Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of The Land Before Time, Jurassic World, The Good Dinosaur and The Lion King, only the story. The Land Before Time and Jurassic World belongs to Universal and The Good Dinosaur and The Lion King belongs to Disney. I apologize for any errors in grammar and/or if I was not accurate in reference to something.
Chapter One: The Presentation of the New Princess
Darkness covered the land all-around of a savannah. The only sound that could be heard were the things in the jungle. Then, a loud and majestic roar rings out over the darkened land. In the darkness, the animals heeded the call and started the march to it. Then on the eastern horizon, the sun rises as ancient spirits start to sing…
Male Singer: Nants ingonyama
Bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
A lone triceratops raised its head from grazing in the tall grass as it heard the calling roar. A heard of Pachycephalosaurs raised their heads as well and began to move. A small group of six compy's came and stood tall on a hill top. On another hill, a lone Allosaur climbed to the top and looked to the source.
Male Singer: Nants ingonyama
Bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Two Pteranodon's walked through a marsh before they heard the call. A third one jointed them. Then opening their huge wings, they took off into the sky.
Male Singer: Siyo nqoba
A flock of flying dinosaurs flew in front of a waterfall as they made their way to the source of the call. A heard of brachiosaurs made their way past a smoking mountain. The flock grew as the Pteranodons and other flyers made their way.
Male Singer and Chorus: Ingonyama inengw' enamabala
Ingonyama inengw' enamabala
Ingonyama inengw' enamabala
Ingonyama inengw' enamabala
Ingonyama inengw' enamabala
Ingonyama inengw' enamabala
In a foggy plain, a herd of gallimimus ran through the fog in the same direction.
Male Singer: Se-to-kwa
Ingonyama inengw' enamabala
The sun grew higher over the land. And on a hill that hadn't been fully touched by the sun's rays, two brontosaurs climbed the hill, a mother and her son. When the young long neck walked into the sunlight, it hurt his eyes for a second. But he blinked it as he stepped further into the light. Both mother and son looked to the horizon and saw the other dinosaurs making their way towards the source of the roar. They broke into a sprint to join the converging herd.
Female Singer: From the day we arrive
On the planet
And, blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see
Than can ever be seen
More to do
Than can ever be done
As a herd of black and white striped Pachycephalosaurs made their way under a tree as a line of ants carried leaves. A flock of dodos quickly waddled as the herd of brachiosaurs came stomping close.
Female Singer: There's far too much
To take in here
More to find
Than can ever be found
A straggling dodo ran through the herd of brachiosaurs and to the front. It was quick to get out of the way to avoid being stepped on. The shone brightly in a river as Iguanodons bounded across its waters.
Female Singer: But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small
On the endless round
Some of the flying dinosaurs flew down on the backs of the bigger dinosaurs as some of them walked out of the water. Some of the herds run the final length of their destination; a giant mountain with a what looked to be half cut out of it. To all the dinosaurs in the land around it, it was known as the Mountain of Kings. It stood high in the sky, and had a ledge that jutted out and was held up by a big rock jutting from the ground.
Female Singer: It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
A lone green Archaeopteryx, with a lighter shade of green on his feathers, flew over the other dinosaur's heads as he flew towards a lone figure. At the end of the ledge stood a large brown, female Tyrannosaurus. She was known to all the dinosaurs in the lands of Sorna as Queen Rexy. She ruled with justice and love for her kingdom. Now was a special day for her. Littered across Queen Rexy's body were the scars from glorious battles and her eyes were the color of golden amber. The Archaeopteryx, Guido the majordomo of Queen Rexy, lands before his queen and bowed before looking up to her with a smile. Rexy looked down at him with a serious face, but then a smile forms on her lips as she bowed her head to him.
Female Singer: Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Passing through the gathering crowd of dinosaurs, they part to let an aged yellow Pteranodon, the shaman of Sorna Etta with her staff in her clawed hand, walk towards the mountain. She had wisdom in her eyes and a burn mark from long ago on her left wing. As she passed through with the sun shining on her back, the other dinosaurs bow in respect to her. She bowed in respect back to the dinosaurs as she continued on her trek.
Female Singer: Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
Rexy looked down on her friend with a smile as Etta began to climb the stone steps on the mountain. When Etta reached the spot where Rexy waited for her, both friends smiled to each other. Then stretching her arms wide, Etta wraps her wings around Rexy's neck. Rexy wrapped her arms and head around the Pteranodon in a friendly embrace.
