Lena blinked a few times, her eyes focusing on the woman at the bottom of the bed. "Alex?"

The woman wheeled around, eyes wide in surprise.

"What happened? Did it close? I thought for sure-"

"Who are you? And how do you know who I am?" Alex asked. "And why do you look like Lena Luthor."

"I- what?" Lena frowned, glanced at the door, feeling a little relieved when Kara entered. "Kara, thank-" then she trailed off, because this was Kara, but it wasn't her Kara.

This Kara wasn't wearing her glasses, dressed in a tight costume, with a skirt and a cape.

"Who the hell are you?" Alex demented.

"What happened?" Lena frowned. "You're Kara but you aren't my Kara."

"Your Kara?" Kara asked, looking a little flustered. "I'm not- you just fell from the sky, there was horrible thunder and then the sky ripped open and closed in a matter of seconds and you came through."

Lena knew what Kara was hinting at, she and Winn had talked about it at length before. The multiverse, multiple earths with multiple Kara, or Winn's, multiple Lena's.

And Lena believe it, but she didn't believe it possible to access them, but it did make sense.

"I'm going to destroy ever super I can get my hands on." Lex had promised.

That's why he ripped a hole in space time in the first place, this is why he was using James.

"Am I- is this-"

Kara must have noticed her panic because she moved to sit on the chair beside her bed. "A different earth? Yeah, but we can get you back."

"We can't." Alex disagreed. "Cisco can."

"Cisco?" Lena brightened at the name. "You guys have a Cisco."

"Not necessarily," Kara murmured unsurely.

"He is from Earth one," Alex said.

"I'm sorry, earth one?"

"Yes, and this is earth thirty-eight." Kara said, softer than Alex had. "Do you know which earth you're from?"

"I didn't even know there was more than one,"

"Yeah, a bit of a shock, right?" Kara smiled that soft smile, a tenderness in her eyes that had Lena instantly relaxing.

"We can't get her back to her world without Cisco," Alex said. "And who knows when those guys will stop in next."

"Barry and I made a deal that he would stop in at least once a month." Kara said. "So, no more than a month."

Alex nodded shortly, eyeing Lena unsurely.

"She doesn't even trust the Lena Luthor here, never mind one that fell from the sky, that fits her theory that Lena is a fallen angel." Kara whispered playfully, eyeing her sister as she rolled her eyes. Kara held out Lena's spider, "This came off and ate your suit when we tried to make sure you were okay."

"Oh, thank you."

"You will have to tell Winn how you did that, he would love to put my suit in such a small container."

"She isn't hurt, that I can tell, but our equipment aren't calibrated to her frequency." Alex explained. "I need to report to J'onn."

"Your sister is nicer to me on my earth." Lena commented, a little laugh leaving her lips. "That's so odd to say."

"Yeah, it completely threw me for a while, too." Kara admitted. "So, whats with the suit?"

"On my earth I'm someone called spider-woman." Lena said. "You?"

"I'm Supergirl." Kara answered. "The Kara Danvers from your earth, she isn't an alien?"

"You're an alien?"

"Yeah, from Krypton."

"Oh. No, I don't think she is."

Kara nodded. "You can stay with me until we can get you home."

"You don't have to, I don't mind getting a hotel."

"It's okay, I don't mind."

That's how Lena ended up in the apartment of Earth-38 Kara Danvers.

"Make yourself at home, the guys should be there from earth one in a few weeks."

"So, what's Lena from here, like?" Lena asked when they settled on the sofa that night.

"Lena is-" Kara sighed wistfully, a soft smile on her lips. It clicked with Lena then what that meant. "Lena Luthor is incredible, youngest billionaire, CEO, she turned her families company around. And she is so selfless and sweet, she would do anything to help anyone."

"Are you guys-" Lena waves her hand around, and Kara frowned, before her eyes widened.

"What? Pft, no. Not like- no, no. Not that I wouldn't, like, like to go out with you- Lena. My Lena, but not my-"

"Kara, relax," Lena laughed softly, placing a hand on Kara's knee. "I get it."

"You do?"

"Yeah, I have been in love with Kara Danvers from my earth for months."

"Do I- I mean does she-"

"I think so, we never got the chance to talk about it before I ended up here." Lena admitted. "Does Lena here like you?"

"I don't think so, and she doesn't know I'm Supergirl so-" Kara said. "Does Kara know about you?"

"She didn't for the longest time but she does now."

"How did she react?"

"Surprised but she accepted it."

Kara nodded, looking down at her hands. "What can you do?"

"These are filled with webbing I made, I can swing around the city with it. And I have a lot of the same powers as a spider does."

"How did I happen?"

"I was bitten by a spider from my parents lab when I was fifteen."

"And you protect your city?"


