Summary: Hyuuga Hinata, the sole survivor of the Hyuuga clan genocide, is forced into the slave class under the guise of a blind orphan. With an oath of retribution for her fallen lineage, she takes to the art of the sword to escape bondage and earn her keep. AU. MultiXHinata.

Author's Remark: This will be set in a medieval alternate universe which will follow the system of European feudalism (kings, lords, knights, peasants, etc), but with regions/lands named after the Naruto universe. Female knights, in history, were called Dames, but the reason why I will use the title of Knight for Hinata will be explained later. I do not own the rights to Naruto.

Author's Edit: Chapter 2 is in the works! I made some grammatical corrections to this chapter, and I'm also diligently working on the next chapter. Expect it to be released sometime this week. Lots of exciting, sweet scenes. Stay tuned loves.

The Slave Knight Named Hinata

Chapter 1

The Origins of a Slave Knight

(October of Year 1357 - Kingdom of Fire)

(Hinata's age - 6 moons old)

Fire, then ash. That is all that Hinata wanted to remember. Just the mere attempt of recollecting the memory made the six moons old girl quiver with a suffocating feeling of sadness. As she marched along with the other downtrodden captives her eyes darted to the unknown environment around her, worry manifesting within her. She could make out the tall grass and reddish trees around her, and the sound of a running river could be heard not far from their beaten path. A makeshift blindfold made out of a thin ivory cloth covered the young girl's eyes, the material being perforated enough to allow the girl's eyes some vision behind the mask. 'H-He has to be alive… He has to.' Hinata thought hopefully, but the retching feeling in her gut cast a shadow of doubt within her. She thanked the gods that Neji gave her the advice and the cloth; it seemed even after death he was still helping her out. Hinata knew if she were to expose her white eyes, she would be executed on the spot. They deemed her and her people monsters, their eyes being 'soulless' and thus unholy. Because of their discoloration of the eyes passed down within their lineage, they were condemned by the Kingdom of the Mists. After only two moons of war between the two Kingdoms, the remaining Hyuuga were annihilated with a full-blown genocide. She was the only survivor of her clan.

Hinata and the others have been lead by a group of soldier knights for about three days and three nights, but Hinata had no clue as to when this caravan of captives would halt their march. The barefoot soles of the young girl's feet were covered in blisters, her skin unwashed, and her hair was tangled in webs and knots. The 'slaves' were not allowed to clean until they arrived at their undisclosed location. Hinata was greatly unaccustomed to the harsh conditions that she was thrust into; the Hyuuga princess, being raised in relative comfort, was never exposed to the reality that peasants and slaves lived in.

Abruptly the knights stopped, and along with them, the captives did so as well. Before them stood a crowd of well-dressed lords and vassals, she could tell by their polished attire and dirt-free boots that they were important men. In front of this group of royals was a large wooden stage, and at the height of said stage stood the commander of the caravan's knights.

"My lords, before you stands a group of nameless peasants from broken houses. We will begin the auctioning of these peasants now. Please, feel free to bid to your heart's content." The commander knight gave a bellowing chuckle before stepping off of the auctioning block. Suddenly, an unforseen hand grabbed Hinata by the back of her neck, literally carrying her like a puppy as she was thrown onto the stage. Quickly scrambling to her feet, Hinata made sure to remind herself to preserve her act of being the 'blind girl off the street'. Out of her peripherals, she took note of the individuals also up on the block with her. A woman with red eyes and ruffled hair stood to her left, and to her other side was an old man, barely able to stand on his own.

"We will begin with the child. From our knowledge, she is a blind orphan around six moons of age. She hails from the Kingdom of Water. A virgin, no doubt. Bids will start at 100 gold." Began the commander knight. All eyes turned toward her, and Hinata tried her best not to fidget under their scrutinizing gaze. A few lords chuckled at the mention of her virginity, while Hinata did not quite understand yet. 'V-Virgin?... What does that mean?' Hinata thought nervously, the girl nibbling on her low lip out of habit as she waited for the bid to start.

"200 gold." Voiced a man with a wolfish grin, the first one to bid on Hinata.

"300 gold!" A blond fellow yelled from the back, quickly one-upping the man previous to him.

"350 for her." A snake-like lord said with playful malice, his sharp eyes boring deep into Hinata's.

"1000 gold." A silence fell over the caravan and lords. All eyes turned toward the voice of the bidder. Secretly, so did Hinata's. A tall, stoic man with burning obsidian eyes stared directly at Hinata, a shiver running down her spine just at a mere glance of his gaze. To her he looked a little older than Neji, a teen no doubt. His long raven locks looked well kept and were tied at the ends, while his muscled arms crossed over his chest. His house crest, a red and white fan, was embedded into his tabard. By far he was the youngest of all the lords gathered today, but, Hinata could tell by the air he carried around himself that he was a powerful and influential individual. The other lords knew he was powerful as well and with fearful, sideways glances they did not challenge his bid.

"Going once.." Silence. "Going twice.." More pregnant quiet. "Sold. The Uchiha clan will take the girl." Just as quickly as the bid took place was Hinata, again, picked up by the back of her neck and dragged over to the man with the burning obsidian eyes. With an ungraceful throw, she landed at the feet of the man, Hinata quietly yelping as she made an impact with the dirt ground.

"Come, little one." The man said, gently helping Hinata up to her feet. His calloused hand was placed onto the Hyuuga's shoulder, making her flinch in surprise. Surprisingly, no harm came to her, only the gentle touch of a stranger. From his waistcoat emerged a heavy sack of coins, the bidding man silent as he unceremoniously threw the payment to the commander knight. Silently he lead the girl with him, guiding her to a horse-drawn cart. Within the cart was a variety of building supplies of hardy wood and smooth-cut stone, a heap of colorful silks that glistened in the sun, and a bundle of crops that looked quite high quality. From the contents of the cart, Hinata could infer that the Uchiha had a lot of money. Slowly the man picked Hinata up by the armpits, making sure to have a secure yet tender touch as he placed her into the carriage. The man mounted the grey horse that stood at the head of the cart, took its reigns, and then they were off. The only person who watched her leave with the Uchiha was the lady with red eyes, her worried eyes following Hinata as she was whisked away by the man from the Uchiha clan. As the carriage slowly took her away from the auction, the fading crowd of lords and peasants vanished into the horizon.

