"Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected!"
Oh wow, I knew the guild was popular, but I never knew just how many Pokemon visited the guild like this! This is the fifth one in just an hour!
"I got a clawed paw, purple armor, horn on the head, fangs and claws!" Asha yells down.
"Is it standing on two legs or four?" Evi calls back.
"Then the Pokemon is Nidoking! The Pokemon is Nidoking!"
I look down the list of appointments and last-minute schedules. Yup, Kino the Nidoking from Walrein's search-and-rescue's on here. I yank the pulleys by me, the gate grinding against the ground before it's pulled up, bringing in a draft of cold air. The floor quakes under me and oh boy, he's huge- and tall- and has claws and fangs AND HE'S LOOKING RIGHT AT ME-
"You're new."
AGH WHAT DO I and he's going right past me, shaking the snow off his hide and hitting my tail and paws.
Okay. This is fine. Oh wow, my heart't still pounding. How much searching and exploring did he have to go through to find a moon stone? I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must have been! And coming from so far away even in the snow even though he's a ground type-
Okay, calm down Rio- focus on sentry-ing.
"Rio, how many more do we need to bring in?" Evi calls up through the tunnels.
Okay, we've already got- oh. "We're nearly done, guys! Just a few more!"
"Great! My eyes're killin' me!" Asha laughs. "And I could really go fer some hot grub!"
"Hey guys, I'm back!" Diglett's voice comes through. "Thanks a lot!"
After a quick climb down the ladder, I see Asha and Evi come down from the tunnels. Both are covered in dirt and dust and Evi's trying to shake herself off while Asha's blinking rapidly.
"Are you guys okay?"
Evi sneezes sharply twice before managing a nod. Mr. Chatot's coming down with another list along with Loudred.
"All right, your results today were... adequate. You may clean up in the meantime, dinner should be ready in a few hours."
"Thank you, sir!"
Evi immediately dunks her head under the hot water, shaking her whole coat dry before curling up beside the sauna. Asha meanwhile jumps right into the water and paddles around, splashing water everywhere. Just looking at the contrast is making me grin before Asha wipes at her eye and I see the faint outline of the scars.
It's been two months since our fight with Drowzee but our injuries have been healed for a while now. It helps a lot that we've been a little less active since the snow started coming down; now we usually stick to sentry duty or helping around Treasure Town. Thanks to this, Asha's scars have faded enough so she doesn't have to wear bandages and they don't cause her pain...
They both agreed to support my dream, they had every chance to say no... but it hurts watching them wince from pain or trying to be careful not to move or do anything that would aggravate their injuries. It hurt realizing I never noticed Evi's concern until she screamed it in our faces. It hurt putting Asha into a situation where she added more injuries even when still recovering.
If I hadn't asked them to help me, then neither of them would have gotten hurt... but then no one would have stopped Drowzee from hurting Zura. That's what I've been telling myself, and Asha's made it clear she chose this, but...
I yelp as hot water hits my face directly. Asha grins at me from in the water. "C'mon, fearless leader!" she laughs. "Get in here!"
Evi rolls her eyes but there's more amusement than annoyance in her eyes as she watches us.
"All right Pokemon- let's get to work~!"
That never gets old no matter how many times I say it. Asha's still yawning and stretching while Evi's looking over the scrolls on the bulletin board. "So, what're we lookin' at today?" Asha asks. "It's warmer t'day, so we might be able t' get a job under our belts."
Our... what?
Right. Human.
Evi's looks over the scrolls- specifically, the rewards and risks of the missions. "We've got some requests to find missing items, a rescue and a delivery here."
I read over them too: there were requests to deliver items to fellow explorers, pleas for rescue attempts from Pokemon who accidentally wandered into dungeons. I notice one request in particular. "What about this one?"
Evi takes the scroll I point out and Asha reads over her shoulder. "'Prospectin' in Mt. Bristle, need bodyguards. Reward is 250 ken an' bonus.' That doesn't sound too bad."
"I suppose not..."
Mt. Bristle was hard enough to climb up the first time. I don't really wanna go back there either... but if we let that stop us, then we wouldn't be a very good exploration team either.
"What do you guys think? Should we take it?" I ask.
"I don't got a problem," Asha shrugs. "Evi?"
"It looks like they'll be waiting in Treasure Town over the next few hours," Evi notes.
"Well, we better get goin' then!"
Treasure Town's bustling more than usual- a lot of Pokemon are settling down over here. Even Miss Spoink is here now, along with a Shuppet and Murkrow each with a stylish and sparkly black badge. It's unusual to see so many Pokemon here during the winter, but the street vendors definitely aren't complaining. Magby's Grill is especially popular with a line going down the road and reaching Duskull's bank!
"There they are."
A nervous-looking Pikachu is standing near Electivire's empty booth, the snow melting over the counter. "Yo!" Asha calls over, startling him.
"You... you're Team Strikers?"
"Uh-huh. Nice to meet you!" I declare- wait. "How did you know our team name?"
