Hello all!
It is I, The Dreamer's Quill once again. Recently, I regret to inform you that I did lose motivation for writing "Lincoln's Last Hope", so that is on hold for the moment, but instead I am now focusing my attention on this story. Spawned from my hours of copious research on Prime Minister Churchill and my constant desire to figure out just how much the Wizarding World influenced the muggles throughout history, I have put a lot of time into this, but alas, I must ask you not to take this too seriously. There will be multiple times throughout the story where you might be confused or lost, but don't worry, those will likely be explained later. (And just for the record, I feel the events of this story line are much more plausible than anything that happened in Lincoln's Last Hope...not to mention a sharp increase in the sheer amount of political intrigue.)
BEWARE: THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY AN AMERICAN, SO THERE WILL BE SOME MISTAKES WITH REGARDS TO BRITISH SLANG AND MANNERISMS. However, I will try my best to spot them in the editing process, and change that before it is too late.
Okay, I think I've talked long enough. On with the show!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the historical figures mentioned within these chapters!
"Dumbledore to E5. Checkmate!"
History watched with a smug expression as her favorite chess piece -the black king- moved into position, seemingly able to checkmate her sister's king. It was your normal day in Heaven, and as always, Fate and History were playing yet another game of chess, using figurines similar to the forms of their favorite human champions. It was a way for both of them to step back and relax, and even to plan how they would next manipulate the strands of time to favor the outcome they wanted.
Fate grinned wickedly as she saw the Dumbledore figurine move into the exact position that would guarantee her victory, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She rubbed her hands together, the gears in her mind turning as she figured out how best to make the move and take down the king History saw as infallible.
"Churchill to E5." The being hummed, watching as a figure resembling one of the most iconic Prime Ministers of all time moved over to Dumbledore's spot, whacking the figurine to pieces a minute later. "Ha! You thought you would win- but alas, one should never play these games of chance against Fate. I see everything, you know. Your mind is just stuck in the past!"
"Oh, shut up." History grumbled, pouting slightly. "With all the shit that's going on in the human world, I much prefer the past over the present. A world in which Adolf Hitler doesn't exist is a wonderful thing- some days I wish I could just steal Time's machine and give his grandfather a condom."
"That is one thing I must agree with you on." Fate admitted quietly, running a hand through her hair. "I wish I never gave permission for that man...or Grindelwald, for that matter...to be born, but alas, here we are."
"Aye." History nodded, allowing her eyes to flicker shut for a moment. "I-"
Both ladies jumped as the irate shout of their sister filled the air, and they exchanged worried glances with one another, wondering what on Earth could have her so upset.
Death stormed into the room, her black cape billowing in the wind and eyes dark with fury. Behind her trailed a confused-looking (and recently deceased) James and Lily Potter, talking quietly among one another in quiet voices. Both humans wore expressions of extreme worry on their faces- an expression that should have been quite out of place in the Heavenly kingdom, which was usually seen as a form of paradise.
History and Fate froze as they processed the meaning of those words, their eyes widening in shock. Even Fate was taken aback by this sudden occurance, for she had imagined a different outcome, one she much preferred over this.
"Albus placed the Potter boy with the Dursleys?" History whispered, her voice barely audible as she stepped towards her sister. Death nodded, too overcome with emotion to even speak. The goddess flinched, eyes wide with horror. "Oh, fuck! He really has overstepped the line now!"
"How can this be?! I arranged it so Black would be the one to raise Potter- hell, I practically dropped the boy right in his lap!" Fate exclaimed, wondering how the heck it could have gone so wrong. She then paused as she saw the solemn expression on Death's face, and her eyes widened even further. "No...don't tell me something happened to him too..."
"Aye, it did." Death muttered, causing James and Lily to look up at her in alarm. "Black was arrested on a trumped-up charge of murder...framed by none other than Peter Pettigrew himself..."
"WHAT?!" James and Lily exclaimed in unison, exchanging horrified looks with one another.
"Peter wouldn't...he would never..." Lily stammered, shaking her head. She refused to believe it. No way in hell would one of the Marauders betray one of their own.
"Sorry to burst your bubble, woman, but he did." Death sighed, leaning on her Scythe. "Which is exactly why I want to do something about it, and make things right."
Fate frowned, raising an eyebrow. She could practically see the gears turning in her sister's head, and it worried her. It worried her immensely. Whenever Death was planning something, it was not good. The last time Death had gotten involved in human matters was the execution of the Romanov family, in helping to ensure that the youngest daughter, Anastasia, survived. Other notable occasions of her involvement included the start of the Salem Witch Trials, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln...and literally any other major tragedy of history.
Truth be told, rescuing Anastasia had been the only good idea she had come up with.
"...what are you planning, sister?" She asked cautiously, hesitantly laying a hand on the woman's shoulder.
"If we send the young Potter to the past...the time of his parents...perhaps he could grow up in a loving family. Changing the timeline he lives in now would be far too dangerous- it could potentially cause chaos in Wizarding Britain, and with the war over, that is the last thing we need." Death mumbled to herself, beginning to pace around the room. "He could be raised by his grandfather, and have James here as his brother-"
"Absolutely not." History cut her off, shaking her head. "Can't you see? That plan is far too reckless! It could alter the future timeline, and...and..."
