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"Natsu is the amount listed on here right?" Edward asked.

"Too much or too little. We need to readdress it." Natsu stated.

The three brothers haven't even bothered to tell Winry and Pinako that they had returned from their training. They quickly rushed towards their old home before hitting the books. The books were limited but their father had one on human transmutation.

"Mom weight is different than ours or that dead beat dad. We also have to understand these aren't dependent on her height. See the potassium. It won't make her heart beat due to the lack of it or overload. We have to re-do all of these calculations." Natsu said.

The boys would spend hours figuring out how to properly gather the proper materials. They wouldn't finish until late in the night. Where the group became mentally exhausted at all of their re-configurations. They knew they couldn't get any closer. As a result a bit more was added to be safe then sorry. Natsu put the barrel full of contents on the ground. Edward and Alphonse used chalk to draw a transmutation circle on the basement floor. The prep work would finish within the hour. Despite the booming thunder outside it didn't stop the children.

"And some blood for our genetic make-up." Edward stated.

The trio pricked their own finger with a kitchen knife. This caused their own hands to release three drops of blood on top of their chemical contents. Then they took up positions around the perimeter of the circle.

"Let's do it." Natsu said.

The three children clapped their hands before putting them onto the transmutation circle. This seemed to work as the circle began to glow a golden light. The boys watch as a powerful wind erupted from the middle before finally the golden light began to turn a dark purple. The wind now became violent as the trio made sure not to be thrown from their spots. They were nearly bombarded with blue lightning that flew about the room.

"Edward what's happening!?" Alphonse yelled.

The two boys watch as small black hands latched themselves onto Alphonse. Edward was closest and reached for his younger brother. Natsu watch as the arms pulled Alphonse apart. When Alphonse and Edward hands touched, the boys vanished from existence.

"Edward! Alphonse!" Natsu yelled.

What had he done? Why couldn't he stop them? Damn it, if he hadn't fallen for his emotions. Then this wouldn't have happened. He closed his eyes.

Edward arm was out as if reaching for Alphonse but when his mind rebooted. He notice that he was in a empty white room. In front of him was a silhouette that stood at his height.

"Who are you?" Edward asked.

"I'm the World, God and The Truth. I'm even you." The Being said.

Edward's eyes widen at hearing a part of his voice being spoken by Truth. He heard a door open from behind him. This took Edward's attention and faced the opening door. He watch as one eye stared back at him before dozens of arms pulled him into the void. Edward resisted as he had no idea of what was happening but it didn't matter. He was put into the abyss as the door slammed shut preventing him from leaving. Edward was then guided through the abyss. His eyes being forced to stay open as he watched countless events happen all at once.

'So much information it hurts!' Edward thought.

"Stop it!" Edward yelled.

He didn't want to keep see this, his head felt like bursting. Eventually, there was a light at the end of the abyss. He could a silhouette of his mother.

"Mom..." Edward breathed in relief.

Their hands were so close to touching when Edward found himself outside of the gate. He looked back at Truth. The Being sitting down with a neutral expression.

"I was so close. The Human Transmutation Theory wasn't off by materials but there is something I'm missing. Send me back in, I have to see it!" Edward yelled.

Truth grew a sour look as he stood up and walked towards Edward.

"No, no, no."

"Why not?" Edward asked.

"Because that is all you can see from the toll you paid."

"What toll?" Edward asked.

Truth walked forward and Edward felt his leg leaving his body with it going to Truth. The Truth had his leg under possession. That is when Edward woke up from his out of body experience. He didn't see Natsu or Alphonse.

"Like hell I'll let that happen..." Edward cursed.

Though this meant Edward could only save one of them. He decided to go for his little brother because that is what Natsu would have done. He would make sure that they were okay because he was the oldest. As a result Edward steeled his resolve to get Alphonse back.

Natsu found himself standing across from Truth.

"I see even the oldest can be foolish. Enjoy the ride." Truth said.

Natsu felt himself being pulled into a abyss. The same case as Edward, he was given a limitless amount of knowledge. However, this knowledge was more detailed and numerous. Natsu saw a silhouette of his mother and grasped her hand. He pulled but nothing happened as he was sent back out to be in front of Truth. He turn to face Truth with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Now, now I thought that is what you wanted after all. Though I'm going to be taking your magic container, dragon slaying powers and that left eye." Truth stated.

Natsu felt his strength leave his body while his left eye began to erase itself from existence. He clenched his left eye as immense rolled throughout his body. As his magic energy left his system, he began to shrink in size.

"Since I allowed you to see that, I'm going to send you where you truly belong back in your own world. I hope you enjoy the suffering you caused your brothers and knowing that you can't help them for several years."

Natsu woke up in a fit of sweat with blood pouring out of his eye. He had to use his right eye to see the surrondings. Instead of a basement. The boy found himself in a forest. Natsu wished that he didn't go through with Human Transmutation. Truth punished him properly and he knew that Truth was being fair. Especially with the knowledge that he saw from the abyss. However, that knowledge wasn't worth it. He put his brothers in harms way and most likely killed them both from his mental mishap.

'This isn't what I wanted but it is what I deserve. It's funny how we don't realize the gravity of our actions until after we do them.' Natsu thought.

Natsu didn't have to wait for someone to come rushing towards them. However, he was emotionally and mentally exhausted. The boy passed out as darkness took him.

Finish. A/N: Thank you for everyone who waited for updates on this book. Thank you for reading it as well. I hope you all enjoyed the book. Rate and Review.