Warning warning code smut !!! So hey guys I thought I'd be nice and give you this chapter ... cause yeah I'm in a good mood! Soooo that's my reason ... anyways read and I hope you enjoy you strange beings !
Chapter Six - Beyond Stranger Thoughts.
It's been a bit over two weeks since they last seen each other ... okay lets be more explanatory, since the castle Byers incident ... and why you may ask...
Well Mike got suspended for a week then after that a weeks detention! And who oh for punching a mouth breather - aka the one an main bully - Troy . Why? Again you ask... because Troy called Will a fag again but to Wills face this time. So after getting a suspension slash detention Mikes mom grounded him for two weeks... meaning no leaving the house and no having anyone over caput!
(Don't worry Troy got a far worse punishment... a weeks suspension two weeks of detention and that's only cause he swore at the principal.)
Of course Mike kept in contact with everyone by hiding his radio and using it to speak with mostly a very grateful but worried Will to make sure he was okay and of course El for obvious reasons! Two weeks only speaking over the radio frequency!
But that just wasn't enough... it would never be .. enough!
So the second he was free, of course he grabs his bike and pedals like a mad man towards the direction where the love of his life is! I mean wouldn't you if you were him...?
Now where was El in that moment..I'm sure you can guess- well she was as of now home alone, toasting ten Eggos while nibbling on a cold one... she was due for her period the next week so her hormones were making her extra hungry, and like most girls sugary delights helped to appease the appetite. So that's why she had golden syrup ready to pour like a waterfall over her hot Eggos!
While doing this El couldn't help but have the same strange occurring thoughts that she has specifically about Mike. . .
It's always around the same thing, them making out like crazy hormonal teens (she learnt the word hormonal from Nancy).
And then them not wearing any clothes, having Mike show off his monster of a private part! And honestly El wondered if it would taste nice... she had imagined licking it the first time when sucking on a cold pop. And ever since has kept imagining it... especially imagining what the cream like substance that comes out of it would of tasted ... was it like whipped cream- or plain milk ... or perhaps like vanilla ice cream... she didn't know but wished to venture to find out... if only she could see him... but because he was grounded .. a word Hopper likes to use a lot with her... Mike now can't see her until he's 'off parol ' - which is what he said when explaining when he'll see her next!
El finishing her stacked Eggos sits at the table and begins her waterfall of syrup... half way through squirting it on - the sound of a bike bell makes her drop the syrup bottle and bolt to the door... Eggos miraculously discarded!
Opening the door harshly, she meets the smiling face of Mike sitting on his bike, though that doesn't last long... cause as Elevens smile grows he jumps off and that's when both race to each other.
Leading to the movie lover spin; which leads into lips locking dramatically -unleashing drawn out moans of satisfaction from both, at the prospect of finally being able to touch again!
Absolute bliss is what they feel now, like two halves of a whole finally becoming one again... except they weren't completely one in body yet... so I guess by instinct the next thing to happen is them both rubbing their aching private areas together drawing more of a moan again from both!
Then El wrapping her legs tighter around Mikes waist, which makes Mike groan at the back of his throat while he grips her hips tighter pulling her vagina closer to his hard cock. Suddenly El pulls away from the kiss...
"Not ...here... Dad will be back soon!" She explains as quick as she can. Mike nods having an idea already... good thing his mom was going out that night with Holly his father going to a game with some coworkers ... and Nancy off with her boys Johnathan and Steve as she does . Yep good thing indeed! Maybe even fate! Eh..
"Okay ... Hop onto my bike... and quick, I need you El! Really really need you.."
"Me ..to!" El says with a loving smile, smiling back Mike then kisses her quick before they both hop onto his bike heading to his as quick as his skinny long legs will let him!
Stumbling from the front door lips locked as they madly if not desperately make out with one another... Mike at the basement door shoves his jacket off, while El slips off her star bangle jumper shirt. Leaving her in a bra and jean shorts. Mike stares at her chest with lustful eyes, his lips open as he is near drooling over her beauty!
He pulls her to him again by placing his hands around her toned waist. Kissing again this time letting tongues battle out like carnal predators fighting over food, they find themselves nearly falling down the stairs while they somehow make it down to the basement- when at the end of the stairs both pull away to pull off more clothes this time, Mike takes his shirt off showing off his flat well shaped chest and stomach to El who takes him in appreciatively while she slips off her jean shorts, then shoes and socks. Breathing deep breaths as they take in what's about to happen, Mike thinking- 'I'm gonna fuck my gorgeous girlfriend we are actually going to do it ...'.
While El kept thinking... ' Need to feel Mike close, more close then all the other times... need to be close!'
So without further or do Mike unzips his pants taking those off with his tidie whities... he then takes off his shoes and socks also, leaving him bare and leaving his hard cock sticking out and pointing straight at the one it wants to be closer to. El then slowly undoes her bra, while she looks Mike over a few times, enjoying the sight of him, everything about him made her tingly all around her vagina... a tingle that was turning hot and needy! So throwing her bra to who knows where and who really cares... she then quickly pulls her thongs off to... leaving her as bare as Mike...
Both still breathing deep breaths ... they look at each other with a hungry desire, as well as a deep love and contentment... mix in this greedy need for the other and you have a recipe for a Mileven upside down cake!
Finally their bodies move as if in sync, and clash together, skin on skin as hands travel everywhere their hands can grab and caress at... while lips did the dance they both are very familiar with now and very much addicted to.
