50 Themes – Set: Delta

Pairing: ItaSaku

By Tiasha

Prompts used to inspire an Ita/Saku pairing because the need to write Ita/Saku struck with such force and I had to get the plot-fluffles out of my head. An AU timeline was constructed...very AU since it's a modern-day timeline-no Ninja world. Btw, a group of bunnies/rabbits is called a fluffle.

1. Air

The expectations where he was concerned were heavy—a burden to be sure; he knew what his family (clan as his cousin dubbed them) expected of him, what his parents expected of him and even his little brother. Expectations were something he was growing quite accustomed to now. He was expected to exceed his peers and become Chief of Police one day—succeed his own father in that position and perform even better than his predecessor. His parents (well, his father if he were honest) expected him to do the same as the rest of the 'Clan.' His mother, sweet woman that she was, expected him to do what was right and hope that it aligned with the ideas and desires of the Clan; it would ease the tension in the house if it did.

His brother's expectations were perhaps the easiest to acknowledge and in the same breath, fulfill: be the best older brother any child could ask for and make said older brother proud. He could certainly attempt that and very rarely was he not proud of his little (baby, his cousin called him) brother.

His cousin, bless him, did not set outrageous expectations of him. If he did set any expectations, they were simple: ace the exam, power hour of studying, watch his back on patrol, and be yourself.

This was why Itachi almost never felt like he was gasping for air when around his cousin, Shisui.

2. Apples

There was a saying about this particular fruit, one that he felt was completely asinine. He had only heard it from his brother's classmate, friend, girlfriend—whatever she was, and it was always during study sessions when the loud-mouth blond would complain about being hungry. The blond would start to rummage for a bag of potato chips (and honestly, so long as the dango remained untouched, Itachi could have cared less about what he stuffed into face) and the girl would smack him before handing him some fruit, albeit candied or chocolate-covered; typically it was an apple and the silly, impractical adage would fall from her lips.

Why he remembered it was troubling enough, but perhaps there was some truth to it.

'An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.'

3. Beginning

The day she had set about stitching up his little brother had been the start of her promising career. She had the potential to be a healer, though her bedside-manner and temperament left much to be desired. He had known nothing of her relations to the Hospital Director that day he told her she needed to improve her attitude towards patients and later, he had been concerned about if his behavior would reflect poorly on the Uchiha family; but that had lasted all of thirty-eight seconds.

Still, according to Shisui that was a record. He never understood his cousin's need to make a joke of everything but that day, apparently, had been the beginning of the end—the Apocolypse. Of course that was according to said cousin—the end because Itachi had allowed someone else to affect him and second-guess himself. This sprig of a girl with outlandish hair.

Pink? Really?!

4. Bugs

"Oh my gawd! Spider!" came the feminine cry and he looked up to see the pink-haired girl shrieking as she hopped around trying to knock something off her shoulder. Frowning, Itachi watched as Sasuke muttered a curse under his breath and leaped off the porch rail toward her. Shisui was closest to her though and grabbed her flailing limbs just as Sasuke reached them, swatting the arachnid off her back. The girl was still shrieking and trying to flail about but both Shisui and Sasuke prevented her from hurting herself.

Eventually she calmed enough that Shisui let her go but Sasuke kept near her for some time afterwards. Shisui joked that the young man was protecting the delicate flower from any other bugs and Itachi chuckled at the truth behind the joke. Although, he felt Sakura's reaction to be wholly out of proportion—it had not even been a large spider nor one of the deadly ones known to be around these parts.

Later that evening, when Mikoto asked about Sakura, it was Sasuke who frowned in thought. "She's okay. The spider really scared her."

Mikoto was quiet but nodded in understanding and Sasuke changed the subject of conversation. It was later when Sasuke went to his room that Itachi inquired about the young girl's overreaction. His mother gave him a slightly disapproving look at her eldest son's assumption. "She went on a school camping trip with Sasuke-chan and Naruto-chan many years ago and was bitten by a spider while sleeping. It was a rather nasty bite, not deadly but certainly poisonous enough to hospitalize her. Ever since then… well, I believe her fear is justified."

