Hello everybody! Welcome to my fic: The Snake Generations by yours truly Retr0Guy. You probably don't know me considering this is my first story…. But thats okay! This is my first story after all so I guess this your first impression of me. I hope I can entice you with the chapter, but I digress. In brief, this story will be about the relationship between a boy and his first friend, teacher, and lover. Who later grows up the be the known as the shinobi who has brought long lasting, stable peace to a land whom has known none since the dawn of mankind. This story will be a NaruXAnko fic as well as some pairings that weren't in the original canon. BE ADVISED I plan to add some lemons into the story; If you don't know what lemons are its sexual content. I also plan to add some graphic scenes that portray gore and violence. If that's not your thing I understand, I'll add a heads up before and after so you can skip the graphic stuff. One final thing, please rate and review! It lets me know what you guys wanna see next. Enough with the time wasting LET US BEGIN.
NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto or any characters in this fiction
"Regular Dialogue"
"Regular Monologue/Thinking"
"Outside Voice inside thoughts"
The Snake Generations
By: Retr0Guy
October 10th
7:30 AM
It was an average morning in Konoha, The Village Hidden in the Leaves, when a young Naruto Uzumaki awakens from a slumber to the monotonous beeping of an alarm. He had seemed to just fallen asleep right when rang too. "Ahh dammit, just when it was starting to get good too." He thought, slightly blushing at his dirty dream.
Whatever perverted thoughts the newly aged 12 year-old boy had seemed to had disappear quickly as he realized today was his birthday was in fact today. Normally, a child's birthday should be filled with enjoyment and what some would call pure happiness. Naruto's however was filled with hate and pure malice. It served only as a reminder that nobody loved him or enjoyed his existence. That as long as he lived, the people around him would never feel safe. And the worst part about it was the fact that he didn't know why. He would wonder every year why he was considered less than dirt, to no avail. To soften the crippling blow that it would do to him he would serve himself his favorite kind of instant ramen noodles, get whatever treat he had in his pantry, and sing himself happy birthday. Each time it would only strengthen his resolve to fulfill his dream to one day become Hokage and prove to the whole wide world that he was worthy of acknowledgement.
Once the boy was finished with his breakfast, he would proceed to freshen up, dress up in his iconic orange jumpsuit, and leave his apartment to head for his academy training. Not that it ever helped him. All the teachers knew who he was and proceeded to make the training impossible for even a high rank genin to complete. Quizzes that would require an adept understanding of trigonometry and algebra, Physical tests that would break the bones of regular people, having to spar against fully fledged Chunin and Jonin teachers. It pained him every day and it had no end in sight.
Just as Naruto entered the Academy gates two men could be spotted in a distant alley, they had been waiting for Naruto to enter. Just as the gate closed he spoke. "This is it, tonight's the night. At dark we'll get our vengeance for mother and father when that demon killed them that night 12 years ago." He said roughly
"That's right brother by the time we're finished with him, he'll know the true meaning of pain and suffering." The other man chuckled. He knew what he was going to do and by the end of the night the Demon will be dead by his own hands.
Naruto had opened the door to his class to see his classmates at their seats preparing themselves for class. Immediately to his left he spotted Shikamaru Nara speaking to one Choji Akimichi who was feasting away at a bag of BBQ potato chips. A little further than them was a group of three that consisted of Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, and Hinata Hyuga. Kiba was arguing intensely how his puppy sidekick Akamaru was better than all the bugs that Shino carried with him. Shino just disputed him with cold hard facts and logic saying that his insects far outclassed Inuzuka dogs in usefulness. While Hinata seemed to be staring at Naruto but every time he would look at her she would look away and blush profusely. He figured it was nothing to worry about and pretended to not notice. But in the back of his mind he thought she was just like the villagers and she could never get over her hate for him so he tended to avoid her to avoid that conflict with her. Then, there was Sasuke Uchiha a black haired boy who was the last of his clan. Because of that fact Sasuke seemed to think he was better than everyone else and Naruto hated that quality about him. He knew from the the first day he met him his arrogance will be the one to cause him to fall. But otherwise Naruto could relate to him because they both had no parents and deep down he knew that there was an innocent boy just who wanted to be free. The Uchiha Massacre caused him to grow up too early; Because of that, Naruto felt sorry for him. He somewhat considered Sasuke to be a friend, though he'll never admit it. Next to Sasuke was his fanclub, which were comprised of two members: a blonde Yamanaka named Ino who was loud, boisterous and prideful. Next to Ino however was Naruto's Boyhood crush, Sakura Haruno, who was, in his eyes, a beautiful, pink-haired, green-eyed wonder of a girl who came from the heavens. As soon as Naruto's eyes meet the pink of her hair he was reminded of the greatest Cherry Blossom tree in the midst of Spring and oh how soothing that feeling was. He was instantly reminded of his dream this morning and smiled for the first time that day. Something about just her made him happy and he would always enjoy her presence in class..
