Hello, and welcome to my new and exciting story of My Hero Academia X Sonic The Hedgehog.

Two of my favorite media series are now combined into one action-packed adventure! Izuku will be able to run at high speeds and have lots of fun just being himself. His personality is a bit different and is close to Sonic's personality, but he'll still be himself in some ways. You should expect some elements from both series to combine in order to make things more interesting.

This story is rated T for teens.

With all of that out of the way, let's get started and get going fast!

Dekic X Opening 1 (Sonic X European Theme)

(Sonic X)

Red 'Alert' sign flashing

Izuku extends his right fist while falling in a diagonal angle

(Sonic X)

Izuku running at high speeds while leaving a trail of dust behind him


Izuku Spin Dashes through the glass roof of a building before it explodes

(Sonic X)

Close up of Izuku's angry face before he Spin Dashes down a building

Izuku gives you a thumbs up


Izuku dodges cars crashing on the highway


Izuku dodges bullets from robots before jumping on top of them and smashing them

Eggman gets out of his seat

Izuku jumps off a couch and runs out of the room, leaving behind a confused Ochaco, Tenya, Katsuki, and Eijiro

A Chao has a smile on his awestruck face

Izuku is running away from a yellow robot that swings it's arm at him and he barely dodges it


Izuku Spin Dashes down a building before smashing through a row of yellow robots


A Chao flies away with a green Chaos Emerald in his arms

Izuku catches both the Chao and Chaos Emerald in his arms

(Sonic X)

Izuku Spin Dashes through a highway

A building explodes

Izuku gives you a thumbs up

(Sonic X)

A robot explodes into pieces

Izuku runs away from the screen

Eggman looks at the screen

Izuku jumps off of a surface with glowing yellow hair


(Sonic X)

Izuku runs to the right with a stern grin on his face

Izuku drops down from the sky before landing in front of Class 1-A, where he then gives you one last thumbs up

(Sonic X)

We start off inside of a room of an apartment building. Where a little baby is peacefully sleeping in its crib. The baby was a little boy that was about nine months old, and he was happily sleeping as he held on to the thing that was helping him sleep peacefully.

The child himself has messy green hair with black shadows, round dark-green eyes (that are now currently closed), and four symmetrical freckles on both cheeks underneath his eyes.

The young baby was holding something that not too many people would consider the best sleep toy to aid a baby when it was time to rest, but it somehow managed to help him rest. That thing was a green emerald!

A precious gemstone somehow was helping this young infant fall asleep during the night, but the reason for that is that this emerald was giving off a powerful energy that made the baby happy and at peace. Unknown to the baby, the emerald was fulling the inside of his body with said energy the more that he hangs on to it. This would usually be considered a bad thing, but the energy was going to give this baby a chance to make a difference in the world that he has been born into.

This baby is named, Izuku Midoriya, and this is the story of how he not only became the greatest hero to have ever walked the planet. But also the fastest thing alive!

(5 Years Later)

Izuku was stretching his legs a bit before the experiment got started. If you're wondering what's happening right now then it's best that I get you up to speed with what happened.

In the world that Izuku lives in, 80% of the global population have superpowers that allow them to do incredible feats that were once thought fictional. These powers were given the name 'Quirks'. People with Quirks could use them to become something that young children dreamed about for years: Superheroes!

However, it was not fortunate for everyone, because the remaining 20% of the world's population don't develop any superpowers at all and remained ordinary humans, which lead them to earn the title of 'Quirkless'. People without a Quirk are not treated very well by a majority of society and are seen as lesser beings by most, especially the children.

That brings us to young Izuku Midoriya, and his situation right now. Quirks develop in children at the age of 4-years-old, but Izuku didn't get a Quirk when he was 4 last year, which meant that he was labeled as a Quirkless, and if he was Quirkless that means he couldn't accomplish his dream of becoming a superhero without a Quirk. He was the only one in his preschool that was Quirkless and was teased by the other kids because of this, including from his former best friend Katsuki Bakugo.

