Hey fangirls boys. Back with another chapter. Hope ya'll enjoy it. Pls review xox~

Robin slammed his front door shut forcefully, it was barely 5 and he was already nursing a bottle of whiskey. He promised he would do better this year, That he'd at least keep his shit together. But here he was tipsy with his shit firmly unravelled, barely concealing the fact that he was breaking down. His body begged for rest from the bender the night before but he was unrelenting.

He knocked the bottle back again as he shrugged his coat off and sank into his couch, he figured that's where he'd be spending the night anyway. He knew this wasn't him, Not really. But today was the chance to get it all out.

To finally say goodbye to the pain he'd been carrying for so long and instead harness that pain. Never forget it, but never let it drag him down again.

So he drank hastily and thought deeply, about the life that he almost had and the life he could have. He thought about the look in Marian's eyes as she collapsed to the floor while he called 911. The look on the doctors face when he told him the news, The tears they both cried for the loss of their child and the broken shards of their marriage. And lastly he thought about how well he had been doing these past few years.

He had got his life back together after a brief absence from work. He had come back freshly inspired and somewhat healed. He had bounced back from the disarray that was his life and built a sort of future.

Things had become easier, He loved his students. Thoroughly enjoyed teaching them and got on well with most if not all of his colleagues. Except her. She was different, he could tell she wasn't cold or heartless as much as she portrayed herself that way. She was a mystery to him and truth be told he didn't even know her. Yet something about his boss intrigued him.

But his mind shouldn't be on her. It should be on his boy, Roland. The light of his life that was diminished far too quickly. He tipped the bottle again.

She had a lot of passages to read through, But she was distracted. Sat staring into space as she unconsciously chewed the bottom of her pen. Regina was deep in thought so much so that she barely noticed her phone screen light up with a text message notification.

No, She was too busy worrying herself about a colleague she barely knew. When she looked into his eyes she saw something she knew all to well. Numbness.

Something that had comforted her through her darkest moments and she couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable.

But she tried her best to concentrate on the writing in front of her.

Something I enjoy:The beauty of the bear claw.By Emma Swan.

"How creative Miss Swan a whole page about a donut". Regina chuckled to herself, The blonde was quite the clown. Nevertheless she found it amusing, It was a welcome distraction.

Once she'd cleared her mind slightly she began to pack up her papers. It had been a long day and she was ready to go home.

He was plastered, barely keeping his eyes open as he lay motionless on his couch. He had successfully drowned his sorrows and now it was time to repair himself. It took a lot of strength and an incredible amount of effort to force himself to stand up, Once he finally had he swayed uncontrollably.

"Shit." He exclaimed as he struggled to keep his balance, He stumbled over to the front door as best he could and pulled on his jacket, Making sure his keys where in his pocket he made his way outside.

He needed the fresh air. Sober up, sort your shit out. He told himself as he wandered aimlessly. He knew he'd regret it in the morning but this was the beginning of a new chapter. He was going to move on.

One breath after the other, slowly and surely. The wind was whipping harshly, Just enough to slightly wake him up. He didn't have a destination in mind, he just wanted to blow off steam, exhaust his body of all negative energies so he could return to work tomorrow feeling refreshed.

He continued on down the mainstreet, The street lights flickering dimly in the fading light of the late night. Maine was difficult this time of year, winter bringing harsh winds and darkened nights.

Robin was feeling disorientated, Stumbling on down the road with absolutely no thought, as if on overdrive.

It was freezing this time of year. Regina held her coat closer to her chest as she hastily walked towards her car, Her hair whipped harshly in the wind as she slid into the drivers seat. Closing the doors behind her she immediately put the keys in the ignition and pulled out of the school car park.

Kathryn had texted, Back from her business engagement and ready to party apparently. Regina scoffed, no a drink or two will be just fine. They'd have a small catch up then Regina would have about a dozen late creative writing assignments to grade before she could even think about sleeping.

And that was how her nights usually ended, Her social life was dead but then she never really had one to begin with, seemed better to keep people at arms length.

So she would go home suffer through at least a half hour of pointless questions and requests to join her on her online dating site. But she couldn't hate it, Kathryn was her best friend and in her own weird way was just looking out for her.

She was a big ball of eccentric energy her best friend, loud bubbly and if she did say so herself a bit too nosey for her own good.

But they balanced each other out.

