AUTHOR'S NOTE: So last chapter guys for this story. I'm glad you guys stuck around and seemed to enjoy it. I can say future SOA stories of mine (outside of AINE and a couple sequels to previous stories) will be short and sweet like this. Makes things more easier to manage and to write as I get older and such. So I hope you enjoy this last chapter.

until then.

Chapter 12: King and Queen

Aubrey is happy.

She's really really happy.

She finds herself content with her life and her family. She's happy being a mom to Jeremiah and Ava. She knows being a mother is her greatest accomplishment. She doesn't know if she ever really describe seeing the best parts of her and Jax grow. She also knows that she dreads everyday they grow older, but it just makes her appreciate that Jax was able to give her the gift of motherhood.

And surprisingly, she's happy being Jax's Old Lady.

Sure it requires her to follow some of the archaic and quite frankly sexiest bylaws and customs of the club. But it was Jax's world and she was happy that he wanted her to be a part of it. He chose her to be a part of his world.

The kids of course don't notice her extra attention and affection. In fact, they love it especially her baby boy. Jax, of course, had begun teasing that Jeremiah was a mama's boy as Jax wasn't one himself.

Besides, now with Jax being home for a few months, Ava is back to being a daddy's little girl. And it seems every Saturday the mornings are devoted to Jax and Ava having their bonding time while on Sunday, Jax devotes the day to Jeremiah.

Even then, Aubrey, when she doesn't think about it too much, also has been waiting on Jax hand and foot. During the course of their relationship, the two were never really outright affectionate. There would be little touches here and there and in public they would also stand in close proximity. Yet, they saved the need for contact behind closed doors.

But since his release from prison, it had changed between them. She thinks it's mostly because of his close call with death.

But Jax revels in the attention she is giving him. A part of her thinks he might be wondering if she is working her up to asking for another baby. She knows she does eventually want to add to their family, but right now his two years away is still too fresh.

Aubrey finds herself settled with her life - family. She's surprised that she hasn't yearn for something more permanent or even brought it up. With the way things have gone in her life, she thinks kids are a bigger commitment than marriage. She's not surprised Jax hasn't mentioned it. After all, considering she got his crow that practically meant they were married anyways. And she doesn't know if they really need it, but it doesn't stop her from chanting her name with Jax's name in her head like a schoolgirl.

She can be a little girl sometimes.

Aubrey walks into the bedroom she shares with Jax, who is already lounging in bed reading a magazine. He smiles as he spots her in the doorway. The magazine is forgotten. "Hey."

"Hey back," she replies as she steps into the room and quickly slides into bed. His hands immediately grab her and she releases a giggle as he pulls her on top of her. He wraps his arms securely around her as they are pressed chest to chest.

Sometimes she still can't believe that Jackson Teller is the man that she has somehow ended up tangled with. This is the man she has created a family with. A man that has broken her heart and at the same time mended it despite the hurt – the pain – he has put her through.

Sometimes she wonders if she is stupid or crazy for getting involved with him. Maybe it's a little bit of both.

Aubrey tilts her head up that is resting on his chest and his blue eyes connect with her green ones. He gives her a soft smile as he traces a maddening pattern across her back.

Her hand comes up to his jaw. She traces the outline that is decorated with a few days of growth. For some reason, he decided to shave the beard he had grown in prison. She wasn't exactly happy with that move and he knew it after she threw out his razor.

"Are we crazy?"

His blue eyes light up as a teasing smile comes across his lips. "You said it not me."

Aubrey scowls at him.

He tightens his hold on her. "Maybe, but who isn't."

Aubrey lays her head back down against his warm chest and listens to the beating of his heart. For some reason, his words don't really assure her or maybe she's a little miff that he would consider them crazy. She's not sure or really maybe the stings of his betrayals haven't really faded away.

Maybe she doesn't want to just be the crazy baby mama of Jax Teller or an old lady. His second one at that she reminds herself.

"You going to tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours."

"Can't make things too easy for you can I?"

"No, I guess not," he tells her quietly as he shifts and before Aubrey can really comprehend she finds herself on her back with Jax fitting easily between her thighs.

The first kiss is simply a tease. Just a little taste that leaves her wanting more as she chases his lips before she becomes distracted as he trails down her jaw, neck, and chest. As his hands slip underneath her shirt and things are becoming a little more heated, a loud cry echoes through the house.

Jax rips his lips from her body as he sighs dramatically. Aubrey can't help, but giggle.

"My son the master of timing." Jax comments as he slips out of bed.

Through the baby monitor, Aubrey can hear Jax softly singing "Sweet Child of Mine."

. . .

It's a sad, but joyful event. Due to an inclining health, Piney Winston has to step down from his position and duty as the Vice President of SAMCRO. Aubrey can't really tell if the man is feeling some sort of blow to his ego over this. She knows men can get really out of sorts about things happening that they didn't choose. It wasn't out of their own free will, but life and health has a funny way of changing plans.

Although, everyone knows it could be worse that instead of celebrating a retirement of some sort it could've been Piney's funeral.

Yet, Piney is all smiles with his bottle of Tequila and the customized trike the boys had punched in to buy and customize for the grouchy First 9 member. But this party is a celebration of even more; it signifies a major change for the structure of the club. She's not sure if she should call it legacy or fate in the case of Jax.

With Piney stepping down as Vice President, Jax was nominated for the role. She knows the vote passed unanimously. Knows there wasn't any resistance to Jax being one step closer to following in his father's footsteps. As she eyes the mint clean flash that proclaims him VP, she wonders if this same fate will follow their son. She doesn't linger on those thoughts because Jax is generally happy. This is his world and his life.

She trusts him to be able to balance this along with the security of their family. However, Aubrey isn't as young as she once been and motherhood has slightly sucked the need for her to want to stay out late and party. Besides, this party is clearly for the men than old ladies.

She finds her way up onto the roof that gives her a clear view of the clubhouse and the party, but she is also able to get a good view of Charming as well. She doesn't know how long she has been up there, but apparently long enough for her absence to become noticeable.

Jax's head pops up from the opening before he fully climbs out onto the roof.

He sits next to her on the crate. "You okay?"

Aubrey smiles as she nods her head. "Yeah, I didn't realize I was up here that long." She looks at him with a slight frown. "I didn't…I didn't do anything wrong –"

Jax immediately shakes his head and his arms immediately wrap around her as he places a kiss on her head. "Naw, in fact, it's better that you aren't down there." He grimaces slightly and Aubrey can only imagine what Tig and Happy are doing. "Besides, I need to talk to you about something."

Aubrey raises an eyebrow as Jax digs into the pocket of his kutte. Her heart nearly lodges into her throat at the sight of the velvet box.

Her mouth opens and closes a few times and she is stunned into silence as he opens the box. It's a beautiful white gold ring with a ruby red pearl shape diamond in the middle outline with small diamonds. Her eyes find Jax's blue ones.

"We should get married."

Aubrey's eyes go from the box to his eyes. "Is that what you want?"

Sure the guys had their old ladies, but she felt marriage was a whole different commitment. Marriage was part of the institution that the men despised.

"I love you." He tells her.

Jax says later that she cried. Aubrey didn't remember crying tears. She does remember making him get on his knees to make the proposal more traditional. Although Jax tells her he got on his knees for a different reason.