Hm, I think this might be the first time I'm putting an author's note at the beginning of an update. Anyway, welcome to a fun little parody of The Hangover, one of the most hilarious films out there. This wasn't originally the first BNHA story I wanted to put up here, but this idea popped into my head and wouldn't leave, so here we are. I figured this would be a good sort of test, to see if I could properly write the personalities and actions of the MANY characters in the series. Honestly, nervous as hell, this is a big league fandom, tons of potential backlash, but got to start somewhere, I love it too much to not post something! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Boku no Hero Academia and all it encompasses are the property of Horikoshi Sensei, definitely not a fanfiction writer such as myself.

Merging the Squads

*Ring, ring, ring…*

"Hi there, you've reached Izuku Midoriya. I'm really sorry to have missed you. Please leave a message."

*Ring, ring, ring…*

"Yo, this is Kirishima! Sorry I missed you, man. Leave a message!"

*Ring, ring, ring…*

"Greetings, you have reached Tenya Iida. My deepest apologies for missing your call. On behalf of the Iida family and Ingenium hero agency, I urge you to leave your name, number, and a detailed account of your-"

*Ring, ring, ring…*

"This is Todoroki. I'm sorry I can't answer the phone right now. I'll be sure to call you back as soon as I have the time."

*Ring, ring, ring…*

"This is Bakugo. If I'm not answering, you're probably not important enough. If you say otherwise, then leave a damn convincing argument. And don't you dare just text, you extra! I'm busy!"

Uraraka sighed, lowering her phone. None of the guys were answering, leaving the pit in her stomach to grow even further with worry; as well as frustration. She paced back to the mirror, informing the curious occupants of the room that all the calls went straight to voicemail. It was late at night, but she was under too much stress to even nod off. Her parents sat on a futon nearby, with Izuku's dear mom Inko seated in a chair beside her fellow mother, shaking with nerves as she tried to drink a cup of tea. Ochaco's dad gave a good-natured chuckle.

"I've known a few businessmen who dropped by Vegas. You lose track of time in those casinos. No windows, or clocks, just the tables. Your man might even be in the middle of a heater!" The Urarakas' daughter gave her father a pout.

"He's not the type to gamble, daddy. And besides, Deku wouldn't put having fun over us getting married." The sharp sound of Inko putting her teacup down drew everyone's attention.

"I certainly hope not! I raised him better than that." Despite the fierce delivery, the Midoriya matriarch was still shivering with worry, with Mrs. Uraraka trying her best to comfort the woman with a gentle hand on her shoulder. In the midst of all the tension, Ochaco's phone suddenly went off. Her response to answering it was just as swift.


"Uraraka, it's me." The fact that he was using her actual name was just as alarming as the subdued tone with which the line was delivered. This was still the rough-edged Katsuki everyone knew and lov- dealt with, but she never remembered him sounding so… uncertain.

"Bakugo? Where are you guys? I'm freaking out!"

"Yeah, listen. Uh… we fucked up."

"W-what are you talking about?"

"The bachelor party, the whole night. It… things got out of control, uh… and we lost Deku."


"We can't find Deku, damn it!"

"What are you saying, Bakugo? We're getting married at noon tomorrow!" On his end, Bakugo suppressed an irritated growl, letting it out as an exasperated groan instead.

"Yeah." He cast his gaze to the scorching Nevada sun.

"That's not gonna happen."

(Two days earlier)

Iida naturally stood stiff as his measurements were taken, acutely watching his posture to ensure precise accuracy with his suit. Upon completion, he was told he could relax and be on his way. Izuku, who'd been standing nearby, thanked the elderly tailor, before giving his closest friend an excited smile, which was instantly returned, though Tenya's had a great deal of pride mixed into it.

"I can't thank you enough for being my best man, Iida. I couldn't really think of anyone else more suited to the position. Well… maybe Kacchan, but…" He rubbed the back of his neck, rethinking what he'd just said. Iida's grin just widened, showing his perfectly maintained teeth.

"No need for that, Midoriya. I am honored to receive this task on the most important day of your life. Rest assured, with myself and Yaoyorozu acting as your heads this ceremony will be your crowning achievement." Deku held up his grateful smile, but allowed it to falter afterwards.

