I do not own Danny Phantom in any way, it's all owned by Nickelodeon!

Chapter 5

The alarm rang out as loudly as possible as soon as it hit 7:00.

"God...isn't it too early for this?" groaned the teenage girl as she slunk out of bed.

She slowly got dressed and ready for school, taking her time every step of the way. The last place she ever wanted to be was in school.

She was a wallflower, and not many people ever took notice to her. She kinda liked it that way though. She didn't have to worry about what everyone else thought about her.

Anyway, she quickly ran out of the house, not even bothering to yell goodbye up the stairs to her parents, frankly because she doubted that they were actually there. They would go out some nights and not turn up till the weekend sometimes.

It never really bothered the girl though, she came to see it as normal after awhile, and learned how to take care of herself.

By the time she made her way to school, the halls were staring to fill with students, all buzzing around conversing before the first bell of the day.

Keeping her head down, she made her way to her locker as usual, ignoring the loud people on either side of her.

Luckily for her, her locker was surrounded by people who never used theirs for whatever reason, so she used this as her alone time.

"Hiya!" came a voice from behind her locker which she immediately recognized. It was her friend Nick. He was one of the few people that seemed to give any of a damn about her, and was even apart of her band that she was in.

"Oh hey Nick," she greeted sleepily.

"No sleep again?" Nick asked smiling, "Ya know, this whole band thing should probably come after a good nights sleep right?"

She looked at him like he had two heads.

"Are you crazy? Once we make it big, that's our ticket out of this dingy town," she responded dreamily. If she could make it as a rockstar, she would gladly do so. She couldn't stand living in Amity much longer.

"Whatever you say."

"Listen, I gotta get to my class so I can persuade my teach' not to totally fail me, so I'll see ya around. Bye Amberlyn," Nick said as he departed down the hallway, leaving her all alone again.

She stood at her locker for a little bit, just enjoying being by herself for a bit before heading to her first period class.

Suddenly, she heard a bunch of girls all talking at once down the hall, and she recognized why instantly.

Walking down the hall was the most popular guy in school. He was the quarterback of the school's football team, and practically had girls falling at his feet. The typical peaked in high school type, but she didn't mind.

She had had a crush on him for the longest time, which she obviously never told a single person. She knew people would just laugh if they ever found out.

He reached her end of the hallway, and actually flashed a smile towards her.

'Oh my God, did he just smile at me?'

Then, he made his way towards her locker, which she didn't notice because she was in day dream land for the moment.

"Hey Amber," the boy said again, waving his hand in front of her face.

Amberlyn shook herself awake.

"Oh, uhhh hey Brad," she said nervously.

This was the first time she had ever talked to him face to face.

"You doin' anything tonight?" he asked.

She racked her brain but couldn't think.

"No..not really, why?"

"Wanna go catch a movie tonight? Just me and you?" he asked, flashing his pearly smile once again.

She could feel herself going weak.

"Yeah totally," she managed to say.

"Cool, I'll meet you there around six and then we can go see what's playing," he replied as he walked off to go join his friends again.

She saw them all high fiving an it made her giggle a little bit.

'The hottest guy in school just asked me out, what the hell is happening?' she thought to herself.

She couldn't believe what had happened. Probably for the first time in her life, she felt really happy.

'Maybe the old McClain luck is finally turning around.'

The final bell rang for the day, and students all began pouring out of Casper High, eager to start their weekends and get away from the boring reality that is school.

Amberlyn was no different.

Taking in the afternoon air, she was about to begin her walk home, when a hand grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Hey! Amberlyn, what's going on?" came the familiar voice, "You're going out with that tool Brad tonight?"

Amberlyn rolled her eyes.

"Yes Nick, I am," she replied, "And for your information, he asked me out."

She was about to walk away but Nick pulled her back.

"Listen, you heard what he does with girls right?" he asked firmly.

"Who cares, I'm sure he's a nice guy, now if you'll excuse me, I need to go get ready," she said pushing his arm off of her and storming off, leaving Nick standing in the cold.

It was about quarter to seven when Amberlyn left her house and made her way to the movie theater.

It was only a few blocks away, which she was glad for because it was cold as could be.

She dressed nicely for the date, which was kinda rare for her. She even wore her chestnut hair down, letting it fall on her shoulders and down her back.

'Finally, I'm here,' she said as she looked up to see what was playing.

Multiple stupid rom coms, a couple thriller slash action movies, and some random blockbusters, nothing too exciting.

'Oh well, it's not like the movie matters,' she thought in anticipation of what was to come.

She took a seat at one of the picnic tables that were set up out front of the building, and started checking herself in her pocket mirror, and making sure her makeup was all perfect.

'Gee, I wonder what time it is?' she thought as she sat there. It was getting colder every minute, and there was still no sign of Brad.

'He's probably just running late,' she thought hopefully.

She kept waiting, and hoping. She saw various couples streaming in and out of the theater and could feel herself longing to be in their shoes.

They all were spending their Friday nights with the person they love.

'What am I thinking? Brad's gonna come. I just gotta wait.'