Katsuki was the one person that Izuku saw as a friend in preschool, but that friendship was one-sided because Katsuki had a BIG ego, which made him think he was superior to everyone around him. He saw Izuku as just someone who tagged along for the ride with the rest of his lackeys, and he acted as the leader of the group of kids that he and Izuku hang out with and everyone always followed him. However, things only grow more complicated when he developed his Quirk, which was called Explosion, it allowed Katsuki to create powerful explosions from the palm of his hands. He was praised by his classmates and treated like the most important person in the world, which only ended up fueling his ego into getting bigger.

After every kid in the school developed a Quirk, Izuku was the only one left that didn't have one. He and his mother, Inko Midoriya, visited a doctor to see what had happened, and when the results were Quirkless things only started to go downhill from there. Izuku was treated like an outcast by the other kids at school as they would make fun of him for being Quirkless and exclude him from playing with any of them, and they would also physically hurt him with their Quirks for fun and made him their punching bag, Katsuki did it the most since his superiority complex made him see Izuku as a lesser being that didn't belong near him, and he also gave Izuku an insulting nickname: Deku.

It translates to, "Defenseless Izuku", meaning that without a Quirk, Izuku is defenseless against the 80% of the world's population that have one.

It would seem that Izuku's life in the world of superheroes had reached a dead end, but nine days after his 5th birthday said otherwise. Inko took Izuku to the park so that he could play on his own for a bit to make himself feel better about not having a Quirk. He played on his own for about an hour before it was time to leave, but when he ran back to his mom to get ready to head home the two of them noticed something. Izuku was playing in a sandbox that was about 30 meters from a bench where Inko was sitting watching him and ran to her in just a second!

5 year old, Izuku Midoriya, had run 30 meters in just a second, while leaving behind a green streak that was the same colour as his hair. He ran back to the sandbox to make sure it wasn't just a fluke, and it wasn't as he closed the distance in the same time frame. Izuku was jumping for joy that finally had a Quirk of his own, that meant he could finally have a chance to become a hero like he dreamed of.

Inko took him back to the same doctor that told them that he was Quirkless and was quite angry with him for telling them that, and the poor guy had to check Izuku again in order to make sure that he finds the mistake that he made last time. It turns out that he didn't make a mistake at all, the results still showed that Izuku was Quirkless, which made no sense at all because of his new ability to run at super speed.

The doctor made a few calls in order to find someone that could help the Midoriyas get the answer they needed. The result was a knock at their door one day by a group of scientist that were called by the doctor in order to help Izuku find out how he had a Quirk when the results from the doctor said otherwise.

Which leads us to where we are now; Izuku was preparing for a sprint around the public track that the group of scientist had brought him and his mother to test out what his super speed was. He looked over at his mother to see her with the group of scientist that were checking out something on a laptop that they brought with them.

There was also a speed sensor device that was going to measure his speed to see how fast he can go. Izuku waved at his mom with a smile on his face, which caused her to wave back as well.

"OK kid, we're all set. Start whenever you're ready!" called one of the scientist.

Izuku closed his eyes and started to focus hard on going as fast as he could, "Spin Dash."

Izuku curled up into a little green ball and started to spin in place while the act made a buzzing sound. He was spinning for about 9 seconds before he took off and rolled around the track as fast as he could. Izuku was rolling so fast that he left behind a green streak in his wake. The group of scientist looked at the speed sensor to see how fast the little 5-year-old was going.

"321 MPH!?"

"Now it's 359 MPH!"

"No, 456 MPH, and it's still going!"

The group of scientist were amazed at the speed Izuku was moving at for his age. It would seem that this mysterious speed 'not a Quirk' was more powerful than any of them had anticipated!

Inko was also surprised at how fast her son was moving. She was also a bit concerned if moving at fast will make him sick or something. She only hoped that Izuku will be fine.