"How do they treat you?" Kara asked quietly.

"The police don't like me much, but a lot of the citizens do, at least the spider." Lena said. "They hate the Luthor for the most part. My brother, he- well, he's the whole reason I'm here. He was going on about wanted to kill every super, but I didn't know what that meant, we don't have you on my earth."

"He opened a breach? To kill us? Why?"

"I don't know," Lena shrugged.

"I'm sorry," Kara sighed. "What does Kara do?"

"She is like the best investigative reporter there is, which is a huge pain, she's almost gotten herself killed so many times."

Kara laughed softly. "You have done the same, you are so self sacrifice, it's such a pain."

"But you love her?"

Kara ducked her head, a bashful smile on her lips. "Yeah."

"Yeah, me too." Lena agreed and Kara smiled sadly at her.

"Do you- are my parents still alive in your world?"

"No, they were killed in an explosion when you were a child."

Kara looked down as she nodded.

"Is it the same here?"

"Yeah, but my entire planet blew up." Kara said sadly.


That seemed to make Kara laugh softly. "I'm not used to my Lena swearing."

"Is she standoffish and closed off?"

"Oh, gosh, yeah." Kara laughed. "With everybody but me, for some reason she's soft with me."

"If you're anything like my Kara I understand why." Lena admitted. "Is- does time work the same here?"

"I don't think so, I don't really know much about it, it's Cisco that's the pro with it all."

"I just-I don't want to be away too long," Lena said. "They probably think I'm dead."

"Yeah, I would if you disappeared into some black hole." Kara agreed. "But we will get you home, and you can get your Kara."

"Will you get your Lena?" Lena asked with a little smile.

"She's kind of terrifying, but yes, eventually I will." Kara assured with a little smile.

Lena smiled, staring at the wall across from her as she thought back to her world, how her friends had just wanted her be sucked into a gaping black hole and probably think she's dead.

Kara probably thinks she is dead.

Lena felt herself panic at the idea she had caused Kara pain, caused her heartbreak but haphazardly throwing herself into that inky black hole.

"Hey," Kara whispered, placing a hand on Lena's knee. "What is it?"


"Your heart, it's beating super fast." Kara said. "Which, sounds a little creepy, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Lena laughed. "I just want to get home."

"And you will," Kara promised. "As soon as possible, unfortunately there is no trans-dimensional phone that I can just call them up on."

"That would have been handy,"

"She will think your dead," Kara sighed remorsefully. "And I don't know how long it will be on your earth before yours home but we are getting you back there, and you're gonna win your girl."

Lena nodded, swallowing thickly as everything just seemed to set in. She was on a different earth, leaving her evil brother and James behind, that on top of everything else she had been dealing with recently caused everything to bubble over and before she knew it she was crying and in Kara's arms, being held tightly against her chest.

"I know what you're feeling right now," she whispered against Lena's head. "The overwhelming feeling of panic, of pain, of uncertainty. You have too much on your plate and you don't know how to deal with it, you can't because you aren't even on earth, and I know me telling you it is all going to be okay does little for your anxiety." Kara pulled back, her finger hooking under Lena's chin, prompting her to look up. "But it is going to be okay. The feeling of inadequacy you're feeling right now is normal amongst people like us."

Lena nodded slowly, her eyes dropping to Kara's lips before she shook her head. "You look like her but you aren't her, you don't feel like her."

"I know what you mean," Kara laughed, rubbing Lena's back. "But wouldn't it just be so much easier if this could work."

Lena hummed, resting her head back on Kara's chest. "You're warmer than she is."

"Alien biology," Kara explained.

Lena nodded, feeling herself fade into unconsciousness.

She had been on this earth for three days before she had to put her suit on.

She and Kara were at Kara's place when Kara got the call.

"Let me help,"

"I don't know," Kara said unsurely.

"I'm helping." Lena said definitively.

Kara laughed, nodding once. "I don't know why I tried to fight."

Kara watched in awe when Lena places her spider against her chest and the nanites expanded across her body.

Kara nodded, eyeing Lena up and down. "Okay, that's... so awesome."

Kara felt to the site, only stalling when Lena jumped off her balcony and plummeted to the ground, before swinging out of the dive.

Kara was already there when Lena landed beside her, standing slowly as she stared at the nine foot monster towering over them.

"What the fuck is that?" Lena breathed.

"Oh, that's an alien," Kara said easily. "You guys don't have aliens on your planet."

"No," Lena said incredulously. "What do we do with it?"

"Weaken it, take it to the DEO." Kara explained, like it was no big deal, and maybe to her it wasn't, but Lena wasn't used to things like this.

They worked together, Kara weakening the creature while Lena wrapped it up in her webbing, incapacitating the creature.

"Those things are useful," Kara said.