Female Singer: In the Circle
The Circle of Life
When they released the other, they looked over to where the Tyrannosaur pride watched. Rexy walked over to where her mate, Butch, was laying and watching over their child up on its back with its face pressed up against his chest. A few of Butch's teeth jutted out from his lips. Rexy pressed her head against his in a loving manner, and he returned it fully. He licked the top of the infant's head. The hatchling, named Ramsey, turned her head and looked at her surroundings. She had brown scale shade like her parents, but her snout was a bit more like her mother's. Etta looked down on the infant with a joyous smile before putting her staff into her other hand and started to wave it ceremoniously in front of the child's face. Ramsey tried sniffing the tied fruit on the staff before trying to kick it with her back feet. Etta untied a piece of fruit from her staff and held it over her head. Then with both of her clawed hands she broke it in two. Setting the half in her left hand down, she used the half on the right to use. Dipping her left thumb claw into the juice, she concentrated as she moved it over Ramsey's head and painted a crown on her forehead. Then with her free hand, Etta grabbed a fist full of dust and then sprinkled it over Ramsey's head. The falling dust caused little Ramsey to adorably sneeze. Rexy and Butch pressed their heads together lovingly as they look down to their daughter.
With both hands, Etta picked Ramsey off the ground. Etta placed the princess on her shoulder and looked to her parents with a smile and they back at her with their own. With a motion of her head, she gestured for them to follow before walking away. Butch pushed himself off the ground and stood up to follow Etta with Rexy. Both Tyrannosaurs looked at each other before moving.
Etta slowly made her way to the edge of the jutting rock of the Mountain of Kings. As she came closer to the edge to where everyone could see, she stopped at the edge and then lifted Princess Ramsey above her head to present the heir to the throne.
Female Singer: It's the circle of life
All the dinosaurs started to bellow, roar and chitter in cheer for the new princess. Some of the stomped in joy at the sight. The brachiosaurs, brontosaurs and other tall dinosaurs bellowed to her. Compies squeaked in delight at the princess
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
Princess Ramsey looked down at everything and everyone, not knowing what was going on at the moment. High above, the clouds over head parted to let the sun shine down on the her. At that moment, all the dinosaurs started kneeling to the princess. Rexy and Butch then joined Etta still holding Ramsey at the ledge. All the dinosaurs continued to look up to Princess Ramsey.
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life
Tyrannosaur Queen
On the same day, in another part of the Mountain of Kings, a little mouse scurried from a hole looking for food. It would scurry from one place to another as it sniffed for danger and for a meal. It scurried away good distance from the hole and started to wipe its paws on its face. Then it stopped before sniffing the air again, this time smelling danger. The mouse took a few good sniffs before becoming scared. It started to run, but the mouse didn't get far as a white, four clawed hand stepped down on it with its tail between two of its fingers.
The creature raised its hand, it revealed that the mouse was still alive. When the hand lifted, the mouse started struggling to get free. The white clawed hand brought the mouse before the face of its owner. Another dinosaur, but this one was not like the others as it was purely white, blood red eyes, teeth that jutted out from her mouth and featherlike extensions on her head. This was Indominus, the sister to Queen Rexy. She had been born much different than her elder sibling, but had waited patiently for her chance to be queen. The mouse started thrashing to get free. Indominus looked down at the mouse and thought about both its and her predicament; the mouse would soon die by her claws and she would never become queen because of the birth of her niece.
Looking at the mouse with a bored expression, Indominus said, "Life's not fair, is it?" She pointed out their problems, "You see, I… Well, I shall never be queen." She released the mouse's tail to allow it to move about her hand. She watched as it scurried across her three fingers, and when it tried to jump off she snatched it by the tail again, "And you, shall never see the light of another day." She chuckled with her eyes closed before raising the mouse above her maw and said, "Adieu."
As she stuck her tongue out and was about to place the mouse into her gigantic maw, a voice interrupted her by questioning in aggravation, "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?"
Turning her head and looking down, she found Guido staring up to her with his wings on his hips. Setting the mouse down on the ground, Indominus placed both hands on it to prevent it from scurrying away. It twitched from underneath her hands. She gave an annoyed sigh and asked as she turned her head, "What do you want?"
With a proud smile, Guido announced, "I'm here to announce that Queen Rexy's on her way," Her smile vanished as she looked to Indominus with a frown while saying, "so you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning."
The mouse was able to use the moment to free itself from Indominus's grasp and scurried away. She felt the mouse pull away and looked to see it running off to another hole. Then sounding sad Indominus turned to the Archaeopteryx and said, "Oh, look, Guido. You've made me lose my snack."
Guido gave a small laugh, took a step forward and then said, "You'll lose more than that when the queen gets through with you." He turned away with his wings crossed and said, "She's as mad as Iguanodon with a hernia."
"Ooh…" Indominus sarcastically said with a shake of her head. Then her eyes and voice sounded sinister when she said, "I quiver with fear!"
On the last word, she started stalking towards him with hunger in her eyes. Guido became scared as he backed away as she came closer. He said in fear, "Now, Indominus, don't look at me that way."
When she kept coming, he started to fly away and screamed, "Help!"
But she lunged after him with a growl and clamped her jaws around him. When she landed on the with all four feet on the ground, she was about to eat the Archaeopteryx when a foot appeared on the ledge and said, "Indominus?"