"515 MPH! THAT KID COULD BE FASTER THAN A ROCKET SOMEDAY!" yelled one of the awestruck scientists.

Izuku finally came to a stop when he appeared in front of his mother with a smile on his face, "Mommy, mommy! Did you see me, did you see me?!" asked Izuku.

Inko picked up her son and hugged him tight with tears running down her face, "I saw, Izuku, you were great!"

While the mother and son had their moment, the multiple scientists looked at the laptop to see the information it picked up on Izuku's sprint around the track, "These readings are off the chart!"

"Fortunately, we have a bigger chart." said one of the scientists. He opened up a new tab on the deceive that showed a bigger chart of information to them, "Oh my stars...!"

"What is it, James...What in the world!?"

"What's the matt...Wow!"

One of the scientists decided to ask Inko a question, "Miss Midoriya, have you or your son been near any strong sources of power for the past few years since your son was born?"

Inko looked at that him for a moment before thinking about his question a bit, "What exactly do you mean by, 'strong source of power'?" she asked.

Before the scientist had a chance to reform his question he looked over at Izuku and saw that he was now holding something green in his hand. He took a closer look at what the child had, and was shocked when he saw it clearly, "Midoriya, what is that?" he asked.

"It's my special emerald. Mommy gave it to me when I was a baby." answered Izuku as he showed him the green emerald.

The scientist walked over to his brown bag and started to reach inside in order to look for something, which confused both Inko and Izuku as to why he suddenly asked about the emerald. He then returned to them with an open book in his hand and showed them a page that had a photo of a green emerald that was identical to the one that Izuku is currently holding, "Is this what it looks like?" he asked Izuku.

The two Midoriyas looked at the picture of the green emerald in the book and were surprised to see it resemble the one that Izuku has with him. Inko can to the conclusion that the emerald must somehow be famous, and with the scientist mentioning something about a 'strong source of power', it could mean that the emerald itself was the reason that Izuku now has super speed.

"How did you find that emerald, Midoriya?" he asked Inko.

"My father found it one day while he was out on a walk and gave it to me because he liked how it matched my green hair. I had it for years now, and when Izuku was born he liked having it near him, so I gave it to him to enjoy. He always enjoyed sleeping with it when he was still months old." she answered.

All of the scientists were surprised to hear that Izuku has had that artifact with him for so long at such a young age, "What you here there is a 'Chaos Emerald'. Which is the source of your son's power!" explained the one scientist that held the book.

"What's a Chaos Emerald?" asked Izuku. His attention was well on the scientist that had the book with the picture of this green emerald.

The scientist soon started explaining, "Chaos Emeralds are powerful artifacts that hold a powerful energy that is called 'Chaos Energy'. Which is tied to that of a bigger green emerald known as the 'Master Emerald'. You, Midoriya, have one of the seven Chaos Emeralds, which is what made you super fast!"

Izuku looked at the Chaos Emerald in his hand with a surprised look that was soon replaced by one with joy. His emerald had given him a superpower that could help him become a hero like he dreamed of!

"While you were still a baby, the Chaos Energy from the emerald entered your body because of how much time you spend near it. Your immune system was still weak because of how young you were and couldn't fight off the Chaos Energy entering your body, which allowed the Chaos Energy to fill up inside of you and give you this speed ability."

Izuku was a bit confused about something in the explanation that the scientist gave him, "What's an immune system?"

"You'll learn about that in school when your older, honey." answered Inko.

"There is only one remaining question. How is it that his ability is super speed out of all things?" asked the scientist with the book.

"What do you mean by that?" asked another scientist.

"Chaos Energy and Chaos Emeralds are still a mystery and have hardly enough information to give us an answer about how Midoriya was able to get super speed from the Chaos Energy inside his body right now. We don't know if Chaos Energy can gain other powers, or how it grants powers to the user?" replied the scientist with the book.