He now understood why Sakura had reacted so violently to discovering a spider on her person. No doubt her experience as a child had scarred her and he agreed with his mother; Sakura's severe dislike of spiders was justified and he made note to get rid of any lingering pests he came across.

5. Coffee

The smell was pleasant enough but the taste was horrendous—bitter and…well, bitter. He was more of a sweets person anyway and preferred the wide array of flavors that tea could provide. His brother was the coffee-drinker, not him; and if the grimace pulling across her face as she sipped the acidic sludge was any indication, Sakura was not a fan of coffee either.

She had to be using it for the caffeine if she could barely stand the taste.

The corner of his mouth twitched upward as he watched her make a face at her textbook, taking another sip of her iced coffee. It was a shame she did not know the wonders of black and oolong tea; she would have rather enjoyed it, more than the coffee at least.

6. Dark

He did not know how he had been convinced to come to the theater but he solely blamed his mother and her sneaky ways. She knew he had a hard time saying no to her—she just rarely used it against him, that's all.

This was simply cruel though and it was his baby brother's fault too, now that he thought about it. If only Sasuke had been able to go, and Uzumaki for that matter, but no, they had to go off on a class field trip. A stupid class field trip that left their female companion behind with three tickets to the movie theater.

Of course, Shisui heard about the 'free' tickets and volunteered to chaperone Sakura to this Skyfall movie. His mother had suggested that all three of them go if Shisui was planning to drive Sakura and the look she gave Itachi had left no room for argument. So he had agreed, like the dutiful son he was.

Now he was stuck with Sakura next to him and Shisui on the other side of the girl…in the dark. She had insisted that they buy her popcorn and soda since they would not allow her to sneak in her own snacks, and now she was crunching away on her popped kernels while swatting at Shisui's hand.

At least the movie sounded promising.

Sakura leaned towards him suddenly during the opening credits and he blinked at her, not that she could see it in the dark.

"Thanks for bringing me to the movie," she said just loud enough for him to hear and allowed Shisui to grab some popcorn to keep his cousin distracted (not that he was subtle about his grab for the snack).

Itachi nodded in acknowledgment, a small smile unseen on his face because of the darkness.

7. Despair

She had come to the house in tears, seeking comfort from someone other than her immediate family. His mother took the crying girl into her arms and care rather quickly (for that Itachi was grateful) and as his mother held the weeping Sakura, he found himself in the kitchen making hot cocoa for both females.

Steaming mugs in hand, he returned to the living room where he overheard the reason for the pink-haired girl's tears. She would go to the hospital to volunteer in the children's ward, helping make beds and entertain the children when need be. They appeared to have an obsession with her hair, she laughed, tears still in her eyes as his mother stroked said hair in a comforting manner. Mikoto nodded, silent in her support and love while Itachi continued to stand at the entrance, holding the mugs of cocoa.

One of the children had gone in for surgery and while Sakura had been helping a nurse strip the bed, a different nurse entered and began gathering the child's personal belongings. Stunned, Sakura had demanded to know what the woman thought she was doing. The nurse in question had given her a droll look and informed her that the boy had died on the table.

Speechless, Sakura had stared in horror as the nurse finished gathering the items and bagged them for the parents, should they want them. The nurse who had been changing the sheets finished the task alone before pulling Sakura into a strong hug and told her to go home. Sakura had gathered her jacket and left the hospital, heart heavy with despair. She wanted—needed comfort and her parents were out to dinner tonight.

'That explains her coming to Mother,' Itachi thought as Sakura railed on about the nurse who had been so indifferent while packing the boy's items.

"I mean, how could she just—just, I don't know," Sakura cried and Mikoto hummed under breath as she held the girl and rocked them both.

"Perhaps, she was trying to protect her own heart?" Mikoto offered and Sakura sniffled as she thought about that. It was possible that the nurse indeed came off as indifferent but truly felt the boy's death deeply. She was just better at hiding it?