"Oh my apologies!" The Pikachu bows. "I've just been hearing on the grapevine about how a team with a strange-looking Shinx saved a child from danger a-and- Oh dear, I'm being rude, I apologize-"
"Hey, it's cool. I'm used to it."
Mr. Chatot had said our reputation would be helped by bringing in Drowzee before. If this Pikachu already knew about them... then who knows how many others knew of them now!
I feel a shiver go up my spine that's not because of the winter air as I adjust my cloak: on the one hand, it's a little scary that strangers knew about me- about us. But I'm also proud we're recognized for being a good team.
"So, your request says you'd like to prospect in Mt. Bristle," Evi continues. "Could you go into more detail?"
"Well, I am a prospector; I look for various hidden treasures and lore," Pikachu explains. "Anyways, there's a rumor about treasure hidden in the mountain. However, my battling isn't my forte... so I'd like to hire you as bodyguards!"
"'kay, that sounds simple 'nough," Asha remarks before Evi puts in, "I noticed your request doesn't have a floor destination. Could you explain why?"
"Oh, that's because I don't want to explore the mystery dungeon there. My interest lies on it's peak."
Evi's expression doesn't betray anything but I notice how she tenses up, tail twitching under her own cloak. "Very well," she states, too calmly. "We need to get a few things in order before we head out. We should be back within the hour."
"Thank you so very much, Team Strikers."
"Didn't Drowzee mention hidden treasures before?" Evi brings up as we sort through our items at Miss Kanga's storage unit. "That's why he abducted Azurill; so he could get inside the crack and bring out what was inside."
"Yeah... still, he doesn't look too bad a guy. Just super nervous," Asha points out, scratching at where her bandanna rides against the cloak's hood.
I repress a frown. Evi hadn't turned down the request for Mt. Bristle and hadn't freaked out as she did before with Azurill... but ever since then, it's becoming easier to tell when Evi was repressing her thoughts and feelings on certain matters.
And just thinking about putting her in such a situation makes me feel even worse.
"Evi, we don't have to-" I begin.
"Hello Miss Asha, Miss Evi, Mr. Rio!"
Zura and Mari run over to us, balancing some bags on them- I'm amazed they haven't tripped over their shawls. "Hey Zura, Mari! Workin' hard?" Asha smiles warmly.
"Uh-huh!" Zura chirps. "The Kecleon Brothers're letting us help with some deliveries!"
"This way we can earn more money and bring home food for our mom!" Mari adds.
"Good on you!"
"Be sure to visit the dingy once momma's healed up, okay?"
Evi nods. "Of course."
The two brothers head off and my chest tightens. Zura had really bounced back from what had happened with Drowzee; he was really resilient. He was taking the whole thing better than...
"Hey, you gonna be okay there?" Asha asks, Evi's expression far away again- annoyance flickers across her face.
"I'm not made of glass. I'll be fine."
"Evi..." I begin but she shakes her head, resolute. "I'm not letting my fear get the better of me, and I'm not going to be a liability to our team. I promise."
Her voice is hard but the fact that she thinks this makes my chest start to hurt. How can I ease her trepidation? How can I make her see she's not a burden or that she won't let us down?
"All right, we know the plan: Rio takes back guard, Asha scouts ahead and I'll stay between to give support."
Me and Asha nod in agreement to Evi's plan as we begin our trek up Mt. Bristle. Since the snow fell, most wild Pokemon in the Mystery Dungeons have either hidden away or flew off. Still, it doesn't stop us from being attacked by some.
Asha's spark attack is stronger now and it lets her take on the Starly and Staravia that hound us; and after those wing attacks, I've never been happier.
Meanwhile, Evi's attacks take care of the odd Spinark, but what's been really helping us is... well, her sand attack and her helping hand attack. She keeps our attack power up so taking on wild Pokemon is easier and it blinds our foes further. I wish she wouldn't base her usefulness of off powerful attacks.
"Rio!" Evi's voice snaps me out of it in time to see a Geodude send a rollout attack towards Pikachu.
Quick attack puts me between him and the rock. I lean back, keeping my arm relaxed and my palm down... before shooting forward, turning my palm up and shattering the rock on impact with force palm.
Still not used to the fact that my paw can shatter stone and will eventually shatter steel. I'm so much stronger than I was just a little bit ago, it's kind of crazy to think about it... definitely not complaining though.
"HA! Nice one!" Asha cheers as she knocks down a Nidorina with spark. "Now those bozos'll think twice 'bout messin' with us!"
Pikachu stares at me and I blush a little at the look of awe he's sending me. "Are you okay, Mr. Pikachu?""
"Y-yeah! Thank you you so much again for this." Pikachu wipes the sweat off his brow. "This place was so much easier to access before it became a Mystery Dungeon..."
Evi freezes. "This area didn't use to be one?"
"No. But that's the way it is; with time fluctuating like it is, more and more Mystery Dungeons are popping up..."
