[an] i need to stop coming up with story line ideas every time i watch raw or smackdown. This story has been brewing for awhile (since August). So, it's about time it came into existence.

[disclaimer] i only own my oc Cassandra Devitt (Cassie Balor); Kimberly owns Chloe Griffin (Chloe Britt). I am in no way affiliated with the wwe

A Love Like War
Chapter One

Monday Night RAW - October 15, 2018

Acting General Manager Baron Corbin stalked toward the dressing room. He rapped loudly on the door and waited for it to open. He didn't have to wait long, within seconds the door swung open and the former RAW women's champion Alexa Bliss stepped out into the corridor and closed the door behind her. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms, "Yes?"

"I'm looking for Cassie Balor. Send her out, please."

Alexa rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by being sent on an errand but, didn't object. She opened the door and stepped back inside.

Corbin waited, arms crossed, for a few moments before the door once again opened and a petite brunette stepped out. She wore black leather leggings, a white t-shirt that said "Follow Love" and a black leather moto jacket. She frowned at the sight of the Corbin. "Yes, Constable." She said, sarcastically.

"I believe you mean, acting RAW General Manager... " Corbin corrected. "And I am here to inform you that you have a match tonight."

"I was told I wasn't wrestling tonight, sir."

"Well, I decided that you are wrestling tonight and you will be facing Ruby Riott in a falls count anywhere match."

"What? You can't be serious. You can't put me in falls count anywhere match with absolutely no notice!"

"I can and I did. You better get ready, your match will be starting soon." Corbin smirked as he walked away, leaving a baffled Cassidy standing by the locker room door.

Chloe Britt rushed down the corridor, the stilettos heels of her knee high leather boots clicking on the tile floors. She reached the locker room she was looking for and pounded on the door, glancing up and down the hallway. The door creaked open and Finn Balor looked out. He frowned at the sight of his sister's best friend and tag team partner. He stepped out and closed the door behind him. "Chloe, is everything alright?"

"No, Corbin just put Cas in a falls count anywhere match against Ruby tonight. What are we going to do? You know that the rest of the Riott Squad is going to get involved. She doesn't stand a chance. "

Finn sighed and shook his head. Chloe frowned, she knew exactly what he was thinking. "It's not your fault."

"Of course it is. He has been putting Cassie in ridiculous matches ever since I beat him at Summerslam. He knows going after her will get to me."

"This is on him, not you. Right now, we need to figure out what we can do to help her."

"You can stop your planning." Chloe jumped at the unexpected voice and spun on her heel, looking furious. Corbin laughed at her expression and took a step closer to them, taking a moment to look down on her, "If either of you interfere in Cassie's match tonight… you will be terminated."

"You can't do that!" Chloe objected, taking a step closer to him and glaring up at him through narrowed eyes.

Corbin laughed at her and walked away, bumping into Finn as he passed. Earning a glower from both Finn and Chloe.

Chloe huffed as she stomped off toward the women's locker room. Finn sighed and rubbed the back of his neck before going back inside the men's locker room.

"The following is a falls count anywhere match. Introducing first, accompanied by Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan, Ruby Riott."

The fans booed as the Riott Squad performed their usual entrance and made their way to the ring.

Once all three women were standing inside the ring the lights dimmed and the fans began to the cheer. The soft playing of violins filled the arena as two white spotlights shone on the stage. Cassidy appeared on the stage, in her long white robe with fur accenting the hood that was pulled over her head. She did her signature pose at the top of the ramp. She walked slowly to the ring, her hands folded in front of her. She then climbed the ring steps and stepped through the ropes.

She removed her hood, revealing her face. Her makeup was neutral, with extra long eyelashes and gems adorning her right cheek, eyebrow and around her bright blue eyes. She tossed the robe outside of the ring. She was wearing her custom white bodysuit and white wrestling boots. She smiled at Ruby and waited for the bell to ring.

The fans cheered as Cassie quickly crossed the ring and took the leader of the Riott Squad down with a huge tackle. She began to hit the raven haired rocker repeatedly with left and rights. Ruby fought her way back and shoved Cassie off of her, dragging herself to her feet using the ropes.

Ruby wiped at the corner of her mouth as she glared at Cassie. Cassie was kneeling in the center of the ring. Ruby ran at her, looking for a knee, but Cassie rolled out of the way and jumped to her feet. She hit Ruby with a running drop kick and went for the pin. Ruby kicked out at two. Cassie smacked the mat in frustration.

"Cassie needs to keep her cool here. She can't get distracted with the rest of the Riott Squad at ringside." Corey said as she observed the match..

"She was, rightly, looking to end this thing early Corey. She wants to get out of there before Morgan and Logan get involved."

