Aurelius was frowning out a window, looking out towards the mountainside that he had blasted a hole in just days earlier.

He was thinking of his mother. Not Mary Lou Barebone, the woman who raised him. The woman who hated him and beat him. No he thought of his birth mother. The woman who names him and had died in the sea all those years ago.

Why was she going to America? Who was she? Who was HE really? All Grindlewald had given him was a name; Aurelius Dumbledore.

Aurelius was so lost in thought that he didn't register someone calling him by his new name.





Aurelius's head snapped to the side.

"That's NOT my name." He snarled.

He could feel his obscurus vibrating inside of him begging to be let out. To lash out at this...

When he saw her he paused.

The first thing he noticed about her was her eyes. Silver eyes, she had wide silver eyes.

"Sorry." She said admonished.

"I've been calling you for some time now." She held his gaze.

" I shouldn't have used that name."

Her silver eyes were filled with remorse. Them being silver wasn't the most striking thing about them. They seemed so... old. Filled with ageless knowledge, though she couldn't have been any older than him. She seemed to have eyes that had seen countless wonders, and unspeakable horrors.

Aurelius felt himself relax and his obscurus settle at her apology. He could tell that she truly was sorry.

He nodded and took in the rest of her. She was dressed from head to toe in stark white. She wore A high collard blouse that nearly reached her ears. Long billowing sleeves that ended past her wrists. Her blouse was embroidered with silver birds not quite the same shade as her eyes that swirled from her wrists to her heart. She wore white gloves over her hands, which she clasped gently in front of herself. A billowing white skirt ran to her thighs with her legs wrapped in white pantie-hoes. She wore simple white slippers that he thought must have been magicked so they wouldn't get dirty. The same silver birds were embroidered up her legs and onto her skirts.

Looking closer Aurelius could see that the birds were actually moving, flying in their strange swirling pattern up her body.

His eyes travelled past her and up to her hair. As beautifully as she was dressed her hair was an absolute disaster. Bleached white and stringy. It stuck out every which way. It looked as though she'd had a fight with a very angry bird of some sort... and lost.

He couldn't stop staring.

"Ahem." She cleared her thought.

His eyes whipped back to her striking ones.

Aurelius felt a blush creeping up his neck.

"Sorry." He said looking down towards the floor.

"It's alright" She soothed.

Then She laughed, a soft floaty laugh that made Aurelius think of happy children in springtime.

"Now we've both had to apologize and we haven't even introduced ourselves.

At this Aurelius looked back at her and was caught once again by her gaze.

"My name, is Siva Athame.

She didn't offer her had, only tilted her head and smiled.

It was like looking at the sun, she shone so brightly. It took Aurelius a moment to recover

"I I'm Aurelius Dumbledore" he stammered quietly back.