"Maybe…" Sakura relented as Mikoto nodded at him to bring the cocoa. The older woman released the girl to reach for one of the mugs, thanking Itachi for his thoughtfulness as Sakura reached for the other one, smile dim. Unsurprising, considering the horrible afternoon she'd had.

This would be a hard lesson for Sakura, he realized as despair wriggled into his own heart. This young, bright, loving girl would have to learn to harden her heart if she were to become successful in her chosen field; and she would have to accept that she could not save everyone. Accepting such truths would dull her and was the reason for the despair creeping into his heart, for that would be a tragedy.

8. Doors

He could not fathom why out of all the opportunities she had been given, she had chosen the doors with the most trials and tribulations. She seemed to always choose the doors that led to heartache, pain and despair—that left her faith in mankind shaken.

He could hardly fathom why she pursued medicine when it tore her apart to lose a patient.

So many doors.

So many options.

She rarely took the easy way out, and that might have been the reason he grew to care about her.

9. Drink

The social function had ended hours ago and while he had expected for some of the young people to still be out causing problems, he had not expected her to be one of them.

"So what shenanigans have you been up to now, sweetheart?" Shisui asked the pink-haired girl who had mysteriously arrived at the police station…alone. Just where had his little brother and his friend gotten to? The three were practically inseparable and he fully expected to see them standing on either side of the girl; but they were nowhere to be found and that caused his stomach to knot ever so slightly.

Sakura wrinkled her nose at the nickname, but answered Shisui's question without protest and no hesitation. "None whatsoever. Your cousin on the other hand, I'm sure is causing mayhem right now but I couldn't possibly say what or where."

Shisui laughed heartily, commenting that she was most likely correct. And then he asked the question that Itachi himself was thinking. "Why aren't you with Sasu-kun and Fox Boy? You usually keep them in line, which we are grateful for, don't get me wrong."

Her expression changed almost immediately from open and warm, to guarded and…fake? Something had happened between her and his little brother and friend, but what? Itachi had seen those three weather more arguments than one could deem healthy and a number of those disagreements had his mother convinced that they would never be able to reconcile.

"I left with my date while they continued to the after-party. My date and I were…detained and eventually I just never made it there. Hence why I am here," she explained, tone all but screaming that there was more to this story but she clearly did not want to discuss it.

"And where is your escort?" Itachi asked, getting the distinct impression that he would not be pleased with her answer. Her green eyes skittered away from his and that was all he needed to confirm his suspicions but she dutifully answered his inquiry.

"At the after-party, I'd guess. Or the emergency room."

She was attempting to be nonchalant about her escort's absence and possible location but he knew her well enough. She was bothered by the whole affair, whatever it was.

"Why'd he be in the ER?" Shisui rather stupidly asked; at least Itachi had grasped Sakura's unspoken words but no, Shisui was going to make her spell it out. Idiot.

The young girl was strong and brave though—always had been in Itachi's opinion and she proved it once more. She squared her shoulders, bare and soft-looking courtesy of the party dress she was wearing. Her coat was draped over one arm since the station house was warm compared to the crisp autumn breeze outside.

'Stay on point, Uchiha' he reprimanded himself, and focused on the bright, fiery eyes of the young woman.

"I punched him," she said matter-of-factly.

"You assaulted your escort? In self-defense, I assume?" Itachi commented when she seemed disinclined to explain her reasons for causing bodily harm to her date. She merely met his gaze straight on unflinchingly as she nodded sharply.

"What?! He got fresh with you?!" Shisui exclaimed when her cheeks reddened and the bridge of her nose became dusted with pink. She stuttered out that their 'overreactions' were unnecessary and no, Shisui's offer to arrest the low-life was not needed. Truthfully, Itachi disagreed—the young man definitely needed to be reprimanded and reminded about how to properly treat one's date. He did not pressure her though; he would inform his little brother of this and let Sasuke handle the punk who had taken advantage of Sakura's niceties.

