Finwe has big plans for Formenos. Must be the lake and the stars.

Finwe to Nolofinwe 2

Dear son

Please send your amme my sincerest apologies. I will remain in Formenos until after the celebrations. The entire point of the event is for you and Curufinwe to make up. You don't need the Noldoran tripping about the place. Moreover, I would like finish drawing up the plans for remodeling the keep from cellar to turret. We would need more fireplaces – central heating. Don't forget double glazing on the windows to keep the drafts out.

I am also considering adding a conservatory with some of your brother's lamps for those delicate flowers your amme is so fond of. You know the ones from the slopes of Taniquetil. The climate is cold enough but we need some decent light.

Oh, and that ugly vault will have to go. Those Silmarilli should be put on display as treasures of Noldor craftsmanship. Perhaps setting them up in the aforementioned conservatory will be much better than the lamps. They are holding the actual Light of the Trees. I wish to turn Formenos into a royal lodge for hunting, boating, and otherwise relaxing by the lake.

We might need some small cabins in the woods near the lake for the young ones, especially the new couples. I picture campfires, singing and fun under the stars, just like the old days back in Cuivienen. Perhaps we can build platforms high up in the trees for the more adventurous elves. Judging from what I have been hearing of Ara's grandson and your Itarille, they will love it.

Curufinwe's family will be joining the palace household, I insist on this. Have Anaire prepare the rooms. We need seven rooms - one for Curufinwe and his wife, one each for the boys. Except the twins who share everything. It is unbecoming for a crown prince to live in a shack in the Artisan Quarter like a commoner.

Still, I will not be long. As soon as I am done discussing my plans with the masons and builders, I will be having a nice leisurely dinner with you, your amil and the family in Tirion.

May the Valar keep you and yours in their grace.

Finwe Noldoran

Author's Notes:

This is the last letter from Formenos before the Darkening and the end of this series.