A/N: Sorry for the longer wait than normal but I've decided to save this chapter till the 20th as that's when the first chapter of my first sorry was published so i guess happy anniversary to me. I'd like to thank everyone who has stuck around to read this, and every other story I've written this past year especially those who have been here since the beginning, you guys are amazing and i hope you all continue to enjoy my work in the future.

But without further ado lets get to the reviews

BlackDragon829: Thanks for the praise, i'd like to say it's good because of skill but

HankFlamion18: No problem, this story won't die until its complete, but i'm glad to cliffhanger was decent and your questions will be answered will be revealed this chapter :)

Hardcasekara: You don't like IzuOcha? What blasphemy is this!? XD But being serious i know its a ship done quite a lot so i can understand if you are a little tired of it, which is why i added the teasing from All Might to make the whole scene a bit more unique.

MarvelNinja10: Yeah i'm never gonna live that down am i. Though i suppose everyone has those funny accidents like that, it can be this stories meeme XD

MIKE202303: Yup it's gonna get serious.

Izuku awoke to the sound of his alarm, the sound was annoying but effective, it woke him up with enough time for Izuku to get up and get breakfast before making sure he'd get to the Dagobah beach ten minutes early to start his trading but to Izuku's surprise even though he did even arrive ten minutes All Might was waiting for him wearing a familiar dark blue trench coat along with a snow white scarf.

"All Might." Izuku said in surprise as he finished his jog standing in front of his teacher. "Your here early-N-Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"Don't worry kid I knew what you meant." All Might said, trying to reassure his pupil. "So are you ready to go?"

"Go where?" Izuku asked not knowing what All Might meant. "I thought you said you'd tell me about what happened to you arm-" Izuku stopped as he looked at All Mights formerly broken left arm, which was once in a cast but now was completely healed. "How's your arm healed so quickly, does OFA give you a healing factor as well?" Izuku asked, referring to One For All in the code name he and All Might would use when in public, even though there was little people around at the moment.

"I will but for now you and I must go to a special place to help you understand." All Might said as he took his car keys out his pocket and clicked the button unlocking the truck he had been uses to move the litter his young apprentice has been lifting off the beach.

"Help me understand what?" Izuku asked as the two made their way towards the truck.

All Might sighed "Everything"


As All Might was flying through the city, moving as fast as he could without causing harm to the surrounding area, the words of his friend Tsukauchi It's one of them. All Might knew instantly who he was talking about and feared more the worst all twelve were very powerful and deadly villains, all of which could easily destroy a city if they pleased, the only bright about the whole situation was that as far as All Might knew only one had escaped but even one of them was deadly enough.

As All Might got closer and closer to the location he was told the battle was happening he could smell the smoke of flames and the stench of blood as well, but he couldn't waste any time thinking about that, using both his arms All Might used his arms to boost himself down from the sky landing on the road with a loud thud, when he looked up he saw the rubble of buildings, biddies of pro heroes, some of which he had met before and the source of it all was a jet black cloud floating in the air with a single glowing blood red eye and he was holding Tsukauchi by the throat.

"MUKAI!" All Mights yelled as he made a dash towards the black cloud of mist with a look of anger in his eyes.

"A-A-All M-Might S-Stay Away" Dectective Taukauchi managed to warm even with the black fog wrapped around his neck squeezing it like it was a stress ball.

"Ah so this is the famous All Might that the others informed me about." The figure states as he through the dectective he was currently holding to the ground. All might then was right infront of the black mist and swung at his side with a powerful right hook at the slide of the villains body but just before the blow could land a faint pink aura surrounded the cloud and when All Mights fist landed All Might felt an extreme pain in his right shoulder and he got sent flying to right through several buildings.

"And I'm very disappointed" Mukai taunted as All Might was attempting to stand back up.

How did he do that? Nana told me he only had one Quirk, how does he have another? All Might thought to himself, as he grasped his right arm. It's not broken, not yet anyway but I better be careful.

"Are you done already? You defeated my subordinates as well as my master, surely you can do better." Mukai said as he made a dash towards All Might.

Suddenly a large red scythe shot out of Mukai's body and grabbed it with part of the scythe with his mist body and began to swing it at All Might who managed to dodge every swing with relative ease but the speed and amount of Mukai's swings was increasing. All Might seeing his chance, dashed past the villain picking up Tsukauchi and the few alive civilians in the area and jumped on top of a nearby building.

"Taukauchi are you ok?" All Might asked concern for the health of his friend.

"I'm ok All Might b-b cough cough" Taukauchi coughed as he still hadn't recovered from the incident with the villain

"You don't sound ok, just rest I will take care of this." All Might declared confidently. "You help these people."

"All Might!" Taukauchi called our causing All Might to stop the hero in his tracks. "He has a second Quirk, i think it let's him transfer damage to others be careful"

All Might laughed. "Don't worry old friend. Why? BECAUSE I AM HERE!"