A ringing bell broke Naruto's chain of thoughts as he snapped back to reality to begin class.
As Naruto sat down he heard a familiar voice that relieved him of the stress he could of had that day "Alright class settle down, today we will be learning about the past Hokage and the history of Konoha." said one chunin instructor named Iruka. Naruto considered Iruka to be the only actual teacher in the academy that was worth respecting. Iruka had always treated him fairly and gave actual assignments he could do.
"But Iruka-sensei we already learned enough about the past Hokage and the Village. when are we gonna learn something cool like a jutsu!" exclaimed one annoyed Kiba
"And we will learn it a thousand times over again Kiba! Discipline and patience are core values of being a ninja lest you forget that. Besides if we don't learn from the past how do we expect to improve and do better in the future?" stated Iruka without missing a beat.
"Aww man I just wanna learn a jutsu" pouted Kiba
Class proceeded as normal with Naruto jotting down mental notes in his brain about the past Hokage. He had already studied them before but it didn't hurt to reinforce that knowledge and get some things he missed. For example, he learned that actually Shodaime's granddaughter is actually a part the Leaf's legendary Sannin and her name is Tsunade Senju.
"On the subject of the Sannin, who can tell the names of the other remaining Sannin?" Iruka questioned to his students.
"Ooh me! Pick me Iruka-sensei!" Started Sakura while vigorously raising her hand.
"Ok Sakura who are they?" Questioned Iruka expecting a fully fledged answer from the Pinkette.
"Ok.. Well there is Jiraiya the Toad sage and then there is…" She was cut off
"That traitorous bastard Orochimaru" a young woman said whilst entering the room.
Many of the students turned their heads to spot a young woman in her twenties wearing a fishnet shirt under a large tan trenchcoat.
"Ahh Anko nice of you to drop by. I suppose you're here to do your IT presentation to the students?" Iruka laughed nervously .
"Yep i'm here to show these brats all about my favorite subject! Torture!" Anko said in a disturbingly cheery voice.
"Ha ha, I'll just leave you to it then. Class! Please treat Miss. Mitarashi with the same respect as you do me." Iruka stated even more nervous than before.
"Please try to be civil for even a little while I really don't want to write a report out of the students." Iruka whispered to Anko as he made his leave
"What? Me and the kids we'll get along just fine. Don't you worry bout a thing!
As soon as the door closed Anko began to speak.
"Now what do you gakis know about The Torture and Interrogation Department?" she asked with no response out of the frightened children.
"Hmmm no takers? Well how about you?" She pointed towards Naruto. WIthin a fraction of a second she had disappeared and reappeared behind Naruto. With a kunai in her hand she cut Naruto's cheek and licked the wound with the dripping blood.
"Go on don't be shy!" she spoke with a harsh tone in her voice at the end.
"Uhhhh the IT department specializes in extracting information out of Konoha's prisoners of war, using whatever means necessary to get the truth." Naruto said quickly and mumbling over his words.
"Good!" She once again spoke in a overly happy voice "Now that you know what it is let me explain the basics of interrogation" Anko would teach the class the basics of the human psyche and how it oppererated and how to use it to bend a victim to one's will. Naruto felt rather odd over the encounter with Anko. On one end he felt fear from being on the other end of a kunai at his face. However he noticed her eyes, they were a lot like his. Not in the sense of physical appearance but what mask the eyes tried to hold up. Naruto recognized it all too well since he wears the same one too. Naruto should try to get to know her, maybe she knows how to deal with the pain of being an outcast.
It was towards the end of the day now and he was no outside with the rest of his class at the school training grounds. Naruto was sitting alone at the benches when Sasuke and his fanclub comes up to him.
"Ha! What's the matter dobe? Sad that you'll never be as good as me? Don't make me laugh, you'll never be as good as an Uchiha!" Sasuke laughed at Naruto
"Hey! What's your problem Sasuke!? Why don't you buzz off to your fanclub and leave me alone!"