"What is your name?" The man suddenly said out of the blue, his voice a gentle velvet to her ears. She has never heard a man speak so kindly to her, especially after Hinata was thrown into the caravan of slaves. The Hyuuga girl hesitated, worry filling her thoughts at the possibility of being found out just by her first name. 'As long as I-I don't reveal my house… Or my eyes either.. I should be safe.' Hinata pondered quickly before replying to the man.

"H-Hinata.. M'lord." Her voice was barely above a whisper, but the man was able to hear her soft reply without straining his ears too much. "A-Are.. You going to kill me?"

The man only chuckled in reply. "No, little one. My mother was looking for a new servant. She asked for a girl specifically." Hinata released a sigh of relief. She thanked the gods for a kindness that this man showed her. "However, my family is strict with our servants. They will make you work. I take it you can walk without assistance?" The man said, turning his gaze to glance at the young servant he had essentially just bought. He already knew the answer, he could tell by the way she walked and moved that the girl was able.

"Y-Yes, M'lord…" Was her reply, the girl fiddling with the rag of a shirt that she wore. After her reply, a pregnant silence filled the air, a comfortable one that they both individuals didn't feel the need to break. Hinata didn't press too hard into the details of this mysterious, influential, and powerful clan that literally just bought her. She instead focused onto her luck, and how these Uchiha were rich and influential and maybe they will protect her (instead of selling her out). A moment later a thought entered Hinata's mind, a surge of inquisitiveness taking over her train of thought. 'I wonder who this man is… W-What is his name?' Hinata pondered to herself, her eyes drawing over to the unnamed Uchiha on horseback. She hesitated, the burning question on the tip of her tongue before she finally mustered the courage to speak. "A-Ano... M'lord, what is your name?" Hinata asked, curiosity evident in her inflection of the question.

A low chuckle was heard. "Itachi. Uchiha Itachi."

Hinata liked that name.

Feeling satisfied with finally figuring out Itachi's name, she quietly laid her head down on the sack of potatoes to the left of her, using it as a makeshift pillow on the cart ride to her new home. To be honest, Hinata was exhausted, the three-day long march physically tiring her out while the auction tired her out mentally. The rhythmic galloping of the horse and the gentle breeze of the air slowly lulled Hinata into a sleepy state, resting her erratic heart and calming her frazzled nerves. As the surrounding environment turned from grassy fields and the occasional tree to that of a woody forest with lush vegetation, the Hyuuga princess finally succumbed to sleep.

Hinata awoke in a straw bed, her small frame slowly sitting up as she took in her surroundings with a sleepy and confused expression. 'W-Where am I…' She pondered, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she stretched her legs and toes. The memories of the day flooded the young girl's mind and she instant sank back down, a feeling of isolation and nervousness filling her. She took notice that she was in a warm room made of stone walls, the only furniture consisting of a small side table with drawers, the small bed of straw, and a wooden chair in the corner. A simple room to Hinata, yet, she deemed it homey and safe. Her eyes were drawn to a neatly folded cotton dress on top of the side table, her blindfold also folded next to it. 'Clothes.. B-But, my blindfold! I hope no one saw my eyes..' Hinata nibbled on the tips of her fingers, worry etching into her face as she slowly slid out from under her thin blanket.

The cotton dress wasn't anything particularly special, it was a short-sleeved beige working attire that could be worn in the hottest of summers or in the coldest of winters. Hinata remembers her favorite nanny wearing something similar to it back home. 'H-Home.. I guess this is my new home.. It's not the same without father or Hanabi.. Or Neji..' Hinata felt a pang of sorrow fill her, eyes downcast as she remembered her family bitterly. Pushing her feelings aside, Hinata slowly stripped out of her ragged shirt, pulling on the cream colored working dress over the top of her head. She noticed a small pair of leather shoes underneath the table, Hinata's eyes widening with surprise. 'S-Shoes! Thank god, those mean knights took away my sandals whenever they captured me..' Hinata thought, sending a telepathic threat to those soldiers that were rude to her. Effortlessly she slipped on the footwear, the shoes fitting her small feet perfectly as if it was made specifically for her. Lastly, she slipped the last remnant of her past life over her eyes- Neji's cloth, and Hinata's blindfold. With the shield of her secret pulled over her lavender gaze, Hinata's outfit was completed.

The absence of windows in her room prevented Hinata of knowing the time of day or a location of her whereabouts, forcing the young girl to explore the unknown environment around her. She left her room quietly, feet silent like those of a mouse as she wandered aimlessly the stone halls. The hallway outside of her room was filled similarly dressed servants, all in beige colored cotton attire who hurriedly moved around like a hive of bees. A boy, similar in age to Hinata herself, spotted her and quickly trotted over to the girl with a wide grin.

"Oi! You're the new servant! My name is Kiba, I'm six moons old and I love animals!" He had canine-like eyes, wolfish even, and a mass of ruffled brown hair that gave him the appearance of an over-excited puppy. Kiba wore the male version of Hinata's working attire; a beige short sleeved top that was closed with lace and a pair of cotton shorts covered the young boy, the only exception being his mud covered feet bereft of shoes. He was slightly taller than Hinata by about two or so inches, forcing the girl to lift her head to look into his eyes. Slowly his brown eyes glazed over the Hyuuga princess, his toothy smile big as ever as he took in her appearance. "I like your hair! What's your name?" He said excitedly, bouncing up and down in his spot while waiting for the quiet girl to respond.