"Why did you not call a cab?" he asked her and her cheeks reddened even more. She quickly explained that her cell battery had died on her way to the station and that it was a good thing she was so familiar with area and didn't need to use the GPS on her phone to get here. Oh, and she was hoping that she could use the phone at the station desk to call a cab.

"pfft! Don't be silly! We'll take you home," Shisui decided, not even checking with Itachi or their superiors. It was typical of his older cousin but this time, Itachi was glad for the man's impulsiveness. It would sit heavily on his mind if Itachi did not know she had returned home safely or not.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Of course! It's on our patrol route anyway."

She looked to him for confirmation and Itachi nodded, knowing that if his commanding officer gave him grief, all he had to do was reach out to his father. Loathe as the man was to admit it, the patriarch had a soft spot for the girl who was best friends with his youngest son. It didn't hurt that the girl's Godmother was one of the most renowned surgeons in the country.

"Indeed. It will be fine," Itachi reassured her and she smiled brightly, thanking them both.

And for an unknown reason, he drank in the beauty of that smile—bright, grateful, and full of trust.

10. Duty

All he was ever told was how it was his duty to uphold the family name. He was expected to make Chief of Police by the time he was thirty, Captain of the Precinct by twenty-five and maybe Detective by age twenty-two. Nothing was set in stone of course, but the expectations and pressure was still there, under the guise of duty.

His cousin would roll his eyes whenever the word was mentioned; his little brother would scowl and his mother would strain to smile. He had the sneaky suspicion that his mother was not so keen on his duty to the Clan as her husband was. His father and the Elders… They were the ones exerting the most pressure and it was difficult to find room to breathe with the expectations heaped on him.

A sigh escaped him as he stared at the Legal book in front of him, the text blurring due to the late hour. He needed to finish the chapter though…and maybe start reviewing the—

His phone vibrated twice, distracting him from his thoughts and the textbook before him. No other vibration followed, which meant he had received a text message. At this hour, it was strange for him to receive a text so he readily put his studying on pause to assuage his curiosity. If it was that girl from class that Shisui threatened to hook him up with, then he would be short one cousin come the end of tomorrow. Either that or he would have to destroy Shisui's little black books that were stashed around the man's townhouse.

The ID stated that it was a text from Sakura. When had her number been added to his contact list? Oh yes, when she had forcibly taken the cellphone from him and called her own number under the pretense of trying to find her iPhone amongst the books, notebooks and study material a few weeks back. The three teenagers had been trying to prepare for midterms and—and why had she bothered to enter her personal information into the contact list anyway? Sometimes he felt he would never understand that girl.

'Sasuke mentioned u were stressing about a test? He won't say it but he's worried. Plz take it easy. Rest this weekend. Rest is good u kno. Neway, g'night! '

His lips quirked upward at her message, knowing that she was correct. He was stressing too much and needed to rest up. It would not do to become sick and unable to take the test. Counter-productive for sure.

Closing his textbook, he sent her a message back: I'll take your suggestion under advisement.

Her response was almost immediate and he chuckled at the face she had to be making at that very moment. 'Srsly? That's it? C'mon, take a break! Ur health is just as important as ur test. As ur friend, it's my duty to remind u of that when u r being stubborn.'

He had never expected to become someone's duty, not like this at least. He had not believed that Sakura would take on this role but perhaps he should have. She was such a caring individual… And he felt a genuine smile curve onto his mouth as he felt one more duty fall on his shoulders. He did not mind this latest one though, not in the least.

Keeping Sakura happy and pleased seemed easy enough: 'I'm going to bed now. You should too. Good night.'

As always, reviews are welcome. However, if you intend to leave a review or comment that simply states you 'disliked' the story without providing any constructive criticism, then please do not expect a reply. This was written for myself and my friends. I do not mind sharing this plot-bunny because I know that something as simple as a story can have a positive impact on someone's life. So please dear readers, keep smiling. We need more smiles and happiness in the world right now.