We reach the next staircase and Evi stops for a moment. "We've made it about halfway- we should take a break for a bit. I'll take first guard. Rio, you can come after me, then Asha."
"Here here!" Asha slumps on the ground and I distribute apples and oran berries.
As we ate, I noticed Pikachu watching us with a strange expression. "Is something wrong?"
"You call each other by your names so freely, even in a stranger's company- your friends hardly seem to care," he says carefully. "You three must have spent a great deal of time together."
"Well, we've actually only met about a few months ago," Asha shrugs.
"Really? Pardon me asking, but isn't it inappropriate for a team to be-"
"We're not like that! Those two are my friends and partners!" My face is burning with embarrassment and indignation at his words.
"O-Of course! Forgive me, but I just know of some teams who-" Pikachu's whole face goes red. "You know what, I think it's best I shut up now!"
Unbelievable! Of all the inappropriate, inconsiderate-!
"I don't get it," Asha says, confused as Pikachu curls up as far from me as possible. "Why is us callin' each other by our names such a big deal?"
Right. I keep forgetting she's human.
"For Pokemon, we only give our names to those we trust... it's considered offensive to call a Pokemon by their name unless you know them or they trust you. You've seen how Evi usually calls other Pokemon other than us by their species name, right?"
"So wait, that's really a thing? But... they're our names." Asha's expression softens, paw ghosting over her bandanna where her amulet hung. "Sayin' them... calling our your name... it's... like a form of love."
... okay, wow. I didn't think humans were so... open. Are they all like Asha in that regard then? Also, "a form of love?" I've never heard Asha speak so tenderly of anything before, not even with Zura and Mari.
Humans are really different from Pokemon, huh...
Finally, we reach the peak, covering in snow. I swallow a bit; just remembering the battle made my body ache.
Evi was right. We had been out of our league, even if we did win. It came down to learning new moves and taking Drowzee by surprise... I can understand why she's been so wary.
"Here's the crack."
Pikachu nods to Evi, expression now creased with concentration as he takes out several items from his back, including-
"What th' heck is that?" Asha wonders.
"A stethoscope, by the looks of it," Evi remarks.
"... what th' heck is that?"
Pikachu places the stetho-steth- the thing, by the crack, as though he could listen in through the other side. He takes out a brush to dust at the cracks, as well as a magnifying glass to examine it further, all while jotting down notes at different intervals. He then takes out a pickax and chips away at the ice that formed around the stone.
This is amazing, watching someone so experienced work like this. I've only been able to explore small areas outside of the Mystery Dungeons, and those were without any of the equipment Pikachu was using. I wonder if I could ask him for pointers after this-
"Excuse me, Mr. Riolu?" Pikachu motions him over. "Please press on this indent, if you would!"
The imprint inside the crack looks like a panel. I obey and seconds later, the sound of grinding stone makes the ground shudder a bit before a rectangular and surprisingly large door appears in the stone, opening up.
"I-izzat a doorframe?" Asha wonders in disbelief.
"It looks like it..." Evi remarks, voice hushed.
The inside of the cave... are several slopping tunnels with large rooms and winding staircases, the rooms with the same doorways' height and width, with large tables, mattresses supported by frames and raised chairs. Not only that, but they are expertly crafted and maintained.
I've never seen anything like it before; what kind of Pokemon lived here before? None of the Pokemon I knew would be big enough to utilize this space!
"Fascinating, simply fascinating!" Pikachu jots down more notes. "It's just as I suspected: this was once a human dwelling!"
Asha gasps and Evi's eyes widen at this. "Really?!" I exclaim. "Can you tell us more?!"
Pikachu looks shocked at this before he grins. "Indeed! Humans used to be far more plentiful, but have begun to dwindle a great deal in recent years. This area must have been where a tribe settled down for a time. Though I can't imagine why they would leave..."
He blushes a bit. "I must confess... there are very few Pokemon who are interested in humans; you three are the first who have been interested in my knowledge."
"Well, yeah!" Asha exclaims. "Humans... humans're important t' me. I wanna find out as much as I can 'bout 'em."
"Yes," Evi affirms. "We're in dire need of information on them."
"Maybe we could work together to find more human stuff... maybe even meet humans themselves?" I suggest.
Asha wants to find out who she was, what better way than to find other humans? Surely there was a tribe or group Asha was apart of that was missing her. Friends, families, loved ones. I didn't think we'd find a lead so soon, but now we have one!
Pikachu looks so taken back before his grin widens. "Then I look forward to working with you all in the future, Team Strikers."
The sleeting rain starts around dinner and we just barely get inside before thunder rumbles; I've never seen a thunderstorm in winter before, and I really hope I don't experience another one. By the time we made it to our room, lighting is crackling across the sky. Rio and Asha are both still in high spirits, and I wish I could feel the same.
"Wow, that lightning's intense!" Rio jumps back from the window as another bolt streaks across the sky, the rain pattering loudly against the now-closed drapes. "Am I glad we're inside..."
"I hope th' Bluff's okay in all this rain," Asha remarks.
