Hi everyone!
I totally forgot to post this story here on . I only uploaded it on ao3.
Have fun reading this, if you haven´t already =)
"What the hell have you done?" Daisy stormed into Coulson´s office and stopped right before his desk. She didn´t ask if he had time or anything like that. "She is dangerous and now you are giving her everything she wants." it was clearly visible that Daisy was more than angry. Coulson just decided something really important behind her back.
"You said Caterpillar was my project and I would make the decisions. Instead you take every single one out of my hands. How can I trust you with my people when you decide things like with Lincoln?"
"She wanted to take you in after Lincoln ran and I had to protect you."
"She could never just take me. I wouldn´t let her. Hell would freeze over before she would get me. She wouldn´t be the first and won´t be the last. No one ever got to take me in without me wanting it." Daisy put her hands on her hips. "He had wanted to come with me to S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson. Lincoln reached out and wanted help from me/us. You took that from him. For what? A stupid deal that we won´t get anything out of anyway." She left right after that and spend her time with Mack. Letting her bad mood out on some lousy game terrorists.
Coulson didn´t dare to approach her in the next hours. He knew that it was saver for him to let her cool down.
What he didn´t know was that Daisy had slipped Lincoln an encrypted phone while kissing him. She had felt someone approach and just wanted to have a backup plan in case something backfired. Which it had.
Later at night when she was in her bunk she called him.
"Hello?" He didn´t say his name and she knew it was better that way.
"It´s me."
"You slipped me the phone." It wasn´t a question.
"Yeah, listen up. We don´t have much time before they can trace the call. Go to the coordinates that I will send you in ten minutes. Tell the guys there that Mary-Sue sends you. They will help you and protect you until you want to leave or I come and get you." with these words she ended the call and put her phone back into its place.