There were a lot of things forbidden to Adrien Agreste and most if not all of them could be classified as various subcategories under "Do Not Disobey Your Father." It didn't mean that Adrien never went against his father's wishes. If he could get away with it, he so did, but those cases were rare and not without a good reason. Most of Gabriel's demands were somewhat rational anyway. Plus, as Adrien was getting older and moved out, even those gradually diminished. As of now "Upkeeping Agreste's good name and reputation" was Adrien's most important responsibility but even he couldn't expect that to include "fake dating for the sake of appearing modern to the public eye."

It was an ordinary September morning. Nothing unusual or out of the ordinary was happening, and even his father's sudden summoning was not that surprising to Adrien. Gabriel had a spontaneous streak buried deep underneath his obsessive passion for planning, and sometimes it surfaced. It wasn't a big deal and usually, work-related. Not today, though. Today, Gabriel demanded that Adrien attended as many of the upcoming Paris Fashion Week shows as he could and at least one or two of its after-parties with a reputable, decent girlfriend on his arm. Adrien stalled. Then did something he rarely did – he protested. Gabriel argued back, and by the end of the meeting, Adrien understood that no objections from him would work because Gabriel was suddenly dead certain that a twenty-five-year-old son who didn't lack in either looks or fortune and remained single his whole life was turning to be a little embarrassing and quite frankly outdated. Adrien's "Most Eligible French Bachelor" status had suddenly become a burden to the family and the company and had been keeping them from moving in rhythm with the modern times, damaging their reputation.

"I don't care who you bring, Adrien," Gabriel finished their conversation. "Fake it, pay someone, start dating for real but I expect you to show up with a decent girl. Bring a guy if you want. I don't care as long as you come with someone who would clearly be more than just a friend. Do we understand each other?"

Not so secretly, Adrien suspected that the sudden culprit for such unusual demands might have been Chloe Bourgeois' suddenly highly publicized relationship with her newest boyfriend and her mother's innocent remarks in Gabriel's direction that "if there was nothing wrong with the children they should be getting hot and heavy at this age." Adrien wasn't the only one who'd noticed his father's facial muscles twitch at those words but he was probably the only person in the room who hadn't thought about Gabriel going as far as to suggest a fake girlfriend to save his face in front of his longtime rival.

To his luck, the Fashion Show had been scheduled in two weeks - plenty of time to find somebody. Unfortunately, Adrien didn't want just anyone. He didn't want fake. He wanted love. He wanted real, and he wanted potential. That was hard to find in two weeks. In truth, the only one he wanted was Ladybug, but just a few days ago Chat Noir had been rejected again, so she was out of the question. Adrien had thought that he had already accepted that Ladybug most likely would never look at Chat Noir as anything more than a good friend and a partner but he tried nevertheless. Again and again, at least once a year, Chat Noir would give Ladybug a simple black card with a green paw sticker on a front and his love confession written inside. A few days later she would inevitably give him a red card with Ladybug sticker in return. The rejection he almost anticipated would be written on the other side. It was almost like a tradition by this time, but it still hurt. It was getting a little pathetic, and even Adrien understood that. So, while his father's demand was shocking at first, as he stood there, silently listening to Gabriel's reasoning one thought hammered through his mind – Maybe it was the time for him to move on? Maybe this would be the much-needed kick in the butt? Perhaps it would end up being for the best? After all, what did he have to lose? Hesitantly, Adrien agreed to at least try.

With limited time, though, he had few choices. Paid actresses were an absolute No and Adrien wasn't naive enough to believe that a gorgeous stranger would appear out of nowhere and sweep him off his feet any minute now. Thus, an attempt at a real relationship was the only viable option for him and the only one Adrien felt comfortable with. For that, he looked at his friends, people he knew liked him for who he was and not what he had or what he represented. Realizing, though, that fake relationships could get very messy and ruin friendships, Adrien took his time to think it over. To the one he would choose, he would not be offering a fake; he would be asking for a real chance, and he had to carefully consider all of the risks involved.

Plagg had immediately insisted on the "bakery girl," but Adrien hesitated simply because he really liked Marinette and wasn't sure he was willing to risk losing her friendship if it didn't work. Yes, considering how their relationship was at this time, Adrien could easily see himself falling in love with Marinette. She was fun; she was loving; she was beautiful, and she made him feel at home, safe, secure. Adrien trusted her with his life. She was one of the best people he knew and one of his best friends. She was so much like his Lady. He would hate to lose her. Plus, there was also one more thing – he knew for certain that for Marinette he was just a friend and that particular aspect scared him away. Years of unrequitedly pining after Ladybug had left its mark and the last thing Adrien wanted was to willingly go into another possible unrequited love situation. And finally, his father was always really adamant about him getting involved his employees.