"I made sure everything was tied down and tucked away so the wind, rain and snow wouldn't get to them. Now if someone uncovered the bluff on the other hand..." Rio averts his eyes with worry.
Zubat and Koffing's laughter echo in my mind and I shake my head, trying to banish those thoughts. The sound of thunder helps a bit and I remember.
"There was a storm the night between we all met too." I look to Asha. "Maybe the storm washed you up on the beach?"
"Do you remember anything since then?" Rio asks.
Asha grimaces. "I've been tryin' to, but not much." She shows us the amulet. "All I can recall is that this right here, is super important to me. When I look at it, I feel... well, happy, but also really sad, and determined and angry... lots of emotions. It's hard t' process 'em all.
She groans and rolls onto her back. "An' after all th' progress we made t'day too! I was so sure sumthin' woulda sparking a memory when we found that place too!"
Rio places a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure we'll find answers eventually. We just have to keep at it. Besides, now we have a lead and with more time, more memories will come!"
Asha sighs. "Let's hope so. C'mon, let's hit the hay..."
I frown; should I bring this up now?
"Evi?" Rio looks at me with concern.
"Rio, You said before on our first day that time was... going out of whack. Can you... go into further detail?"
Asha groans in frustration. "C'moooon Evi, can't this waaaait? I want sleeeeep..."
"No, it can't."
Rio's expression becomes worried but he still answers. "All we know is that time's getting more and more messed up; once it started piling up like this, no one could stop it and no one knows how to..."
"But how is it happening?"
"Well... the most common theory is that it has to do with the Time Gears."
... the what now.
"Th' heck are those?" Asha asks.
Rio pulls out a book and opens it up carefully to reveal a charcoal sketch of a six-toothed gear. "They are what they sound like: they protect the time and keep it flowing properly in each region they're placed in. They're hidden in secret places all over the world: in deep forests, lakes underground, there's even a rumor one's inside a volcano!"
... so time is dependent on actual Macguffins. That's... incredibly concerning.
"... s-so, what happens if a region loses their time gear?" Asha asks, eyes locked on the picture with a look of anticipation. "Do they start gettin' more Mystery Dungeons?"
"I don't really know the answer to that question," Rio admits. "All I can really guess is that it would mess with the flow of time in that region, maybe even stop it completely. That's why everybody makes sure not to disturb them. Even the most hardened criminal wouldn't dare tamper with them."
"But if time is getting more chaotic... then clearly someone dares to," I point out.
This is worse than I could have thought. If time really was dependent on these gears, that meant anything or anyone could disturb time!
The sleep I fall into is fitful and full of images of shadowy figures stealing gears. The only mercy is that Rio continues to wake us up earlier than Loudred ( "AW, COME ON! I've got a job to DO!") and spare us his wake-up call.
"Evi?" Rio looks at me with worry.
"I'm fine."
I'm not made out of glass. I just want answers.
But as we join the other Pokemon for the morning assembly, Chatot's grave expression as he comes out to greet us quickly makes us pay attention.
"I have an announcement to make. Far to the Northeast of here is a place called Treeshround Forest, and in there... time has come to a stop."
My whole body goes cold. Asha and Rio exchange glances as the other guild Pokemon clamor about in fear.
"Huh?!" Diglett cries.
"Eek! What did you say?!" Sunflora shrieks.
"Hey hey hey! You're saying time's stopped?!" Corpish yelps.
"T-time has stopped?" Dugtrio whispers.
"But... how could something so awful happen?" Chimecho asks.
"Unless...!" Bidoof chokes.
"Mr. Chatot!" Rio exclaims. "Treeshroud Forest! Does it- Could it be-?"
"Yes, the unthinkable has happened: Treeshroud's Time Gear was stolen!"
This only further demoralizes the others with shock and fear. I can't say I'm surprised, but the fact that this theft meant that not only would more Mystery Dungeons pop up but that time had actually stopped in that area-!
Stupid video game logic! Why did they have to operate like this?!
"That doesn't make any sense tho'! Why would anyone wanna steal 'em?!" Asha shouts over the hullabaloo.
"YEAH!" Loudred adds.
Ransom, revenge, because they can, for fun. I could list plenty of reasons for their theft.
"Officer Magnezone is on the case with several of our senior teams. But for now, we are in the dark," Chatot replies before becoming stern. "But one thing is for certain: if one Time Gear has already been stolen, then the others are at risk. So if any of you spot any suspicious activity, please don't hesitate to inform me or the Guildmaster!"
The guild Pokemon dispense for now but the mood is fearful and apprehensive. "Hey, c'mon," Rio's smile trembles as he places a paw on our shoulders. "You heard Mr. Chatot! Let's get to work! Maybe we can find some information about this!"
I understand he's trying to keep our spirits up, but I'm really not in the mood. But before we can move on, Chatot approaches us again with a package.
"The storm and dinner from the previous night prevented me from speaking with you before." Inside is a new and larger treasure bag and a few sitrus berries. "Congratulations; you've advanced from Normal Rank to Bronze Rank."