"Oh you mean them? They're nothing but worthless trash." Sasuke boasted knowing he would get on Naruto's nerves.
"DON'T TALK ABOUT SAKURA LIKE THAT YOU IDIOT!" Naruto insulted towards Sasuke
"Fine lets make bet dobe. We'll fight each other if I win you have to say whatever I want you to say about your Sakura right to her face"
"And if I win?"
"You won't, but since you asked it will be the same for me. So deal?"
Both combatants got into their fighting stances which were the same since they knew only one from the academy. Neither of them were experts but they had decent Taijutsu for their ages. Naruto lunged first aiming for Sasuke's shoulder but was blocked by the Uchiha's arm. Sasuke tried then to counter but Naruto dodged at the right time. The fight went on for several minutes each of them trying to outlast the other but both had amazing stamina and speed. At this point the fight had attracted the attention of mostly every student there and the attention of one IT specialist who was hiding away in the trees
"Hmm so this is that gaki from before. Let's see if he's any good or not."
Anko had been enjoying the fight and seeing what the future generation of Shinobi would be like. That's when she saw signs of Sasuke becoming tired and frustrated. He was lowering his guard due to exhaustion and had lost focus. That's when Naruto punched him as hard as he could causing Sasuke to fall down onto the ground.
"OHHH" The crowd erupted thinking it was all over.
"Is… That...All...You... Got?" Asked Naruto breathing hard.
"Ouch. That's gotta hurt" Anko chuckled to herself
Sasuke was now beyond furious, he couldn't believe he let himself get hit so hard by the dead last. He picked himself up and let his anger fuel his next actons.
"You're so dead Naruto." Sasuke responded.
Sasuke pulled out a kunai from a pouch and brandished it with the intent to kill.
"Sasuke what are you doing? This wasn't part of the bet!"
"To hell with that! Your going to DIE!" Sasuke shouted as he lunged at him kunai in hand.
Naruto dodged with his body trying to avoid the sharp blade. Naruto was worried he could get seriously hurt but Sasuke seemed be attacking with rhythm or style just swinging randomly.
Meanwhile, Anko was contemplating intervening but she wanted to see how the gaki could handle himself when his life is on the line.
Even though Sasuke was fighting blindly Naruto was growing tired and couldn't last much longer. Sasuke finally managed to slash Naruto on his shoulder. Naruto felt the warm blood drip down and soak up in his jumpsuit. Only then Iruka happened by and noticed the commotion. He immediately ran to, disarmed, and pinned Sasuke to the ground.
"SASUKE WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!" Iruka shouted with a new found strength from protecting his favorite student.
"That was the point! He deserved it!"
"Still Sasuke we don't draw weapons on comrades! No matter who they are!" Iruka calmed down once he determined Sasuke was no longer a threat to Naruto.
Sasuke remained quiet once realized he done wrong.
"Naruto are you ok? Let's get you patched up." Iruka asked with a protective voice.
"It hurts but I'll be fine" Naruto instinctively felt his wound to realize it was already closed up, just a scar remained.
Iruka then said out into the crowd "Alright all of you class is dismissed go home!"
Everyone left leaving only Sasuke, Iruka, and Naruto
"Alright, now what am I gonna do with you two?" Iruka sighed
Iruka then took the two boys into Hokage's office, normally this wouldn't be normal procedure but since The Hokage was Naruto's adoptive grandson since he knew his parents so well.
"Hokage-sama I'm sorry to disturb It's about Naruto" Iruka said respectively
"Ah yes I know what happened, please come in." Hiruzen said with a frown
"How did you kn.." He was cut off
"An old man has his ways, anyway let's discuss what happened." He responded with a smirk.
"Well it seems to me that Naruto and Sasuke entered an agreement with each other and once Naruto had beat him Sasuke lost his temper and drew a weapon on him with intent to kill." Iruka said
"Yes, I agree" Hiruzen nodded "Now for your punishment, lucky for both of you I was told of your fight showed a high degree of skill for the both of you so I'll let you off with a warning. But don't take my kindness for weakness because of this happens again you will regret it. Is that Understood?" The Hokage spoke with a voice demanding respect.
"Yes, sir" Naruto and Sasuke responded in unison.
As both left the office to return home Sasuke spoke to Naruto
"Naruto... I'm sorry" He said slowly, he was never good with apologies.