"They would only see you as an opportunity, Adrien," Gabriel liked to repeat. "Don't even think about getting involved with anyone in 'Gabriel.' There are plenty of other fish outside the company."

And Marinette Dupain-Cheng was his only protégé for some time now, the person who was always by his side and who presumably had more intentions than anyone else on using Adrien as the means to get a piece of "Gabriel" if not the whole. Adrien knew this to be an absurd idea, but he still couldn't see how his father would approve him dating Marinette. She was out of the question as well, and that left him with Kagami.

Kagami, Adrien respected. She was his friend as well. She was from a reputable family that would certainly please his father, and she liked him as more than a friend if he were to believe her last year's drunk confession. She was still waiting for him, just as she promised him years ago. Maybe it was the time to give her a second chance?

Deliberating on it for a few days and not coming up with any compelling reasons not to, Adrien went to speak with Kagami. He was candid about Gabriel's demands, his own wishes, that there had been someone else in his past whom he still loved. He even admitted that he was not in love with Kagami, but he was willing to give it his best and see where it led them. Kagami accepted. That same day Adrien told Gabriel. His father didn't react in any particular way. For a few moments, he watched Adrien with a quirked eyebrow, then murmured "I see" and walked away, which Adrien considered being a good sign.

The next day Adrien planned to tell his friends. They were meeting for one of their weekly lunches which meant he would have all of them, Nino, Alya and Marinette, at the same time at the same place. No need to hunt everyone down separately and to explain everything more than once. They might even give him some pointers on how to make this new relationship work because as confident as Adrien usually was, a change of this magnitude made him nervous.

So here he was, enjoying his meal and laughing alongside his friends in a secluded area of their favourite cafe, waiting for that perfect moment when he could spill the beans. In other words, Adrien stalled until the very end. It was only when Nino and Alya suddenly announced that they had some urgent thing to do they had completely forgotten about and therefore had to depart ASAP, Adrien forced himself to confess before they could escape. All three fell quiet for a few moments, staring at him in confusion and disbelief. Alya immediately sat back into her chair, pulled it over to Marinette's and hugged her.

"I didn't realize we were such an unlikely couple," Adrien nervously chuckled.

"Uh, no, no," Nino also sat down back into his seat on the other side of Marinette. "It's not that. It's just that we didn't realize that- I mean we knew Kagami liked you this way, but we didn't think that you had feelings for her other than friendship."

Before Adrien could explain his father's involvement and the reasons behind his own decision to give Kagami a chance, his cell phone buzzed. He stole a glance at the screen and immediately stood up.

"Ugh," he murmured. "I'm sorry guys. I have to run. It'll be pretty busy the next few days with all the last-minute prep for the Fashion Week, but I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, dude. No sweat. See you."

"See you, Adrien," Alya added, her sight shifting to Marinette, who kept staring at the table.

She murmured something Adrien didn't quite catch but assumed was some kind of farewell.

"If you're going too—" Adrien put his share of the bill on the table "—I can give you a lift as long as it's on the way to Kagami's."

"No. Thank you, but we aren't in a rush anymore," Alya said, squeezing Marinette's shoulder. "The thing got cancelled."

"Alright. See you around then." Adrien shrugged and after gathering his things walked away. The sudden, apparently telepathic cancellation was weird, but even if Adrien had noticed that, he didn't have the time to inquire about the specifics. Plus, it was Alya and Nino. They were known to be spontaneous and change their plans on a whim. Adrien got used to that a long time ago. Also, he was already running a little late for dinner with Kagami and her mother, and according to the text he had just received, her mother was getting antsy about his whereabouts. Kagami didn't think she could stall her much longer, so she was asking him to get there ASAP. Good thing he hadn't parked too far.

Nearing his car, Adrien reached into his pockets and halted his steps. His keys were not there. His wallet was, but not the keys. He must have left them back on the table when paying for his order. Turning around, Adrien walked back, but as soon as he came closer to their table, he stopped dead in his tracks again. The scene he was beholding was something Adrien couldn't even imagine if he tried. Alya was holding Marinette close, and even Nino was sympathetically wrapping his arm around her shoulder while she, his always-happy friend Marinette, was crying her heart out, trying her best to stifle the sobs and maintain more or less decent appearance in public.