Ruby and Cassie were both on their feet and trading strikes. Cassie fell back and hit the ropes, looking for a clothesline when Sarah grabbed her feet, causing her to fall to the mat. Ruby made quick work of running over and repeatedly stomping on her back and her shoulders before grabbing her and dragging her to her feet.. She grabbed her arm and hit the riott kick but, Cassie kicked out at two.

Cassie went to roll out of the ring but, stopped.

"Cassie, looking to get a breather almost rolled out of the ring but, then thought better of it. She is going to have to do her best to end this match early."

Ruby once again pulled her up but, Cassie kneed her in the stomach, causing Ruby to double over. Cassie hit a corkscrew neck-breaker, much to the delight of the crowd. She went for the pin, but Liv grabbed her legs and pulled her out of the ring. Liv and Sarah began to beat down on Cassie while Ruby recovered in the ring. Cassie swept Liv's legs out from underneath her. She reached under the ring and grabbed a kendo stick. The fans cheered as she began to hit Sarah with the kendo stick.

"And Cassie has found an equalizer!"

Cassie climbed to her feet still brandishing the kendo stick. She whacked Sarah across the back and the brunette fell to the mat. Cassie turned around to slide back into the ring but, was hit with a baseball slide from Ruby that knocked her back into the barricade. The fans booed as Ruby laughed an taunted Cassie. Ruby picked up the kendo stick and hit Cassie across the stomach with it. Sarah and Liv had made their way to their feet. They each grabbed one of Cassie's arms and held her back against the barricade so Ruby could hit her repeatedly with the kendo stick. When Sarah and Liv let go, Cassie fell to her knees. Ruby struck her across the back, snapping the kendo stick. Cassie lay on her stomach as Ruby and the Riott Squad taunted the fans in the front row.

Cassie crawled her way back toward the ring but, the girls caught her and they all hit her with stomps and kicks as the fans booed. Cassie once again swept her legs, taking out Sarah and Liv. She grabbed a chair under the ring and hit Ruby in the leg. Ruby stumbled and backed up, giving Cassie an opportunity to sit up. She grabbed the ring steps and pulled herself to her feet as Ruby charged her. Cassie stepped out of the way and Ruby collided with the steps.

"This is the opportunity that Cassie needs, all three members of the Riott Squad are down. She needs to go for the pin." Cole exclaimed.

Cassie grabbed the chair and hit Ruby with it repeatedly before tossing it up the ramp. She grabbed Ruby and tossed her into the ring.

"Cassie is wasting time. She doesn't need to put Ruby in the ring."

Cassie climbed up to the top rope.

"Cassie is going up to the top rope. She doesn't do this often. This could backfire for her." Corey said.

Cassie stood on wobbling legs and performed her brother's finisher, the coup de gras. The fans all cheered as she executed the move perfectly.

"A Coup De Gras from the youngest Balor."

"Cassie taking a moment to honor her brother during this fight."

Cassie crawled into the pin. At two and a half Liv put Ruby's foot on the rope and the referee ended the count.

"Once again the Riott Squad gets involved. Cassie doesn't stand a chance with them out here."

Cassie rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling.

"What can Cassie do to scrape up a win here tonight?"

Cassie clambered to her feet but, was meant with a kick from Logan. She fell back down. Sarah held up her hands as the referee yelled for her to get out of the ring. Sarah drug Ruby into the pin and rolled out of the ring.

Cassie kicked out at two and the fans all cheered.

"And Balor is still in this! What determination she is showing here tonight."

A more oriented Ruby, rolled out of the ring and pulled out a table. The fans all cheered at the sight of the table. Cassie was once again on her feet as Ruby set up the table. Cassie got a running start and did a suicide dive, taking out all three members of the Riott Squad on the outside of the ring. She got up and dragged Ruby to her feet by her hair. She picked Ruby up and hit her with a belly to back backbreaker. She dove into the pin, but Ruby kicked out at two. Cassie wiped at her face in frustration as she knelt on the mats outside of the ring. She grabbed the brunette once again and put her on the table. She ran back into the ring and climbed to the top rope.

"Balor is looking or a second coup de gras! This time through a table."

Cassie jumped off the ropes but, Sarah pulled Ruby off of the table and Cassie crashed through the table instead.

Sarah and Liv were once again on the attack, hitting Cassie with multiple kicks and stomps while Ruby got to her feet. Ruby grabbed Cassie and drug her up the ramp, Sarah and Liv in tow.

"I think they are coming this way!" Corey threw off his headset as Ruby dragged Cassie over to the announce table. Sarah and Liv cleared everything off of it, throwing the items to the ground. Ruby spun Cassie out and hit her with the riott kick. Cassie stumbled backward and Sarah hit her with a forearm that knocked her down. Liv laughed as Sarah pulled Cassie back up and assisted Ruby in powerbombing Cassie through the table.