"M-My name is Hinata... It's nice to m-meet you Kiba. I'm six moons old too.." Hinata said shyly, fiddling with the lace of her dress as she lowered her head to stare at her feet. The girl has never met a boy her age before, the only exception being Neji (her cousin was the only male she knew around her age, family or not). And, to top it off, she was complimented! It took Hinata only a few seconds for her cheeks to flush pink.

"Lord Itachi told me you can walk around even though you're blind, that's so cool!" Kiba gave a wolfish smile to the girl, eyes filled with unfiltered warmth. "He also asked me to take you to Lady Mikoto once you wake up. Come on now, follow me, she'll kill us if we come after sundown." He said, turning quickly on his heels to face the opposite direction that he came from. His tanned hand took Hinata's into his, gently leading the girl out of the servants quarters and out onto the Uchiha residence. Staying silent, the girl's eyes roamed around in awe at the sheer scale of the plantation-like land, the setting sun illuminating the area in a golden glow. Acres upon acres of crops were the first thing that Hinata's eyes laid upon, a variety of vegetables and fruits being harvested by a large score of servants. Next to the fields was a stable where horses were held, and next to that was a long stretch of chicken coops and corralled sheep and pigs. On the far side of the plantation was a mansion-like estate, three stories tall and made out of cut stone and articulate wooden fixtures. It was breathtaking, to say the least.

"Luckily I get to work with the animals, but, I think Lady Mikoto will make you work inside the estate." Kiba said glumly, pouting as he dragged Hinata past the rows of crops and sleeping animals. "Plus, none of the other servants are around our age. Too bad we can't take care of the chickens together! My dog Akamaru works with me; he likes herding the chickens… And eating their poop." The wolfy boy laughed to himself, Hinata giving a small giggle of her own as the finally arrived at the grand Uchiha estate. Hinata was thankful for having Kiba to guide her along this confusing, scary journey.

A pair of armed guards stood at attention outside of the main gates, both giving a curt nod to Kiba and Hinata before letting the duo pass into the residence. She noticed that the guards had similar features to that of Itachi; pitch black hair, calculative obsidian eyes, a commanding, dark aura. She assumed that they must be family. As she was tugged along by her rugged companion they made their way inside of the Uchiha main estate, the duo immediately being greeted by a lavishly decorated foyer. An impressive golden chandelier held dozens of carved candles, scores of expertly crafted paintings covered the walls, the floors were made of marble sleek as ice, and tall, expansive ceilings gave the Uchiha mansion an incredible appearance and presence. 'S-So fancy..' Hinata mused, taking in her surroundings quietly. 'T-The Hyuuga estate was never near as lavish..'

All of a sudden a small blur of black crashed into the pair, the pair of servant children being thrown onto the ground by the force of impact. A small squeak escaped Hinata's lips as a body, similar in stature to herself, landed on top of herself with an unceremonious thud. "O-Owie.." Hinata said quietly, her eyes closed and her back against the floor as she struggled against the body pinning her down.

"Get off of her stupid Sasuke!" Kiba roared loudly, well, the loudest a child six moons old could yell. Quickly to the rescue, the boy servant pushed the body pinning Hinata down off of her, earning the ire of the boy named Sasuke. Opening her lavender orbs, she looked up at this person called Sasuke and quietly gasped. To Hinata, he was almost the spitting image of Itachi, with a few features slightly different. A mass of raven colored hair, pale skin like that of snow, and cold, piercing black eyes adorned the features of a young little lord in a button up suit. 'Definitely a Uchiha..' Hinata thought.

"Stupid wolf boy! This blind girl and you were in MY way! I'm in a hurry to see Itachi, so move it." He said with malice, shooting both the servant girl and servant boy a hard glare before jumping to his feet and sprinting down the hall of the Uchiha estate.

"That's Sasuke.. Second son of Lord Uchiha. Don't worry about him, he's a stick in the mud if you ask me." Kiba said with a reassuring smile, offering a hand to Hinata. The pair of orphans watched as Sasuke dashed down the well-decorated corridor before he disappeared behind a corner, the loud thumping of his feet fading with him. Silently, Hinata took Kiba's outstretched hand before standing up, not before the girl smiled shyly up at the boy. "T-Thank you, K-Kiba.." Hinata said softly, offering him a blushed expression as she interlocked hands with his. Kiba, cheeks darkening as he helped up the Hyuuga princess, looked away quickly and laughed quietly to himself. The look she gave him gave the young boy weird feelings in his gut, like a stomach full of butterflies.

In silence, the two children headed deeper into the Uchiha estate, finally stopping once they arrived at a set of large oak doors. "This is the library, the High Lady should be in here." Kiba said while he gently let go of Hinata's hand, turning to look at her with a small grin. "I gotta go back to the coops to help corral all the animals. So, I'll see you back at the servant's quarters then!"

Hinata nodded in understanding, fiddling with the hem of her dress as she looked up at Kiba. "T-Thank you for helping me Kiba.. I-I'll work hard so I can come back early." She said confidently to the boy, giving him a small wave as he turned on his heels and booked it back into the direction that they came from. After realizing that she was alone to face the Uchiha matriarch, Hinata felt the same nervousness in her gut and hesitation in her step. Slowly, as if fearing she would break the door, Hinata pushed the oak gates open to reveal an incredibly large and expansive library. The high ceilings allowed for tall bookshelves filled from top to bottom of a variety of reads, ranging from military strategy books, historical textbooks, topics over math and science, and even some short stories.

Never being allowed into the library back at the Hyuuga manor, Hinata felt excitement in the concept of her being able to use the Uchiha library and read its large collection of books. 'T-That is.. If they let me.' Hinata thought grimmly, finally taking her first step into the overwhelmingly massive library. Out of the corner of her eye Hinata spotted a beautiful woman sitting in a red loveseat, her eyes downcast as she quietly read the book in her hands. Noticing the gaze on her, the woman rose her eyes to interlock with those of Hinata's, a smile spreading across her pristine features.