In a way, she was lucky their usual spot was a secluded one and not a lot of people dined here at this time of the day so, as far as he could judge no one apart from him had noticed. At least, no one around was showing it even if they had.

Thoughts rushed into Adrien's head. What was happening? He had never seen Marinette cry before. Not in public. Not this violently. Who did this to her? When? How? He was just there a few minutes ago, and Marinette was fine, so something must have just happened. Was she hurt? She must have been injured after he left but how? When? By whom? He'd better go over there and help!

There were a few visual obstacles between him and his friends, so Adrien wasn't noticed immediately. In a few moments, however, Nino's sight fell on his keys. Adrien saw him freaking out, grabbing them and getting up. Nino said something to Alya and hurried his way. That's when their eyes met, and almost instantly Nino was already by Adrien's side, grabbing his arm and pulling him away, motioning him to be quiet. Once they reached his car, however, Adrien burst.

"What's happening, Nino? Why is Marinette crying? And in public! Something serious must have happened. Why aren't you telling me what happened? Nino!"

"I don't think it's my place, Adrien-"

"Nino, please." Adrien stepped closer and took his friend by his shoulders. "Marinette is my friend. I need to know if something happened because maybe I can help-"

"Adrien." Nino bit his lip nervously and finally looked at him. "I don't think you can help and I don't think you should ask. Not now at least."

"But why?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. It's not my place to do so."

"Okay," Adrien replied. "Then I guess I'd have to go back and ask Marinette herself."

"No!" Nino grabbed Adrien's arm to keep him in place. "Adrien, please, let it go for now."

"I can't do that," Adrien argued back. "Marinette is one of my best friends, and she is clearly in distress over something serious, and quite frankly I don't understand why would you keep me away if I can possibly help her?"

"You can't!" Nino pressed his lips together, hesitating. He almost begged. "Don't you see it, Adrien? You are the last person who can help her right now."

Adrien frowned and pulled back. "Why would you say that?"

"Adrien, please," Nino pleaded. "I can't explain but trust me on this. You can't help her right now."

For a few moments, Adrien was staring at his friend dumbfoundedly. Then he pulled his hand out of Nino's grasp and crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't understand you, Nino. I'm trying to, but I just don't get it. What makes you so sure I won't be able to help her?"

Nino pondered on something for a few more moments and then straightened up and looked Adrien straight in his eyes, his own full of determination. "I gave the oath to keep this a secret, but I think it's time you knew. Promise me, however, that you won't tell anyone that I told you this."

Adrien raised an eyebrow. "That serious?"

Nino nodded, and Adrien agreed. The DJ clasped his hands together behind his back and nervously paced around in front of Adrien's car for a short while before stopping.

"Okay." He inhaled. "Since there is no nice way of going about it, I'll just say it. Marinette didn't take your dating Kagami news very well because she has been in love with you ever since you met."

Astonished, Adrien stared at Nino. "But—" he murmured absentmindedly, "—but that's all the way back to lycée."

"Exactly," Nino sighed. "She was actually planning to ask you out to Gabriel's 'couples only' after-party at the end of the Fashion Week. We were supposed to scram so she could do that."

Slack-mouthed, Adrien couldn't utter a single word, couldn't take his eyes off Nino but saw nothing. A few moments of complete silence passed between the duo despite the chaos of a rushing crowd of people and cars around them.

"Why didn't she tell me?" Adrien finally muttered out. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

In response, Nino offered Adrien his keys with a lackluster smile on his lips. "She tried and failed multiple times, and we kind of hoped you would see it for yourself eventually. It's not like she hid it. Everyone else figured it out."

Adrien didn't reply, neither did he take his keys, so Nino took Adrien's hand and put them on his palm. "I'd better go back before they suspect anything," he added. "Listen, Adrien. Don't worry about it now. We respect your choice, and I'm sure Marinette will be fine with it eventually. Just give her some time. She is an amazing girl, and crush or not, she is your friend first of all. She'll support you no matter who you are in love with." For the lack of response, Nino stroked Adrien's shoulder. "Dude, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Adrien responded quietly. "Just a bit surprised."

Nino raised his eyebrow. "A bit?"

"I'd better go," Adrien uttered and stretched out his hand to Nino. "I'm already very late. Thank you for telling me."

Adrien hopped Nino wouldn't notice how his whole body trembled as they hugged goodbye. Nino said nothing. He remained silent when Adrien got behind the wheel and started the engine. He walked away without another word, but Adrien's car continued to stay in place for some time yet, its driver staring off into space. He finally left after Kagami called his cell phone again to inquire about his whereabouts.