Right, I guess this is the way we level up and get more variety with our missions, more room for treasure, better resources... and stronger and smarter enemies. If this was any other time than now, I know we'd be more excited... or Asha and Rio would be.
"You three have become quite good with your work, barring a few hiccups. I'm especially impressed with your capture of Drowzee- that was quite admirable!"
"Aw man... makin' me blush here!" Asha laughs shakily and even I can tell she's forcing on an act- if it were any other time, she'd be soaking up the praise.
"Thank you Mr. Chatot!" Rio is at least more genuine, even if he's still worried.
He's laying it on remarkably thick; I guess Chatot is trying to cheer us up, or at least focus on more positive things after the announcement.
"So in light of your track record," Chatot continues, "I have decided to give your team a mission worthy of explorers!"
Oh. This is is a surprise. "Thank you, sir," I bow. "What's our mission?"
"First, take out your wonder map."
Once it's out (Currently highlighted by the various paths we've marked for getting to the Mystery Dungeons as quickly as possible), Chatot points towards the waterfall marked down.
"Here is where we want you to investigate. Now this may look like an ordinary waterfall, but we have received intelligence it may be hiding something. So the three of you will investigate the waterfall and report back on anything noteworthy. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir, thank you again."
"Yeah, we- whoa, Rio you okay there, bud?" Asha looks at Rio as... is he crying?
"Oh dear, are you all right?" Chatot asks with concern as a watery smile crosses Rio's face.
"I- we- we're really exploring a new place... just like I dreamed... I think... OH MY GOSH I'M SO EXCITED!" Rio pulls us both in a tight hug. "Evi, ASHA, LET'S DO OUR BEST!"
"Don't we always?!" Asha laughs in delight.
Despite myself, I smile. Once Rio sets us down and we start to head out, Chimecho approaches us. "I heard you three just passed Bronze Rank! Congratulations!"
"That's right." I look at the booth with the bell shaped like her hanging over it. "What's over here?"
"Well since you passed the first rank, you can use the Assembly over here!"
"What th' heck is an assembly?" Asha wonders before Rio's delighted shriek cuts her off.
"It means we can add team members! You know how some teams here are connected with the guild but aren't official members?! They're apprentices to exploration teams that help them with smaller missions!" Rio's eyes are sparkling from sheer delight now.
"Exactly!" Chimeco laughs before handing us an identical bell. "Here, this is for you: a friendship! Now you can recruit Pokemon in Dungeons!"
Interesting; would they be like volunteers or employees? How would exploring with them work? Would they be given part of the reward as well, and get their own treasure bags? Definitely something to bring up later.
"We better get our stuff b'fore he has a heart attack," Asha laughs as she pulls Rio along as he blubbers incoherently with joy.
Well, that was mood whiplash if I ever saw it. I wish I could brush off what Chatot had announced earlier. How can they not worry about the gear being stolen and time stopping?
But they're not not worrying here; they know they can't do much about it now, so they're doing what they can and trying not to let it get them down. I sigh; I was never good at that, even in my old life. Worries and anxieties would pile up and I would linger on them when it seemed no one else would.
"Hey look! What're those oddballs doin' over there?"
I glance up to see a Wobbufet (And already I'm having flashbacks to the anime) digging at the ground where the sticks had been before. "Hopes and dreams~" a Spinda murmurs cheerily as she sets up a sign.
"'Spinda's Cafe- a Shop of Hopes and Dreams, opening soon- Win Big!'..." Rio reads while trying to wipe away the tears and snot. "Kinda a mouthful, isn't it? Still, that does sound neat."
The roar of the waterfall drowns out everything around us. I shiver as we approach it from the bluff; even from here, I can feel it's power. Even though it's winter, it's still coming down with such power.
Rio is knocked back, massaging his paw from where he had tried to touch the waterfall. "Are you all right?!"
"Th-the pressure's incredible," Rio winces. "Don't try to get too close, you could get knocked off the ledge!"
"Don't have to tell me twice," I mutter before I hear Asha shout in surprise as she's knocked back, wincing as she massages her tail.
Her expression screws up in pain and her eyes shut as her paw clutches at her head. "We told you-" I began before Rio exclaims, "This is what happened before with Drowzee- another dizzy spell!"
So this is what it looks like. Asha's eyes flew open just as quickly as she took deep breaths. "What is it?" Rio asks, placing a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. "What did you see, Asha?"
Asha pants for breath before she looks at the waterfall. "A Pokemon leaped through th' waterfall an' landed in a cave in the cliffside."
So there is a way in. But just looking at the water pressure made me shiver. "Even if we try to jump, we might not to strong enough to break through and get battered down."
Rio frowns as he mulls this over before his expression lights up. "Asha!"
Asha's eyes widen as she grins, "On it!" before using charge several times as Rio ties the treasure bag's strap around his waist and shoulder tighter.
Wait, what's going on now? I turn to Rio for an explanation.