He felt his phone vibrate and he stuffed his hands impatiently into his pocket to fish out said object. He could barely make out the text.

Hope you're doing ok mate.See you tomorrow,Will.

Nice of him to get in touch. His friends weren't exactly the most sensitive at times but they were always there for Robin through his hardest. And he them. He regretted not talking to them, would've been easier to get through the day with a few friends around. But he had to do it himself this time, for the last time before he continued to rebuild his life.

The walk was helping, his mind felt clearer if not slightly fuzzy thanks to the whiskey. His steps more of a stumble but mentally he felt lighter, a little less weighed down by his troubles. Tomorrow was a new day. A whole new chance to leave it behind him and that felt relieving.

He was wandering through the east side of town now, Where the huge houses stood almost as tall as the tree's. The front gardens perfectly groomed with flowers alike. It really was a quiet area, peaceful. Unlike his place closer to the town centre. The humdrum of busy life couldn't be heard here it was almost like a paradise.

He was lost in thoughts again, The peace and quiet helping him drift into a state far from reality as his legs continued to walk, if slightly off Mark as his feet guided him closer and closer to the pavements edge.

Stepping unconsciously onto the road as he filled his lungs with the icy winter air and carried on going.

Until he noticed a flash behind Him, two infact. Blinding Him, Bathing his form in a swirl of amber light as he heard the sound of screeching tires he jumped back in shock as he finally came into his senses.

Shit. He could've been hit, his breath quickening as he tried to gain back some composure in his intoxicated state. He couldn't see much past the light beside the door flying open as someone stepped out. Obviously infuriated.

"What the HELL do you think you're ... Robin?" Regina asked with utter confusion. She was about ready to kick someone's ass. What the fuck was wrong with Him? Why was he even out at this time? And drunk?

"Regina.. I'm so sorry I uhm..." He was stumbling over his words and rightly so. He was mortified, drunk and could've been squished by his boss's car. He had hit a new low. His hand came up Instinctly to his hair, running it through repeatedly so not to meet her gaze.

"I could've hit you, what the hell where you thinking?" She asked, a little softer this time as the initial shock wore off. She tucked her hair behind her ears as the wind picked up and started to whip with a rage.

"I was lost in thought, I'm so sorry." He hurried, He had never been more uncomfortable in his life, utter shame filled him as he fumbled with his hands in his pockets.

His swaying came as no surprise to Regina who had already realised something was not quite right.

"You're drunk." She stated, raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow at Him daring him to test her. She knew she was right. Yet her brow furrowed slightly with concern.

"Yes. I am." Robin trailed, The disappointment evident in his voice.

"Are you on your way home?." She asked him nonchalantly, Perhaps to make small talk? Maybe to diminish the awkwardness a bit? She had no idea.

"Just came from there. Needed to get some air." Robin told her, Realising he was still very much in the middle of the road took a few steps back onto the pavement.

"Rough night?" She asked. Trying to subside the shivers that racked her body as the cold assaulted them.

"Guess you could say that." He looks miserable She thought. This wasn't the teacher she knew, The one who turned up every morning with a smile, The one who was so passionate about literature he could be seen reading at least four different books a day. The teacher who was the one colleague she had who refused to take her shit, The only one who combatted with her. Even if their banter was slightly annoying.

The man in front of her looked hopeless, unmotivated. Out of it. She couldn't just leave Him? Even though her mind screamed at her to do that. This was a completely different situation one that Regina had no experience with. But she was human and she couldn't leave him that way.

"How'd you like a glass of the best Apple cider you ever tasted?." She asked suddenly. You did not just say that. She thought with shame. She was just going to offer him a lift home, not invite him to hers! Had she gone mad?

"Uhm sure." He gave her a smile, small and short but it was the first time He Had that day. Nothing like his usual goofy grin but It was something.

"Get in." She told him as she made her way back to the drivers seat and slid in with ease.

It took Robin a second to absorb it all.

He was steaming drunk,

On his way to get more drunk.

With his boss...

He'd had weirder nights.

He approached her black Mercedes slowly Principal salary looks good on her. Robin made a mental note, apparently being head of a school paid well. He internally chuckled before getting into the car.

Shooting Kathryn a quick text Regina shoved her phone in her pocket and they were off.

