I don't own Avatar the last Airbender nor Marvel. And thank you Stan Lee for the years of entertainment and may you rest in peace. God bless you.

Chapter 1

In the Earth Nation where it was a tad bit busy as the citizens were moving around trying to get the place that they needed be while getting there on time.

People were either taking the bus or driving in their car just to get to work. In a not bad living space house in her small habitat was a young adult teen who was now getting up from her sleep, and made her way to the bathroom and get a wash up. This teen had short black hair with a pair of light grey eyes and little bit short in height. This girl was none other than Toph Beifong. Dr. Beifong to be precise as she after all graduated in Earth Kingdom college with two masters degree in Doctor Philosophy and in Nuclear Technology in the capital of Ba Sing Se.

Earth Kingdom college was one of the most expensive college's in the world but if you and your parents were loaded with a fortune then you can afford it. As of right now she was done taking a wash up and finished brushing her teeth, she left the bathroom and made her way to her dresser and took her everyday clothes such as a green t-shirt with a dirt color shirt, with a green shorts and earth bending snickers.

After done putting on her clothes she checked herself in the mirror and smiled to see how great she looked. "I'm ready to start my day." She said to herself and went to her kitchen and pour herself some cereal and begin munching down on her favorite food. When done eating she set her bowl down in the sink and grab her work bag and left her house. "Next stop, Earth Kingdom of Energy and Medicine building." She said getting on her bike and started paddling.

In about an hour she made it to her job in which was creating new medicine for any illness or missing limbs. When she parked and lock down her bike she was greeted by two security guards. One was a young man and other was a senior citizen who had a month until retirement. "Good morning Dr. Beifong. Ready to get to work I see." said the old man with a smile. Toph smiled back and said "I'm sure am Mr. Stan Lee. Take care and excelsior!." After saying that she lifted her fist in the air as the old man did as well. "Excelsior!." said Stan Lee as he did the same and headed back to doing his rounds.

Toph loved that senior citizen from the day she was hired to work at company. Every time she sees him he would say excelsior all the time and couldn't help but liked up to the point she uses that catch phrase every now and then. Before entering in the facility she pulled out her name tag and scanned in order for the door can unlock, as she did so she went right ahead and made her way to her study room. In the room she saw one of her closet friends from college who was wearing his lab coat as he was checking out something on the computer. "Morning Sokka." Toph said taking seat at the computer as Sokka didn't mind.

"Oh, hi Toph. I'm just doing some last run down on the gamma radiation levels." Sokka said as he was somewhat an energy expert when it comes down to radiation but, in reality the only person that knows more highly level radiation is Toph. "That's nice to know, thanks. Where's Aang?. We can't start testing without him." She wondering where her boyfriend was at. Sokka was done typing and looked at Toph for a few minutes as he didn't want to tell her but he had to. "His talking to rich girl again. She never know when to give up." He said pointing at the other room and went back to his side of his work space.

Toph looked at the other room and saw her lover who had black hair with his arrow tattoo on his head since that's was part of him, since he was from air temple. He was having a conversation with the young teen who was wearing a expensive fire nation women business suite with high hills on. She is the owner of one the Energy and Medicine companies including this one but unfortunately she has no interest of science nor any geek related subjects. The only thing she had interest in is her fortune and Toph's boyfriend in which made pissed off about it.

In the other room seating down with the CEO, Aang was hearing another once again offer from Lola as she was sweetened the offers every time she visits the place. "For the two hundred and twelve time Lola, I'm not taking your deal." Aang said doing his best to be professional but damn it, he just can't stand her. "Awwww come on Aang. I'm literally offering to be up in big leagues." Lola said putting on a cute seductive smile.

"You get an amazing triple pay salary, more vacation days off let alone getting paid, and you get a seat at the corporate office with me." She said finishing her offer hoping he would take it. Lola had a strong love interest in Aang and assuming that the only way he would be hers if she offer him money and a cool place to stay. "Sorry Lola but I can't accept your offer. I things earn not giving and I'm fine where I'm at." said Aang as he know good and well that she only doing this so she can lay in bed with him, but that will never happen as he was already in a relationship with Toph.

Sighing and very dissapointed with the answer that was given to her she got up out of her seat, and approach the door to walk out and leave, but then turn around and gave him a look. "You're making a big mistake Aang. You have great potential and your not using it all the way." She said and walked out while closing the door. She straightened out her clothes and made sure it was clean and decent, she made her way out to leave the place.