All Might jumped back towards the villain squaring up towards him. All Mights eyes which were normally unseeable were glowing a blight aqua blue compared to the villains single blood red eye .

"Are you done running away All Might? Condidering the previous holder of One For All defeated me I'd think you'd have no issue doing the same, or did that battle a decade ago weaken you that much?" Mukai continued to taunt the symbol of peace, wanting to get a rise out of him and act recklessly.

All Might clenched his fist, the villain was right about All Might being weaker after his fight with...him. Just thinking about that battle made his blood boil, All Might didn't know how long he could keep his anger in control.

"Of course your still more powerful than that whore of a women, not that it's hard to be." Mukai finished as All Might just had a blank expression as if his body was frozen not out of fear but of unbridled rage.

"AHHHHH!" All Might screamed as he dashed towards the villain not thinking, he was like a uncontrollable beast acting on sheer rage.

Mukai had no time to react as All Might launched a powerful punch at him, luckily his mist Quirk made his body intangible, protecting him from the blow. But All Might wasn't done he turned around and swung for the ground next to the villain creating air pressure sending bits of debris flying towards Mukai who used his second quirk to send all the damage he would take back at All Might. However All Might was still livid and just ignored the damage and kept attacking. Mukai swung his scythe, aiming for All Mights neck, but it just broke in half. All Might, annoyed by the attempted decapitation, made another swing at Mukai slamming his arm into Mukai's right side. However the villain was prepared activating his second quirk sending the damage back at All Night breaking his arm causing the hero to scream out in pain. This pain made him realize something he thought back to his training with his masters oldest and closet friend. And how after he he have him one piece of advice after the two finished greaving Nana's death.

Don't let your anger control you

All Night sighed, realising his mistake, and how just like all those years ago, his brashness and anger had prevented him from dealing with the current threat as quickibg as possible. When All Might looked over his shoulder he saw Mukai grab the top part of his scythe and tried to swing at All Might's head once again. All Might was prepared however catching the blade and throwing it aside, All Might then clapped his hands creating a shockwave that shattered all nearby windows and the air pressure alone sent Mukai flying back into a nearby car knocking him out of his mist form revealing a man wearing a orange prison outfit with pitch black hair. Mukai struggled to get up as he heard the sound of footsteps getting closer to him.

"You may defeat me All Might but the war is far from over, my son, my master, they are still out there. And the other apostles and i will show the world that they must follow his ways in order to achieve true order and peace, he is the symbol they need. Not you!" Mukai preached with such faith and anger as All Might continued to stare at him.

"HOW" All Might asked "THE REST OF THE APOSTLES ARE.." All Might said before getting cut off by the coughing villain.

"The rest of the apostles may be in prison, but I'm not the only one who has gotten stronger. And trust me when I say this, we destroy you and your successor Izuku Midoriya." Mukai threatened smiling as he could clearly see the effect this was having on All Might.

"H-How D-Do-" All Might stuttered losing his stoic persona much to Mukai's delight who was now laughing.

"Our master knows everything and as a follower, i know everything too, you had you're chance but now...YOU'LL DIE!" Mukai shouted as he pulled a blade from his pocket and thrust it towards All Might while activating his second quirk preparing for All Might's retaliation but All Might, used his non broken hand and chopped the side of his neck where and suddenly Mukai dropped to the ground, knocked out.

"Looks like your Quirk works both ways." All Might sighed as he saw steam begin to flood out his body, seeing this and not wanting his true form to be realaved to the fast approaching news crew, All Might began to jump back to the building Taukauchi was at.


"Wow." Izuku said simply still not fully comprehending what he had just been told my his mentor had just told him. "So that's what happened to your arm yesterday."

"Yeah..." All Might sighed. "I was too consumed by anger and that villain managed to injure me, it's what I get for being reckless." All Might said honestly still driving his truck to this unknown location.

"So.." Izuku began, trying to end the current uncomfortable silence between his master and he. "How did that guy now i was your successor?"

"I'm sorry Young Midoriya." All Might answered. "I do not know.."

After a few more seconds All Might slowly pulled his truck into a stop, and stepped out closing the door behind them. Izuku followed suit and looked in the direction All Might was walking too. Izuku saw a large wired fence with several guards around the area. Izuku was going to ask where they were but All Might just walked up to one of the guards who unlocked the gate for All Might and he. When inside Izuku looked around to see.. graves?

"What is this place All Might?" Izuku asked, still looking and all the graves to both sides of the paths he was walking on.

"This my boy, is a hero graveyard." All Might answered. "The government was concerned about villains or insane fans desiccating the graves of some of the heroes of Japan, especially the form top tens, as such they built this highly protected area for the bodies of heroes to be stored and a safe place for their families to visit them."

"And this one belongs to my master." All Might continued as he walked off the stone path to the right, walking down a line of graves until he reached the very end of the row, once there Izuku got a good look and the grave in front of them.