Inko looked at the group of scientists as they discussed theories about what Chaos Energy can do. She then had a theory of her own that might shine some light on the whole matter, "Izuku's first word was 'fast'."

That sentence got attention from the scientists as they turned around to face her, "What was that?" asked one of them.

"Izuku's first word was 'fast', maybe that has something to do with it?" Inko repeated.


Inko took Izuku to the park to get out of the apartment and to give her baby some fresh air. Izuku was in a stroller as he was parked next to his mother. She was stilling on a bench reading a book and enjoying the fresh air around her and her son.

Izuku was looking around the playground to see what was going on. He was only 6 months old and was still new to the world, he had much to learn about this planet if he was going to survive in it for the next 80 or 90 years.

Izuku saw a group of kids playing soccer and kept his eye on the ball as it moved very quickly from how powerful the kids kicked it. He then turned his attention to two squirrels that were chasing each other, while fighting over a nut. They moved fast with how they ran on four paws. He then looked towards his right to see a remote-controlled truck zooming around a grassy hill with the owner holding the controller.

All of those three things had one thing in common...


Everything in the world seemed to stop for Inko as she heard the tiny voice that she had been waiting to hear ever since she gave birth. She slowly turned her head away from the page she was reading and turned to look at her baby, "I-I-Izuku!?"


(Flashback Ends)

"You think it might be the reason that the kid is so fast?" asked one of the scientist.

"It's just a theory. We don't have any proof of that being the case, but at this rate, we should take any theory as possible fact until proven otherwise." replied another scientist.

Izuku was just running around the track again for fun and was putting on quite the show for the scientists that weren't busy thinking about the Chaos Emeralds or Chaos Energy. He was just really happy that he had his own Quirk. Even if it wasn't really a Quirk, it was still better than nothing.

The scientist with the book walked up next to Inko as she watched her son enjoy his new found speed, "Ma'ma, remember what I said about that emerald you gave your son. It's a Chaos Emerald, which means it's one out of seven others in this world. You need to keep it safe at all time. If it was to end up in the hands of a villain, then it will cause problems that would put this whole planet in danger! Do you understand?" he asked her.

Inko was still having a hard time processing all of this information about the fact that she had a powerful artifact that was one out of seven others in the world. Not only that, but it also gave her son super speed as well. But the fact that it was dangerous and could cause harm to the Earth itself if it happens to fall into the wrong hands was very frightening! She hoped that it would never be the case because it would make Izuku feel guilty that he wasn't strong enough to prevent it from happening.

"I understand. I won't tell anyone about this!" she nodded.

The scientist smiled, "As will we. We're all done here guys!" he called out to his co-workers.

They all started to pack up their things to leave. The Midoriyas waved goodbye to them and headed on home. Inko carried Izuku in her arms as she was happy that her son was now able to have a chance at becoming a hero just like he dreamed of.


Inko downed down at her arms to the face of her little Izuku, "What is it dear?" she asked.

"Is it OK to have two dreams?" asked Izuku as he looked at the emerald in his hands.

Inko got confused by his question, "What do you mean?" she asked.

Izuku looked up at her face, "I still want to be a great hero, but I have another dream too. I want to be the fastest thing alive!" he smiled.

Inko then had tears running down her face and she brought Izuku closer to her and hugged him tight, "If you really want both of those things, then go out and make them happen. You now have two dreams and that means you need to protect them! Don't let any of the other kids at school say that you can't do it, don't listen to them, look at them, or talk to them. You'll have to do that to protect your dreams." she told him.

Izuku smiled and hugged his mother back with his arms. He still held on tight to the green emerald in his hand to make sure he didn't drop it, "I love you, mommy." said Izuku.

Those words finally got to Inko as more tears went down her face, "*Sob* I love you too,*Sob* Izuku."