While doing so she gave Toph an nasty look as she passed by the room and headed out to the exit. Toph gave her the look as well when Lola left the place. "Spoil rich bitch." Toph said as Sokka nodded in agreement. "Damn straight she is. And I hated when she comes here in her fancy limo, and showing off her expensive clothes." He said checking on some paper work on the clip board.

Toph was putting on her glasses to read the levels on the screen before she began to speak again. "She always thinks just because she's a multi million dollar women, she thinks she's above everyone else." She said while being satisfied at what she's seeing and gave it the ok. As she was about to log into the project that they were testing on, Aang came in and smiled as he went over, and wrapped his arms around her and place a kiss on her cheek.

Making a smile grow on her face she turned around and kissed him on the lips. "Morning Aang. Having a good day so far?." asked Toph as she got up and let Aang have her seat, and then sat on his lap. "It was fine until I have to deal with Lola. But don't worry I declined her offer. Again." He said holding her close. This made Toph very happy as she knew that Aang was very loyal, nice, caring, and innocent person that you will ever meet. And she for one was lucky to ever meet him and will do whatever it takes to keep it that way. Sokka broke up the love birds from going any further as he knows what's going to happen next.

"Alright lovers you two are not getting paid to make out. It's time to get to work." He said smirking as he received disappointed looks from both of them. "Fine." said Toph with an eye roll as she got up off Aang's lap and grab a seat on the other chair. Shaking his head while getting things ready for the test run, Sokka made his way out of the room and headed down to the testing lab area where they start testing their unreleased medicine. As they arrived to the testing room as Sokka was in the outside room putting in the test subject in which was a three legged bull frog, and put it in the huge sized ball chamber and closed up tight while checking to see everything was a go.

Back in the computer room waiting for their lab partner and best friend to be done, Toph thought it was a great time to bring up the conversation with Aang. "Tell me something Aang. Are you ready to see and spend time with your cousin?." She asked seeing Aang flinched when asking that question. Aang wasn't really wanted to visit his related cousin even though they haven't seen each other in months. Hell, he refuse to even talk to her on the phone or send her letters letting you know that their relationship was bumpy. "No, I'm not ready to visit my cousin." He said not wanting to talk about it even more.

Toph know that both him and Azula don't get along like cousins suppose to be doing. For one, Azula is general of the Fire Nation military in which she will put her duties first before anything else and second, Aang was against violence and anything involves in hurting people since he was brought up that way, back at the Air temple. "You should still go see her Aang regardless. She loves and cares for you." Toph said putting her hand on his lap. Aang put his hand where her was and said "I know she does and this is only a one day thing. I go." Toph smiled as she kissed him on the lips while he put his tongue in the kiss making them have a kiss tongue moment.

"Damn it. It's jam again." Sokka said seeing that the lock wasn't lock. With a little bit of hitting the machine it was locked shut making him smile as he went back to where they were, as he sees them again making out and getting all lovey dovy. "Hey what did I say about having your relationship at work?." He asked breaking up the make out session from the two. "Shut the fuck up Sokka. Please." they both said together as they resumed to working. Toph went up to her computer and went to typing in the password to have access to the gamma radiation supply, and pressed enter as the radiation was being charged up on the screen and into the other room.

"Gamma radiation is charged up and ready to fire." She said as Aang and Sokka was typing in the open vent access to the hamster so the radiation can go in. "Beginning to unleash the gamma radiation in three, two, one." said Aang as he pressed the button on the keyboard and the machine started to its magic. In the outside room getting exposed to some gamma radiation, the hamster begin to move and started feeling funny. Sokka was mentioning the screen as it showed the hamsters missing limb begin to develop creating a generate it's missing arm back just like a lizard, when it lose its tail. "Alright!. Our gamma radiation treatment is working." said Sokka who was excited to see great progress in their work.

This made both Toph and Aang very happy as their hard work has finally paid off and can't wait to test it on a person, and might release the drug to the public in no time. But suddenly went wrong as the hamster started to get big like a balloon and burst into pieces, causing the poor hamster to die. Aang was upset after seeing the poor animal life being taken from him while Toph on the other was pissed off that they just lost another test subject for the hundredth time, and this was costing the company tons of money to afford their project. "Shit it didn't work. Again. Damn it." She said getting up to leave.