"Uraraka was pretty stunned when Tsu turned down the maid of honor spot. But I can understand her reasoning. Yaoyorozu is the only one of our friends that matches your level of organization." Iida puffed out his chest proudly and placed his hands on his hips.

"Indeed. In the meantime, Asui will make an excellent bridesmaid alongside the other girls. Adding in the guys who will be attending, we'll have nearly the entirely of class 1-A together for the first time since graduation. A momentous day, Midoriya. I hope you're prepared for the sheer scale of it all." Deku beamed at his friend, some memories of everyone in the U.A. dorms flashing through his mind. Much had transpired in the five years since graduation; here the two of them stood, Top 10 heroes, upholding justice and saving lives, with Izuku mere days away from formally joining his other best friend in matrimony. Ochaco had insisted on having a traditional western wedding, to which he found no reason to object. Tenya and Momo were more than happy to assist in all the preparations. Now, after weeks, no, months of work, there was only one thing left between him and marrying the woman he'd grown to love throughout high school.

One final adventure as a single man, orchestrated by their very own Eijiro Kirishima.

As soon as the couple had announced their engagement, the ever-enthusiastic redhead from old class 1-A had been on Izuku's heels about the bachelor party. Day in and day out, he'd throw out ideas for where to embark on the "manliest tradition in history". It was only recently that he suggested something out of country, after being given the idea by Kaminari. Naturally, Midoriya was unsure of flying all the way to the states and hitting up casinos just for a single night, but Kirishima had said Denki was adamant of Las Vegas' reputation for granting visitors a night they would never forget. He'd done his own research, planning out the flight, prices, hotel; the whole nine yards.

All that was left was consent on Ochaco's part, at Izuku's insistence. Having been warned by Kaminari of how future wives had a notorious distaste for excursions to Sin City, Kirishima and the others were surprised when the gravity heroine easily gave her fiancé a thumbs up and insisted he and the guys enjoy themselves. Sweet, innocent Ochaco was fully convinced her chivalrous and loving partner would never partake in anything scandalous, a sentiment that had tears running out of the man's emerald eyes. Some of the girls, particularly Jiro and Tsuyu, were more skeptical, but had little say in the matter.

In the end, despite his own desire to attend the event, Kaminari, as well as an invited Sero, had to pass on the trip, having been called out to act on Pro business on the weekend before the wedding, though assured everyone they'd make it for the actual ceremony. Kirishima was just finishing up a call with the Stun Gun Hero, barely making out a grieving Mineta in the background, likely being held back from begging to be taken with. Faint mentions of strip clubs could be heard obstructing Kaminari's voice, but the pair discussing over the call merely ignored him. Finally, Eijiro ended the call, his friend having wished them all a safe and fun journey.

The assembled gang was walking towards the correct terminal, their flight to Los Angeles International about to begin boarding. Kirishima walked beside the leader of the pack, a calm and collected Katsuki Bakugo. He, like the rest of the guys, had a light carry-on bag slung over his shoulder, containing just enough clothing and the like for a short trip overseas. The abrasive blonde had been rather silent for their drive to the airport, not even commenting when one of the others would say something "stupid". Now however, he chose to glance over his shoulder, spotting Ida speaking with Deku.

"Why the hell is Four-Eyes coming? The ladies can't dance for you if the pole is up your ass." Tenya blinked at the particularly vulgar comment, but responded with dignity, as any Ida would, calmly adjusting his glasses as he addressed the hotheaded blonde, moving his arms in sync to his explanation.

"I am attending to ensure none of you act poorly on foreign soil. We have a duty as high-ranking heroes of Japan to represent our society and its image. Think of the catastrophic backlash if one of us were to cause an incident overseas!" Beside the passionate Engine quirk user, Deku nodded, beaming at his friend's unrelenting steadfastness. Bakugo, naturally, just scoffed and turned back to face forward. Seeing the explosive hero's accusation deflected, Iida found his own rise to the surface, arcing an arm to point to the blonde. "What of you, Bakugo? I'm surprised you'd be willing to spend an entire excursion to the states alongside Midoriya. You two still can't quite coexist when outside the line of duty." Katsuki growled, but didn't bother facing Tenya to address him.