More time passed, and she could feel herself losing hope. It was now pitch black dark out, and absolutely freezing.

She was shivering uncontrollably.

Some random guy happened to notice and came over to offer her a jacket but she refused.

She did however, ask him the time.

"It's half past eight," the man responded.

Amberlyn felt her heart break. She got up without acknowledging the man ever again, and began walking home.

'How could I have been so goddamn stupid?!' she screamed internally. 'Guys like him NEVER like girls like me.'

She reached her house and opened then slammed the door. The lack of response told her that her parents still weren't even home. She stormed up to her room, and slammed then locked the door behind her.

"I'm such an idiot! I mean, he didn't even remember my name! He called me Amber!" she yelled as she punched her pillow as hard as she could.

"I hate my life!" she screamed as she fell onto her bed, burying her face into her pillow.

She would end up falling asleep, crying softly into her pillow until she couldn't stand it anymore and sleep finally overtook her.

Except she wouldn't wake up in the morning. She never got to see the sun rise the next day, and she didn't get to go give Brad a piece of her mind, or tell Nick how right he was all along.

See, when she came home, she didn't notice that the heat was cranked all the way up, or the note that recommended turning it down.

It got too hot, and caught one of the curtains, igniting it into a fiery blaze which claimed both the house, and her life.

"And then I woke up in the Ghost Zone, with nothing by my guitar."

Danny didn't speak for a minute. He couldn't believe what he had been hearing, and how horrible that guy could treat her. All thoughts of their past against each other faded away from his mind, and were replaced by sympathy, and some other feeling.

"I'm so sorry..." was all he could manage to say. He couldn't even form a proper sentence.

Ember didn't look as crestfallen as she should though.

"Hey, it's alright Baby-Pop, besides, I've had more fun ever since," she said surprisingly jovially, "Plus, because of that, I got to meet you and I think you're pretty great."

She felt her cheeks burning red, but she didn't care if Danny saw or not.

He did, which made him blush even more than her statement had.

He noticed her shivering a little bit, and instantly pulled off his sports coat from his suit, and placed it around her shoulders, shielding her from the cold November air. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek for his act of kindness, and Danny blushed harder than ever.

"We sure have come a long way from the first time we met, huh?" Danny joked as they both paused to reminisce.

"Do you take requests? How 'bout Beat It," Ember said in a mocking tone.

Both teens burst into laughter.

"Don't act like you didn't like that one," Danny said in between laughing.

"Sorry I didn't stop to laugh, I was kinda busy kicking your butt," she replied, laughing even harder.

"You got lucky! Plus you had to resort to making me fall in love with my friend so I wouldn't stop you," Danny retorted, remembering that experience. He didn't really care though now, since he wasn't really even thinking about Sam anymore.

"Yeah...sorry about that in retrospect," Ember said rubbing the back of her neck.

"I'll be honest, I thought about using it for me but I kinda felt like that'd be horrible and weird," Ember added.

As much as that was weird, it also kinda was cute...in a messed up weird, kind of way.

"You had that big of a crush on me?" Danny asked smiling, "You should have just told me, we could have been friends for a while now."

"Yeah, but you were too busy with your goody two shoes schtick."

"True...well looks like it might all end up working out anyway," he said smirking.

Ember returned the smile and they sat for a moment, enjoying each other's company.

"Say, you look really nice in blue, by the way," Ember complimented.

"Thank you, but I think you have me beat a little bit," he replied, referring to her glowing blue hair, and her radiant dress.

They both blushed once again.

By now, teenagers were beginning to walk out from the school and began to return home, signaling the end of the dance. The two ghostly teenagers backed away from the edge of the roof now, that way no one would notice the two of them.

Moving towards the center, Danny pulled out his phone. Putting on some music, and took Ember's hand in his own.

"May I have this dance?" he asked courteously.

"Of course."

The two began slow dancing on the roof to some slow pop song that had been blowing up recently. Ironically, this was both teen's first experience in dancing, but neither showed it. They moved gracefully and complimented each other very well.

She felt like a real life Disney princess right now, and wouldn't care if this moment never ended. It was perfection in her eyes.

The song slowly came to a close, and the two ended in a tight embrace, both rocking back and forth a little bit.

Pulling back a little bit, both stared into the other's eyes, his blue, and hers green.

They both leaned in, and met in the middle.

Their lips locked and engaged in a dance of their own. Neither of them wanted this moment to end, and they stayed like this until they literally couldn't breathe any more.

Parting for breath, Ember spoke up first.

"Boy did I get lucky, you're a really great kisser Baby-Pop, you know that?"

Danny chuckled slightly.

"Funny, that was my first time," he said warmly.

"Same here," Ember said, returning the warm smile and leaning in once again.

Their lips met, and time stopped as a light snow began to fall, capping off their perfect night.

So ends the story of Danny and Ember. I'm really happy with how this story turned out, and I hope you

guys enjoyed as well! I'm so sorry it took me so long to publish the final chapter, I haven't had motivation to write in awhile. I may think of some new ideas pretty soon though. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story, and if you did, leave a review and tell me what you thought! 'Till next time!