"Better check on her. She gets mad everytime we fail on this step in the project." Sokka said shutting down all systems so he can go in and clean up the remains of the dead hamster. Aang got up and went out to see his girlfriend laying up against the wall holding her head in frustration while holding her glasses in her other hand. "Why didn't it work Aang?. Why didn't it work?." She asked while not looking at him. With a sigh of sadness he said "I don't know Toph, I just don't know. Maybe we should put a hold on our gamma medicine and go back to the drawing board." Toph quickly shot back at him with a tab bit of anger as she heard that for everytime their project fails. "No Aang!. No!." She said in anger.

Before Aang can even speak she spoke again. "I'm not going to go back to the drawing board. We have been working on this project for a year and going on two, and we only have this opportunity to get it right." She said putting her glasses up in her pocket. Then Aang carefully approach her and put his arm around her as she began to calm down. "Toph we been working on the same project forever. And the board of directors of this wanted to see the drug work and they are giving us this week to finish up on it, but we never finish the last step of it." He said as Toph knew that they wanted to see results but can't do so, as Aang then said "You know that I can go tell them that we want to put our work back to the drawing board and maybe they might continue funding our project."

At that moment after hearing that from Aang she nodded while taking a deep breath, and hugged her boyfriend while feeling his hand rubbing her butt nice and smooth. "Not right now Aang. We can't fuck at work." She whispered in his ear. Aang grinned as he continued to rub her ass and gave it a little squeeze to it making her jump on her toes. "I'm serious Aang. I don't want to climax in my pants." Toph said feeling wet as her panties begin to feel soak. Not wanting to lose their jobs for having sexual intercourse at work he respected her wish as he let go of her ass. "Alright but when we are alone and away from work. I'm going to make you climax all over my bed." He said with a sex smile on his face.

"I hope you make it happen too. Cause I'll be disappointed if you can't make me wet the whole bed sheets." Toph said licking her lips for taste in the thought of having his penis in her mouth. When done having some sex talk and completely shutting down the test lab room, they went back to the lab and redo their fail work, and see what went wrong while trying to find a solution. After hours went by the building was getting ready to close down for the night while everyone left the place except for Toph as she didn't want to give up on her project. She was on the computer checking to see if she missed something or maybe miss calculated in the medicine chemical but no signs of it.

"Fuck. No luck." She said upset as she rested in her chair. Toph was so tired and stressful that she wanted to relax and rest. She started to imagine Aang touching her in the most sensitive spot on her body as she began to feel herself while having a smile on her face, after imagine his cock squirting out their future kids on her face as she always wanted to be a mom one day but right now she wanted to consume it. "Um, Dr. Beifong?. Kid?. Kiiiiiid?." This awoke Toph out of her wet dream as she looked up and saw Mr. Stan Lee came in as he was doing his usual stroll around the facility and check to see thinhs were locked up and secured. "Oh, Mr. Lee!." Toph said quietly taking her hands off her boobs and taking the other hand out of her pants. "H... H... H... How long were standing there?." She asked the senior citizen.

"Not long enough thankfully. Having sex fantasy I see. I hope you're not watching porn instead of doing your work." He asked concern. Toph shook her head immediately as she know good and well that if the company spotted her on a porn site she might get suspended from computer access for six months. "No, sir, I haven't." She said getting up from her seat and logged out of the computer and grabbed her bag. "Oh, good because I really hate to report that one of their finest scientist was watching some naughty videos on the computer." Stan Lee said chuckling as he let Toph out of the room. "Good night Mr. Lee. Excelsior." She said walking away to the hallway. "Excelsior to you too kid." Stan Lee said while shutting and locking the door, and continue back to his stroll.

After getting caught and done having sexual intercourse fantasy, she made it back home and made herself some instant ramen noodles, and sat down on the couch and watch some TV while eating. Nothing good was on except the night news and a reality game show as Toph was flipping through channels, and eventually just leave back on the world news and watch it until 10:40pm. As it got to that she cleaned up her mess while still having the drug medicine test on her mind, wanting to know if she really missed something and try to correct the issue.

Without seeing any mistake based on what the computer have read she just shrugged her shoulders and gave in to what Aang said. "Maybe we should put it back on the drawing board and restart from scratch." She thought while putting the dishes. Then she went to her bedroom and then switch to her night gown, and then hopped in her bed dreaming of a way to fix her hard work project.