"These?" Lena held up her hands. "You just blew ice and shot lasers from your eyes! That's so cool,"

"Me?" Kara shook her head. "You are so agile and all the tech you have? Amazing, did you make it on your own?"

"With the help of Sam," Lena nodded.

"If you are both quite finished," Alex grumbled from behind the girls. "We would like to take him in."

She was plastered all over the news the following day, Kara handing her a copy of the local paper with a big smile.

"Can I take this with me?"

"Yeah, of course." Kara hummed.

"Thank you, for letting me help." Lena said. "I was getting restless."

"Yeah, being under house arrest can't be fun." Kara sighed. "Lena asked me about you today."


"Yeah, she thinks I know all about Supergirl." Kara hummed. "I think maybe she knows."

"No offence, but your cover is glasses and a ponytail, she probably knows."

Kara laughed, pushing her glasses up her nose. "Yeah,"

Lena, much to this earths Alex dismay, spent a lot of time at the DEO, working with this Earths Winn on how to produce a compact suit for Kara.

"No offence, but the skirt is ridiculous." Lena commented. "Do you think female knights wore skirt armour?"

"Kara's entire skin is her armour."

"That's not the point, you dress her like a preppy cheerleaders then wonder why people treat her like a pretty cheerleader." Lena said, hunched over the paper she was currently sketching on.

"She's right," Kara whispered behind her.

Lena had been working on the schematics for hours, explaining to Winn what nanites were, they uses and how they protect her while she was in the suit.

It was well over twelve hours before Lena stood stretching out her neck and turning to leave, coming face to face with herself.

This earths Lena looked shocked to be looking into the eyes of herself, and Lena can't say she blames her.


"Lena," Kara came up behind her, looking panicked when she saw the scene in front of her. "I can explain."

"Are you real?"

"Uh," Lena frowned, glancing at Kara.

"She is from another Earth." Kara explained, and Lena didn't look nearly as surprised as she should.

"How did you end up here?"

"Protecting the city."

"You're a superhero?" Lena asked, and it dawned on her then. "You're the spider."

"I am,"

"How the hell did that happen?"

"An accident in dad's lab,"

This Earths Lena nodded slowly. "Do you have-" Lena sapped her thumb toward Kara. "On your Earth?"

"Not in the suit, no."

Lena understood, a little grin on her lips and Lena knew then, she knew that this Lena knew exactly who was behind those glasses and that ponytail.

Lena laughed at the look, nodding slightly. "You're taking this better than I did."

"Oh, I am not taking this well."

Lena laughed again. "Supergirl will explain everything."

"I hope so,"

Lena had been on this earth for over two weeks before Barry showed up.

Lena was out swinging around the city, trying to clear her mind, landing on Kara's balcony after a few hours, dropping her mask and stopping in her tracks when the group quickly stood.

"Barry?" Lena perked up at the sight of Barry, Cisco and Caitlin.

"You know me?" Barry asked unsurely.

"Not you, I have a you."

"Oh," Barry glanced at the group before looking back at Lena. "Kara has been showing me what you can do. You are- really cool."

"Thank you! Are you the flash here?"

"Yes," Barry smiles proudly.

"I have a Cisco and Caitlin, too."

"How about we get you home?" Cisco offered, holding his hand out toward Lena. "Take my hand and I can figure out which earth you're from."

Lena unsurely took his hand, and Cisco closed his eyes for a few second before nodding.

"Okay," Cisco hummed. "Whenever you're ready."

Lena turned to Kara. "Thank you, for everything."

"Go get your girl," Kara smiled, giving Lena's arm a little tap.

"And you better get yours," Lena warned. "And I expect a wedding invite."

Kara laughed. "I'm sure double me and double you will go over great."

"I still want updates, somehow." Lena said, grabbing the news paper from the table.

"We can come see you at some point in the future." Barry suggested, an excited smile on his lips.

"That would be nice," Lena hummed, hugging Kara quickly. "Seriously, don't let this go to waste."

"I won't," Kara whispered back. "Be safe, Spider-Woman."

"You too, Supergirl." Lena smiled, taking a step back, peering back at Cisco. "Ready."

"Let's get you home." Cisco smiled, and Lena watched as she concentrated, opening a smaller version of what Lex had ripped open in the sky of her city. "Just jump through."

"This has been a lot of fun," Lena smile, taking a few steps back toward the portal. "But hopefully I don't end up accidentally back here again."

Kara laughed. "Bye, Lena."

"Bye," Lena took that last step back into the portal, feeling herself being yanked back into the darkness and the portal snapped closed, then she tumbled out onto the ground in a dark, back ally.

She just stayed there for a few seconds, on her back on the filthy floor, staring up at the black sky trying to catch her breath, before hopping to her feet and webbing herself to Kara's place.