(3 Days Later)

Izuku was now resting underneath a tree as he enjoyed the shade it provided for him. It was a bright sunny day, so he needed to protect his skin from the bright rays that the giant star gave off.

It was Monday, and Izuku was back at school and was enjoying a nice nap, or at least he was trying to. The others kids were just so loud that taking a nap was a bit of a challenge. It was currently recess and he hadn't told anyone about his new found speed.

After he and his mom got home from talking with the scientists at the track, his mother sat him down and gave him a serious talk about not going near or talking to the other kids at school that all mistreated him. She especially wanted him to not go near Katsuki since he was the one who bullied him the most. She told him that once the other kids found out that he had a speed 'Quirk' they'll start to be nicer to them, but she didn't want him making friends with kids who once made him suffer because he was different. She also told him that if they ever bothered him again, he should just ignore them and not care. Inko promised him that one day he'll make real friends; ones who like him for who he truly is.

Izuku had listened to his mom's advice carefully and remembered all the times Katsuki and his lackeys caused him so much pain and suffering because of how different he was. He wasn't going to let them treat him like that anymore, but he also wasn't going to start problems and let his mom down either. He would just ignore them until they decided to start causing problems.

"Hey, Bakugo, what's Deku doing over there?" asked one of the kids. Katsuki looked over to where the kid was pointing and saw Izuku laying down on the grass under the tree. He and the other kids saw Izuku as a 'bug' that shouldn't be near them because he didn't have a Quirk like the rest of them.

"Hey, Deku, what are you doing here with the rest of us that have Quirks? Get lost!" called out Katsuki

Everyone expected a reaction out of Izuku, and while they did get one, it wasn't the one they were expecting, "I'm trying to sleep. Keep it down." replied Izuku.

Katsuki and all the other kids froze in shock of what they just heard. 'Deku' just talked back to Katsuki without any fear!

"W-What did he say?"

"Is he crazy!?"

"Why isn't he scared like he always is!?"

Katsuki didn't know why 'Deku' had suddenly got the nerve to talk back to him like that, but he wasn't going to let him talk back to him like that! 'Deku' was some Quirkless loser who couldn't win against him no matter how hard he tries, "You still don't know your place, you Quirkless loser!" yelled Katsuki as he rushed towards Izuku with his left hand making small explosions to hurt Izuku with.

None of the other kids tried to stop him as they enjoyed watching Katsuki make a fool out of 'Deku'. But to their surprise, Izuku suddenly curled up into a little green ball that made some sort of buzzing sound and rolled under Katsuki's left arm when he thrust it out with an explosion!

Everyone stood silently on the playground as they saw what has happened. None of them were expecting 'Deku' to have a Quirk since he was supposed to be Quirkless. At least that's what they all thought was true.


"I thought he was Quirkless?"

"He just turned into a ball!"

Katsuki looked behind him and saw 'Deku' sticking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry at him. He was in complete disbelief of what just happened. 'Deku' had a Quirk? This whole time he had a Quirk? Did he lie about not having one this whole time to make him feel like he was better than him? Was he making fun of him?

Katsuki was now seeing see with pure rage, "DEKU!" he roared and he threw his right arm out with small explosions like the last one. Only this time Izuku jumped up from the ground while he curled back into a ball and hopped on Katsuki's head to jump again and get even higher off of the ground until he grabbed a tree branch and pulled himself up.

"I said I'm trying to sleep." he repeated himself as he closed his eyes and started to snooze off.

Katsuki got up off of the ground after he fell because of 'Deku' hopping on his head. He and the rest of the kids looked up and saw the green haired boy sleeping peacefully on the tree branch that he hopped on. None of them were able to think of anything else for the rest of the day other than the fact that 'Deku' wasn't as Qurikless like they all once thought.

(2 Hours Later)

Izuku had opened his eyes and began to wake up from his afternoon nap. He was feeling great about not just the rest, but the fact that he made a fool out of Katsuki in front of the other children that mistreated him for not having a Quirk. He technically still didn't have one, but he had Chaos Energy in his body that replaces the Quirklessness that he has. He was then beginning to wonder of what the sort of things he could do with his new found speed once he starts using it correctly.