Next day after a nice long rest she began to make up her bed like every other morning as she then begin to work on fixing her hair, and while having her tooth brush in her mouth with saliva of tooth paste. Toph managed her hair to be straight and perfect like always as she focused on brushing her teeth, and making sure she cleaned every plaque off her teeth and finish it off with Listerine. "I wonder how Aang is going to handle visiting his cousin this afternoon?." She thought while washing her mouth with Listerine and spitting it out.

When time have flown by as it was the afternoon, Aang drove his car towards the fancy military restaurant where military soldiers or veterans come and have a nice meal with their family or family members. But Aang on the other hand didn't want to go but deep down he wanted to see his cousin. After letting the valet take his keys and drove to find a parking spot, he entered in and taken the elevator to the top floor of the building and walked out where the room was fancied nicely. There was a live orchestra in the corner playing soft relaxing tunes, the walls were clear white with special designs of each nation's logo on them, and the tile floor was pure expensive marble.

"Here goes nothing." He thought as he went to walk to where his cousin was. Azula was near the window wearing her fire nation warrior uniform with her Fire Nation symbol on the right side of her chest. Her symbol was pure gold circling around the fire indicating that she was a high ranked general of her nation as she was looking at her menu, while waiting for her baby cousin to come. When she left her eyes off the menu and saw her cousin coming up, she then sat the menu down and got up from her chair. Then she came up to him with a smile as she couldn't help but hugged him real tight as Aang did the same. "It's so good to see you Aang." said Azula as she let go of him and let him seat down.

"It's good to see you too Azula. How's everyone?." Aang asked smiling at his cousin.

"Their doing outstanding cousin. Zuko is doing great in college at the Northern Water Tribe with Katara, my father is doing well since he is Fire lord. And mother is doing great." said Azula as she picked up her glass of water and went to drink it.

Aang was happy to hear on his side of the family as squeezed lemon in his cup of water, and went to stirring. "That's fantastic!. I'm so glad that everyone is doing alright." He said open the menu and check to see what's good to eat. While doing so, Azula can't help but ask Aang this personal mean question. "How's your relationship with Dr. lunatic going?. I'm sure she's probably doing some weird unusual shit in that lab of yours." She said as she Aang stopped reading the menu. He closed it shut and set it down and looked at her with anger and ignorance.

"Why come everytime we see each other you always wanted to be an asshole?. Especially when it comes down to Toph?." He asked hating to argue with Azula about his lover. Azula put on her serious face as she said "Because Aang there's something mentally wrong with that girl and I don't like it. Not one mother fucking bit." Aang huffed as he had to hear that and didn't plan on arguing with her. "There is nothing wrong about Toph alright?. She just a very smart, funny, and silly girl you would every meet." He said to her as he went on talking. "She has two masters degrees, she is one of the best scientist that the company has every scene, and she is the best damn fucking expert on nuclear radiation."

Agreeing to that statement from what Aang pointed out, Azula had respect for the impressed resume that Toph have but still. "Yeah, she's really good at knowing radiation. In fact I bet she's creating a highly dangerous nuclear power bomb and selling it to the highest bidder of terrorism, not because of the money she's going to get but the enjoyment of seeing a chemical reaction of the bomb going off." Azula said seeing anger coming out of Aang as he got up from his seat. "You must be on that shit to think that my Toph will do a crazy thing like that. That, and the reason why are hating on Toph just because I didn't want to date Ty lee." He said looking around and see that everyone was looking at him wondering what's the problem. And then he sat back down in order to prevent from making a scene.

Azula put on her stern look making everyone turn back around and continue back to do whatever they was doing, as everyone that Azula wasn't the kinda of women to fuck with as she earn the nickname Dragon Rage Azula for a reason. After done giving people the death scare she went back to Aang as he was still mad and wanted to leave. "Yeah, you could have dated Ty lee. She's having a great career in the Fire Nation army and she's just got promoted to captain." said Azula. Not wanting to listen to another word, Aang got up and walk away from Azula and made his way out. "Asshole." He said to himself while getting on the elevator and getting out of the building as quickly as possible.