"Oh, look at you. Like a small dove. You must be the new servant my dear Itachi told me about, yes?" The lady said smoothly, placing down the book she was diligently reading in favor for standing up to make her way over to Hinata.

"Y-Yes M'lady… I am called Hinata, I-I was told to serve you." Hinata said softly, her head lowered as Mikoto approached. Never in her life has Hinata met a woman so beautiful; Hinata not having memories of her mother or older female relatives made it awkward for Hinata to be able to approach Mikoto confidently.

"Hm yes... I have been needing a new handmaiden. You will be my personal servant, Hinata." Mikoto said confidently, a charming smile befitting her features as she kneeled down in front of the young girl. Mikoto felt something special about this girl, she felt it in her intuition that she would be a very important person come the future. Given her age and size, Mikoto assumed that she was around Sasuke's age. 'That must be why Itachi had a soft spot for her… Same age as Sasuke.' Mikoto realized with a smirk, a knowing gaze cast down to her blind servant.

"Come now Hinata. Follow me, and we can put you to some work hm?" Mikoto said softly, gently placing a hand onto Hinata's shoulder as she lead the girl out of the library and deeper into the Uchiha manor. The rest of that week for Hinata was spent learning the ropes of how the Uchiha managed their residence. Every morning a large horn was blown outside of the servants quarters, waking up all of the workers early to begin their day before that of the royal family. Mikoto for the first week didn't make Hinata work at all, simply requesting the girl to follow her as she explained how things worked in their small little universe. Mikoto slowly taught the layout of the mansion, the schedule that she and her family were set to, and the tasks that Hinata was assigned to during the course of that week. Feeling grateful to have such a kind lady as her owner, when the time came for Mikoto to politely asked Hinata to try out her chores the girl gladly did so. Hinata felt like she belonged somewhere.

(November of Year 1357 - Kingdom of Fire)

(Hinata's age - 6 moons old)

The daily duties of her role as handmaiden began like any other for Hinata; she woke up in the servants quarters with Kiba at the crack of dawn, both would get the gruel for breakfast served outside of the stables, then lastly they would head their separate ways to their assigned roles on the Uchiha manor. While the wolfy boy headed off to the chicken coops, the blind girl walked silently off to the Uchiha manor where she was to serve the needs of Lady Mikoto. It was safe to say that Kiba and Hinata were good friends by now, the duo being the only real kids around the age (excluding Sasuke of course). They would eat their breakfast (and sometimes dinner) everyday together and Kiba even felt comfortable enough to show her Akamaru, his stray pup barely a few months old. The felt safe in each other's presence, and came to understand that their burden of being servants can be lessened in confiding with one another.

After going her separating way from Kiba and finishing their morning breakfast, Hinata became under the jurisdiction of the Uchiha matriarch Mikoto. A typical day for Hinata under the tutelage of the High Lady consisted of her doing the following; she swept the dirty hallways of dust and mud, washed the big basket of dirty clothes and linens down at the river, aided in setting up and cleaning the dining hall for the meals of the Uchiha royal family, read books and unopened letters to Mikoto twice a week, and any other small tasks that needed be doing by those of the palace. She was often seen quietly following Lady Mikoto around the Uchiha estate, holding a number of random items for the Uchiha matron such as her books, knitting supplies, food, or letters.

Truth be told, and the Uchiha brothers saw this too, Lady Mikoto treated the young Hinata almost like that of a daughter. Each morning, after Hinata had the breakfast gruel at the stables with Kiba, she would stumble into the chambers of the Uchiha Lord and quietly wake up Lady Mikoto (who slept soundly next to the Lord Fugaku). And, every single morning, Mikoto would fret over the cuts and scrapes on Hinata's knees and wipe the dirt off of her cheeks after she was woken up by the little girl, almost like that of a mother. Fugaku saw it, Itachi saw it, and the person who saw it the most was little Sasuke. After Hinata would help clean up the dining table (at the royal Uchiha family's lunch), the young lord would stick out his tongue at the shy Hinata and tug on her dress while she wasn't looking. One day, after Sasuke was especially rude to Hinata at lunch, Lady Mikoto made the two children face one another, forced Sasuke to apologize to her, AND made him hold Hinata's hand for the rest of lunch. Mikoto thought it was cute that the stubborn Sasuke was forced to shyly stutter out an apology to the shyer Hinata. Itachi thought it was cute that Sasuke was upset about having to hold the servant girl's hand for the rest of lunch.

Mikoto was very content to have little Hinata as her personal attendee. As a way to repay Itachi for buying the small girl from the auction block (which happened about a month ago by now), the High Lady bought her firstborn son a new sword. In typical Uchiha fashion it was a heavy steel longsword, complete with an ornately decorated handle, a sharpened dual-bladed tip, and an engraved blessing on the side of the blade. Hinata was able to get a glimpse of the written blessing while her mistress held it in her hands; 'Ashen promises, rekindle thy fire'. Hinata, being both young and ill versed with blessings, did not understand what the blessing meant. However, while Mikoto held the expertly smithed sword, Hinata could tell by the look in the High Lady's eyes that this sword carries more weight to it than just is appearance. The weapon shone in the golden sunlight, reflecting tiny sparkles onto the walls with its gleaming radiance as Mikoto held it within her caring grasp. To Hinata, it looked like a sword of legend that an important hero would one day wield. It was almost as if Mikoto had this one specific sword made to create legends for the Uchiha children. 'A-A beautiful sword…' Hinata mused to herself, inspecting the sword with curious eyes that hid behind her blindfold.

"Hinata, can you deliver this sword to my dear Itachi? He should be at the training grounds behind the estate, little dove." Mikoto said in her calming voice, gently handing the wrapped sword to her short servant girl. Hinata took it with careful hands, holding the sword like a precious loaf in her arms as she shook her head yes in confirmation. "The blade is called… Oathkeeper. Now then, go my little dove and make sure Itachi receives it okay?"