Izuku looked down from the tree to see nobody there. He forgot that it was recess when he fell asleep and must have slept for the rest of the school day, which meant that it was almost home time. That meant he could return home to his mom; the only person in the world that loved him for who he was!

Izuku was a bit sad that he didn't have any real friends to play with. Now that all of the kids at school will soon learn about his speed, they'll want to talk to him because they think it's a cool Quirk. But he remembered the talk that he had with his mom three days ago about ignoring them because they don't really care about him. Now that a few kids know that he has a 'Quirk' they'll start to treat him as an equal now, which was childish because he was still a human being, with or without a Quirk. Izuku then started to remember that his mom also told him that he'll one day make real friends who'll accept him for who he is. He felt better when he heard her say that to him.


He then heard a noise that was the leaves of the tree branches around him shaking! The only problem was that it wasn't windy, so that meant that he wasn't the only one in the tree!

Izuku looked at the surrounding branches around him to see if he could spot what made that noise. But he couldn't and was starting to get a little bit scared because whatever made the leaves move could probably hurt him.


There it was again!

Izuku looked at the direction that the noise came from and saw that it was on the same branch that he was standing on! Izuku was now backing up away from the thing that was one his branch as it got closer and closer to him! He was starting to run out of wood to step on as his end of the branch started to lower due to his body weight!

The thing that Izuku was scared of had walked out of the leaves of the tree branch and made itself visible for Izuku to now see. Izuku froze as he looked at what was making him nervous all this time, and it wasn't scary at all. It was, well...Adorable.

It was a small creature that has light blue skin that was yellow in some areas, it also had a yellow sphere floating on top of the tip of its pointy head. And finally, it had a pair of purple wings on it's back.

Izuku look at at this strange creature and saw it come close to him, but he didn't back away this time as he no longer felt any fear. The little creature looked at Izuku for a second before jumping into his airs for a hug. Izuku's arms just moved on instinct as they wrapped around the creature's back to return the hug. He felt really happy to be hugging someone that wasn't his mom for a change.

"I have to go home now!" said Izuku as he let go, but the little creature's grip on him only got stronger. It clearly didn't want to leave Izuku, he wasn't sure what to do since it was nearly time for him to head home.

"Want to come home with me?" Izuku asked.

"Chao Chao!" replied the little creature as it clapped his arms together (it didn't have hands, but Izuku still heard a clapping noise).

"Chao? Is that your name?" he asked.

The now named 'Chao' shook his head in response.

"Is that what you are?"

The Chao nodded its head. Izuku had never heard of a Chao before, but it looked like it was a lot of fun.

"If you're going to come home with me, I'll need to call you something. Can I give you a name?" asked Izuku.

The Chao nodded its head, allowing for Izuku to give him the first name that would come to his mind.

"SONIKKU!" called out Izuku.

The Chao liked that name and jumped into Izuku's arms for another hug. Izuku wrapped his arms around the now named 'Sonikku' and then jumped off of the tree branch. He curled up into a green ball to soften the landing and them ran to his mother at a normal speed for a 5-year-old child.

Izuku Midoriya's life had changed for the better that day. Not only did he finally stand up to his bullies. But he also made his first real friend!

I hope that this first chapter was to your liking because I sure had a lot of fun writing it.

My Hero Academia and Sonic The Hedgehog are two of my favorite media series for their characters, fights, and storytelling. Combining the two of them was one of the greatest things that have ever crossed my mind. I just hope that I can do a good job with making it as different from canon as I can to make it interesting enough for you guys to read.

Let me know how you feel about this chapter and go to make profile page to get up to speed with what's happening. I'll see you guys next time when I update my next story!

Next Time: Preparation For The Entrance Exam!