waves and heads out.

"Yeah, see you." Blake says. Once Yang is gone she lets out a deep breath. That had gone fairly well actually. After a few moments she pulls out her phone. With a small smile she calls up a number. "Hey." She says when they answer, "She said yes. I'll see you Saturday."

So that's that. not much this time, just a short little chap 2 commission. If you'd like a commission of your own, even another chap to an existing work, let me know, spots are open. Until next time, thanks for reading, please leave a review, and have a nice day!