She landed soundlessly on Kara's balcony, the door open.

Kara was asleep on the sofa, wrapped up in Lena's cheap spider-woman replica hoodie, and even on her sleep Kara looked exhausted.

Lena kneeled beside Kara and running her fingers through Kara's hair.

Kara hummed softly, her eyes blinking open. "Lena?" She whispered.


"I don't-I can't do another dream like this." Kara sounded broken, her voice cracking and weak. "Please."

"It's not a dream,"

Kara sat up in a flash at those words, and Lena straightened, taking a step away from the girl.

Kara slowly stood, staring at Lena with tearful eyes.

"Lena?" Kara moves slowly toward her, like if she moved too quickly Lena would disappear again. "No, you- I watched you die, you can't be here."

Lena lowered her mask, and Kara reached out, tentatively touching her face. "Hey, Kara."

"How?" Kara breathed, her fingertips trailing down the soft skin of her cheek.

"I didn't die, I ended up in a different Earth."

"You- what?" Kara shook her head, her shocked expression morphing into an annoyed look. "What were you thinking?"

Lena jumped when Kara hit her shoulder. "Hey, what was that for?"

"You can't just go throwing yourself into holes in space time, Lena." Kara snapped, her eyes welling up again. "It has been six mouths." Kara's voice broke completely, a few tears escaping. "You've been gone for six months!"

"No, I was- it was only two weeks."

"It has been six months," Kara growled, her lips quivering. "I thought you were gone, Lena."

"I'm so sorry," Lena whispered, cupping Kara's cheeks. "I didn't mean for this to happen, but I had to stop it."

"You can't just- You-" Kara huffed in frustration, surging forward and kissing Lena. "You can't-" Kara breathed in between kisses that were becoming increasingly desperate. "Please don't leave me."

"I won't," Lena promised, her arms moving to wrap around Kara's lower backs lifting her easily off the ground to wrap her legs around her waist.

Kara pulled away after a few more seconds, her chest heaving as her fingers played with the hairs on the back of Lena's neck. "I've missed you so much, we all have. The Spider is gone and the city is broken. Sam has kept L-corp running, she has held out hope that you will be back."

"I should go see Sam."

"She moved in with Alex." Kara said. "But you should."

Lena dropped Kara, holding her close and kissing her again. "I will be back as soon as possible."

"I know," Kara hummed, staring at Lena with wide, unsure eyes. "It's really you."

Lena smiled softly, rubbing her nose against Kara's. "It's me."

"Go, let your friend know you're alive then come back to me."

"Always." Lena promised, pecking Kara on the lips before heading for the balcony.

It was Alex who opened to door, a scowl on her face at being woken up this late but it melted away when she realised who it was.

"Lena?" She whispered. "How are you here? We saw you die."

"I will explain everything to you guys tomorrow but I need Sam to know I'm alive."

"Is it Kara again, babe?" Sam's gruff voice sounding, and Lena watched the sleepy girl exit the bedroom, stopping dead when her eyes landed on Lena.


"Hey," Lena smiled softly, and within a second she had an armful of Sam, her entire body wrapping around Lena.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Sam sobbed against her neck, and Lena rubbed her best friends back.

"I'm sorry it happened, I'm sorry you spent so long thinking I was dead."

"Have you seen Kara?" Alex asked. "She was heartbroken when you left."

"I was closer to her, so I stopped in there before coming here." Lena spoke against Sam's neck.

Lena explained the bare minimum to the girls before heading back to Kara, already taking her suit off before her feet had even touched her balcony.

She threw the spider onto the sofa and wrapping the girl up in her arms before Kara could ask any questions, kissing her soundly.

Kara squeaked in surprise, her hands landing on Lena's cheeks as she was lifted from the floor, wrapping her legs around Lena's waist.

"Take me to bed," Kara whispered, staring down at Lena with hooded eyes.

Lena's chest was heaving at she stared up at her. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Kara breathed, her fingers hooking at the back on Lena's neck as she kissed her way up her jaw, lightly nibbling on her earlobe. "Please, Lena. Take me to bed."

Lena didn't need to be asked twice, giving Kara a jerky nod, manoeuvring her way to Kara's bedroom with ease, softly setting Kara down on her back on the mattress, her arm bracing on the pillow beside the girls head, her hands stroking Kara's cheek.

"What?" Kara whispered when she noticed the look in Lena's eyes.

Lena shook her head slowly. "I just missed you."

"I missed you, too." Kara's fingertips ticked the skin on Lena's lower back. "And I want to know just who these clothes belong too, but tomorrow."

Lena let out a little chuckle. "You are in for a shock."

"Let's talk about this tomorrow."

"Okay," Lena nodded, ducking her head to kiss Kara.