Hinata gave her signature small nod, bowing to her lady before heading off onto her quest to deliver Mikoto's sword. She weaved her way through the bustling halls of the Uchiha manor, maneuvering her way to the kitchen with silent footsteps. As she entered the crowded and busy kitchen she gave a small wave to the head chef before heading out the backdoor, quiet as a cat. Her status of the handmaiden of the High Lady allowed her shortcuts around the manor, much to the convenience of Hinata. As she exited the estate and walked toward the training grounds, a marvellous sight befitted Hinata's gaze.

Before her were the enigmatic duo of Fugaku and Itachi, the High Lord and his first son, where both stood at a stalemate with each other on the battleground. Fugaku, with his light katana, and Itachi, with his heavy longsword, both circled the other with silent footsteps like those of a predator on the prowl. Within the fraction of a second both lunged at the other, steel clashing with steel in an impressive display of skill and power. Just as quickly as they connected did they disengage to create distance, both ready and rearing to strike at their contender again. Hinata sensed it instantly- the intent to kill. Both fought as if their life depended on it, as if their last strike would be their final and only chance. For an instant, Hinata thought that both of their eyes were glowing red, a deep, blood red. As her lavender eyes blinked slowly did Fugaku's and Itachi's eyes return back to the cold obsidian orbs of before, calculating their next move.

Hinata felt herself clench her chest as she watched them fight, her heart beating loudly in her ears and quickly against her ribcage. It was almost as if Hinata wanted to do something. Quickly, she realized what this weird feeling was inside of her; Hinata wanted to fight.

Behind her blindfold, Hinata's kind eyes drifted down to her hands, that of which were cradling Oathkeeper, the fateful sword of Lady Mikoto. She felt as if her soul, the darkness that had entrapped her grieving heart, had broken free from its black curse and given her a new purpose in life. Hinata wanted to fight; this is the sword of legends, she will protect its wielder with her life and her soul. To protect the Uchiha was Hinata's new purpose in life.

Feeling reinvigorated with her renewed resolve, Hinata rose her gaze to watch the duel between Itachi and Fugaku again. The father and son were engaged in a light-speed parrying battle, where both attacked and blocked each other simultaneously with the goal of overwhelming the other. It was a beautiful dance of blades; Itachi's slower and wider longsword slashes made Fugaku evade quickly on his toes, while Fugaku's precise cuts and strikes of his katana would almost cost Itachi his life. Hinata felt as if she was witnessing the fight of the century, a battle between prodigies of different generations.

Slowly, feeling confidence rise inside of her, Hinata slowly strode forward to the duel as she held the Oathkeeper gently in her arms. Quickly, Itachi noticed her and stopped his advancing movements to turn to look at the small girl. Fugaku soon did the same.

"M-M'lord Itachi… High Lady Mikoto gifts to you this sword… She named it Oathkeeper." Hinata's soft and feminine voice surprised Itachi, the teen not hearing the young girl speak since the first day he bought her. He noted to himself that he liked Hinata's voice very much. 'No wonder why Mikoto keeps her to herself all day,' Itachi thought. As she finally approached the two Uchiha royals she kneeled down before them, her head lowered as she balanced the Oathkeeper on the palms of her hands. While the buffed steel was covered with the protective cloth wrapping surrounding it, the ornate and decorated handle caught the eye of Itachi in an instant. The sword that this young girl held is no ordinary blade; it is blessed and enchanted with power. Itachi made a mental note to inspect and reverse engineer this blade once he had it to himself and in his hands.

"A-And M'lords… I have a small request for yous." Hinata said softly, her faint voice barely above a whisper. She waited until Itachi finally took the Oathkeeper out of her hands before she raised her head, the girl still kneeling before the two. She placed both of her small hands onto her bent knee, her cheeks flushed a dark red as she finally spoke her mind. "P-Please... Train me in the art of the blade. I-I want to protect the Uchiha. I want to fight and protect!"

Her brazen statement made Fugaku quietly gasp in shock, jaw slack as he stared down at the girl only six moons of age. Itachi, on the other hand, had a knowing smile on his tanned features before turning his gaze to his elder. "Dear father, in the Kingdom of Fire it is law that pages can begin their tutelage at the age of seven moons. After that pages can be promoted to squires..." Hinata perked up. "When this girl becomes of seven moons I see it fitting as to let her become my page, and possibly into the future my squire as well." Itachi said smoothly, his arms crossed over his chest as he gazed down at Hinata with calculative eyes. He knew that there was definitely more to this meek girl; that blindfold withheld the secret to the power of this girl Hinata. "I see no reason to object. It would be beneficial to have another trained servant around." Fugaku said curtly, his cold gaze dragging over to Hinata as he inspected the small girl closely. "Although a girl… She would make a fine page. If she is good enough at that, then a squire is the next step toward knighthood."

Filled with a surge of joy and happiness Hinata sprung to her feet, bouncing happily as she held her hands together in praise for the agreement. "M-M'lord Itachi and M'lord Fugaku! I would love to be a squire!" Hinata exclaimed excitedly, a blushed and delighted expression on her soft features as she looked up at the duo. She felt as if she just got a promotion to a job that she would love. However, the next statement made her heart drop a thousand feet. "But… I have one condition." Itachi's eyes color lazily changed from that of the cold obsidian to a fiery bloody red, his sharp gaze striking holes into the blindfold that Hinata wore. "Remove that old rag on your face, and show me those eyes. Then, I will teach you the Uchiha's way of the blade." Itachi stated matter-of-factly, leaving no room for argument on Hinata's end.