"Not if we get Future involved. She could prevent anything major from changing the timeline too much." Fate smirked, liking the idea behind this plan. Of course, she was secretly thinking of her own plan...one that woud change the future even more than the one Death was suggesting. This one would involve Potter being raised in the past, by one of her favorite champions: a certain iconic Prime Minister of Britian, renowed for his leadership during the Second World War.
Under his guidance, she knew, young Harry would flourish. Not only would he be mentored under the watchful eye of one of history's great leaders, he would also be in close proximity to the Royal Family, whose help would later prove to be invaluable. Having such powerful figures as his mentors and family would be far more beneficial than growing up in his grandfather's household could ever be, and it would allow him to reach his full potential.
She just had to get the plan past History and Death first.
And if they didn't agree, she would merely act upon it herself.
"Alright, alright. This has my support- loathe as I am to give it." muttered History, rolling her eyes at Fate. She then turned her attention to James and Lily, a soft smile appearing on her face as she noticed the terror in their eyes.
"James? Lily? Are you in full support of this plan?" History queried carefully, her tone kind and gentle. Inwardly, she breathed a sigh of relief when the two nodded, after remaining silent for a moment to weigh its benefits.
"We will support anything that is in our son's best interest." sighed James, his head bowed. "I personally want him to grow up in the most supportive family possible, and if you feel my father can offer that, then go ahead."
"So it is decided." hummed Death, her eyes dancing with merriment. "Fate, will you summon the child so we can present him with gifts before he departs for another time? I wish to bless him with a magic that will allow him to fulfill Fate's prophecy."
Fate bowed her head, smiling slightly. "As you wish, sister. I shall return momentairly."
A moment later, she returned with a tiny bundle in her hands, one the group immediately recognized as being Harry James Potter. Rage brewed in a storm behind her beautiful blue eyes, a clear tribute to the fury she was feeling deep down.
"That...that bastard!" She exclaimed, keeping her voice hushed so as not to wake the sleeping child. "He left the boy out in the cold, with nothing but a blanket to keep him warm, as if he was dropping off the morning news! The child could have frozen to death!"
Lily let out a low growl, her eyes narrowed.
"Dumblebitch will pay for that, make no mistake." She hissed, barely containing her own anger. "Let's get this over with so Harry can be sent back, and so there is no chance he will ever be raised by my horse of a sister."
"Right." Death cleared her throat, exchanging a glance with her two sisters. "Ready, ladies?"
"Ready." The other two chourused in unison, before falling silent.
Death closed her eyes, mentally debating what gift she ought to bless the Potter boy with. She knew that upon his birth, Magic had already blessed him with the abilities of an Ice Mage, which eliminated the first option she had in mind.
"With this heavenly decree, I hereby bless Harry James Potter with the gift of unmatched intelligence. May you use it well, and use it to further goodness in your homeland." She whispered, watching as a golden glow around the child sealed the deal. "May your sense of creativity allow you to look ahead to the future, and bring back hope to your country."
As she stepped back, Fate stepped forward, hiding a smirk.
"With my own decree, I hereby bless Harry James Potter with the gift of language...so he may use it to assist the father he is destined to have, and help ensure the safety of England."
Finally, History went last, gifting Harry with the ability to travel through time at will.
Once all three gifts had been sealed, the group fell silent, before Fate spoke up, addressing Death.
"My dear sister...would you like to do the honors and send the Potter boy back?" Fate queried lightly, and Death nodded, accepting the child when Fate offered him to her. "I know it's your first time using the Time Machine, so be careful. Make sure you actually read the date you enter before sending Potter back. We don't need any more mishaps like the one we had with President Kennedy's brother, after all."
History winced at the reminder of that mistake, recalling when she had made it. In an effort to protect the 35th President of the United States from his inevitable assassination, she had attempted to send his brother Robert back in time so as to prevent the tragedy, but had ended up drastically changing the timeline. Thankfully, they had managed to fix that damage, but their boss -God himself- had been furious with them.
Closing her eyes, Death made her way over to the time machine, taking a deep breath before entering a suitable date into the machine. Fate watched her carefully, and with a subtle wave of her hand, she changed the date on the machine, resisting the urge to let out a giggle.
Oh, yes. November 1930 ought to do nicely. And if she could somehow change the boy's appearance to match that of Mr. Churchill's...
It would be too late before Death realized her "mistake".
Death set the child on a table in front of the machine, glancing back at the others before pressing a red button. A golden glow quickly enveloped the boy...and before they knew it, he had vanished.
It was then that she realized her mistake, finally getting a clear look at the date on the machine- a date that had managed to deceive her.
With those words, pandemonium exploded in the room, and all Hell broke loose.
Fate quietly slipped away, finally allowing a wide smirk on her face.
She had a certain English Prime Minister to visit.
And that's all for chapter one! Be sure to favorite and review, and don't forget to comment any suggestions or feedback you might have! Let me know what you think, but please keep your criticism constructive and refrain from flames.
IN THE COMMENTS, PLEASE TELL ME ANY SUGGESTIONS YOU HAVE FOR A FUTURE SHIP WITH HARRY, AND THE WINNER WILL BE THE SET SHIP FOR THE STORY! Any suggestions (excluding anything involving Harry and another adult, i.e. Lucius Malfoy or Severus Snape) are welcome! Also let me know what House you would like to see this Harry in!
Next Chapter: Fate speaks with Churchill about the possibility of him raising Harry. Dumbledore realizes the wards on Privet Drive have not activated, and starts to worry about where Harry may be. Also probably more blatantly obvious chess metaphors...so there's that too lmao