"Mm-hmm?" Indominus asked with her mouth full and turned her head. Standing on a ledge outside the cave, her elder sister Queen Rexy looked down to her with an angry glare as she ordered, "Drop him."
Guido's beak stuck itself between her closed mouth teeth, surprising her a bit, and gratefully said, "Impeccable timing, Your Majesty."
Indominus lowered her head and let Guido fall onto the ground in a heap covered in her saliva. He sat up and saw covered he was and said, "Ew."
Rexy jumped down from the ledge and came into the cave. Indominus came closer and sarcastically sounded to be happy as she said, "Why, if it isn't my big sister descending from on high to mingle with the commoners."
"Butch and I did not see you at the presentation of Ramsey." Rexy said with narrow eyes as her sister walked away. Sounding somewhat distraught for it, Indominus walked over to a wall and said, "That was today?" She raised herself on the wall and said in distress, "I feel simply awful!" Then she slid her claws down the wall, creating a loud screeching noise.
Guido, now standing under Rexy, cringed at the sound with a comical face. Indominus had a smile on her face as she examined her claws before it formed into a frown as she looked to them and said, "Must've slipped my mind."
"Yes, well as slippery as your mind is," Guido sarcastically laughed before flying up to Indominus and got in her face, "as the queen's sister, you should've been first in line!"
When Guido had flown too close, Indominus reminded him of earlier with a click of her teeth with a smile. This caused the Archaeopteryx to fly away in fear. Guido retreated behind one of Rexy's back legs. Indominus lowered her head to speak to the majordomo, who had peeked out from behind the foot only to hide again when the white dinosaur came close, "Well, I was first in line, until that little ball of teeth was born."
"That 'little ball of teeth' is my daughter," Rexy said as she lowered her head to look Indominus in the eye. They both raised their heads as the queen said with a slight glare, "and your future queen."
"Oh, I shall practice my curtsy!" Indominus said with a claw next to her snout. She then turned away, making Rexy angry as she warned, "Don't turn your back on me, Indominus."
"Oh, no, Rexy." Indominus said as she stopped and looked at her sister. She returned it with a warning of her own, "Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me."
Right as she took a few more steps, Queen Rexy let a furious roar and ran in front of her sister. Getting up in Indominus's face, she shouted and then bared her teeth, "Is that a challenge?"
"Temper, temper." Indominus said to ease her queen's rage. With a small eye roll he then tried to calm her by saying, "I wouldn't dream of challenging you."
Guido hopped out from behind his queen and questioned with his wings on his hips, "Pity. Why not?"
"Well, as far as brains go, I got the rex's share." Indominus said with a smile as she lowered her head down to the Archaeopteryx. Her smile faded as she raised herself back to her sister's level and finished, "But when it comes to brute strength," she made herself look and sound sad as she moved around her sister, "I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool."
They watch as Indominus hopped down from the rock and walked off into the savannah. Rexy sat on her haunches as she and Guido watch Indominus walk off. Guido sighs as he walks up to his queen and then said, "There's one in every family, ma'am." He took a moment to think and said, "Two in mine, actually," He flew up to perch on Rexy's shoulder as he said, "and they always manage to ruin special occasions."
"What am I going to do with her?" Rexy questions with a sigh. Guido was quick to answer as a smile formed on her face, "She'd make a very beautiful throw rug."
This surprised Rexy as she lightly scolded the Archaeopteryx, "Guido!"
But Guido didn't stop with the joke there as he flew off her Majesty's shoulder and said as they make their way back to the main part of the Mountain of Kings, "And just think, whenever she gets dirty, you could just take her out and beat her."
Both dinosaurs lightly chuckles at this as they slowly make their way.
Much later, dark clouds were starting to roll over the savannah of Sorna. Soon the clouds let loose the rain and it fell over the land. Everything in the lands of Sorna was drenched from the rainstorm, from the tall trees to the running rivers.
Later that evening, at the tall tree of the shaman Pteranodon Etta, the storm still raged outside. But inside, the yellow Pteranodon stayed dry as she was busy. A halved piece of fruit lay at her feet as she held the other half in her hands. Dipping her right thumb claw into the juice, she used it to complete a painting of the princess. She muttered as she applied some of the juice on the painting. Etta continued to mutter as she made some adjustments to the painting. When the juice from the half she had ran out, she set it down and grabbed the other half. Before she applied anymore, she looked over her work with a, "Hmm."
Then with a small chuckle, she dipped her thumb claw into the juice again. With a single swipe, she placed it on the painting's forehead like she had earlier that day. All while happily saying a single word, "Simba."
Author's Note: Now I know what you're thinking. I know that Rexy and the Indominus Rex aren't really sisters, Rexy and Butch aren't really mates since they come from two different franchises. I look forward to reading your reviews. Be sure to leave a comment either about if I've done something wrong or if you want something specifically to happen. See you next time.