"You losers wouldn't know how to throw a bachelor party to save your lives. It'll be my job to make sure you don't look like a bunch of Dekus. Besides, I got no reason to deny helping the nerd chain himself down to Round Face for the rest of his life. Might as well start by having him drink his sorrow to the surface." Iida wasn't even surprised by now to hear such deflective scorn towards his friend, but before he could reply, Izuku spoke up for himself.

"That's not right at all, Kacchan! She doesn't chain me down, she makes me float, in every sense of the word." A warm smile grew on his lips. "She's got all the good qualities I don't, she's the reason I've made it this far, further than I could on my own. It'll be hard, both of us being pro heroes, but at the same time we'll understand one another with each step in our careers." The others all nodded in agreement at his declaration, while Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Keep telling yourself that while I blow past you."

"To Midoriya's credit, ever since advancing his relationship with Uraraka, he's appeared much more motivated. So much so that he's broken away from the tug-of-war you two had over the number three spot." Bakugo's temple vein spiked as he turned again to glare daggers at their fifth member.

"ALL YOU'RE SAYING IS THAT THE LOSER CAN'T STAND ON HIS OWN!" Even as Katsuki's palms smoked threateningly, Kirishima chuckled slyly next to him.

"Oh yeah? Says the guy with his own lady and even a little tyke." Caught between his own accusations, Bakugo could only seethe quietly to himself, while Iida scolded Kirishima for further agitating the volatile blonde. Eventually, after shaking off his unadmitted loss, Bakugo shot a look back to Todoroki.

"What's your stupid reason for coming anyway, IcyHot?" Instead of answering, Shoto let his eyes glide to his left, appearing somewhat lost in thought. Before Bakugo could relent at being ignored, Izuku stepped over and placed a hand on his despondent friend's shoulder, giving him an encouraging smile.

"Todoroki looked like he had a lot on his mind recently, so I offered him to join us, thinking he could use some time to get away from it all." The hybrid quirk user nodded to Deku's assessment, still looking away. The boys had reached their destination at that moment, moving to have their boarding passes scanned. The lady overseeing the process immediately gushed upon the five of them approaching, excitedly babbling about some of their recent exploits. As they finally boarded, Iida furrowed his brows, the woman's words resonating within his mind.

"Yaoyorozu had mentioned she wasn't sure having so many top heroes leave the country was a wise decision." Ahead of him, Bakugo scoffed once more.

"If the rest of them can't keep the scum in line for a few days then they're not worth their licenses. We've got all the approval to go on this trip, so they can just shut it." It was still surprising when the Explosion user made a good point, even if in an abrasive manner. Nevertheless, no one argued, making their way into the cabin. Bakugo had insisted having those he considered most annoying as far from him as possible during their flight. Fortunately, this was more or less accomplished, with the hothead taking a window seat beside Kirishima, while Ida, Deku, and Todoroki took the middle three in order. With the difficult parts behind them, the group bid farewell to their home as the airliner took off from its designated runway, beginning the twelve hour journey across the Pacific.

Iida commended his fellow heroes on displaying exemplary manners and considerate volume on the flight, though this could mostly be attributed to Bakugo being asleep for most of the trip. Said blonde groggily walked beside the others as they made their way to the rental car office. Once there, a debate broke out over what type of vehicle to take. Izuku and Iida insisted on a practical model, Kirishima wanted something flashy, while Todoroki said he didn't care either way. Bakugo, declaring his "expertise" was needed, demanded they take a couple of Ferraris, an idea quickly shot down by a flabbergasted Tenya, who admonished Katsuki's argument that they needed to cruise through Vegas like they owned the place.

In the end, thanks to Todoroki's welcome intervention, the gang settled on a quite luxurious, though far more tame Mercedes sedan, a choice that all seemed satisfied with, though Bakugo begrudgingly so. He drew the line when it was decided Izuku would drive, only to be shot down when it was stated that unlike him, the green-haired hero had actually taken the time to map out the best route to Las Vegas in painstaking detail, including all the rest stops they'd require. Iida took shotgun, still praising his friend's preparedness, as the rest piled into the back, in full spectrum of annoyed, excited, and stoic.