"Asha's gonna use charge to build up her electricity, then we jump. When we hit the water, she'll use spark and blow away the water so we're not pounded down."
... there are way too many things wrong with this plan!
"We could still be hurt by the attack, and it might not even work! This isn't like you at all, Rio!"
"No, it's not," Rio agrees, determined. "This is a long shot, but if we don't tackle this head-on, we'll be pummeled by the waterfall either way. We have to be brave- use all our courage!"
... damn Asha. Damn her for rubbing off on Rio. And damn me for not wanting to let these two go in it alone!
"Guuuuyyys!" Asha jitters about, eyes wide as her white fur crackles and sparkles with electricity- just being near her makes my fur stand up on end.
Let's do it!" Rio yells even as he shakes on Asha's other side. "If we don't run forward with all our strength, we'll be crushed either way!"
Thanks for alleviating the pressure. How do I get myself to run forward with full strength when knowing that if this failed, it'd end at worst a gruesome death, at best crippling injuries?
Asha looks at her with a smile as her tail brushes her side. "We've got this."
That should not have made me feel more assured, but it did.
Well, at least if I die, I won't die alone.
I push forward at Rio's yell, forcing myself to run as fast as I can. As we leap directly off the ledge, my eyes shut tightly, unwilling to watch as the waterfall grew closer. Asha yowls and my whole body crackles as my eyes fly open from the electricity of spark... and I keep fall forward before hitting stone and rolling to a stop against a rock.
"Yowowow..." Rio moans a little ways away over Asha's, "Guh..."
I finally open my eyes... and see a dark blue cave, the reflection of the water from the falls sending shimmering patterns against the walls, ground and ceiling.
"Holy crap, it really exists!" Asha exclaims with relief.
"Let's go!" Rio grins with delight.
I wish I could shrug things off like they did.
"Honestly, what were you thinking going out when it was raining?"
"I- wasn't..."
"Tsk. Honestly..."
"Now now dear Mori, I distinctly remember you getting a cold through this very same scenario."
"Well, at least I take care of myself-"
My head jolts up, scatterin' water- wait, not water. My paw reaches up to feel my face, and th' tears slidin' down.
That's... strange. My dream wasn't even that sad, so why...?
I look 'round; I'm inside some sort 'o dome with a bunch o' nests. Evi an' Rio are curled up in some with blankets around them beside a fire. How in th' heck did we get here? Th' last thing I remember-
Right, we were explorin' th' Waterfall Cave. It was so cold from winter, but barely any Pokemon were there, allowin' Rio to map out th' area... we came t' the end an' found a bunch of gemstones. Evi was super excited about that- th' most excited I've ever seen her- an' even tried t' shatter th' biggest gem so she could sell it too. Rio didn't take that well, said sumthin' 'bout historical significance or sumthin', then-
The shadowy figure looked over the gem before they pressed on it, resulting in the same click! noise before. A few moments later, everything started shaking. The shadowy figure looked around before giving a cry of surprise as a wave of water descended on them, carrying them away.
I got another vision. An' Rio and Evi accidentally pushed th' gem an' th' water came...
"Hi hi!"
I look up t' see a Teddiursa approach us with some bowls, an Ursaring carrying in more kindling. "You're awake! Are you okay? You came out of nowhere and startled everyone! We thought for sure the cold would..."
She shakes her head. "We'll you're okay and that's what matters!"
I turn t' see Evi stirring now. "Teddi... ursa?"
"Long time no see," Ursaring smirks, paw ruffling Evi's head.
"Wh- where...?" Rio moans as he comes to.
"The Hot Spring Village-!" Evi whispers in surprise. "But how-?!"
"Ah, young'uns! It's good to see you again!"
An elderly Toarkoal comes inside, bringin' in a draft before his shell melts it off of him. "Elder!" Evi quickly bows respectfully.
"Peace young Evi, you and your friends have been through quite the adventure."
Well, this isn't what I was expectin'. "So, this is yer home, Evi?"
"This is the Hot Spring Village, where Pokemon can come to rest and relax. Here, could you kindly show me your wonder map?"
Rio pulls himself up as he grabs his bag (thank god the bag's waterproof) an' brings it out. "We were here, and now... yikes, that flood carried us a long way!"
I look over his shoulder- holy crap, we did go a long way!
"Indeed. The Cave Flood was strong enough to bring you all the way here," Torkoal says. "We were quite surprised. Please, take this time to relax from your journey."
"Thanks a lot, gramps!" I grin.
"Asha!" Evi hisses.
"Ahaha!" Torkoal laughs. "How long has it been since I have been called that!"
"Gotta say, this isn't exactly what I was expectin' yer home t' be like!"
Evi blushes in th' water while Rio brushes his fur carefully- I sigh as I float on th' top of th' water. "Man, this feels great. Even better than th' sauna back at the guild; I can see why Pokemon'd come all th' way here fer a soak!"