Quietly stopping her happy exclamation and bouncing, Hinata nodded her head in understanding while lowering her gaze. She felt a nervousness bite at her heels, the girl a little worried about the consequences of letting the Uchihas know who she is. However, a more reasonable part of her psyche comforted her. 'I-I know that the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire are n-not enemies... If they find out I'm from the H-Hyuuga maybe they won't mind…' Hinata mused, finally feeling a sense of resolve within her. 'A-Although I don't know much about my family, I-I gotta trust myself! I'll have to explain why I'm pretending to belind also... Hopefully they keep the secret only to t-themselves...'

Slowly she raised her hands to behind her head, unknotting her blindfold that was tied around her crown of navy blue hair. As the piece of cloth fell to the ground and Hinata raised her bare face to look shyly up at the Uchiha royalty, the training grounds became eerily quiet. Itachi was stricken in shock, Fugaku struck as well. Before them was Hinata, her large, doe eyes a stunning shade of light lavender and ivory, her pale face flushed and her eyelashes long and full. She was a beautiful young girl but her eyes, her damn eyes, they made Hinata very special.

She was a Hyuuga.

She was the last Hyuuga.

"You… Are the last Hyuuga alive. The Hyuuga Princess." Fugaku said in disbelief, his eyes also a crimson red as he used his bloodline's power to analyze the girl in front of him. "But.. All the Hyuuga were murdered by the Mists. I heard a rumor that you were still alive, but barely anyone has believed it. By that then, how are you still alive, little Hyuuga." Itachi said in shock, his expression unreadable as his eyes bore deep into the lavender orbs of Hinata's.

"P-Patrolling guards for the Kingdom of Fire found me while I was at the Fire Temple… The temple is on the border between the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Fire." Hinata confessed softly, eyes downcast as she shuffled her feet under her. "I-I told them I was a blind orphan beggar, in order to h-hide my identity. I can't be found, sir. I'm the only one who escaped the murde-murder of..." Hinata paused, her voice cracking in her throat before she could mention the horrible massacre of her house. The amount of stress that the young girl was under had finally built her up to be a frustrated young girl. "Because I told them I was a beggar I was forced into a slave caravan by the guards... After that, L-Lord Itachi bought me from the bidding block.."

Finally connecting the dots, Itachi nodded his head in understanding after the full extent of Hinata's backstory was out in the open. "Well, you are safe under the care of the Uchiha. The people of the Kingdom of Fire are allies with the Houses of the Land of Water." Fugaku said reassuringly, putting a gentle hand onto the shoulder of Hinata.

Fugaku felt some sympathy for the young girl. He had met Hiashi Hyuuga, her father, at high-status events hosted by the Kingdoms of Fire. Their allies included the Kingdom of Water, Kingdom of Sand, and (tentatively) Kingdom of Mists, all of whom always went to their hosted events, effectively intermingling the elite heads of houses of these different lands. When he did get to sit down and talk with Hiashi Hyuuga, the House patriarch, he talked passively about Hinata, yet, in a subtly loving way. He, with no shadow of a doubt, would believe that having Hinata under the care of a lord would give him much comfort. He felt a sense of chivalry associated in sheltering his fellow head's daughter, hoping to maybe lead to good fortune come the future. He would see if she had the same skill in battle that her father had.

"I'm sure my mother already knows who you are, Hinata. Go back to her, and tell her I liked her gift." Itachi said softly, handing Hinata back her blindfold before sending her back to Lady Mikoto. Hinata only nodded vigorously, putting her blindfold back on around her eyes before she dashed back to the manor with a smile on her face.

After that the rest of the day passed normally for Hinata, the girl returning back to the side of the High Lady where she aided Mikoto with her daily needs. After supper, when Hinata informed Mikoto that Itachi liked his gift, the woman smiled silently and patted the head of Hinata before leading them to their next destination. A sneaking suspicion within Hinata felt as if Mikoto already knew about her the exchange with Itachi and Fugaku, and by proxy also her identity as well. Hinata only shook her head at the absurd thought, returning to the last of her duties. By the time she left the estate, it was late into the night where the sun had already set and dinner long over by now. After being relieved of her duties by Lady Mikoto, Hinata silently snuck over to the kitchen to snag two sandwiches out of the leftover food pile. Hinata hid the two sandwiches in the pockets of her dress, booking it back to the servants quarters after she secured the bounty of food. Being as quiet as a mouse, Hinata slowly sneaked into Kiba's room, making sure to avoid the creaking parts of the floor as to not wake up the other servants.

"Hinata!" Kiba exclaimed excitedly as she came in, the boy still in his working attire as he lazed around with Akamaru on his straw bed. Kiba and his pup sat up quickly as the girl came in, a mischievous smile on her face as she closed the door behind her and took her spot on the mattress next to him.

"I-I brought some sandwiches from the kitchen! They have m-meat and sauce and everything Kiba." Hinata whispered just as excitedly, pulling the two sandwiches out of her dress pocket as she scooted closer to the boy. She quickly handed one of the cloth wrapped sandwiches to the wolfy boy, saving the other one for herself before the duo dug in. At the same time they both took a gigantic bite out of their sandwiches, both squealing in delight as they ate their delicious meal. "S-So tasty! Akamaru, here, try this bacon.." Hinata cooed softly, taking one piece of the fried bacon out of her sandwich before handing it to Kiba's small puppy. The dog barked happily, quickly nibbling up the pork as the duo of servant children ate contently. They shared with each other the events of their day, enjoying each other's company as they winded down from their stressful and labor-intensive jobs.

"And then Sasuke came up behind one of the chicken coops looking around all over the place! Said he was looking for a white flower he saw, although I think he found it after he left all of a sudden." Kiba said recounting his day, laughing after retelling his memory. Hinata smiled softly while listening, leaning in close as she slowly ate her sandwich. She used the end of her white apron (the same one she wore when she worked for Lady Mikoto) to wipe the crumbs off of Kiba's cheeks, giggling softly at the expression the boy was giving her. "Y-You had crumbs on your cheek, my friend." Hinata said playfully, giggling even louder as Kiba gave her a big ol' pout.