"I shouldn't have lost it like that and I want to let you know that. Ever since I lost my family I've felt like pressure to become stronger to avenge my clan but it seems in doing that I lost sight of what matters." Sasuke looked down and shed a tear. He may have been a prideful Uchiha but he was still a boy.
"Sasuke it's OK I understand I felt that way too at one point. But right now let's help each other get stronger instead of pushing each other down. Got It?" Naruto held out his hand in a handshake that look like a arm wrestle.
"You Bet" Sasuke spoke proudly and met the handshake with his own hand.
Two major events happened because of that incident. One is where a bond of friendship like no other was born and Second is where a fire was rekindled inside his heart and it burned twice as bright as it did before in his boyhood days.
It was now approaching dusk and Naruto was on his way back home. But what he didn't notice was shadow following him. Anko was on the rooftops following the boy head home. She had taken a liking to the brat, he reminded her of herself when she was younger fighting the toughest people just to prove to herself she was worthy of respect of her peers.
She had been dazed in her flashback so long she completely lost Naruto.
"Shit where did that gaki go?"
Naruto had just took the final turn to his building and could see his home in sight when he was suddenly grabbed and thrown into an alley.
"Hello little Demon" one of two men spoke.
"Were gonna make you suffer for what you did." the other said.
Naruto was paralyzed with fear, there was two ninja with black masks in front of him who were gonna kill him and there was nothing he could do. He was too weak from fighting Sasuke to put up any form of resistance. Then one of them pulled out a large baton that spiked and rough edged.
"Wait please, I haven't done anything wrong" Said a quivering Naruto with tears in his eyes.
"HA! He doesn't know does he? Oh well let me explain to you why your gonna die before you go back to hell. Call it your last request"
"It all started 12 years ago when the Kyuubi attacked the village and when the Yondaime supposedly killed it. The Yondaime sacrificed his life to protect his village from the monster that was destroying it. The problem is, there is no way to "kill" a Tailed Beast, the best anyone can do is just seal it into a newly born baby. Guess who that baby was? You. Now do you understand? Why we all hate you, why we fear you, why we want you to return to hell from where you came!
Naruto's world shattered, all this time he was the demon that killed almost the whole village long ago and it was all his fault. He deserved to die, He wanted to die. He now knew why the villagers hated him, why Hinata stared at him, why his Sakura-chan would never love him, why he had no one to turn too. It's because he hurt them all.
Naruto couldn't finish his downspiraling chain of thought when the men started to attack him using fire and lightning jutsu to burn and electrocute him melting off his skin, Then the beatings came. The baton from before would smash into knee completely shattering it. All that was heard were the screams of a broken boy being beaten and the sounds of men laughing in vengeance. There was no hope for him. Naruto's hand was grabbed and placed outward. All he could do was watch as the hammer came down onto his hand and destroyed it. Then when it seem it was over Naruto fading in and out consciousness from the pain was placed on his back and his head supported so he could watch a Kunai being stabbed into chest and body over twenty times each time being more drawn out and slow than the last. The final stab was placed right towards the seal on his lower body.
The two men laughed as saw a burned, battered, and broken Naruto lie bleeding out and sobbing somehow remaining awake by some miracle. All they said was "Good Riddance" as they left the alley leaving Naruto to die. Naruto could only think of all the people that hated him. He kept sobbing because of that. He thought that this is how his final day on Earth would be; he would never be Hokage, The Village will forget him, and that all he was, just the deadlast brat that died early.
Five minutes later
Anko had still been searching for him when she heard the faint sounds of a child crying. She would have to hurry up if she wanted to find Naruto but the cries and sobbs wouldn't allow her to leave so she turned to investigate
"Damn my bleeding heart" she mumbled to herself as she was just about to turn into the alley. What she saw next however shocked her to the core. She could see him there Naruto laying in a pool of blood.
"Naruto!" She cried out to him as she rushed to his side.
When he saw her face his final piece of willpower keeping awake broke. He fell unconscious into her arms that were carrying him into the nearest hospital. He was bleeding out fast, Even with the Kyuubi's chakra working to save his lifeline if he wasn't given proper medical treatment fast he would die.
Anko burst through the doors of the Medical center grabbing the attention of many doctors and nurses. She stood there for a second when she broke the silence and said "I NEED A GODDAMN DOCTOR RIGHT NOW!"