"But it's all that's here," Evi sighs. "We're lucky to even have this, especially during winter-"
"Oh no!"
I look over where Rio exclaims as he stands up, knockin' over his stool. "What's up?"
"Asha, that shadowy Pokemon from before- we're not the first ones to explore the cave!"
... oh geez, he's right. Not only that, but...
The figure... it looked like...
Evi looks over at me. "The shadowy Pokemon was Guildmaster Wigglytuff? Or A Wigglytuff?"
"I'm pretty sure. They've both got th' same shape."
"But why would the guildmaster send us to an area and say it hasn't been explored yet?" Rio wonders.
"Maybe he forgot," Evi points out. "He can fall asleep during assembly with his eyes open, so it's not outside the realm of possibility."
Rio winces but doesn't protest. "Well, we can ask Chatot once we return," Evi sighs before frowning. "We lost the gems from before, so we have nothing to show for it..."
We nearly die and that's what she's concerned over? "Geez, money and safety really is all you think 'bout," I roll my eyes good naturedly
"Of course it is. I'm not a fighter; it was all I could do to get by selling to other Pokemon before coming to Treasure Town."
Hold on- seriously? "Didn't you have any friends or family here?"
"My egg was a reward for an expedition team's mission."
"Oh really?" Rio remarks brightly. "Me too! I was raised by Team Raider!"
"Huh. Team Frontier."
... what.
"I'm surprised you didn't apprentice under them, Rio."
"Well back then, I didn't know I wanted to be an explorer; I was more of a book-Wurmple than anything so I thought I'd be a recorder."
"I wanted some measure of safety in my life, so I declined as well."
Eggs- they give away kids for- she said- she was a reward-
"How could they- how could they do that?!"
Evi has that look again on her face while Rio's lookin' at me like I grew another head. "Asha, what's wrong?"
"What's- how are you okay with this?! They're takin' eggs an' givin' 'em out like prizes! Those're livin' creatures, for god's sake!"
Rio blinks in surprise an' I can't believe he's not actin' more...! How can he be okay with this?! How can he just-?!
"Some Pokemon can't afford to give money or good items for missions. The Pokemon who hatch under the teams who were given their eggs are taken care until they're old enough to fend for themselves," Evi explains patiently. "At least if they're given to a team, they can be taken care."
"But it's wrong!"
"... I see. Humans must really care about their kids, huh," Rio says.
The trip back to the guild takes about a day. Asha's kept her distance from us since our... talk in the hot springs.
Was she abandoned as a child? Was that why she had such an adverse reaction to my and Rio's stories?
Still, the fate of an egg given to an explorer team was still kinder than most fates for other Pokemon. I've heard tales of young Pokemon being eaten, of being kidnapped or worked to the bone. Apprenticing under or being raised by a team was one of the best things that could happen to Pokemon in the egg.
Team Frontier... I wonder what's become of them, or if they remember me.
The snow's started to melt a bit- we're already half-way through winter so it helps. Still, spring's a way off. When we arrive, it's just become evening. Chatot fusses over us for a good ten minutes before we finally make our report as well as asking if Wigglytuff had ever explored the area before. He agrees to speak to Wigglytuff over the matter... and returns about an hour later.
"In response to your question, the guildmaster says-A-HEM. 'YOOM... TAH! Memories~ Sweet memories~ Hmm... if I think hard, maybe I did go there once... but my journals and maps got lost in the deluge~'" Chatot wheezes a bit as he returns to his normal voice. "So yes, it appears the guildmaster has been there before."
Rio deflates at this and Asha scowls, averting her eyes. Well, this is certainly annoying: all of that work and we didn't even-"
"Now now, please don't feel down!" Chatot says quickly. "While this might not be the first time this has been discovered, this is the first time it's been properly documented! That's still an impressive feat! Besides, our guildmaster is a seasoned veteran while the three of you've only had a single say as a Bronze Rank! Please, be more proud of yourselves!"
... well, when he puts it like that, our efforts were pretty impressive.
"I guess..." Rio mumbles.
"I'm still not quite sure why you would want to spoil your own discovery," Chatot admits. "This is yet another strange crew, aren't you..."
Just then, the dinner bell rings. I forgot how much I missed Chingling's cooking, especially after such a long trek in the snow!
Asha curls up and falls asleep almost instantly when we head back to our room.
"Hey, Evi?" Rio approaches me. "I know you were sad about losing the gems, and Wigglytuff being first... but still, we were able to accomplish a lot today! We were able to record the path between the waterfall and hot springs, we can go back for the gems we found- I bet they'll help explorers and we can still sell some. I think, despite what happened, our first exploration was a success!"
I sigh, lips twitching into a smile. Trust Rio to be the optimist between us. It's certainly working on me; he's right. Even if the water washed them away, there could be some in the river and it can wash up on the shore.
"Now I'm certain: I made the right choice in becoming an explorer." Rio smiles from where he lays the Relic Fragment on the ground. "And I'm certain I'll find out the secret of my Relic Fragment! And it's all because of you and Evi. I can be brave because you're both with me!"