Afterwards, Hinata extended out her legs on Kiba's mattress, raising her arms above her head as she stretched out her back and chest. Kiba, who was watching her intently as she stretched, looked away quickly as Hinata turned to look back at him with a curious expression. "You can uhm.. Sleep next to me if you want Hina.. Uhm, if you're too tired to go to your room." Kiba said shyly, the six moons old boy pouting as he looked away with tinted pink cheeks. Hinata only smiled shyly in return, taking both of their sandwich wrappers and throwing them with her apron to the side before she laid down next to Kiba.

She shuffled under the blanket that Kiba used over his bed, not before untying the front lacing of her dress to make herself more comfortable to sleep in. Hinata always unlaced her dress before she slept, something Kiba picked up on in the short time they have known each other. However, what she did next surprised the boy. Slowly she untied her blindfold, placing it with her apron over to the side of the room before turning to face Kiba with her naked face.

"D-Don't let my eyes scare you K-Kiba.. I'm still your friend.." Hinata whispered shyly, her lavender eyes looking deep into the canine eyes of Kiba for the first time without her blindfold. Kiba stumbled in shock at seeing his friend without her blindfold, his cheeks flushing a bright red at the sheer beauty that the young girl had. She had big, bright light lavender eyes, a pair of full and dark eyelashes, a plump set of lips and cheeks painted pink, all of which made Hinata look ephemeral in the moonlight. Kiba, while looking deep into Hinata's kind eyes, felt his heart skip a beat. In that moment he felt very lucky to have met the shy, kind Hinata.

"Y-Your eyes Hina…" Kiba said slowly, his own eyes wide as saucers. "They are really.. Cool." He finished lamely, rubbing the back of his neck as he shifted his gaze away. Secretly, Kiba really, really liked how Hinata looked without her blindfold. Hell, he wished she wouldn't wear it at all, he liked her eyes. 'There must be a reason why she hid her eyes… I shouldn't push her.' Kiba pondered to himself, only giving Hinata a comforting smile as they remade eye contact. "I don't know why your hide your eyes Hinata… Just know your secret is safe with me!" Kiba said with his toothy grin, earning a relieved sigh from Hinata.

"T-Thanks Kiba… I, uhm, am a Hyuuga." She said finally, eyes downcast as she snuggled deeper into her blanket in an effort to hide her flushed face.

"Mmm, I don't know what a Hyuuga is. You're just Hinata to me." Kiba said in his typical no-filter fashion, giving Hinata a final grin before he slowly slid into his side of the bed. Akamaru, sensing that his master was heading off to slumber, snuggled into the space between the two kids before the trio of souls drifted off to sleep. It was common for the young servants to sleep next to each other; during the fall and winter, the servants quarters would turn to a prison of deathly cold. The blankets weren't enough to keep them warm. Because Kiba and Hinata were the only servant children they both felt the most comfortable sleeping next to each other. It was no secret that the duo had formed a close bond once Hinata had officially moved in.

The bond those two young workers shared with one another was a close one, and all those who knew the pair would come to see that this bond would never be broken.

Kiba and Hinata awoke the next day at the crack of dawn, both extremely tired as they got changed and prepared to work another day. As Hinata tied back on her blindfold, she felt prying eyes on her as she laced up her dress. Hinata, still groggy, slowly cross-weaved the lacing of her dress, tediously covering up her chest and collarbone, she noticed that Kiba was turning red with eyes intent on her before he quickly looked away. 'D-Did he watch me change?...' Hinata thought curiously, shaking her head before returning to fastening her apron around her waist. The duo both stopped at the watering hole to wash their faces, cleaning the dirt off of themselves before heading off for breakfast.

As they ate their lukewarm gruel and drank their ice cold water they sat close to each other, sharing each other's heat as they slowly chowed down on their meal.

"Eto Kiba? I forgot to mention last night, I fell asleep quick…" Hinata paused, sucking in her breath quickly. "I think Lord Itachi is gonna make me his page.. D-Doesn't that sound exciting?" Hinata whispered happily to Kiba, the girl beaming as she turned to look over at her friend. The boy wore an expression of surprise before smiling big, giving the Hyuuga girl his signature toothy grin. "Aye don't worry Hina. Whenever you go on your squire missions, me and Akamaru can come along and help! Me and him are like master and pet now, really." Kiba assured, pointing his thumb to his chest proudly. "So I'm basically a hunter now! One of the guards taught me how to shoot a bow, plus me and Akamaru hunted a rabbit earlier this week!"

Hinata only laughed gently in reply, her lips curled into a pleasant smile as she nodded her head in agreement. "Y-Yes I would love that. Us three can be a real team, a secret mission team that has a boy, girl, and dog." Hinata said with a giggle, her playful statement livening up the sleepy atmosphere of their morning breakfast.

Before they both parted ways Hinata gave Kiba a big hug, burying her face into the chest of her close friend before separating from him. She gave him a soft smile, a smile that Kiba would come to cherish and remember before he watched her walk off into the direction of the Uchiha manor. "I'll see you after night falls, Kiba! Bye bye, my friend." Her soft voice called, before the girl disappeared into the grand halls of the estate.

With the imprint of Hinata's smile in Kiba's brain, the boy skipped off toward the chicken coops with Akamaru trailing behind him.

As Hinata entered the grand Uchiha manor she made her way to the chambers of the High Lord and High Lady, her first duty being to wake up Lady Mikoto from her sleep. As the armed guards allowed her into the chambers of the Lord and Lady of the Uchiha she made her way to the bedside of Mikoto, gently shaking her arm to wake her. "M-M'lady, it is morning... " Hinata's soft voice whispered, Mikoto slowly awakening as her obsidian eyes opened to the sight of her young servant girl.