It didn't take that long for them to have fall out as it only took less than a minute for them to burst out, and started arguing. He wanted Azula to stop instigating Toph and let her be but that will be the day when all the ice melts in both of the South and North Pole. Meanwhile back at the Energy and Medicine facility,Toph was just made her way in as she asked Sokka to go fix the machine even though he claims that nothing is wrong with it but, she insisted that he should make sure. When she entered her lab room she was greeted by Lola who was seating at her desk waiting for her. She put on a big smile as she said "Good evening Toph." "It's Dr. Beifong to you Lola. And what do you want?." Toph asked not wanting Lola to say her first name as she set her bag down and sat down on her chair.

Keeping her smile in place she got up off her desk and turn around to see her face to face. And just wanted to have a chat just between girl to girl. "Listen Dr. Beifong, I know that you're a smart women since none of my board members can't seem to stop talking about you. And I'm willing to offer you a deal." Lola said putting both hands on the desk. Toph raise an eyebrow after hearing that as she said "Oh?. What deal are you trying to offer me Lola?." She smiled and said "I'm offering you a full fund grant for your research and give full time access to my companies top electronics. And you have to do one easy thing to do for me."

"Which is?." Toph asked feeling that this involves with Aang. "I want you to let go of Aang so he can join my other company and work with me personally. Now let me remind you something Doctor. I'm giving you the equipment to help save your project and a full funding for it, and all you have to do is call it off with Aang and tell him that he can do better than working at the bottom and just work at the top." said Lola who was still smiling.

Toph put her finger on her chin while thinking on that offer as Lola was waiting for a response. "Hmmmmm, sounds good. Real good in fact." She said. "Then you will consider my offer right?." Lola asked grinning. "I would say that you take your deal, and shove it up your spoil rich ass bitch." Toph said taking a serious look on her face making Lola dropped her smile completely. Nodding her head in response she got up and walk out, and then open the door to leave. Before she did she turned around to see Toph with a snotty snub look on her face as she said "Mock my words Doctor you will regret for declining and disrespected me and my offer. Oh, and by the way your clothes are just plain old example of how a poor wanted to be rich girl looks like." With that being said she walked out leaving an angry Toph as she balled up her fist after getting insulted by Lola, and had on the anger with in her all day as she and Aang was in the testing room watching Sokka fix or check on the radiation machine.

"Alright, I'm going to open the power box right now." said Sokka telling them on the radio as he unscrew the lid off, and went to checking the wires to see they were attached to the system. While doing he was doing that, Aang noticed the anger in Toph's body language and in her eyes. He hated to see her like this as she will get that way when she is get pissed off. "Do you want to talk about it?." He asked her as she answered back without looking at him. "Talk about what?." She asked watching Sokka mess around in the machine. Aang scooted up to her and place a hand on hers as he wanted to know what's going with his girlfriend. "What's eating you Toph?. You been looking like that all day." He said rubbing her thigh smoothly.

Toph took his hand off her thigh letting him know that she wasn't in the mood for physical touching. "It's nothing to worry about Aang just forget it and focus on our work. Please and thank you." said Toph as she pressed the button on the microphone to talk to Sokka. "Need any help?." She asked him.

"Yeah. I need some help." said Sokka while playing with the wires. Toph got up from her seat and made her way to the testing center as Sokka was still having trouble putting the wires back in. Suddenly without taking his time he pulled the green wire causing a spark and a burn to his finger, as the machine started to go berserk. "Damn it!." Aang said looking at the computer as it read System Ready and started charging up with gamma radiation but this time the high levels of it read Critical Max.

Aang then yelled through the microphone. "Guys get out of there!. I can't stop the fire count down!." Toph quickly ran to the computer that was connected to the machine as it read high dangerous levels of gamma radiation. "Sokka get out of here now!." She yelled as Sokka immediately got up out but then tripped over and fell down on the ground. "Toph!. I can't shut it down!. Get out of there both you and Sokka!." Aang yelled as he was getting scared as Toph was still trying to shut it off but no luck.

Sokka grabbed his radiation protection mask that was near him and quickly put it on, while crawling away from the machine. "Sokka there's no time!. Get out!." Toph yelled as she looked at the screen as it read a fast count down. "Toph!. Get the fuck out of there!." Aang yelled on the top of his lungs as he had tears running down his face.

Toph looked at Sokka who had his mask on and was wrapping his head tight ready for the huge impact. With no other choice and without thinking, Toph used herself as a shield by standing in front of the open exposed area as the machine went off.

A whole amounts of radiation hit Toph's whole body like a exploded bomb as everything became a dark blank.

And done!. Remember to favor, review and follow!.