"Even I'm the biggest coward, and I was only able to go there because I had you... and then Asha came, and we even took down those horrible thugs together... and you've both been helping fufill my dream even though I'm taking time away from you both-"
"That's not true," I cut him off. "You've... always been braver than me- brave enough to pursue your dreams while I just focused on myself. And it's not like you forced us into this."
"This exploration career has given me more money in a few months than what I save up for an entire year. I'm able to collect rare items and sell them for even higher prices. If anything, this is broadening my horizons. Besides, Asha agreed to come with to help find her memories... and it's working as far as we can tell, and she enjoys being with us- she said it herself, didn't she?"
"But- that's not cowardly!" Rio protests. "You're always thinking of us and how to get through things! It's because of your plans and ideas that we've gotten as far as we have!"
His face twists in upset. "And all I ever did was get you two hurt-!"
Oh no, is that why...?
"It's not your fault."
Rio flinches and looks over at where Asha is awake. "We chose ya. An' we chose t' fight Drowzee. Heck, if it weren't fer you makin' Team Strikers, who knows what would've happened t' Zura."
"Exactly," I affirm.
Rio looks like he's about to cry before he freezes. "And your visions, Asha," he whispers.
"Oh right."
"No no, not that! Asha, your vision from the waterfall- it was from the past that time!"
Wait a minute.
"The previous visions... what they all have in common is that you're always touching something before they happen! The apple Azurill dropped... Drowzee... even the waterfall and gem!"
Rio's face brightens. "This is incredible, Asha! I don't think I've ever heard of an ability like that, even from psychic or ghost type Pokemon!"
W-well you say that, but it's not like I can that shit to happen every time I touch something..."
"Maybe not yet, but if it keeps happening, then you can train it!"
This isn't like anything I've encountered in Pokemon, except for some Psychic Trainers, but they could only see the future from the sparse dialogue I remember. What if this had to do with Asha specifically? Was she a psychic of some sort as a human? It's not much of a stretch to assume so.
... what if she's like me?
What if she came to another world? Maybe not mine, but one connected to Pokemon. Hoenn had the multiverse, so it wasn't too much of a stretch either. Maybe if we unlock how Asha became a Pokemon and find her memories... it might-
"Ah, you're already up, I see!"
I startle a bit as Chatot comes inside, making Rio and Asha yelp in surprise.
"Geez, you scared us, man!"
"Mr. Chatot, what is it?"
Chatot shoots Asha a confused and irritated look before saying,"The Guildmaster would like to see you three right away."
"Guildmaster, I've brought you Team Strikers. ... Guildmaster?"
Was Guildmaster Wigglytuff really asleep again? I mean, it's late enough but he's the one who called us-
"Hiya!" Wigglytuff bounces around cheerily.
"Gah!" Asha yelps.
"Christ..." Evi mutters under her breath.
What's a christ? Is it a Pokemon?
"Your team went through a lot today~ Yes, a lot-lot~" Guildmaster Wigglytuff chirps. "I'm keeping watch on your activities, so don't worry~"
"That's not creepy..." Asha mutters before Evi nudges her to be quiet.
"But onto why I called you three here: we're going to be mounting a full expedition in the summer."
... oh my goodness. Did I hear that right?!
"Izzat important?" Asha asks.
"Yes indeed," Mr. Chatot explains. "The guild will be exploring and documenting someplace far away. This happens whenever someone comes across a new area: they inform our guild and allow us to document what we find. Unlike exploration of the areas around here, this is much further away and will usually take several days, weeks or months, depending on the area. In order to make things run as smoothly as possible, we carefully choose which guild members can join us and who will remain and run things in our absence."
"So you're saying... we have a chance of going on the expedition?" Evi asks carefully.
"Usually, we would never, ever consider rookies to be expedition members. But you three are working so very hard!" Guildmaster Wigglytuff beamed. "You've even made it to Bronze Rank within your first three months! So that's why we're making a special exception this time, and include in the list of candidates for the expedition!"
... this is my dream coming true again.
"Thank you so much, Guildmaster!" I bow "We won't let you down!"
"Now now! You haven't been chosen as expedition members yet, we're simply considering it," Mr. Chatot puts in, not unkindly. "That in itself is still unprecedented! That said, there's still time before we set out. If you fail to do good work before then, you cannot expect to be selected for the expedition."
"I'm sure you three can do it! So try hard!"
"Yes sir!" I exclaim,
"Of course," Evi nods.
"No problem!" Asha declares.
The name discussion is actually something from Japan. Most Japanese usually address their peers/friends/acquaintances by their last name, and first-name basis is reserved for family, close friends and lovers.
As for the names here, they're partial anagrams of the species of Pokemon they are. Some use the English, some the Japanese and other languages as well. "Evi" comes from Eevee's Japanese name, "Eievui", Rio from "Riolu", Zura from "Azurill", Mari from "Marill". Asha's name doesn't follow because of her human origins, obviously.