"Little dove.. Good morning. Help me get dressed, will you?" Mikoto said in her velvety voice, dusting a piece of dirt off Hinata's cheek before she slowly rose out of bed. Once out from under the covers Mikoto turned her back to the Hyuuga girl, allowing her small hands to unravel the lace of her nightgown so she can change into her day clothes. After helping the High Lady out of her bedroom attire Hinata fetched Mikoto's red gown and corset from her closet, helping her into the dress and tightening the laces of her corset for her. Once she was done getting dressed Hinata's little hand guided Mikoto to her vanity, sitting her down so she can brush out the long locks of her mistress.

Hinata took the ivory hairbrush off of the dresser then began to slowly run the tool through the matriarch's raven locks, detangling Mikoto's shimmering hair to that of a knot-free crown of hair. While never being verbally confirmed between the two, there was an obvious closeness between Hinata and Mikoto at this point. Having essentially been Mikoto's handmaiden for about a month, Hinata had figured out the measures that she could do to give Mikoto an easier day. Hinata often was silent when with Mikoto, for she knew that the Uchiha matron prefered reading comfortably than to coddle Hinata with unnecessary conversation. Hinata knew that Mikoto prefered wine over that of beer or grog, and she also knew that Mikoto prefered the cold of fall and winter rather than the hot of the summer. Hinata was the one individual who knew all the little things that Mikoto prefered, and because of that, Mikoto liked having her around. After finally finished helping Lady Mikoto get changed for the day, Hinata silently followed her mistress out of her chambers and into the halls of the Uchiha estate.

By now it was around nine o'clock into the morning, the manor's servants bustling around to set up the estate for the day. In the mass of scurrying attendants, something peculiar was caught out of the corner of Hinata's eye. The little lord Sasuke, his big eyes transfixed on an ivory flower in his hands, failed to notice the suspicious looking man stalking behind the boy. 'I-I don't recognize that man…' Hinata mused nervously, the girl going through her memories of all the faces of servants she knew to see if he was actually a servant.

Hinata was pulled out of her thoughts when one of the female servants screamed a blood-curdling shriek, the woman pointing at the man behind Sasuke as he pulled out a dagger from the pocket of his coat. Within a few seconds the entire manor was thrown into disarray, the servants running for their lives while Sasuke slowly turned around with a fear-stricken expression. Truth be told Hinata was scared down to her boots, if she was in Sasuke's position she would have fainted out of fear for sure. However, after recollecting the memory of Fugaku and Itachi's fight and how they acted with remarkable confidence and bravery, something changed within Hinata. As her eyes darted to the buckler shield on the wall next to her, she felt her body and voice act on their own as she rushed forward to Sasuke.

"I-I will protect you!" In the blink of an eye Hinata, the same girl who hid behind the dress of Lady Mikoto just a second ago, was in front of the young Sasuke and between the invading assassin. Despite her size Hinata was able to hold the hefty buckler in front of her, her stance resembling that of a soldier protecting her commander on a battlefield. Those around her noticed that the shield she wielded was the same historical buckler that hung on the nearby wall as a piece of decoration. It was the exact buckler that a previous Uchiha lord used during the War of the Ancients about a hundred moons ago. Hinata's logical side knew for sure that she should not have picked up the old artifact and use it as a weapon, she would get in trouble for sure. However, deep down, Hinata needed to move and do something about the situation. Her body screamed at her to protect the Uchiha and that is exactly what she did, seeing the shield on the wall as her only impulsive option in order to stop the man. The Hyuuga girl quite literally became a shield between the young Uchiha lord and the assailant, putting distance between the two while also creating time for the others to act. With the short disturbance that Hinata created by blocking the attacker, three armed guards surrounded the man with ease while his attention was distracted by Hinata. Just as soon as he invaded the Uchiha manor did the assassin leave in restraints, the man having his hands bound in rope as he was escorted out of the estate.

All those present of this fateful encounter knew the meaning of that single movement and bold statement from the small girl who acted; an unwavering fire had begun to spark within the soul of the young servant named Hinata- the warm, fiery spirit of a soldier.

Author's Remark: This story is inspired greatly by Dark Souls (and the entire Souls series as a whole), Game of Thrones, Shadow of the Colossus, and a little by Dragon Quest. If you know these franchises you can spot the influence that they had on my writing process. Also, years = moons in this fic. I want to give it an ol' time feel by replacing the use of years with moons. So, Hinata is six years old in this fic (currently) so I use six moons old as a way to write it. Sorry for the confusion. Also, this story will evolve slowly, so expect long chapters ahead. Hopefully you guys like a dense read! I know I have a weird way of writing, it has a jumbled flow at times. I will occasionally come back to this chapter to re-read in edit the mistakes, so watch out for edits. Please, feel free to review my work and offer suggestions to your heart's content, I am still learning.

Many thanks.

- xiomai

Teaser for a future chapter: A long-haired woman in a suit of silver armor stood before the crowd of oncoming attackers, her lavender eyes holding a fierce gaze full of fire and menace. In her small hands was a large longsword, the fine tip of such weapon pointed toward her rushing opponents. Despite her small stature and soft features, she wielded her sword with ease, as if it was an extension of her small arm. "I am Hinata of the House Hyuuga, first of her name, Princess of the Kingdom of Water, Hand of the Crow, Guardian of the Wretched, and Protector of the Fan and Flame." Hinata's soft, angelic voice held the malice of that of an brewing storm, and, with her full title as a warning, the attackers stumbled in blood-stopping fear at the realization of who this girl really was. The Hyuuga's wolf-like prowl gave her a menacing aura, an image similar to that of a predator ready to strike her unsuspecting prey. That, juxtaposed with her appearance and voice, made her look and sound almost like that of an angel of death. "My swift hand of justice with deliver you all an honorable death." A slight tilt of her plump lips graced her pristine features. "Cometh, and my white eyes shall be the last thing you see before you die." Then, she striked.