By far the most noticeable, and to an extent pleasant, detail of their drive was the lack of rabid fans. No one mobbed them for autographs at the gas station, or even gave them a second look while passing them on the highway. It was clear they hadn't yet reached All Might levels of popularity, but this was to be expected; their careers were just starting. Even so, the transition from household name to generic citizen brought back memories of a simpler time, before even their first sports festival in U.A., bringing a smile to everyone's faces. Well, save for Bakugo.

Finally, after half a day across water and another four hours on the road, the crew arrived at the outskirts of fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada, the city's majestic lights and cityscape leaving them in awe, recalling how much of the town was dedicated to entertainment and visual spectacle. A feast for the eyes greeted them as Izuku drove towards the towering casino hotel of Caesar's Palace. Dropping off the sedan with valet, the gang made their way inside, approaching the sign-in desk where the attendant gave them a dazzling smile.

"Welcome! Checking in?" Deku nodded, stepping up to the counter.

"Yes, ma'am. We have a reservation under Midoriya." The lady clattered across her keyboard, humming to herself thoughtfully. Upon bringing up the file, her eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my! You're all pro heroes visiting from Japan?" Izuku nodded nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "That's wonderful! I hope you all enjoy what our lovely city has to offer." Deku thanked her as she finalized their admission. "So I have you in a two-bedroom suite on the twelfth floor, is that okay?"

"Yes, it sounds perf- oof!" Bakugo shoved him out of the way, roughly placing his hands on the counter.

"Screw that! You got any villas?" The lady blinked in surprise at the man's forcefulness, but moved her hands back to the computer regardless, beginning her search.

"Dude, Bakugo, we aren't even gonna be in the room."

"Kirishima is correct. It is unnecessary grandeur for our stay." Katsuki eyed Iida from his spot at the desk, his usual scowl at the ready.

"Unnecessary grandeur? This is a bachelor party, you idiots! You get one of these in your life if you're lucky. We go all in or we don't go at all! Besides, there's no way in hell I'm bunking with any of you. I'd rather take the floor in the damn living room!" Deku nervously pointed towards Shoto.

"A-actually, Kacchan, Todoroki already called that." In response to this, Shoto glanced at his duffle bag.

"It's not tatami, but I'll be fine for one night with a floor mat." Bakugo rolled his eyes, then reached over to grab Izuku by the collar.

"Listen, Deku, we'll split the damn cost. You already got me out here, so I'm putting my foot down for the arrangements. Got it?" The captive One For All holder gulped, then nodded firmly. "Good." He released his grip, then turned back to the desk before even Ida could scold him for pressuring the poor guy. The lady seemed to have found what they were looking for, looking to the blonde optimistically.

"We have one villa available. It's 4,200 for the night." Bakugo grinned, brushing off the detail.

"Pocket change for us."

"It most certainly is not!" Ignoring Iida, Katsuki accepted the room keys and motioned for Deku to hand over his credit card to be held until they were ready to pay. After doing so, he led the pack in heading for the elevators, Kirishima already chatting away about where they should go first. Unknown to the five of them, two pairs of eyes watched their group head down the hall, narrowing in delight a second later. Their owners had overheard the lady at the front desk, going on about how these men were heroes from out of town, or, out of country, to be precise. The two grinned at one another, seeing their next targets.

"Holy crap!"

"Oh my… it's enormous."

"Wow, it does seem to fit more with the occasion. Thanks for convincing us to take it, Kacchan." The Explosion user just walked off from his rival's gratitude.

"Whatever. We can admire the place when we come back for the afterparty. Now you losers pick a room and get dressed, we're heading out in 30." Everyone else's eyes drifted to Izuku, but he just shrugged and gave a conceded grin, telling them it may just be best to have the hotheaded blonde lead their excursion for the night. With that, they all dispersed to prepare for what would surely be an evening to remember. Iida took a moment to call up Asui and let everyone know they'd made it safely to Vegas, just as he had when they'd touched down at LAX.