"That has to be it. There is no way Cassie is kicking out of that." Cole said as the referee got down and counted the three count.

As soon as the referee stood up the Riott Squad was back on the attack. They dragged Cassie up and threw her into the tron. The fans all booed as they continued their beat down on Cassie…

Once again they pulled her up and threw her into the tron, sending her crashing through.

Security and referees came out to separate the Riott Squad from Cassie, who lay in the pile of rubble. The referee from the match knelt beside Cassie and waved for medics.

The fans booed and jeered as Ruby stood at the top of the ramp and boasted, holding her arms out and laughing. The group of women slowly walked toward the back.

Finn and Chloe came running out, the fans cheered at the sight of them. Finn knelt beside sister while, Chloe knelt on the other side, beside the referee.

"Is she going to be okay?" Finn asked the referee who ignored his question and once again yelled for a medic.

"Cassie hasn't moved guys." Cole said quietly as the commentators stood by the remains of their table and watched the scene before them.

The medics rushed onto the stage, forcing Finn and Chloe to move out of the way. They stood together as the medics put Cassie on a backboard and stretcher. Once she was safely on the stretcher they both joined the medics as they took her to the back. Leaving the audience in a stunned silence.

Cassie was sitting in the trainer's room with an ice pack on her shoulder. She had needed ten stitches to close up a gash in her shoulder from the broken tron. She dropped the ice pack on the trainer's table and climbed to her feet. She was definitely going to feel the effects of her match with Ruby in the morning.

"Where do you think you are going, Devitt?"

She hadn't even heard the door open. She sighed at the sight of the acting RAW General Manager. He leaned in the doorway, arms crossed.

"I am tired of sitting in here. I am going back to the women's locker room. I am fine." Cassie made her way toward the door.

"You're not going to the women's locker room." His tone was matter-of-fact as he stood to his full height.

"You might be able to boss me around on TV… but, the show is over so, get out of my way."

'Well someone is feeling feisty….." He chuckled when Cassie shot him a glare. "Seriously. You're not going to the locker room. Vince wants to see you in his office."

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place." She ducked under his arm but, he caught her wrist.

"It's fun pissing you off." He said with a smirk before walking in the opposite direction down the hall.

"Jackass." She muttered under her breath before walking down the hall. Once she reached the room Vince was using as makeshift office she knocked on the door. The door opened almost instantly and Triple H stood on the other side. He smiled and invited her inside.

"I was told you wanted to see me."

"Yes. We want to discuss an upcoming story-line with you."

"Please sit down." Vince was sitting in the corner of the room. He motioned for her to sit beside him and she did as requested. "How do you feel about a romantic story-line?"

Cassie frowned. She had never been in a romantic story-line. She had always worked solo… .even teaming up with her best friend Chloe was new to her. The two had met while training at the performance center and became fast friends.

"I haven't really thought about it." She admitted.

"Well, this story-line is a great opportunity for you, Cas. I think it will give you the chance to blossom and show your ability with character work." Hunter sat on a couch opposite them. "I watched you while you trained at the performance center. You and Chloe worked your asses off for this."

"I really love working with Chloe and we are doing really good teaming together."

"This story-line would be good for Chloe too. It puts you both at the top of the women's division on RAW."

"Okay, I'll bite. What is this story-line?"

"Well it kicks off at Survivor Series in the Team Angle vs Team Corbin match and works through Wrestlemania..and onward… but we have things planned through Wrestlemania." Hunter picked up a sheet of paper and handed it to Cassie.

The brunette took it and read it over. She couldn't refrain and gasped as she read over the story-line.

'I don't know if I like the sound of that response." Hunter frowned.

"Sir, this story-line is amazing… and it is a fantastic opportunity… .but, I don't think I can do this."

"And why not?" Vince asked, eyeing her with avid interest. It wasn't often that workers turned down main event story-lines.

"He absolutely hates me." Cassie said. "He would never go for this and it would be -"

Hunter held up a hand to silence her. She snapped her mouth shut and drug her lip between her teeth. Maybe she had crossed some kind of professional line. She shouldn't complain about her coworkers…. But he really did hate her; he didn't even try to hide it.

"I think you might be mistaken."

"Excuse me?"

"He has already agreed to this story-line… as a matter of fact… he was very excited about the idea of working with you."


Hunter chuckled. "Trust me. I think you are just misreading his personality. He spoke highly of you when we met with him during the show."

Cassie sucked in a breath. What was he playing at?

"So, Cassie, what's it going to be. This is a golden opportunity." Hunter coaxed.

Cassie glanced back down at the summary of the story-line and sighed. How could she turn down such a great opportunity… not just for herself, but for her best friend as well.

"Alright. I'm in."

an. that's it for chapter one. reviews would be greatly appreciated. :)