"Mm my Mike.." El moans as Mike kisses down her throat which tastes like candy, must be a new skin cream... but who cares all Mike could care about was El calling him hers and how to suck on her delicious skin, he was now leaving small bites which would make her whimper for more, as well as her tugging at his ebony locks.
Pulling his head back by his hair, the pain of it being strangely sexually tantalising to Mike, El then lip locks again with him.. her hands around his neck and face pulling him towards her... her constant thought of need to be closer .. playing like the constant static on her tv. . .
Of course El didn't actually fully understand all of it, but she found her instincts to be trust worthy enough and let them over take her every move!
Mike pulls back and quickly leads her to lay down under their fort, a thought of having their first time under it makes Mikes cock pulse desperate for it!
Now El is laying down under the fort, with Mike balancing over her, he is now making sure to nudge her sexy legs apart so he can lay between them. He needs to have access he hungers for this position - having dreamt of it every night after the Castle Byers incident.
Kissing down Els chest, Mike quickly latches his lips and tongue around her pink nipples sucking and kissing them with love and lust. El watches him do this with a look of fascination- finding it amazing how that small act can cause her to burn so much down around her private part... it was thrilling like beyond shutting a gate to another dimension. No this was like waking up from the best sleep, filled with this energy that makes you think your unstoppable!
Which in Elevens case that's pretty incredible to make someone who seems so unstoppable to feel even more so.
"Oh, please Mike.. please.." she moans wanting more but not sure exactly what she needs...
Mike lifts his head his swirling vortex for eyes staring into her beautiful hazel garden that are eyes...
"Please what El, do you want more..? "
She can only nod as a small moan escapes her...
Mike feels himself just about ready for the biggest step... but wants her to be sure... so grabbing under one of her knees he pulls her legs apart further... then still staring into her star gazing eyes he tests things with just the tip of his penis... which slides perfectly into her very wet cavern of desire. The new feeling makes El jump slightly, but she also is finding the small intrusion exciting ...
She looks down seeing that only a small part of his .. um p-penis... is in her...
"More ... " El moans out as she lets her head drop again... Mike who was staring at the near full connection of their bodies to, then stares up at her with wide eager eyes...
"You sure El..!? " he makes sure again... always the lover boy.
El feeling frustrated at not having more of his hard private part ... lifts her hips up suddenly making his whole penis penetrate her in that one quick strong movement...
"Shit!" Mike says eyes closed as he follows El as she drops her hips back down... the feel of her was unexplainable .. it was so so warm and so fucking tight and inviting ... it makes his whole body explode pleasantly!
"M...Mike..." He hears El say in a wobbly voice... scared he opens his eyes wide looking her over before staring at her face full of tears which are streaming down fast ...
"Oh... shit ... I'm sorry El I totally forgot ... I should have warned you it hurts the first time ... we can stop.. let's stop..."
He's about to pull out, but El grabs his butt keeping him in place...
"NO! Stay... pain I'm use to.. I still need you..." Mike wants to both cry for joy and pain for what she just said ... but decided instead to give her kisses all over her tear stained face.. hoping to wipe those tears with his lips.
When she soon stops, he finally kisses her lips and slowly lets himself pull out very slowly, El gasps at the feeling, there is of course still pain but something else to.. something fighting to take over everything else.
Hearing her gasp he checks to see if she is okay, when seeing the look of amazement stunning her beautiful face, he smiles with dimples as he slowly penetrates her again, this makes his brows draw in, as he finds that amazing tight feeling around his cock again.
After two more times of going slow... El then wiggles her hips around ... Mike looks at her...
"Go faster... please.." El says with cheeks red and eyes glazing nearly over in perfect ecstasy.
"Fuck... I love you so much!"
"I .. love you to MmMike!"
And then Mike starts going quicker, and they soon find a good pace, the sounds filling the basement, being the sounds of them groaning, moaning... and the sound of skin slapping against skin faster and faster and faster ... both have mouths opened in awe as minds go blurry, and bodies feel consumed by one another...
Finally they were one completely... and the adventure of it was going for quite a bit... more then five minutes at least ...
In that final minute... Mikes balls slapping madly at her ass, Els glorious breast bouncing up and down in a frenzy, while they stared at one another - eternal love becoming this eternal flame, a flame they both gladly will let burn them.
Yes... in that final minute ... they both experienced the most life changing Orgasm together!
"Ohhh Mmmine all fucking Mine... " Mike nearly screams as he cums inside her his cock twitching madly within her... at that feeling El lets her orgasm take her over the edge to...
"Oh... Mmmmike ... MIKE!!"
Mike falls on top of her breathing rapidly and feeling breathless and very very content ... El is the same as she soothes Mikes back with her hands feeling bad for scratching him when her body unleashed this powerful thing from within her, making the insides of her spasm crazily around Mikes penis!
Little did they know that Elevens powers made the whole basement messy, things having been floated around and falling off of things as her powers caused a small earthquakes to occur as well...
Oh well all they cared about or could concentrate on was each other...
"I love you..." Mike mumbles into her neck as he rolls slightly off of her pulling his cock out, he was feeling competently tuckered out but also in complete harmony! As was El, who with little strength left whispers back..
"I love you to..."
Both then begin to fall asleep, which they no doubt deserve after such an exciting episode.
Now Els last thought before she sleeps, is...
'So ...in the end ...we most d-definitely went beyond stranger thoughts !'
And indeed they did and will continue to do!
But will there be things to worry in the quake of such desires ... find out more hopefully soon !