Two nurses rushed towards her with a gurney and helped Naruto onto it. Anko then threatened "This boy is now your lifeline if he dies you die. Clear? Now GO!"
The nurses gulped and turned to run him into the ER.
Inside a Flooded Chamber
Time: ?
Naruto gasped for air and felt his body but felt no wounds. He then took to look at his surroundings he was on in some kind of chamber. Then suddenly he thought "Am I dead?" "Is this Heaven? Or is this… Hell?" Naruto felt a chill at that thought. He was a demon after all maybe this was his hell for eternity.
"Naruto…. Come to me Naruto" A chilling voice rang out in an echo.
"What? Scratch coming to you. Who are you?" Naruto spoke hoping he didn't know the answer.
"I will explain later now go through those doors"
Naruto turns to see a double door set "Ok I'll trust you but you better not be the Shinigami tricking me into your clutches" Naruto joked trying to ease his own nerves and the intensity of the situation.
"Funny. A fresh change a pace from the last human I knew" It responded
Naruto opened the doors to see a vast empty room that seems to a cell for someone or something. Then something appears behind the bars; a fox but not any fox, This fox was bigger than famed Akimichi Super Expansion Jutsu.
"Wow! Your a big fella aren't ya?" Naruto joked until he realized who he was talking to.
"HA HA HA!" The beast laughed "Even in the face of Kyuubi no Kitsune you still laugh, you are a bold one Naruto." The fox spoke slightly calming Naruto's nerves to say this to his face.
"YOU! YOUR THE REASON WHY EVERYONE HATES ME YOU BASTARD!" Naruto shouted. He found himself in front of the being responsible for making his life a living Hell and Demon or no Demon he sure as hell isn't backing off from him.
"You can hate me Naruto I understand why but please let me tell you the whole truth before you give me your whole judgement"
"You got 5 MINUTES better make em' count." Naruto spoke holding back all the anger that he could muster.
"Thank you, 12 years ago I attacked Konoha that much is true. But I never meant to attack your Village. I was under the Sharingan Genjutsu of Madara Uchiha" The fox spoke quickly
Naruto knew who Madara was became increasingly upset when the realized the fox was pulling his leg.
"I sense your doubt I assure you it was Madara, he is the only one who could have the willpower to dominate mine and place me under his jutsu."
"Ok, you told me your side I need to think about this first I'll let you know my choice when we next speak. But for now how do I get out of here?
"Thank you Naruto, all I ask for is a chance. But to answer your question it's simple just wake up" The fox answered plainly
"Really? That's it?"
"Yes it is that simple"
"Ok then well before I go, one more thing, what is your name?"
"My name? Heh funny, after a thousand years of my existence no mortal has yet asked me of my name. You surprise me still. Very well, my name is Kurama.
"Goodbye then Kurama" Naruto said with a smile
Konoha General Hospital
9:30 AM
Naruto wakes up feeling groggy and weak everything hurts for him right now. He looks towards the left and is met with a blinding sunlight. Squinting he turns away from the blinds to spot a sleeping woman in the chair to the right.
"Huh? Who are you? Wait a minute! She's that woman from before!"
Naruto sits up when he realizes all the commotion woke Anko up.
"*YAWN*" Anko's eyes lock to Naruto's and open up "Your awake!" She runs to his side and hugs him. Naruto was dumbfounded here he was the most hated person in Konoha and a person he barely knew had saved him from death and had slept in a hospital waiting for him to recover.
"But why?" He asked her
"What do you mean?" she asked back.
"Why did you save me?" He asked expecting to her answer to be a selfish response.
"Because I care about you, gaki don't ask such stupid questions" She told him looking at him with a confused face
"Really? You really care about me?"
"Of course gaki I really do care about you. Now if you keep saying these things I'm gonna knock you out again!"
Naruto felt an emotion he's never felt before, it felt so nice. He'll never forget when he found his first friend. When he learned he really was important. Naruto now overwhelmed with happiness hugged Anko and began to bawl into her chest. She only hugged him tighter and shed a tear because she finally found someone to let go of her mask to. The only words he managed to say before he fell asleep due to the sheer emotion overload was "Thank you"
She only responded with "Your Welcome"
AN: There it goes I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Remember to rate and Review I'd really appreciate it. I'll try to update every week or so if this story kicks off. If you have any suggestions for smaller stories I could write I'd love to see them. Thank you for reading and this is Retr0 signing off!