Summary: As many of you know, I...really enjoy making anime openings. This is just an experiment to take this further and better my skills.

Test #1: TGSOJ OP 2


The Grey Spirit of Justice OP 2

(Lighting flashes across the stormy night sky revealing a drentched Shawn in a tux with glowing red eyes cocking his chain wrapped fist back/ His fist connects with an aromored glove/ The camera zooms out revealing Shawn and Spawn duking it out while falling out of the sky.)

(It zooms in on them again, showing them blocking each other's punches and kicks, every contact creating sparks of their trademark colors/ The camera zooms out showing they were picking up the paste, falling faster and faster.)

(The two backed away, Spawn throwing a flaming green spear while Shawn threw a ball of grey flames/ The attacks cause an explosion clearing the rain then blinding the camera)

(The title, The Grey Spirit of Justice burned across the screen with grey flames lingering around the letters.)

Koufun suzzo! Uchuu e GO!

Saisentan no muchuu o dou!

Kono te ni tsukamuyo

(Rain continued to pour, dousing the flames on the title and covering the title card in a cloud of steam/ Marvin grabs the camera out of the steam and uses his telekinesis to make the camera zoom out to show him, Mal and the Justice League standing side by side, ready for battle)

Suttonkyou ni waratte tai!

Chinpunkan wa narekko dai!

I can't get no satisfaction

(Shawn is shown in a deep horse stance, eyes red and fists wrapped with grey flames and chains/ He starts practicing a kata/ Superboy is shown lifting heavy weights while jumping in the air/ Mephisto and Lucifer are shown glaring at each other, the moon inbetween them. It flashes red blinding the screen)

(Woo-hoo) Taikutsu wa

(Woo-hoo) Ishi ni naru

Omokute ochichau mae ni (Let's fly high)

(Shawn shows a back fist before chambering his leg and kicking it at the camera/ Superboy launches a hook before following up with a spinning elbow/ Issac, Abuela, Sophie and Wendy sit in a church praying/ Issac opens his eyes with light shining in them)

(Woo-hoo) Waku-Waku no

(Woo-hoo) Hane hiroge

Tsugi no sekai e ikou

(The clouds parted, revealing a blood red moon/ Dark silhouettes of demons of all kind snarling/ Shawn walks forward with his friends and The League behind him/ Superman and his Kryptonian family blasts heat vision at the demons/ The Bat family threw batarangs andvother things Kid Flash adjusted his goggles/ Miss Martian shouts in rage in her White Martian form/ Spawn swipes his cape/ Camera zooms in on his toxic green eyes ready for battle)

Kanousei no doa wa, rokku sareta mama

Yareyare, kondo mo, kabe wo buchiyaburu

(Marvin brutally attacks a high level demon, not siving it a chance before stiking it with a rising elbow and push kicking it away/ Mal wrestled with a Etrigan before being thrown away and blasted away with Hell Fire/ The flames of hell were uneffected by the rain, so the light gave Shawn's angry face look down right evil, heroes fighting hard in the background creating more explosions/ He gives a shout of rage, his body producing steam, covering his whole body before dashing out as The Ghost Rider, grey flames burning beautifully)

Ima da! Genkai x Toppa! Sakebe! Heno-Heno Kappa

Muteki no, oira ga, soko de matteiru

(Spawn grins and blocks a knee strike with his knee strike with his knee and blocks an elbow with his forearm. The two take the battle across the city covered in their respective flames. They backed away before charging again. There clash disperesed their flames, with Spawn actually taking of The Rider's right arm!/ His flames snuff out for a second clutches his stump in pain and shock. He gives one final shout of rage, enveloping everything with Black Hell Fire. Lightning flashes and within the flames, you can see a man with glowing red eyes, angel wings spread out and horns displayed proudly on his head like a crown/ with his arm regrown, The Rider swipes the black flames away and charges at the Hell Spawn)

Doragon Bouru Suupaa

Zen-Oh sama mo ottamage~!

(The two clash again, floating into the air, the blood moon giving light to there legendary battle before a flash blinds the screen/ Shawn is tackled into a hug, making him smile and jump back to his friends and allies. He wraps his arm around Wendy's waist and gives his trademark smile as the camera took a picture of the large group)