He was just finishing up the call when Deku walked in looking for him, readjusting his dress jacket. Todoroki followed closely behind, hands tucked in his pockets. Their former class rep grinned as he replaced his phone in his coat, facing his friends.

"Everything is ready for your wondrous celebration come Monday, Midoriya. And, if Tsu is to be believed, Uraraka is quite eager to spend one last night with you as only a fiancée before the wedding." At this, Izuku couldn't help blush and turn away awkwardly, earning amused grins from both his friends.

"W-well, in that case I hope we can make it back a little early so I can take her to dinner." While Ida and Todoroki nodded at the wonderful idea, the fourth member of their group stomped in, looking as annoyed as ever.

"Round Face goes in the back of your mind tonight, moron. This is our time to let loose. Now where the hell is Kirishima?" Recalling something from earlier, Izuku motioned towards the door to the suite.

"Oh, he headed downstairs for a few things. He should be back in a bit." Not surprised, Katsuki just leaned against the nearest doorframe, crossing his arms and tapping a finger impatiently. In the meantime, Izuku took a moment to glance at the fire-ice hero among them, concerned for his near perpetually frowning friend. He hadn't actually asked what was bothering Shoto, deciding it better not to pry, even though he'd done more than his fair share of that years ago. However, maybe tonight, with all the festivities, the stoic man would open up enough to talk. The thought brought a hopeful smile to Izuku's face, until he was distracted by the returning Kirishima, who leaned into the room with a fierce grin on his face.

"Hey, guys, sorry about the wait. Let's go!" As he was already near the door, the enthusiastic redhead took the initiative of leading his friends out, though they became confused when he turned towards the stairwell instead of the elevator.

"We're not walking down, Shitty Hair," Bakugo declared without room for argument. Unfortunately, he was speaking to the one person who could get away with doing so.

"Hang on, I wanted to show you guys something first." Intrigued, the rest of the group followed him up, moving past several floors until they reached the roof access. Despite Iida's protests that they weren't authorized to be there, everyone stepped out into the warm summer night air, the howls and echoes of the city rising from the streets below. Shoto froze the door open to make sure they could leave, then joined the others in gazing at the impressive view from the edge of the landing. They voiced their awe at the sight, easily spotting the outlines of each casino hotel settled along the Strip, flooded by neon in all shapes and colors.

While the others were distracted, Kirishima went over to a nearby A/C unit where he'd set up five glasses and a beer, popping off the cap and distributing the drink evenly. He took one and cleared his throat, garnering the guys' attention.

"Gentlemen," he began in his best suave voice. They grouped over by the display and each took one of the glasses.

"At least you didn't buy the cheap shit," Bakugo chided, taking a look at the bottle label. Kirishima waved him off.

"No way, man. This guy I met down at the bar recommended it after I told him what we're doing. Now come on," He raised his glass towards the center of the group, glancing over at Deku with a grin. "Midoriya, you're about to face your greatest challenge so far: making a woman happy for the rest of her life." Izuku chuckled lightly as he rubbed his neck. "You and Uraraka have gone through so much together already, I can imagine you two kicking even more ass in the future to come, all with smiles on your faces. But before that, let us treat you to the manliest night of your life, here, with your friends, in this party-drenched city."

Izuku looked ready to cry from Kirishima's speech, but just settled on nodding fervently, then raising his glass to meet the redhead's, with the others joining in after, clinking the five together with a resounding ring.


Deku wasn't a fan of alcohol, but he drank it down anyway to uphold the spirit of their upcoming nighttime adventure. Time and again he would wonder how he ended up where he was now, surrounded by so many friends who would go so far for his happiness. He hoped the day would come where he could repay each of them tenfold. For now, however, they were off to see what Las Vegas had to offer.

Alright, there we go. These chapters will be pretty short compared to what I usually write, and the story is based on a preexisting plotline for the most part, so I think I'll be able to put up a new update every few days or so. Expect some twists though, can't have it be exactly like the movie, that'd be way too boring, and also kinda hard considering most of these people have superpowers...

Also, as far as I can tell from my plans, there shouldn't be much beyond a bunch of cursing, but please let me know if I have to bump up the rating later, thanks!

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for any comments/reviews!

next chapter: Nobodies