Her house was like a fucking museum. It was huge, Painted a bright white giving it an airy yet slight lonely feel to it. Her home was immaculate, There was a place for everything and you'd bet that everything was in that place. In some ways her home reflected the type of woman she was, tidy and organised. She liked things a certain way that did not go unmissed by Robin.

She had huge bookshelves adorning the halls filled to the brim with brightly bound books of all shapes and sizes. He followed her to the left, a large sitting room with a huge fire at the head of the room. Her coffee table in front of the white sofa was littered with books and scraps of paper, notebooks and pens. It was a writers paradise that was for sure.

"I'll be right back, Make yourself comfortable." Regina said quietly, with an awkward kind of smile as she walked out of the room.

Her high heels clicking against the marble floors as she did. Robin was amazed. Everything was perfectly neutral, white and caramel mostly. He figured she was into simplicity. Everything worked.

He was intrigued by the books before him but held his urges to read back. This was her space and those were her things. He needed to reign it in. He was still pretty drunk.

He settled to quietly thinking while he awaited her return. Gazing across the room to further inspect his surrounding. There were various ornaments decorating the mantle. Mainly horses probably her favourite animal. A few elegant candles. No pictures though. Robin found that slightly odd, true he lived alone but his parents still stopped by, his home was filled with pictures of his loved ones.

Did she have a lot of family? Did they stay in touch?

Regina cleared her throat from behind him, Cutting his musings off at the source when he turned to face her.

"Here." She said quietly, handing him a glass filled with amber liquid.

She made herself comfortable on the sofa, crossed her legs and leaned back. Shooting him a quick look.

"Are you going to sit down? Or are you content to stand all night?."

"Sorry, Nice place." He said simply, Taking a sip of his drink as he sat down on her immaculate sofa.

"Thanks." She replied, Slowly enjoying her own drink. You shouldn't have brought him here. What happened to arms length Regina? Her mind buzzed with a million questions and doubts but she blocked them out. Determined to have a normal conversation.

"You were right. Best Apple cider I've ever tasted. Only cider I've ever tasted, but delicious." He said with a smirk, a little brighter than the last one.

"Made it myself." Regina told him with pride. She wasn't great at everything but she had some talents.

"Seems like you're a woman of many mysteries." Robin observed. Because the more he thought about it, The more the truth hit him. They had worked together for 2 years and this was the first time they'd ever interacted outside of the school grounds and Robin couldn't think of a single reason why.

He was good friends with most of his colleagues, hung out with a lot of them. But Never her. He was interested, intrigued by the mystery that was Regina Mills.

She laughed, a deeply feminine one too before she tipped her glass again. She looked tired, he noticed even if he was inebriated. He could see it in her eyes.

"So do you wanna talk about what happened?" Regina approached, suddenly the conversation became heavy and so the air became thick as Robin swallowed. Did he want to talk? Was he ready? Most importantly did he want his boss knowing something so deeply personal about him?

"You don't have to. But just for the record. I'm not your boss right now. I'm just Regina." She told him With a grin. A small effort to show him he could trust her.

"My boy would've been 2 today." Robin sighed, his gaze set on the floor. It felt good to say it, The next step ( the one that always stumped him) was to except it.

Would've circled her mind over and over. She understood, She had experienced a lot of Would've during her life too. Next to the should've beens. There was nothing more painful.

She paused for a bit, thought carefully and tipped her glass again.

"I'm sorry." It came out as a whisper, as if anything louder could shatter the fragile glass that separated them from social awkwardness.

"Don't be. There was nothing to be done." Robin told her with a sigh because it was true. But enough wallowing in self pity, he did not come here to drag her down with him.

"So." He cleared his throat as he shuffled on the sofa.

"Tell me about yourself?" it wasn't so much a demand as it was a question. He was interested in her, eager to know about her. Maybe, just maybe he could unravel the layers to such a mysterious woman.

"There isn't much to know." She told him a matter of factly. Why was he so interested anyway?.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe. Clearly you like to write." Robin said in regard to the multiple books and papers strewn before them.

"Well it is a requirement for a creative writing teacher." She Combatted with a laugh, They came easier after she'd had a drink and it didn't stop her pouring another either.

"Sometimes I see things, so vividly and bold. Not always in the right time though. So I write, I keep writing until I can make sense of the world." She told him honestly, Once she started she very rarely stopped. The words flowing as easy and as free as a river.

As did their conversation.