In Loving Memory of Nana Shimura

Izuku didn't know what to say, he was speechless, he never knew that All Might's master was..dead, he had just assumed she was retired and All Might was going to introduce her to him later but here she was. Izuku just continued to stare until All Might firmly placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"I was going to wait to tell you this, but recent events have made me realise i can not withhold nay information from you." All Might said. "One For All is not just one Quirk. But two. There was once two brothers, the younger was weak and thought to be Quirkless, the older had more power than he knew what to do with it, that power corrupted him and he gave others Quirks to control them. This man, All For One gave his younger brother a strength stockpiling quirk, but as it turns out the younger brother did have Quirk. On that let him pass down quirks, the two fused and created One For All."

Izuku just continued to stand there no saying anything, still trying to take this all in.

"The two brothers battle, the elder was the victor." All Might continued. "Then the younger passed the Quirk down, hoping one day the Quirk could be used to take down his brother. But nearly all previous users of the quirk have been killed by All For One or his followers, including my master. And those apostles are his closest followers, the twelve of them are his most powerful and loyal soldiers. Nana called them the Twelve Disciples."

Izuku took a deep sigh, now having wrapped his head around what had just happened, and while it was a lot to take in, he was thankful All Might trusted him with this information. "Is All For One the one that injured you?"

"Yes." All Might answered honestly. "But don't feel bad, he looked much worse than i did when the battle was over." All Might then raised his arm and did a fist, trying to lighten the atmosphere which worked as Izuku gave his mentor a small smile.

"I'm sorry Young Midoriya. But because i was unable to defeat All For One, he is still out there. I dealt with most of his forces but he is still alive, though he is likely weakened by our last battle. But one day you will have to face him, and the Twelve Disciples and i feel selfish for dumping this massive pressure on your shoulders." All Might apologised.

Izuku just gave All Might a small smile. "All Might." Izuku began. "I chose to do this. I am the one who wanted One For All and decided to take the quirk, you never forced it upon me, it was my choice to do this. So i will see it through it the end and help anyone in need with my new power. And one day you and i will stop this All For One and his Twelve Disciples. And we'll do it together."

All Might pulled Izuku into a small hug. "Thank you my boy."


All Might was late, after he and Izuku went to Nana's grave they continued the boys training. He was coming along quickly and had cleared a lot of the rubbish off the beach, it had been three months since their cleaning of the beach began and he was very proud of Izuku. Prouder that he didn't give up after hearing about All For One, the kid had a spirit of a hero which Toshinori liked about the kid. Once he got closer to the beach he heard the faint sound of shouting from the distance. All Might quickly transformed into his buff form and made a dash to the source of the yell, it was coming from the beach, was someone in danger? Was Young Midoriya in danger? All Might moved as fast as he could and turned into the beach, he scanned round for Izuku and was shocked by what he saw.

All Might saw Izuku was indeed the source of the shouting. However it was not a shout out of pain, but of pride. All Might did not know how the kid did it but all the rubbish in the surrounding area was now gone The beach was spotless, the aqua blue water and clear white sand were perfectly visable, not a spec of rubbish remained. All Might had give the kid nine months to clear this beach and he did it in a third of the time. He could not be more proud, All Might then saw Izuku's poster start to fumble and saw the kid was falling, so he dashed over quickly, catching the boy in this arms.

"I-I-I did it...All Might." Izuku said quietly barely having enough energy to stay awake let alone speak.


"Thank you All M-Might. I-I don't fell like i d-deserve it." Izuku said softly, briefly closing his eyes, only to be awakened by All Might's booming voice.

"NONSENSE, THERE IS A VERY LARGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LUCK AND SKILL MY BOY, YOU WORKED SO HARD FOR THIS NOW STAND TALL AND BE PROUD! DON'T LET ANYTHING SCARE YOU-" All Might said before he heard a voice that shook him to his core and made him nearly drop Izuku.

"So this is boy you and Recovery Girl went on-and-on about." A gruff and elderly voice called out, causing All Might to turn around hoping he wouldn't see whom he thought he would.

Izuku was able to see the man who spoke out to them once All Might had turned around. The man who spoke was a short man, he had short grey spiky hair along with a grey beard. And he also wore a full body monochrome suit along with a yellow cape, a belt with the letter "G" on it, thick yellow gloves and boots, and a dark domino mask.

"So Toshinori, you gonna stand there all day holding the boy, or are you gonna introduce him?" The eledrly man demanded, causing All Might to drop Izuku down and bow to the old man apologising.

"Y-Y-Yes.." All Might mumbled. "Right away Grand Torino"

A/N: Welp I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The Twelve Deciples, as you can imagine they are based off of Jesus's own deciples, they won't appear for a while but considering how All Mights really scared of them, you can imagine they are very powerful. As you can imagine they are all OC characters besides one, who will be realved later.

Also early Grand Torino, I really like him and since Izuku's ready for OFA I feel like Grand Torino would come in sooner, just i introduces him sooner than that.

But this will be the last chapter of this until after Christmas. So have a Merry Christmas or what ever holiday you celebrate!